Tidehollow's Challenge

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Tidehollow's Challenge

Player DM: Xenarchy


Scoring: One point is earned per level of the summoning spell. Half of the points are subtracted for winning one round early. Totals are rounded down. No points are gained for a victory in the first round, a loss by defeat or a time out. Only a participant's best score is counted.

Hilal - Human Fighter 2 - Best Score: 0

Kirutas - Egalrin Ranger 2 - Best Score: 0

Jinks - Gnome Bard 4 - Best Score: 0

The Scene Begins

"Welcome, challenger!" comes the augmented voice of Conjurer-Majestrix Tidehollow, calling from an elaborate raised platform on one side of the arena. She is a woman of austere appearance, regal and stately in a fashion that tells of deep confidence in her arcane power. The long robes of her office sit well on her.

"You have agreed to test not only your skill at battle, but your skill at knowing yourself. Even in strength, knowledge is power," she says, very much playing up key words in this tourney largely dominated by feats of physical force. "Once you have entered the ring, leaving it will be a forfiet. You must choose one of the flags laid out on the ground and raise it above your head. Each has a number of bands on it from one to nine, indicating the strength of the creature I will summon. When the signal is given to start, you will have twenty seconds to defeat the creature. If you defeat it earlier than the last five seconds, you will gain fewer points. Time your battle well. Know your skill and strength. May you make Angoron proud!"

Tidehollow gestures with a flourish and the ring, 60 feet across, lights up with a fiery green light at the edges. The nine flags are laid out in the middle. "Come, take your flag and raise it. Choose wisely."

Hilal vs Summon Monster II: Giant Ant (worker)

And so stands Hilal, a young man recently freed from the rigors of enslavement, in the center of the ring. Although the chance to attain notoriety might hurt his escape from Veyshan in the end, he needed the coin. And the reputation may help him find further employment. He nods silently in acknowledgement to Conjurer-Majestrix Tidehollow in acknowledgement of her power and the rules.

He then makes his way to the flag with only a pair of bands on it and raises it over his head to the cheers of the crowd.

GAME: Hilal rolls 1d9: (1): 1

"Very well," says the Conjurer-Majestrix. "You will face a creature kin to the tiniest of vermin yet more vast and powerful. Fight well and prove yourself a master of your own strength." She incants her conjuration and a plume of green light issues forth from the ground. A giant ant the size of a pony crawls out of the aether and clicks its scissor-like mandibles. Tidehollow calls out, "Begin!" An assistant nearby invokes an illusion of a timer above the battlefield, the seconds ticking away.

Round 1

Hilal attacks the ant.
GAME: Hilal rolls melee+2: (6)+5+2: 13

No stranger to magic, but a stranger to conjuration, Hilal still manages to react swiftly. He slides into range of the giant ant and brings his sword about in a broad arc, it's decorated blade gleaming in the sunlight. His weapon strikes true, but it's only a glancing blow, dealing no damage to the ant while his blade slides awkwardly off of it's chitin.

The ant attacks Hilal.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

The ant is unfazed by the strike and lunges forward with its mandibles, clicking and chittering. Just as Hilal was unable to pierce the chitinous creature, it fails to bite through his armour. Tidehollow watches the battle impassively. "Twelve seconds remain!" the assistant announces.

Round 2

Hilal attacks the ant with sword and shield.
GAME: Hilal rolls melee+2-2: (4)+5+2+-2: 9
GAME: Hilal rolls melee-2: (8)+5+-2: 11

Hilal is definitely out of his element here. The bite fortunately didn't break his armor, allowing him to disengage momentarily and not be crushed by it's mandibles. He responds by coming back in with a spinning attack, first his sword and then shield coming in an overhead arc to try and smash through the exoskeleton on it's head. Instead, his sword swings wild, passing between it's mandibles. His shield strikes true, but is unable to even faze the giant insect.

The ant attacks Hilal.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11

It's not going well for either combatant. The ant, in its mindless attack, pushes forward under Hilal's assault and latches its mandibles onto one leg. They scrape off and release him, leaving no more than some scuff marks on the armour. "Tarien is laughing on this battle, I see," says the Conjurer-Majestrix from above. The crowd is in a roar of amusement as well, at this slapstick combat. "Five seconds!" shouts the assistant.

Round 3

Hilal attacks the ant with sword and shield.
GAME: Hilal rolls melee+2-2: (6)+5+2+-2: 11
GAME: Hilal rolls melee-2: (14)+5+-2: 17
GAME: Hilal rolls 1d3+1: (2)+1: 3

Hilal's sword is thrust this time, but still unable to fully penetrate the giant ant's armor. It does leave just enough of a crack for Hilal to actually slam against it with his shield again, causing actual damage with the edge of the protective piece. But not much. And not enough for this challenge.

The ant attacks hilal.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19

The ant fares no better, striking forward with its mandibles and scraping off the flat surface of Hilal's shield. After its attack, a horn blares loudly and Tidehollow dismisses the creature. It effervesces away in a plume of green. "You fought admirably and I observed your talent, but Angoron did not bless you today. Rest well and you may attempt this challenge another time." The light at the edge of the ring fades and the Conjurer-Majestrix dismisses Hilal with a wave.

Hilal sheathes his blade and bows before he exists the arena. He does all he can to just shrug off the jeers of the audience, but the look on his face screams his discontent and declares the he often wonders whether the gods truly bless everyone but him.

Hilal's Match Ends

Result: Loss by time out. (0 points)

Kirutas vs Summon Monster I: Eagle

The Egalrin challenger makes his way to the center of the arena, slanted eyes focused on the conjurer up on her high stage. He pressed on hand flat to the chest plates of his leather armor and offers a subtle bow of his torso and head. "I am here to challenge," he states, and in an uncharacteric move, plays it safe as he plucks out a flag with a single band on it. He raises it over his head in signal he's ready.

GAME: Kirutas rolls 1d5: (2): 2

Tidehollow notes Kirutas' flag and says, "Are you ready to pit yourself against a creature akin to you? Which winged warrior will prevail?" Her summoning manifests in a plume of green fire. A great, white-winged eagle bursts forth from the spell. "May Angoron find you in his favour. Begin!" The illusory timer manifests above the battlefield, counting down toward zero.

Round 1

The eagle attacks Kirutas.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Kirutas for 2 points. 17 remaining.

The eagle is quick to the combat, surging forward on the air and plunging its talons into the egalrin. The spell upon this battlefield keeps the injury from being a lasting one, but the pain is no less real. The crowd cheers at this battle between feathered combatants.

Kirutas takes a five foot step back and attacks the eagle.
GAME: Kirutas rolls 1d20+5: (9)+5: 14
GAME: Kirutas rolls 1d8+2: (7)+2: 9

Kirutas snaps his attention to the eagle that appears, his eyes widen just a tad as he sees something so similar to himself. But all other thoughts are cast aside when the creature dives at him, taking a nip of his exposed feathers and skin. He manages to sidestep and backpedal away as it starts to flail it's wings, lifting his sturdy longbow, drawing back the heavy string with an arrow notched and sends the lethal wooden shaft directly into the other bird's body. His face is quickly covered by his free forearm once the bright green light bursts in front of him, then lowers it again to see his target ... gone. "...Hm.."

The timer vanishes and the assistant blows the trumpet to signal the end of the match. The Conjurer-Majestrix smiles down at Kirutas after the summoned creature receives that single strike. "You show greater prowess than you know. Your conservative choice of opponent earned you no victory here, for this is a challenge of self-awareness." She bows and gestures for him to leave the ring. The light around it fades. "Be mindful of your strengths, that they may serve you better. If you choose to try again, consider a greater test of your skill."

Kirutas' Match Ends

Result: Victory two rounds early. (0 points)

Jinks vs Summon Monster II: Lemure

Coyote laughs. The little gnome is no holyman but he can't but think the trickster had a hand in this, manipulative prick that he is. Swaggering for everything that he's worth, Jinks steps out onto the field of battle with his bow already in hand and a toothy grin threatening to split his goatee in twain.

A twist and a toss sends a sack of coin through the air and into the eager paws of gobber clad in techno-enhance armor. They exchange a brief, snarky bit fo dialogue and then the gnome eyes the flags laid out on the ground. He selects the second-simplest option, lifts it over his head briefly, and then tosses it out before him and past the others. "As Luck would have it," he mutters.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d9: (8): 8

"What is more thrilling than the heroic vanquishing the dark and depraved?" calls Tidehollow, gesticulating dramatically. "Noble sir, give us a show of good versus evil and strike down this beast with impeccable timing and skill." The green fire bursts into the ring and a shambling thing of churning flesh spews out onto the ground. The crowd issues a unified gasp. "Begin!" A timer cast by illusion appears in the sky over the ring, counting down toward the match's end.

Round 1

GAME: Jinks casts Glitterdust.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+0: (11)+0: 11

Jinks erupts in laughter when the fat boils out of the ground and forms up into the lowest order of infernal. "You smile on me tonight." His beringed fingers slide into a pouch and he sings a worldless melody, flicking his hand forward to produce a brilliant explosion over the sluggish beast. A good distance away from the blinded creature coated in diamonds' dust, the gnome manages to look supremely confident.

New save vs glitterdust.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+0: (12)+0: 12

The fleshy mass ambles forward on knotty lumps and half-formed limbs. It groans mournfully and paws at its eyes, trundling in the direction it last saw Jinks. "Well done," says Conjurer-Majestrix Tidehollow, smirking lightly. "You have clouded its senses, but can you defeat it before the time is up?" She glances up at the timer, showing thirteen seconds remaining.

Round 2

Jinks shoots the lemure with a silver arrow.
GAME: Jinks used a Arrow.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

He slides away from the lumbering mass, neatly side-stepping its lunge. His grin only grows wider when he pulls free the ammunition. The missile's head is sparkling, treated with alchemical silver at its tip for just such an occasion. "What ruthless bastard of a god did you forsake?" He wonders as draws back on the bow. It's a short shot -- likely something he could make with his eyes closed -- and the specialized ammunition causes the flesh to boil, blacken and burst where it tears through. Overfull of confidence, the gnome can't help but laugh again.

The lemure makes an acrobatics check to not fall while moving at full speed while blind.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+0: (15)+0: 15
The lemure attacks Jinks.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+0: (19)+0: 19
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d100: (63): 63
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Xenarchy damaged Jinks for 4 points. 17 remaining.
New save vs glitterdust.
GAME: Xenarchy rolls 1d20+0: (15)+0: 15

Following the direction the arrow came from, the lemure ambles, spilling ooze from the wound and almost rolling as it fumbles in the gnome's direction. By luck, it slashes out with crude, broken claws and hooks into him despite its blindness. The creature gasps still, wiping its face with the mushy paws. Tidehollow nods at Jinks' performance. "Your wounds will fade in mere hours. This arena's magic will make sure you are in no lethal danger, but you are in danger of losing this battle. Your attack was true, but can you complete your task in the few moments remaining?" The assistant calls out, "Five seconds!" to announce the match nearing its finish.

Round 3

Jinks shoots the lemure.
GAME: Jinks used a Arrow.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

Five seconds? Pshaw! Plenty of time. Maybe he'll just drop here and take a brief nap first.

All joking aside, the gnome continues to scramble back and away from the mound of once-flesh. He taunts and teases it in a sing-song gnomish lilt. Finally finding his footing, he raises the bow again and lets fly another arrow. It flies true. Shears cleanly through the middle of the devil's face. Sadly, the resulting damage isn't enough to banish the creature from the material sphere. "Fall, damn you! Thul's rotted cock." He snarls.

The lemure flaps sadly at Jinks and then a trumpet sounds the end of the match. It boils away in green flame, leaving no trace. "A worthy attempt," says Tidehollow from above, "But not quite enough. I have watched several contestants try their skill here today, and yours has been the closest to a perfect victory so far. Alas, it was not quite enough. You may attempt this challenge again, after a time of rest." The Conjurer-Majestrix gives Jinks a wave of dismissal.

Jinks' Match Ends

Result: Loss by time out. (0 points)