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Deity ceinara.gif

Lesser Deity

Symbol: A phoenix rising from a pyre.

Colors: Green and Red

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Celestial Symbol: The Constellation 'Phoenix Song'

Home Plane: The Cradle of Nature

Portfolio: Inspiration, Music, Art, Invention, Bards, Rogues

Domains: Charm, Luck, Fire, Chaos, Liberation

Cleric Alignment: CG, CN, CE

Favored Weapon: The Wild Dance (Rapier)

Other Names: The Dancer (The Vast), Our Lady of Flame, The Passionate One, The Songstress, The Lady of Inspiration (Dwarves, Gnomes), Vaire (Elves)

Ceinara is a beautiful goddess who delights in art and revelry and in craft making and inspiration. Enveloped in the warmth of fire and covered with the multicolored hues of The Phoenix, she moves like a song through the hearts and minds of all. She is a spirit and a muse of inspiration that touches upon all hearts. To the elves she is named Vaire the lady of passion and the uplifting fire. Hers is a spirit that touches all cultures and she is known by many names in countlessdifferent cultural groups and in numerous regions. Ceinara enjoys attention but avoids those who are horrific or boorish. There are those who attempt to cast her as flighty, vain, and superficial but harmless yet those who depict her in this fashion soon learn otherwise for her power touches upon both the good and the evil. Ceinara has a special place in her heart for The Halfling community. She believes that their energetic nature and adaptable ways and the simple beauty of their way of life is worth preserving and protecting. The halflings consider her one of their primary patrons and in halfling communities there can always be found a cleric of Ceinara, promoting the common good and the welfare of their kind.


Live life for the moment and to the fullest and don't be afraid to take chances. Follow through on your impulses because you never know where they may take you. Those who follow Ceinara learn to appreciate even the most minor of creative acts and forms of creativity. They revel in the scribble of a child's first picture and they pour the minutia details of a gnomish inventor's handiwork. Activities that other individuals might find boring, the people of Ceinara watch and observe with a fascination born from the attempt to understand just what the true 'spark' of creation means. Taken to the extreme, some spend their entire lives in pursuit of the understanding of that one ultimate 'moment' when creation begins and inspiration strikes true. Be impulsive, inspirational and quick to act when the drive comes to you but do not despair if you find it slow to come to your mind. Ceinara favors all true artists in time.

Clergy and Temples

Ceinara's clerics pray at morning for spells. Ceinara loves those who follow her and treats them well. However she is not above being quick to render judgement for consequences of actions taken and is quick to take offense to those who follow her who shame her name in some fashion. For Ceinara, image is everything and her clergy does well to keep this in mind. Members of Ceinara's clergy are often aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and physical beauty and art. The pursuit of such things and the creation of forms of art are among their passions and it drives them forward. All members of her clergy strive to create beauty in a personal way and her faith lacks any true structured hierarchy, with instead there existing community temples and shrines devoted to her elegance and her ways. These smaller groups enjoy the patroning of adventurers and they go out of their way to aid those who are working against forces that seek the random destruction of forms of art.

Clerical Vestments

Ceinara's priesthood invokes no 'dress code' for the organization. They espouse creativity and individuality over functionality and uniform but all of them are required to gain some use in a musical instrument or to develop some type of artistic talent, even if it is as minor as woodcutting.


Ceinara has numerous forms and depictions of her, as befitting a goddess of inspiration and art. Some say she appears as a beautiful woman of human origins with red hair that seems to segue into flames behind and about her and these roaring flames sometimes take the form of a dragon or a phoenix. Her garments are simple, sheer and white. Sometimes she is depicted as a dazzlingly beautiful elven woman, dressed as a rogue or a performer or a halfling lass of bright bubbling energy. In all forms her trademark red hair remains a constant as does fire.