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Deity maugrim.gif
To be finalized pending edits from Maelstrom.

Greater Deity

Symbol: A shattered black disc.

Colors: Black

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Celestial Symbol: The Constellation 'The Furious Emperor'

Home Plane: The Iron Hells

Portfolio: Fighters, Barbarians, Tyranny, Evil Outsiders

Domains: Tyranny, Evil, Law, Death, Destruction

Cleric Alignment: LE, NE, LN, CE

Favored Weapon: The Sword of Destruction (Greatsword)

Other Names: Dragon Father (Evil Dragons), Bauglir (Myrddion), Lord of the Hells (Dran) The Tormentor, The Lord of Darkness, The Forbidden One, The Unutterable Name, The Mountain of the Void (Dwarves), The Five-Fold Serpent, The Tyrant

Tyranny, pride, darkness, cruelty and oppression are but one of many vices that Maugrim Bauglir represents. The eternal foe of Daeus, Maugrim is the chief god of darkness and the master of the fates of many who claim allegiance with evil. The depths of the Temple of Darkness in Charn, echo with the malign invocations chanted in the hearts of shrines and temples through all of Gaea. Along with the other gods of evil, Maugrim strives to exert greater influence over the world but is limited by the seal upon the gods of darkness. Yet, even though his true power remains contained in The Iron Hells, his presence moves across the world giving dark inspiration to a thousand intrigues, fomenting fear and hatred and reassuring the common mortal that tyranny, though it may suffer occasional defeats, will never die. A restless god, he seeks nothing but absolute domination of Gaea, working towards the day when his servants sit upon every throne, at every place of power and in every land both above and below the earth.


The dogma of Maugrim is self-focused, teaching all those who align themselves with him that their ultimate purpose is to serve him and to oppress others into serving him. Because of this, his teachings appeal to conquerors, tyrants and oppressors who seek the power to bring others into their clutches and grips. Maugrim seeks domination of your heart, mind and soul. Serve no one but Maugrim and a place will be spared for you when the new world comes and the old world passes, at last, into The Void. Fear him always and make others fear you while causing them to fear him even more then they fear you. To stand against Maugrim is to invite death for the Lord of Darkness will strike down all that utter his name in vain. Blot out the sun whenever you can and taint the light so that it becomes the darkness. Spread the fear of Maugrim for it is the doom of those who do not follow him.

Clergy and Temples

The primary sect of Maugrims followers is known as The Orthodox Church and they are among the most feared and reviled priesthoods upon the continent of Arcania. Maugrim's tyranny is known throughout the entire continent and all nations and cultures have a name for him and his cruelty. In lands controlled by good or stable societies, Maugrim prefers that his clerics work behind the scenes to subvert governments. Once they do so they are to carry out their agendas under the rule of law, but on occasion he tolerates a limited amount of discord and chaos where it can be used to tighten his grip in the aftermath. Due to this, torture, beatings, assassinations and much more tend to come into play as well as frequent use of chaotic rampaging creatures of violence and destruction. In this, Maugrim delights in the destructive capacities and the capricious nature of his most beloved children; The Chromatic Dragons. While many among them are rebellious, ultimately when called into the service of the Dragon Father, known may match their potential.