PrP: Save the Princess

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Name: Save The Princess


Type: Standard

Encounter: 4 CR2 Guards

Players: Bildor, Elessa, Tak, Zarr

APL: 6

The word comes out for the hiring of adventurers for a rescue mission through the usual channels. For some reason, the Guild has decided to allocate only three members to the task at hand. You arrange transportation and take the day's ride to the town, a fairly modern and progressive industrial town. You are directed to one of the largest, if not the largest, houses in this area, and ushered by a member of the household guard as soon as you reach the gates.

You are led in through the entrance and into the parlor, where a middle-aged man is seated as he smokes his pipe. He looks over the three of you as he appraises you, and begins talking without preamble, "My name is Wendel Miur. Welcome to my home." He says the last with a grimace, as if he wished you had wiped your feet better. He then continues, "I will speak on this matter only briefly, because I want it over with. You will be paid, of course."

He clears his throat, "One week ago, my only daughter Mayra was kidnapped by a man who is no better than a brigand. For months, he has orchestrated numerous attacks on my interests to further his own wicked agenda. Thousands of platinum stolen. He has no respect for the law or the sanctity of family. You must return my daughter to me. She's... delicate. There is no telling what that man will do to her."

Tak listens as the man lays out the situation, then nods. "Sir we will of course bring your daughter back to you. May I ask what information you can provide us on the man who has her? Do you know where he is, or suspect anything about his location?"

Standing at the back of the assembled, Zarr snorts, tail lashing quietly. 'Delicate'. He has often heard such a description applied to females, but rarely seen it. Curiosity steals his gaze around the parlor, eyes tracking in silent thought as he half-listens.

Bildor leaves his digger outside and takes a position near the front so he can see. With his question already asked, he waits silently so they can get moving as quickly as possible.

Elessa looks a bit confused by the grimace from the man, but she does look around, noticing the things in the house, but when he starts, she makes sure to listen. She opens her mouth, to ask similar questions that Tak has asked, but she closes it when she hears the same thoughts coming out of his mouth. So for now, she listens, and looks around, sort of like she's bored.

Lanier draws long off the pipe, his eyes continuing to appraise you over the bowl of his pipe, "He's a former employee of mine. Tare Logane. Used to be in charge of my logistics." Wendel then sighs, ending the exhalation in a grunt, "He used this knowledge to siphon off thousands of platinum worth of goods to his own pockets. I am not the only one either. He has struck numerous businesses over the last year and a half. No economically minded man in this town would shed a tear if he were to fall to one of your blades during your rescue of my daughter." He then shakes his head, "He's been heard to camp about six hours west of here. If I knew where exactly, he would have already been apprehended or worse." He then barks out, "Griffin!"

A man in a steal breast plate enters the room, bowing slightly, "Yes, Mister Miur?"

Wendel then continues to the adventurers, "This is Griffin. He leads one of my squads of household guards. He and his men will accompany you. Amongst them is a tracker. I am sure you will find his services useful. Is there anything else you need to know?"

Tak shakes his head. "No sir, I think I understand the situation well enough to proceede." He looks over at Griffin a moment, then back to Wendel, "We will get started right away."

Zarr sparse a glance towards the others, a glance to gauge perceptions. Target given-- hunt and slay. Rescue the female hatchling of this Wendel. He snorts again, metal rattling as he stretches eagerly. "I have nothing," he rumbles, nodding towards Tak. Time to hunt.

Elessa turns as a new man enters thee room. Shiney.... Will be hard to hide on the way. She shakes her head at the question of needing anything. "I have nothing myself. I'm ready to go."

Bildor nods agreeably, crossing his arms over his chest. "Nothing more is necessary."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll me a Knowledge/Local, Tak."

GAME: Tak rolls knowledge/local: (7)+8: 15

<OOC> Tak says, "Er wait"

<OOC> Lanier says, "So this town is actually a decent little trading town. It's along one of the main routes. Close to Alexandria, yet far enough away to avoid the hustle and bustle of a major city. Several organizations have business interests here."

GAME: Elessa rolls knowledge/local: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Lanier says, "Same Elessa, except you know a nice place to get coffee."

GAME: Tak rolls sense motive: (1)+0: 1

<OOC> Lanier says, "He's madly in love with you Tak. He sees the whip, and he want what you got."

Wendel Miur smiles thinly, "Good. Rescue my daughter. No harm must come to her. She will not be able to endure it." He then looks towards Griffin, "Griffin," he completes the sentence with a toss of his head towards the door, a 'get out' if there ever was one. Tak may catch a quick wink shot his way by Wendel upon exitting. Tak would also be mistaken.

The guardsman leads you to the stables, where your horses have been tended and three more horses have been saddled and prepped for riding. Three matching guardsman, with the same breastplate and swords stand next to them. At the command from Griffin, the three guardsman mount up, then wait for you to do so as well. As he sits astride his horse, Griffin is quick to point out, "I want you lot to remember something. These are my men. You will not be doing anything foolish that will get them killed." With bared teeth and a growl, he punctuates the statement with, "That's my job."

Tak exits with the group, following the guard Griffin. He whispers to the team, "I think Griffin is behind this, he wants the daughter for himself, but she loves this other guy, and the guard has twisted the mind of the father to suit his purposes! Griffin is pure evil, poor poor wendel!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "It's ok. Pose on... Pose on..."

"Softskins are always too attached to their hatchlings," Zarr growls quietly as he moves alongside. "He cannot understand that he has been raided and his daughter taken. To recapture is a simple thing, but if she does not want to come back.... Hmmph." He pauses as he glances over the horses, as if eyeing which might taste the best once slaughtered and skinned. He spares the guardsman a jaundiced eye, flexing his fingers before moving to his steed and mounting.

Elessa leaves with the others and just gives Griffin a slight nod at the mention of letting him get his men killed. That's fine. She looks to Tak, Zarr and Bildon. "Zakk may be right. She may have actually just run away with this man and now the father wants her back. But I suppose we will have to wait until we find them and see what the truth of the situation really is."

Bildor shrugs at Tak. "At a guess I would say that he doesn't have enough guards to both protect him and retrieve his daughter." He follows to the stable and gives the digger a rub on the head before mounting and all but ignoring the guard's warning. "Looks like we have another maiden to rescue Cinnabar, are you ready?" The digger paws at the ground excitedly. He nods at the others. "That's a possibility and if she doesn't want to come back, I won't force her."

Tak frowns and nods to the others. "We will just have to wait and see, but I expect we will have to deal with these guards if she does not wish to come along." He tries to speak quietly, even using handspeech if necessary. He mounts his own horse, ready to go.

Zarr rumbles, a steamkettle laughter. "I do not think they are a concern," the Makar replies, smug as scaled feet grip the sides of his mount. "They are... simple. Minor threats. Yus." Bladed claws at either side, he moves to one side of the patrol, settling in as he awaits the others' rise.

The ride is not quite quick. The tracker is no better at tracking than average, at best, and sometimes it takes him far more time than it actually should to establish a trail or continue following tracks. In the last hour of daylight, the camp of Tare Logane is discerned to be in the cusp of a valley. Surrounded on three sides, with only one way to the camp, it's actually a very solid tactical choice in encampments. The party is still quite a distance away. Far enough not to alert the bandits, but close enough to know they are in the right place.

Bildor replies in handspeech. "So be it." He takes up a spot near the middle of the group, easier to treats from all directions. A lance is leaned over his shoulder as he and Cinnabar trudge along with the horses. He watches the camp for a bit before speaking up. "Anyone else want to go in and offer a peaceful resolution?"

Tak shakes his head. "Actually, I will go do some recon invisibly, perhaps I can free the daughter without anyone learning. Give me five minutes, if I don't return, then do what you will. Sound good?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Let Tak scout. We'll hold place here."

The scarlet-hued Makar leans to one side, staring at the dwarf with an incredulous expression. One might dare accuse the lizard of pouting! But the offer to scout is accepted, with a rumble. "Be cautious," he warns, settling back in the saddle with a hiss. Impatient.

Tak gestures and whispers arcane words, then vanishes from sight. He quietly moves ahead towards the camp, looking for a break so he can enter, but staying at the edge cautiously at first, sometimes what you hear is just as good as what you can see.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll me some stealth, Tak?"

GAME: Tak rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17

Bildor nods at Tak, responding in handspeech. "Be quick." He positions the digger in a spot to quickly ride out into the camp if needed and looks over at Zarr with a broad smile, nodding towards the camp. "I have a feeling that your blade will get to drink today, soon."

<OOC> Lanier says, "And perception."

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (3)+7: 10

Griffin doesn't look happy at all to be left behind, but he grudgingly accepts the proposal as the best idea for getting the lay of the land before they go in, even taking the time to reiterate that they are going in.

Tak moves in down the valley, able to pass easily down the valley and near to the camp. The camp itself is a simple affair. There are about seven tents in total, with the remains of a large cookfire smoldering in the crook of the valley near a large table set out for the evening meal. Tak is able to encroach right to the edge of the camp, where the heaviest concentrations of tents are. There are people milling about, going from the tents to the cookfires and then to the table. There is a general feeling of much merriment, with laughter from small children running around being quite the majority of the noise. A single man pokes his head out of a tent close to Tak, staring out into the sky with bloodshot eyes. He then sniffs the air and then climbs out, closing the flap behind him. In his right hand is a pipe emitting a thin wisp of blue smoke. In a slow gesture, he raises the pipe sort of towards the direction of the wind. It almost looks like he's holding the pipe up to Tak, though his eyes seem as if he's looking right through the bard.

"Hey man, want some weed?"

There is a short pause as the man listens for a response, but then continues, "we got some of the best pipe tobacco in Alexandros here. Try some." His mouth spreads into one of the most blissful grins in creation, "Whoever you are, you smell delicious."

Tak is a cautious man, and when someone can smell that he is delicious...well thats just the wrong damn word to keep Tak there. He turns and sprints back towards the group as fast as he can, dropping his invis when he gets there. He takes a few breaths and then speaks, "I didn't get far, someone smelled me, and said I smelled delicious....we need to get down there en force, if the girl is here....she may not be safe."

"You smelled delicious?" Elessa asks quietly, but with a slight smirk because of how... amusing it sounds. "How many did you see? Have a chance to see where we might be able to sneak up on them and get a few out of the way before they discover we are there?"

Zarr's eyes widen, narrowing with a rumbling growl. THe time in the interrim was filled by patient waiting, the occasional rattle of steel-clad tail... and the sheathing of real claws with metal gauntlets. The twin blades from either weapon glint in the weakening light, and the Makar nods with a pulse of hot breath. "We will take her back," he announces simply, eyes glittering with a hungry hue. "And should any resist..."

He raises the gauntleted claws, metal alive with reflected light. He grins toothily.

Tak nods "I saw seven men, and women, and a few children. It doesn't feel right to me, but lets not slaughter anyone until we are sure. We march down with weapons ready and have a talk."

"I agree, we need to go have a better look." Bildor rolls his shoulders to limber up while the others prepare. "Children? That doesn't sound like a group of brigands to me."

Elessa blinks as she hears this last part. "Children?" She nods to Bildor in agreement. "Indeed. This does seem rather... off. Smell wrong you might say. Indeed, perhaps they would be willing to talk."

Zarr grumbles heavily. HEAVILY. But he gives a grudging nod, even as he casts the camp a scathing glance. He mutters something in his native tongue, Draconic words sliding from his lips in soft whispers. "And if they do not..." he says, trailing off.

He might be slightly bloodthirsty. Slightly.

GAME: Elessa rolls perception: (18)+5: 23

Elessa looks to Zarr and smirks a bit, replying to him in the Draconic tongue with a smile. She then looks back to Tak. "Let us go then? Speak to them and see what they have to say?"

Griffin speaks up now, scowling, "My men and I will hang back. If you get into any trouble, we'll be right behind you." Without further word, the house guard wheel around on their horses, moving into the valley from within the trees.

Bildor rides slowly towards the camp with his lance held verticaly, a small red and yellow pennant flutters near the tip. He rides up close to Zarr and points at his eyes, nodding at the guards.

Tak frowns as Griffin moves back, then looks to the rest of the group. "Alright, lets go talk to them then." He starts for the camp, of course he wont get ahead of the rest of the armored fighting types like Zarr and Bildor

Zarr blinks in surprise at hearing his native tongue, rumbling with satisfaction. He nods, taking the left of Tak as he shifts to let the dwarf and his odd.... Mount? Fish? Sharp-bitey-thing in alongside. It has many teeth; this counts as a good thing in the Makar's book. "I see them," he adds gruffly to the dwarf, eyes tracking over to watch the guards. Unpleasantly.

As the party approaches, Tak will notice that the man who detected him is now sitting on a log felled next to his tent, smoking the last of the bowl. He looks towards the approaching adventurers, then looks down to the pipe, then back up to the adventurers again. Finally, his eyes settle on the pipe with a broad smile, "Woooaaaah." He looks up towards the sky and yells, "JOOOORD!"

One of the tents open up, and a man well into his middle years climbs out yelling, "What?!"

The man sitting on the log replies, "I think this stuff gets better as it gets older. I'm seeing armed men approaching. That's new..."

The older man asks, "What?" He then spots the adventurers for himself, his eyes widening as he emits a startled gasp, "You sure are!" With a dive that belies his advanced age, he bellyflops back through the tent door. The russling following it includes much of him buttoning the tent flap back up. And tight.

Tak clears his throat. "We would like to speak with whomever leads this camp, and with Tare Logain and Miss Muir." He looks around, not drawing his weapon, but waiting calmly, he is the diplomat, the other two are the muscle.

Elessa is behind Bildor and Zarr, knowing better than to be in front with a situation like this. Gods, really? She remains silent as she allows Tak, the one with the silver tongue, speak to these people, but she keeps her eyes open, to see if there is anything amiss among all of them.

GAME: Elessa rolls perception: (20)+5: 25

Zarr's toothy grin only grows wider. The throaty hiss purring forth is but another of his chuckles as he shifts carefully upon his mount. Muscle and scale and toothy steel-- the fangs of the group, should the situation demand. That is his place, and one he holds with relish.

Bildor shakes his head at the antics of the campers, unable to believe that they could kidnap anyone, especialy someone that's guarded and he yells out. "Come back out here, we need to talk!" Cinnabar wags her tail and digs excitedly at the dirt.

The man sitting on the log squints at Tak, sniffing the air and emitting a quick and spacey chuckle, "You're back." He blinks a few times and looks over his shoulder with an airy expression, "MAYRA!" It's a moment, but a woman emerges from one of the further tents. She is medium height and about three months pregnant by the just forming bump on her midsection. When the woman approaches the man on the log, he looks up to her with a radiant smile and says, "Darling, they're here to speak to Tare Logane and Miss Miur."

The woman, who looks quite clear, smiles to him and reaches out to take the pipe from his hand. He doesn't resist. She speaks sweetly, "Let's have no more of this until later." He speaks slowly to him, as if trying to break through the fog, "They're here to see you."

The man cants his head to the side and giggles, "Oh yeah...." He stands up from the log and faces the adventurers with his arms wide in a grand pose, "I am Tare Logane. All my friends call my Tarry. This is my lovely wife, Mayra Logane. Welcome to my humble encampment, a place of love and peace." He looks towards his wife, smiles broadly and reaches out to wrap his arm around her him and pull her close. He continues to smile foggily as he looks towards the adventurers and adds as an afterthought, "But mostly love."

<OOC> Lanier says, "To get a picture of this guy, think Seth Rogan when he's really proud of himself."

Zarr stares. Long and hard. And *then* the muttering in his own tongue returns, as dark and low as the rivers beneath the earth. If anything, the Makar warrior only scowls with a look of absolute distaste on his features.

<OOC> Tak says, "Does MArya look anything like Wendel?"

<OOC> Lanier says, "They both have sandy blonde hair."

<OOC> Lanier says, "But I daresay Mayra looks far better looking."

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm sure you would have gotten a description of her, and she fits."

Tak smiles "Thank you for speaking with us, I'm sure your aware that Miss Muir's father is most displeased with the situation. Unlike you, he is not a man of peace and love, but of business. I'm afraid he is not the sort to give up and let you go freely, I suggest you return with us to speak with him."

Elessa purses her lips together, but primarily on the attempt to NOT laugh at Zarr and his comment in Draconic. Well, it isn't like most of them didn't see something like this coming. Though settling this between Mayra and her father will not be pleasant in the slightest.

"She doesn't look kidnapped to me." Bildor sticks the end of his lance into the ground to free up his hand and keep it close to grab quickly. He turns his head, looking back at Griffin and the guards.

Tare Logane peers towards Tak with the same look of glazed-overedness that he had moments ago, only now amazement begins to poke its way through the fog. His jaw opens in the same expression until Tak says his peace, at which point he replies, "For someone who smells so good, you sure to talk a lot, and with big words." He blinks once and then replies, "You guys are just in time. We're about to have dinner, and then dance naked in the firelight while the moon rises." He says the last with a mysterious tone in his voice.

He then grins broadly, looking towards Bildor, "Kidnapped?" He looks towards Mayra and laughs, "You?" He then returns back to Bildor, "Only every night while I'm chasing her around the tent." He reaches over to gently place a hand at the top of the swell of her stomach, "How do you think this happened?" He continues to laugh as he looks towards Tak, "Who is Miss Miur?"

It is then that Mayra speaks up, "Wendel Miur, dear."

This causes Tare's eyes to widen, "Oh right. What does he want?"

Tak really thinks something is far worse than meets the eye. "He wants the return of his daughter, and you killed. The captian of the guard is here, and likely to kill you without a second thought. Would it not be a wiser choice to simply come talk to him, perhaps the pregnancy will soften him. You should speak guard captian...whats his name again?" He looks to Mayra.

"Griffin," the Makar says noncommitally. "For the bird that thinks it is a cat, and chases its own tail." He sniffs archly, glancing back with a sour expression. "He is in the Dream, or whatever passes as such among softskinned peoples. To speak to him is of no worth."

Tak turns to quickly glare at the Makar

"And he probably expected us to just rush in with axes swinging." Bildor jabs a thumb over his shoulder towards the guards waiting outside of camp. "I agree with him. I think you should talk to your father and explain that you left by choice otherwise, he will probably keep sending people to drag you back."

Elessa nods to Bildor. "I agree, if you do not get this sorted out, he may send people not willing to talk, but to fight instead. They may not question that they would be against unarmed men, women and children, but simply pull you out with little regard for innocents."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+13: (4)+13: 17

<OOC> Lanier says, "Perception checks, please."

GAME: Zarr rolls Perception: (15)+0: 15 GAME: Bildor rolls perception: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Elessa rolls perception: (9)+5: 14

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (13)+7: 20

Tare looks towards Zarr and laughs, "You know Griffin? He's here?" He looks up towards the sky again and shouts, "Griffin!" He looks around towards the treeline and calls out again, "Get out here you cross-eyed, mushroom loving son of a brainfried gnome!" He actually seems quite happy at this news.

Horses hoofs proceed the arrival of the guards, and Griffin dismounts, followed a moment later by the guards under his command. Griffin walks out to meet the leader of the encampment, shooting a baleful look towards the adventurers as he walks by. As he approaches Tare, the two of them both spread their arms, and embrace.

There is a glint of steel in Griffin's hand, which plunges quickly towards the leader of the encampment. A surprised gasp emits from Tare, who stiffens up, leans back from the hug to look Griffin in the eye, "Why?"

Griffin is now taking deep breaths and exhaling them quickly. It's as if he knows he has done something horrible, but forced himself to go through with it none-the-less and in spite of it. It seems to take its toll emotionally upon the man, who snarls in return, "Because I want the world to remember the name Griffin Logane before Tare Logane."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Now... Those perception checks. You four know that Tare has been stabbed. Mayra doesn't know, nor do Griffin's guards. Which means... You have a surprise round if you care to use it. :)"

<OOC> Tak says, "Is it fatal?"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Nah."

<OOC> Lanier says, "You guys get stabbed by daggers on the way into the Guild for a job... This shouldn't be an issue."

<OOC> Tak says, "RP daggers hurt more :)"

<OOC> Lanier smirks.

<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to disarm him with my whip, send the bloody dagger flying"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll it."

GAME: Tak rolls whipdisarm: aliased to : (16)+7+4: 27

<OOC> Lanier says, "No more dagger."

<OOC> Tak says, "But, folks can see it, thats the point :)"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Pose it."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Gah!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "We should have probably rolled init first. :) Let's get through this round and then go to inits."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Who wants to go next?"

Tak moves quick, he may not be strong, but he is fast. His hand grabs his whip and it lashes out, coiling around the hand that stabbed Tare. Tak jerks back and the bloody dagger goes flying to clatter on the ground near Griffon.

Zarr's eyes trace to the blade in Griffin's hand, then to Tare's wound. And sniffs, archly as he glances aside. He is not paid to interfere in matters of family honor. This time, at least.

Bildor grabs the lance, prepareing to run down Griffin and remove the man as a threat. Instead Tak beats him on the draw so he turns to watch the rest of the so called guards.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Let's go to inits."

Elessa quickly draws her sword and turns toward the guards though, ready for them to turn on all of them. She shifts a bit to get into a better position with the other three, ready to fight.

GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 21

GAME: Elessa rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 5

GAME: Zarr rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23

GAME: Bildor rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 11

GAME: You roll initiative for Griffin: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9

GAME: You roll initiative for Guards: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 16

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Zarr. You're up."

<OOC> Zarr will hold action until given a reason to move.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Tak."

<OOC> Tak says, "Luckily, my weapon is nonlethal, and I'm hoping the guards notice this, and arent ordered to kill everyone. I will trip Griffin"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll it up."

GAME: Tak rolls whiptrip: aliased to : (19)+7+4: 30

Zarr rumbles restlessly, long blades malevolent from his gauntlets. He casts his gaze across the camp slowly, a scarlet glitter as it wanders from one to another. "We sshouldnt," he warns nonchalantly, glancing at Tak. "It is trouble for later."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Pose it up, Tak."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Guards are up. Bildor is on deck."

Tak calls out, to all those around. "No one is fighting anyone, Mr. Muir wants his daughter home safe, not dead!" He snaps his whip at Griffin, the weapon grabbing a leg and then with a jerk Griffin is on the ground.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Guard #1 draws his scimitar and goes for Tak. Guard #2 draws his scimitar and goes for Bildor. Guard #3 draws his scimitar and goes for Zarr."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Activating after. Guard attacking Zarr gets a double-fistful of malice."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok."

<OOC> Lanier says, "vs. Tak, vs. Bildor and vs. Zarr respectively."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Lanier says, "Looks like these guys have my dice. :)"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Three misses. Bildor, you're up."

<OOC> Bildor says, "Dropping lance, drawing waraxe followed by attacks from me and digger on the guard."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Hold your action, Bildor."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Zarr, you go on this initiative count. What is your action?"

<OOC> Bildor nods.

<OOC> Zarr says, "The guard missed, so non-lethal pounding on his head. Stupid guards. :("

<OOC> Lanier says, "You're going to punch him? What do you mean?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Yep! Hand up-and-down, because straight punching would be clawful and dangerous."

The guards with Griffin seem to have no idea that Griffin and Tare had known each other, let alone were related. They seems spellbound by the horrific tableau playing out before their very eyes. Then, like whipcracks, Tak attacks their leader with a whip. Once to disarm him of a dagger they had no idea he was holding, the other to take him to the ground. Without pondering the deeper implications of this, they do what any good soldier does and revert to training when one of their own is attacked. Scimitars fly out of scabbards with speed, and the guards array themselves against the adventurers. One of whom attacks Tak, missing. The other attacks Bildor, missing. The third attacks Zarr, luckily enough, missing.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll it."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18

<OOC> Zarr says, "-4 for nonlethal already included."

<OOC> Lanier says, "That is a miss."

<OOC> Bildor says, "Still the same, switching to axe, me and digger attacking."

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Lanier says, "Those are misses, I'm afraid."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Griffin is going to stand up and draw his longsword."

Zarr snorts in surprise, swatting the scimitar aside with a lazy crack from steel blades. "Go back to your nest!" he growls in counter, sweeping a vicious backhand in retaliation. The guardsman beats a hasty lunge back as the twin blades whiz by his head, brandishing his weapon as he moves in again. "Bah. Softskins."

<OOC> Elessa says, "May I move in to flank with someone? And as being a CN rogue 'screw non-lethal' ;)"

Bildor deflects the attack with his shield and drops the lance now that fighting is up close. He quickly draws the axe from his belt, swinging it down ont he guard in an ineffective overhand chop and urgung his mount to attack. She lunges forward at the guard, nouth open but it results in nothing more than nudging him.

Griffin releases Tare as the dagger is pulled from his hand, watching his family member fall and hit the ground with a thud. A moment later, he too is deposited on the ground thats to the whip wielding bard. With a grunt, Griffin is on his feet again, drawing and wielding his longsword in a two-handed grip. Looking around, he is attempting to locate the one with the whip.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Yes you can, Elessa. Everyone except Griffin has a flanking buddy."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Awesome. I'll go after guard 1"

GAME: Elessa rolls melee+2: (10)+4+2: 16

<OOC> Lanier says, "Tumble check please?"

GAME: Elessa rolls acrobatics: (15)+10: 25

<OOC> Lanier says, "You get your flank, but you miss."

Elessa moves with a bring roll past one of the guards and gets in behind one that is attacking Tak. With the guard distracted, she goes in for a blow, but she cringes as she instead hits that hard armor. Gritting her teeth at the blow, she pulls back, trying to shake it off.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Tak, you're up. Guards on deck. Bildor in a 78' Studabaker with the windows down and the AC on."

<OOC> Tak says, "Dazzling Display intimidation on all enemies within 30'. That catch all the guards?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Of course, I'm using versatile performance comedy for my roll. TN is 10 + Hit Dice + Wisdom mod of targets"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Yeah, it's a pretty tucked in fight."

GAME: Tak rolls perform/comedy: (18)+11: 29

<OOC> Tak says, "Everyone against me is Shaken, -2 to hit and saves and stuff"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Pose it."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Guards are going to swing again. Tak, Bildor and Zarr respectively."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6-2: (19)+6+-2: 23

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6-2: (9)+6+-2: 13

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6-2: (20)+6+-2: 24

Tak laughs now, "You all realize dead men don't get paid right? I suggest you all run now before I skin you alive." He snaps the whip around him expertly, he certainly knows how to use it.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Hit vs Tak and Zarr."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+33: (4)+33: 37

GAME: Lanier rolls 4+3: (16)+4+3: 23

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ugh."

GAME: Lanier damaged Tak for 7 points. 30 remaining.

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Lanier damaged Zarr for 7 points. 47 remaining.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Zarr, you're up."

<OOC> Zarr says, "Bets off. Two attacks, with two-weapon style."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20

<OOC> Lanier says, "Second one hits."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+6: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll damage. Guard #3 takes 9 hp."

<OOC> Zarr yups!

<OOC> Lanier says, "One sec."

<OOC> Lanier says, "When I pose the guards, you can pose."

<OOC> Zarr nods.

All guards out of the corner of their eye catch the amazing whipwork of Tak. They continue to fight on, yet they do seem less intent upon doing so. Still, they stick to their training, continuing to pound on their respective targets. The first guard knocks Tak, while the third one nails Zarr. The second one whiffs on Bildor.

<OOC> Bildor says, "Attacks from me and Cinnabar with a 5' step towards Zarr."

Anger flashes when steel bites against his leg, and Zarr's amusement evaporates like morning mist. "Pray to your gods boy," the Makar hisses, and the backhand turns into a sudden, stabbing slash. "The better to be ready to explain why your gutted corpse has appeared before them!"

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+4: (20)+4: 24

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll to confirm Cinnibar's hit."

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Lanier says, "Just a hit. Roll some damage."

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11

<OOC> Elessa says, "Attack"

GAME: Elessa rolls melee+2: (10)+4+2: 16

Bildor swings the axe again, only to have it bounce off the guard's armor. The digger lunges out again, gnawing on the guards leg as they pull away towards Zarr to draw the guards closer together.

Elessa shakes off the strike from earlier but cringes again as she hits that armor and not the spot she was eyeing. Damn it. Stupid guards and their armor. Why couldn't they make this easier by not having the armor on? They could die faster that way.

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll inspire courage when its my turn."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Griffin will tumble in and flank Tak, taking a swing."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+5: (9)+5: 14

<OOC> Lanier says, "Griffin misses."

Griffin finally seems to come to his senses, realizing there is a fight going on. He leaps for Tak, rolling by him and coming to his feet. He takes a hamfisted swing with the longsword towards the bard, but the swing flies wide.

Mayra Logane screams as she realizes what has happened, and that a fight has literally broken out around her. She dives for Tare, attempting to shield him with her own body for what its worth. The encampment leader, not looking good at all after having been stabbed, raises his hand and looks towards the sky, "Queen of the Heavens, I am not yet done here!" A glow infuses his hand, spreading throughout his entire body, giving him a warm and fresh look across himself. This seems to settle him out, and he drops back towards the ground.

Tak twists as a blade slices against him, cutting him somewhat. He turns as Griffin comes after him and speaks, his voice having a strange magical quality, "You will lose, you will fail, and my associaites and I will defeat you all, flee now!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Guards are up."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Lanier damaged Tak for 5 points. 25 remaining.

Griffin finally seems to come to his senses, realizing there is a fight going on. He leaps for Tak, rolling by him and coming to his feet. He takes a hamfisted swing with the longsword towards the bard, but the swing flies wide.

The guards continue their assault, buffeted both by blade and bard, they seem to be losing their motivation to attack. Blades don't strike as precisely, and resolve seems to have waned slightly. Still, one guard takes a small slice out of the bard once again.

<OOC> Zarr says, "Two attakcs again."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27

<OOC> Zarr says, "Confirm critical."

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20

<OOC> Lanier says, "You're using claws of attack right?"

<OOC> Zarr says, "Yep. Orcish Claws."

<OOC> Lanier says, "One crit, and one hit."

GAME: Zarr rolls 3d6+24: (12)+24: 36

<OOC> Lanier says, "Well, he's gone."

<OOC> Zarr :3

<OOC> Bildor says, "Attacks from me and Cinnabar."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll it."

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

<OOC> Lanier says, "One hit."

GAME: Bildor rolls 1d10+5: (5)+5: 10

Zarr's roar takes on a ferocious quality, the guard daring-- daring!-- another slice at the Sith, and the time for play is brutally, savagely ended. Steel glitters in the evening sun, and a brutal slash cuts the guard's jugular with a sudden, sickening splatter. Panic flashes for a heartbeat in the human's eyes before the second gauntlet falls, and those blades slash any resemblance of humanity from his face forever, raking down with a bloody finality.

<OOC> Lanier says, "He's down."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Pose it up."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Griffin will attack Tak again."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16

Tare rolls over onto his belly, freeing himself from his wife and making his way towards the guard just felled by Bildor. Perhaps he already knows the guard savaged by Zarr is with Verdama now. Placing his hand upon the shoulder of the guard, he closes his eyes and whispers a few airy words. The unconscious guard's breathing becomes less labored immediately.

Bildor feels a boost of confidence from Tak's speech and swing his axe down one the guard again. Finally he connects burrying the axe deep into the mans shoulder near his nack and he falls to the ground in a heap and the digger lunches out chewing on the armored body.

GAME: Elessa rolls melee+2+1: (19)+4+2+1: 26

<OOC> Lanier says, "Editor's note: Delete the previous pose."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Crit threat!"

GAME: Elessa rolls melee+2+1: (19)+4+2+1: 26

Griffin continues to press the attack upon the bard most dangerous, unfortunately unable to make anything count.

Tare rolls over onto his belly, freeing himself from his wife and making his way towards the guard just felled by Bildor. Perhaps he already knows the guard savaged by Zarr is with Verdama now. Swatting at the digger to bat it away and then placing his hand upon the shoulder of the guard, he closes his eyes and whispers a few airy words. The unconscious guard's breathing becomes less labored immediately.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Confirmed."

GAME: Elessa rolls 2d6+4+2d6: (5)+4+(6): 15

<OOC> Lanier says, "He's down, but not dead. Pose it."

<OOC> Tak says, "Can I 5 foot now away from griffin and anyone else, and trip him?" Elessa is rather frustrated with this whole thing of the armor messing with her sword. Since the guard seems to have an advantage over Tak, thanks to Griffin, his attention is on Tak. Elessa quickly moves in, sword in hand and thrusts it in an opening his armor, cutting him deep. There's a satisfied grin on her face as she feels the man go limp and she pulls out her sword, blood on it. "Stay there." She looks around, judging other targets that need to be handled.

<OOC> Lanier says, "There's no one else besides Griffin left."

<OOC> Lanier says, "So yes."

GAME: Tak rolls whiptrip+2: aliased to : (11)+7+4+2: 24

<OOC> Lanier says, "He's down."

Tak blocks a blow with his buckler, grinning at Griffin "How does it feel to watch them fall around you, to know only in a matter of moments you will die. Surrender now, and your life will not see its end this day." He steps back, snapping his whip out against Griffin as he does, grabbing a leg and sending him to the ground again. "Stay down."

<OOC> Zarr hmm. Go be threatening at Griffin, I think. Hold attack unless he tries something first.

<OOC> Lanier says, "Alright."

Zarr holds the ruin of flesh that used to be the guard for a few seconds longer, letting him fall with a final thump. "I thank you," he purrs, twisting in his saddle to face the fallen Griffin, grinning maliciously. "It is rare that one sees reason. Often softskins would rather talk, and talk, and talk more. Pity."

<OOC> Bildor says, "Same as Zarr."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Move around, sword still out, basically flanking him, but not attack. She'll just put her sword near his head with a light intimidate"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok then."

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Lanier has cleared initiatives.

Bildor nudges Cinnabar and leans towards Griffin. She responds quickly by running over and looming above the downed man, waiting to pounce. "Yes, please surrender. There has been too much bloodshed already."

Elessa walks around Tak and over to Griffin, lowering her sword near his head. "Indeed, may be wise to listen to them." She just gives a wicked smile but waits, allowing those who like to talk and negotiate do exactly that.

Being on the floor, without any further help, Griffin drops his sword at his side, surrounded by adventurers now.

Of all people to step in, it's Tare Logane who gets to his feet and shouts, "Back away from my brother!" He moans, "This is a place of peace..." He looks down to the corpse of the guard, vexed. He then turns, walking over to Griffin, "Why is Wendel Miur targetting Myrah?"

Griffin spits, "You've always been a fool, unable to see past your vaunted peace and love. Myrah was never the target. You were. I wanted to see you dead and burried, but not Myrah, no... She's innocent in all this, brother. So I told Miur that she was the one who orchestrated the threats. He hired these adventurers to kill you and bring back Myrah by telling them she was his daughter. He would deal with her later, he thought. It would have been so easy for me to just let her slip away, never to be seen again... Stupid fools can't even do their jobs." Griffin trails off, glaring at his brother with baleful eyes.

Tare tilts his head, questions all across his face, "But why?"

Griffin's face falls, "Because perhaps this could have been the one thing I would have been successful at. There doesn't seem to be enough room for two Loganes in this world."

Tare breaks away from Griffin, helping Myrah straighten up and stand back on her own two feet. He peers around, then looks towards the adventurers. Finally, he gives an overexagerated shrug and a big grin, "Well, that was weird, huh?"

Tak coils up his whip, then takes a moment to whisper arcane words and lay a hand on his wounds, healing them up as he does. "You are perhaps too carefree in all this, your brother tried to kill you, tried to manipulate others to kill you. What will you do with him?"

Zarr curvers back in his sadle, gazing with a cold regard. "At the woman's word," he says, nodding once towards Myrah. "I will take him, and deal with him." He grins, leaning forward. "Unless, perhaps, he would like to play his hand at the knife again, sssk?"

"I was hired to rescue a kidnapped daughter, there are none here." Replies Bildor as he slings his shiled onto his back and pulls a satchel around, getting various herbs and salves from it to theat his fellow adventurere's wounds before bandaging them. "That will stop the bleeding and help to speed the recovery, but you still need to be careful to keep it clean to prevent infection."

Elessa looks at Tare with a frown. "Family does not kill family. There are consequences for such thing. But..." She keeps her sword out, looking at them, and nods to Zarr. "It is your call, since our formal work here is not what it appears to be."

Tare shrugs to Tak, "Win some, lose some." He then points to the two downed guards, "I'm going to send these two back to Miur with the truth. Griff will never be able to return there again." He then looks towards his brother, "He can stay here if he wants to now. He has nothing more to gain from killing me. He's already found out with Miur." He looks up from Griffin to Zarr, "I think you need to leave. You don't understand the nature of this place. There's already enough blood on the ground by your claws." He looks towards Tak again and continues awkwardly, "Look, normally I'd invite you to stay for dancing naked around the fire, but I think it would just be awkward. Why don't you go back to town and verify the stories told by my brother's men. Don't let Miur pay you any less than he originally promised." He then wanders away, dropping down next to the unconscious guards. He fishes beneath his shirt, removing a holy symbol and closing his eyes. There's a flash of flight, and Tare looks around once more.

The guards themselves are opening their eyes, frightened for a moment. Tare simply waves a hand and then gestures with a thumb, "My brother stole Miur's goods. It's time for you to go."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Roll a Knowledge/Religion if you want to identify the holy symbol."

GAME: Tak rolls knowledge/religion: (8)+8: 16

You paged Tak with 'He's an Althean cleric.'