
From Tenebrae
Revision as of 20:34, 1 May 2023 by Rune (talk | contribs) (Helping Fidget with color-theming their wikipage.)
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Race: Goblin
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red plume with black fade
Homeland: Gobbertown, Alexandros
Age: 19
Occupation: Spelunker
Class: Wizard (2)
Faith: Ceinara, The Artist
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Most eyecatching is the plume of red/black hair that sprouts pointedly from the top of this goblin's head, through the missing top of her black top hat (or does it need a new name, now bereft of the top?), and spraying out for a few inches of blackened tips beyond it. It stands tall, and bounces when she moves or talks excitedly. Beneath that, the purplish skin of this goblin's face frames bright red eyes, a short flattish nose, and a stereotypically razor sharp goblin smile. Her attire, on the other hand, is anything but typically goblin, an equally sharp button-down azure blue shirt with a black waistcoat, and a loose red ribbon loosely draped around the neck. Down below, she has a pastel petticoat skirt, layers of red, white and pink frills that poof out down to the knees, where one of her skinny purple legs shows while the other is wrapped in a black legging. Her feet are protected with heavy looking leather boots.

Fidget is a purple Goblin with a bizarre sense of style that kind of works, a (mostly) trained Wizard and novice adventurer with dreams of opening a magical items store, this Goblin girl can be distractable and a little reckless, but curious and kindhearted - and don't listen to any rumours that she's trouble and will burn your house down, that only happened once and it was definitely not her fault!

Roleplay Hooks

  • Fidget is eager to explore places that might have magical artifacts, arcane texts or ancient knowledge - or large sums of valuables you might use to buy those things
  • Fidget is trying to learn how to craft magical items herself, but is struggling with it and may be a little stubborn to ask for help herself
  • Fidget has probably upset some people from one of the wizard academies within Alexandros. It wasn't her fault! Mostly!

Art Gallery Gallery TBD


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Date Log Notes
April 29, 2023 Aspire to Nothing (Group 2) Aelwyn, Harkashan, Fidget, Rune, Ulthan
April 30, 2023 Gobbos in the Water Rune, Fidget