Healing and Plans

From Tenebrae
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Log Info

  • Title: Healing and Plans
  • Place: A10: Temple of Daeus
  • Summary: Harkashan and Rune come to the Temple of Daeus in search of Zeke and his aid in healing. There, they speak with Dolan and Aelwyn as well, discussing the strange dream experience with Eluna and next steps.

It isn't very long since Harkashan and Rune woke up from their dreams... or Nightmares. It's still well into the middle of the night, leaning morning. The streets are dark and largely empty as the two wander along its wandering paths. There's the occasional flek of red coming from Harkashan. Rune had performed some emergency bandaging to staunch the bleeding from the wound he'd suffered, but it still leaves a drop here and there from time to time. Harkashan keeps his hand over the spot to further arest the wound's attempts to harm him.

A temple. Any temple. Harkashan is under the impression that the priests don't truly ever sleep. That healers are available even in the midst of the night. He could have gone to Soldiers', but with the recent assault from Marsward on that place, Harkashan did not feel comfortable going there. What's more, he was hoping to find one of his kind to help him.

At Rune's suggestion, it's Zeke that Harkashan ends up seeking in particular. Stepping throughout the temple district leading him specifically to the temple of Daeus. And soon, the pair try to gain access to its doors. Knocking fists upon one of its heavy doors.

In a turn of events, Rune is the one carrying most of the pair's things. That includes Harkashan's shield and Khopesh, as well as their traveling gear. The two must have had to get out of the inn quite quickly. She is quite burdened down, especially for someone who isn't exactly broad or strong, but the rogue had insisted that given the injury, Harkashan shouldn't be straining himself.

That doesn't mean she isn't huffing and puffing a little bit from the extra weight across her shoulders. "Hopefully there's someone awake at this time of morning." Her eyes sweep through the area, possibly scouting for any signs of trouble. With the cleric injured, she is more on-guard than normal.

Sometimes the gods act in large ways. At other times they act in small.

It is in fact Zeke who opens the doors, eyes blinking doubly at the sight of Harkashan and Rune standing at the temple entrance. He gives them both a polite nod, but he's already subtly scenting the air and his sharp green eyes are scanning for injury before either can think to offer him greeting. "Peasssce on your nessstsss." He rumbles gently. "Thisss one sssensssess that there hass been trouble however, would you come in?"

The blue-scale sith-makar steps aside to offer entry to the temple.

Sometimes, the morning side of midnight isn't such a bad place to be. Some days, one is only there when one cannot sleep. The latter is the case today for Dolan, who's been off closer to the altar, sprawled in the grassy main area drifting in and out of sleep. The banging on the temple doors, though, has him pretty near instantly awake, and he sits up, reaching blindly around him for - something.

That something, he finds in short order, a faceted black garnet set in a steel ring that had been lying atop the knapsack on which he'd pillowed his head. It takes him a moment to fit it into the empty eye socket on the right side of his face, but some concentration and three careful clicks, and it's done. Only when that is complete does he look in the direction of the doors.

It was not common, and it was not uncommon, but occasionally a particular and very ruddy sith-makar was known to make his visits to the gods. Or to the Temple District, in any case. It was at the edges when he saw Rune and Harkashan bang on the temple doors; orange eyes gleaming in the dark.

Long striding steps later, and the draconian appears behind Rune. "Does Twin require assistance?" He offers as his nostrils flare, looking at the odd sight. To Zeke, he bows his head respectfully, before looking at Harkashan. "Did a fight happen?"

With a fluff of his coat, he slides his extra bag around his butt.

"Peace upon your nest." Harkashan is trying to stand strong. But between Rune carrying his things, and the subtle tremor to his arm, it is rather clear to see that Harkashan isn't doing too well. Tonight has been rather stressful so far.

"There has been trouble, and I need your help, Shaman." Harkashan bids to his fellow caste-mate. As a fellow Shaman, it means that to him, Zeke may as well be close family. Someone to lean on without even thinking twice.

"Thank you for your welcome." The Sith-makar rumbles, entering the halls of Daeus, brushing tails with Zeke for a moment.

Once inside, he spots Dolan - having just finished equiping the crystaline eye. A quiet bow from the Sith-makar follows. "Apologies to wake you." He rumbles, before looking aside as Aelwyn manages to find them in the midst of the night. "Kin." He rumbles, his hand still over the bandaged up wound. Bandaged by what looks like ripped up bedsheets.

There is some sound of relief with the answer from within the Temple. Rune's attention had been briefly drawn to the door rather than their surroundings, which leaves just enough time for Aelwyn to step up and cause her to jump slightly. "Oh. Good morning, Aelwyn." There is a slight catch in her voice, but it seems very much relaetd to the sheer amount of burden she is carrying at the moment.

"If you wouldn't mind?" Rune tries to hand off a bundle that seems to largely be Harkashan's equipment. The cleric's heavy armor is easily the biggest portion of the weight slung across her shoulders. "It's all pretty heavy, but I didn't want Harkashan carrying it with his arm messed up."

She looks over to Zeke, offering a quick greeting of, "Peace on your nest." Then, she quickly follows up, answering multiple questions offered to them, "Harkashan was attacked while within a dream. We think it might be the Red Maw's work. Whatever it is, he isn't able to heal it, himself." Oh, and ripped up bed-sheet bandages? They aren't particularly well done, which might suggest Rune had a hand in that.

Zeke stands close by to Harkashan, his flesh and blood arm moving automatically to offer support if Harkashan requires it. "If you have need of aid, then thisss one will provide." The blue-scale replies easily and without hesitation. He's a solid support. Zeke nods half-motions of his head to Aelwyn and to Dolan. "Dolan, would you mind helping with the armsss and armor if that isss required?"

He has a fairly brisque way of speaking now that his mind is focused on Harkashan's injury, and he leads the other sith-makar toward the healing area. There are several rooms, but considering the number of people... Better to lead Harkashan to a bench which Zeke motions to and silently insists that Harkashan sit at. "Thisss one would look at your injury."

As always he asks before touching, offering his claws to Harkashan for the other male to place his own injured limb into if he chooses. "You sssay it wasss a dream wound? Thisss one hasss heard of sssuch. They do not heal ssso easssily."

Seeing someone struggle under the weight of entirely too much _stuff_, Dolan instinctively rolls to his feet and grabs his knapscak, jogging over to lend a hand. "Harkashan, Rune - Zeke. Brightest of days." Up close, the man looks like he's had just about zero sleep, but is hale and in good spirits despite the dark circles under his eyes. "Yeah, I've got it. Give me that," he tells Rune, offering to shoulder Harkashan's gear. "What's this about a dream-wound? Shit. What happened?"

"Lava," The smallest sith-makar responds with a bow of his head. "May the blood be gentle." Aelwyn turns and looks at the armor pieces Rune was carrying. "Naturally, Twin. " There's a small wry grin off his face, but he starts picking off the larger armor pieces and the shield; his fingers seem to easily find the right straps and plates to cling onto. He stays a step out of the way slightly to let the injured pass, but he has to lean towards Rune and quietly asks, "He was attacked in his dreams?"

"Ah," The draconian lets out, seeing Dolan walk out. "Gemeye." Another, this time difficult, bow of his head.

"Or Caracoroth itself." Harkashan rumbles, huffing a bit, seeing as he does not know the scope of them. But he knows that the two share a name - so they must have similarity. Red eyes amidst the shadows of the Nightmare.

At Zeke's behest, he follows towards the bench in question, sitting down and placing his wounded arm upon Zeke's hand. With his hand off of it, it looks like it's gotten pretty stained with his blood. The wound looks like someone pressed their fingers into his arm and just 'tore' scale and flesh from him.

At Dolan's inquiry, Harkashan explains; "A group of us were drawn into a Dream by Eluna." He explains. "She had us discuss the matter of the Werewolves and wished for us to focus on retrieving the Totems so we could seal the portal amongst things." He explains. "Not to mention, deal with the active summoning circle beneath the city." His voice is slow, but slower than normal. He's in pain, so he's constantly trying to control his breathing.

"When Eluna left, after telling us to seek out Tanithariairisixchel, it seems she'd drawn the attention of a darker presence. I stayed behind to make sure Rune could escape the Dreaming." Harkashan explains. He looks to the wound. "The dark presence fooled my mind for long enough to harm me."

Between Aelwyn and Dolan, Rune is able to off-load the heaviest of the cleric's gear and releave some of the pressure on her own shoulders. As she follows, she rubs slightly at an indent where one of the heavier straps had dug into her skin a bit. "Thank you, both of you. I didn't want to leave anything behind, since the room got a bit trashed."

As Harkashan begins explaining, Rune follows along behind, rubbing her hand across one tired eye. Neither had gotten proper sleep, that much is obvious. "Some others were there, too. Simony, Telamon, Verna... a warrior we met once in the forest and a human woman I didn't recognize." She fills in a few of the blanks, there.

She sighs softly, "I've struggled with nightmares for a while. So it wasn't a surprise that I had trouble escaping. The problem is... after Hark managed to help me wake up, he got stuck. I couldn't wake him." Looking between them, Rune looks down at her own hand and then to the wound on Harkashan's arm. The marks are almost the exact same size and shape as her fingers, but it's not possible a human hand could have done that. "I think... I attacked him in the dream. Some version of me."

Carefully, but with evidence of practice, Zeke unwraps Harkashan's wound. It's an unpleasant wound to look at. Indeed as if someone's fingers had borne into the flesh past scale and into the sith-makar's very muscle. The edges of the wounds are distinct and harsh and Zeke makes no effort to investigate them. Instead his eyes narrow. Flicking over them with sharp intent.

"Thisss one will heal the wound, if it will be healed." He looks at Harkashan directly. "Sssome timesss dream-wounds resissst ssuch. From the one that bearssss them, but anothersss intervention isss often enough. Though... It can leave ssscarsss." This warning given he relaxes somewhat and offers a prayer to Daeus in a low murmur so as to not interrupt the other conversation going on. His focus is - as it must be - on Harkashan and the other male's injury.

Warm healing power flows from Zeke and into Harkashan. The wounds respond immediately, ceasing their bleeding and the wounds filling up with the flesh that should have been there before. The only thing that does not heal so easily are the scales that remain... lost. Harkashan will need to regrow those. As Zeke warned, the wounds look as though they might linger at least a while.

"Brightest of days," Dolan tacks on to Aelwyn, a friendly enough greeting, but he takes on the last few pieces of Harkashan's armor that Aelwyn does not himself manage, instead shutting up and listening to Harkashan. "There's an active summoning circle underneath the city?" he blurts. "oh. I remember Tel telling me about this." He blinks a few times, and then chuckles quietly to himself, dismissing the matter. "So we need to get the rest of the totems," he remarks. "So we do need them all. We've got most of them. Marsward's got one, and Jal'goroth's got one."

He continues to talk, thinking fast. "That says we do need the totems to close the portal. Been trying to ask about that, but it's hard to ask the Dream anything when you sleep like shit."

He turns to Rune, then. "Yeah, weird stuff can happen in the Dream. Your mind's in control, and with the totems, what happens in the Dream can manifest in the waking world. Had it happen a couple of times."

"A circle?" The Dragoon tilts his head, clicking his teeth. "There was a summoning circle in the sewers after all?" He flicks his head irately as all the talk of dreams just... Aelwyn never was fond of things he couldn't physically bite onto.

Still, the small sith-makar tilts his body and gives Rune a momentary touch from his tail. "Imitation, Twin." He rumbles, before he meanders closer and touches Harkashan's tail with his own. Hands full, that is the best he could do. "Health, Lava. I trust your fire will burn bright soon enough." He bows his head and steps back.

The draconian eyes Dolan curiously though, but he holds back his questions about the man. One thing at a time.

Harkashan clearly does not wish to speak of a fake Rune harming him. His mind is strong enough not to place that association between 'that' Rune and the real one. But when she speaks of it, it still bothers him. Woried of what this may mean in the future.

"Hrrm. The one known as Seldan is putting together a team to get rid of the 'echo' or 'puppet' of a demon that still roams there - Eclavdran." He explains to Dolan. "Turns out, the Sewers themselves 'are' the summoning circle. And there's a possibility some of it reaches outside of the wards." Harkashan explains.

"From my understanding from Telamon and Verna, there are three active totems, in the hands of Dace Zinskas, Jal'goroth, and Marsward Seraquoix - though there may be some confusion there." Harkashan offers up, trying to remember. "Though the locations are unknown, Elana did confirm there were three still in enemy hands."

There's a hiss from him then, as Zeke gets to the healing part of things. Looking away for a moment, then to the wound, as it begins to knit itself up. Blood stops draining, flesh and muscle drawn together. Until there's a patch that looks more Softskin than lizard for a moment. Pale. Scales would take time to regrow.

He rumbles a sound at the wound, but he's hardly vain enough to care about the aesthetic loss of them. A wound like this does not make him any less Sith-makar.

"Thank you, Shaman." He notes to Zeke, taking his other hand and closing his around Zeke's. Looking him in the eyes for a moment, then releasing him again. Looking at the remnants of the wound once more.

"I am looking to meet with Telamon tomorrow to discuss on how to deal with the Werewolf Army of a little under five-thousand - here in the city of Alexandria at Blue Moon Ale - and draw out Marsward and his Scarab witch familiar."

Worry written on her features, Rune looks to Dolan, her own gaze reflected in his eye briefly before she looks away, "Neither Harkashan nor I have a totem in our posession, but if what you're saying is true, it's possible that maybe whatever Harkashan was seeing might have been from one of the three that remain in enemy hands?" Her brows furrow.

The touch of Aelwyn's tail draws her blue eyes in his direction, but it doesn't seem to ease some of the responsibility that burdens her, "If I hadn't gotten stuck, it wouldn't have happened."

At the very least, Zeke seems to be able to actually make some progress in healing the wound. "It was the first I had heard of the summoning circle, myself." She adds, reaching into her shirt to pull out a necklace, which she then begins to fidget with. "From what the Sky-singer shared, it sounds like we need to move proactively. To do something quickly before this darkness spreads to all of Ea."

Zeke lets most of the conversation happen without his adding to it. It's not that the blue-scale has nothing to say, but rather that he has - in his mind - his place. Which is not to interrupt others when he is meant to be healing. He gives Harkashan's arm a brief look once more and when the other male thanks him he nods, his tail giving a little wag of pleasure in a work well-done. Though something in the silence of their eyes meeting makes his tail still and his mien become serious once more.

Then like a dream the moment passes and Zeke looks over those gathered. "Thisss one knowsss sssome-thing of the scircle. Lesss though of what it might be usssed for now." He shifts subtly and looks at Rune, catching her eyes and looking at her very seriously. "Peassssce Rune. You did not harm Harkassshan did you?" A piercing look. "One isss not resssponsssible for the actionsss of dreamsss. In truth..."

Here the older male looks at Harkashan. "It isss in a way hisss own mind, and perhapsss thossse that hold the totemsss in evil handsss - were they pressent - that did the harm. No other."

"Yeah, probably. I've got to get to Jal'goroth." Dolan sighs. "That's right, Zinskas did have one and we weren't able to get it away from him before the Red Maw woke up. It's possible that that is what's holding the portal open. Huh. So we're basically being told to get our asses moving." A quirk of a smile says that he doesn't take this badly. "I can work out how to get Jal'goroth's. Tel and Lana might know a little more about how to get to Marsward's. Zinskas, hell if I know. Maybe Micha knows."

Aelwyn was pretty much out of his depth at this point, but there was a large shadow over his face. "Tch, so the song is truly coming to an end, bard." He quietly rumbles by himself, shaking his head.

Well, nothing much to do but shrug one's shoulders. He turns towards Rune and gives her another tail tap. "Shall this one take these somewhere or should he leave them here?" He asks, with a tilt of his head.

"Do not blame yourself, Rune." Harkashan rumbles to the Half-Sil as she speaks of what could have been had she not gotten stuck. "I was simply in a better position to help you. Similarly to how you are better at sneaking around than I am." He tries to position it not as a negative, but a positive.

Harkashan notices that moment. That moment of silence, and something else. His nose huffs for a moment, and he touches tails with Zeke once more. "Are you okay?" He inquires of him, his brow furrowed a bit. He isn't going to draw too much attention to it, but he knows to at least show his caring. They are of the same Caste after all.

As Dolan shifts to speak on the matters of the ones at the center of it all, the ones holding the Totems, Harkashan huffs. "I am afraid I know very little of the ones beyond Marsward." Pausing for a moment, before asking; "Are any of those three ones you feel I would be helpful in dealing with?" In other words, which ones would he be most liable to not be in the way.

He wants to help. And he knows he's helped with the matter of Micha and N'thain. But he wants to do more. Especially now that it has tried to use his memories of Rune against him.

He then looks to Aelwyn as he talks about leaving things somewhere. Tilting his head in a questioning manner. Not too sure what's going on.

The question from the blue-scaled Makari has Rune lightly rubbing at her hand. Certainly, she knows that she has no real responsibility for what happened, but sometimes it takes time for that sort of to sink in, especially so soon after something has happened. Even Harkashan's words are only given a quick flick of a blue glance. However, she does nod once, willing to accept the words of support.

Steeling herself, Rune straightens her shoulders. "We're both willing to help in whatever ways it is needed. Right now, the werewolves seems like the most straight-forward, since I don't think Harkashan or I have had much dealings with the other forces at play, at least not yet."

Then, there is that tap from Aelwyn that draws Rune's attention, "You can leave Harkashan's things here. I'll either carry them back or he will, depending on if he's recovered enough before we leave." However, her expression does shift in worry, "This isn't the end of any song, not if we have anything to say about it."

The blue scale nods to Rune, the soft touch of Harkashan's tail makes him startle slightly and he lets out a little rumble of amusement that's touched with embarrassment. He nods to Harkashan and then, making no effort to hide his words or be subtle with them he replies to the other male's concern. "Thisss one isss not usssed to... touch. Thisss one isss sstill learning."

The fact that he says this without shame or hiding is... interesting. He looks from Harkashan to Rune, and then oddly - to Dolan as well. "Thisss one hasss known much pain through touch, thisss one hasss learned though, that not all sssuch isss hidden clawsss and roughness. Through the actionsss of good; we learn that pain isss not the end." He spreads his claws. One crystal, one flesh and blood and bone. "We learn that together we are more. With the godsss aid; we are enough. When in doubt, seek Their guidance and Their wissdom."

Well, he _is_ a cleric.

"If Zeke's got anything to say about it, he'll be fine carrying them out himself, but if not, I'm happy to lend a hand," Dolan answers, still a living festoon for pieces of armor and gear, and not especially bothered. "Nah, it's not the end," he agrees, turning his face towards Rune. "We just need to stop being distracted." A flash of a cheeky grin accompanies that.

"Harkashan, Marsward is sort of the leader of the operation. He's got a rival and sometime ally Dace Zinskas, who I think is a cleric of the Nightmare. They work together, but from what I was able to glean from Micha through Tel, they hate each other. We need to get his totem. He carries one with him on his belt, last I saw. Jal'goroth -"

A black scowl twists both sides of his features. "He's an ice devil. The werewolves have struck deals with devils and demons via Charneth nobles to get funding for their little campaign, but the one in charge - Jal'goroth is one of V's generals - is playing them. Using them. It wants to take over control of the Red Maw. Too powerful for any mortal to tackle alone, but - they don't usually give two sheep turds about the mortal realms. It seems like, if we can close the portal and destroy the Maw, the demon-devil thing will buzz off and leave Zinskas and Seraquoix to kill each other."

He shuts up, then, listening to Zeke. "Yeah. The Knight's come through for me and Andie a couple of times now. Some people think they don't need the gods, but - faith's sure a damned nice thing to have."

Aelwyn bows his head towards Rune and moves to carefully settle the armor and various other equipment down, grunting as he places the plates down in a fashion that would make it easier to put them back on.

Straightening, the sith-makar looks towards Rune and Dolan. "Tch, and even if there is nothing to be done - at leas the last dance sounds as if it will be glorious." He flashes his teeth, before he bows his head. "This one can come later to help, if needed, though it seems that this one's Kin are true to their nature." He rumbles in amusement, before he turns around and steps towards the exit. "May the skies be gentle on you," He calls out, before stepping out of sight.

"Ah." Harkashan rumbles; "I forget sometimes, your history." He bids to Zeke, remembering what he learned. Why their body is part made of crystal. "You are Kin. No harm will come at the hands of those of your Caste." He bids to Zeke with a softness of tone.

He looks towards Dolan, nodding. "Aye, I will be okay carrying them myself. But you are invited to help carry some of my gear to a place of rest after this." He bids to Aelwyn, knowing that the Sith-makar is looking for a place of belonging.

A bow of his head. Thankful for Dolan giving more information. Some of it touches the edge of his mind, reminding him of being told about Jal'goroth before.

"Marsward tends to take action and is reactive as well. He will show if his operation is threatened." He points out, based on what he's seen so far. "But I do not know how to draw out the other two."

"You say this Dace Zinkas is a rival to Marsward..." He considers this for a moment. "So... perhaps we trick him by pretending Marsward has made a mistake? Marsward would not be foolish enough to show up to something so obviously trying to draw him out - but Dace might wish to take advantage." He looks to Rune. She is better at coming up with more coniving tactics.

"But what would draw him out? He won't believe a Totem was just left somewhere. But perhaps something he believes would give him levarage?"

Hearing Zeke talk reminds Rune of something that she learned about the Makari, though it seems like a long time ago. "I met your mother once, in Mictlan." She offers in a soft voice. "She was a ... real piece of work. From what I heard from her, it's no surprise you might have struggles with that sort of thing." Her lips press together, followed by a shake of the head.

Her eyes hone in on Dolan, then, listening to the additional details about the other key leaders that make up this particular problem. Her thumb presses against her necklace, perhaps remembering the way it had taken on a strange glow in the presence of the Sky-singer. "I'm... no cleric or crusader, but I'm starting to understand just how important the gods are to our lives." Sometimes more directly than others.

With Harkashan trying to come up with ways of drawing out the enemy, Rune seems quiet, thoughtful. She may have some knowledge of battle tactics, or ways of sneaking around to gather intel, this seems far more complicated than that. "Maybe not leaving a totem somewhere, but is there anyone with one in their possession that might seem like a good target, should they be caught alone?" She winces, "I hate the idea of using anyone as bait, though. I just imagine that sooner or later they'll strike at any they see as weak links, regardless. So it could be possible to use that to our advantage."

She shrugs, not seeming particularly set on that course of action. "I've said before, if we could find a way of shutting down Blue Moon Ale, it would throw a thorn into the works for them. Cut off some recruitment avenues, restrict funds, make it harder to support their people." Rune folds her arms across her chest. "Maybe start with a rumor, something bad about it. Then start getting inns and pubs to stop carrying the product."

Zeke nods solemnly to Harkashan and then to Rune. Appreciating their support. "Thisss one iss learning." Is all he says further on the subject, more than willing to let it pass. Harkashan is correct of course. There is no one here that would harm him, and any instinct to the contrary was merely a product of history. "Thisss one believesss that Harkassshan ssshould be well to carry thingsss, but if there issss strain upon the arm; let thisss one know immediately. There are other prayersss thisss one can offer to sstrengthen and repair."

That too taken care of Zeke allows himself to be drawn now into the conversation that they are having with a thoughtful expression. "Perhapsss an illusssion?" He offers with a querying tone. "If one could pretend to be with a totem in the open, but it isss not in fact a real totem..."

The blue-scale makes a motion with his claws of something being very small. "Or, better, a sssmall carved object yesss? One that lookssss like a totem? Then go to a plassce and... drink? People become foolissh when they drink too much." Zeke seems thoughtful. "Asss for thisss other plan, thisss one knowsss little of sssuch, but it may be good to have many plansss in plassce. Ssso that one may do what isss intended."

"I know who the Selentian noble is that they just got their funding from," Dolan puts in, his grin his time feral and holding nothing of humor or kindness. "Andie and I just rescued a member of their household possessed by a demon. I need to put together all my evidence and track down more on her friend Lady Derwes, but I think I can cut the funds by getting them both arrested for consorting with fiends. That's a serious crime in Myrddion. I'm going to try, anyway. But - I need to work out whether that's going to lead me to Jal'goroth, or if I need to talk to Magpie."

He quiets, then, listening to Zeke, and Harkashan and Rune. "Those are some pretty damned good ideas. Zinskas seems to be associated to the wish demons, at least that's what Tel said. Think he might go to wherever that was? I've never seen Zinskas in the city." He pauses suddenly for a moment, shaking his head. "I'm missing some shit, though," he admits candidly. "Tel might know where his haunts are."

Amongst Clerics, Harkashan actually doesn't go very deep into his religion. He doesn't 'thank the gods' or the like. He lets his actions speak louder instead.

His focus instead remains on Rune for a little while longer, as she suggests the idea of using someone as bait. He knows at least two totem carriers himself who might be 'mad' enough to jump in the way of a blade like that.

"An Illussion would work. But we'd need someone skilled in the Arcane enough to fool someone who would alert Dace." He bids. "Or at least the informants one must expect there are throughout the city."

"I think Alaryn may be able to work up a totem's shape. I've seen them before, so I could instruct on how to shape them." He adds, before nodding to Dolan again; "I will ask Telamon when I visit him next. I'll keep you informed."

Rune opens her mouth to make a suggestion, but Harkashan seems to get to it first, "That was who I was thinking. Though it might be hard to rein in her tendency to make things more flashy than originally intended. We'd need to make sure the craftsmanship isn't so different that it would give away a fake." She seems to ponder at this, perhaps trying to consider what other options they have.

Then, as Dolan explains about his plans to go after their funding from a different route, she nods her head, "If you work from one end, and we can get others working against Blue Moon Brewing, we could hit them hard financially in a double strike." That is something they would likely need help with, perhaps from someone in wider social circles.

"I'm also thinking that it might be good to gather some intel on Blue Moon. Maybe see if we can get some more sneakily minded folks to scope the place out. With everything else happening as of late, I doubt that the place is just brewing ale." Not after finding cultist activity and demon summing most anywhere the werewolves tend to frequent.

Zeke nods and nods again. It sounds to him as though plans are indeed in motion and being brought to fruition. "If thisss one can be of any aid; let thisss one know? Thisss one iss practiced in the artsss of healing. Experienced with fiendss yesss?" He shifts his tail pleasantly from side to side in pleasure. He seems pleased that things are moving forward. "And if no-thing elssse; thisss one isss alwaysss here to sshare wordsss. Sssome-timesss having sssome-one to ssspeak sssuch to can make an idea come. Thisss one isss here."

Dolan listens to all of this, and somewhere in this sets Harkashan's gear down where the sith-makar can reach it, rubbing instead at his remaining eye. "Probably not," he agrees. "Is this brewery inside or outside the city?" he asks. "Thanks, Zeke. You know I will."

When he's done rubbing at his eye, he rubs instead at his chin. "You know - the totems are enchanted, so a likeness of them that had no magic wouldn't fool anyone knowledgeable in magic for very long. Unless - what if we Dreamed one using the totems? It wouldn't be anything special, but it should have a little magic to it."

"Thank you, Zeke." Harkashan reaches out once more, but this time howevers his hand for a moment, looking at Zeke, making sure he's expecting the touch, before touching his hand. "I appreciate that. We'll keep you in on this as well." He bids to his Kin.

Before releasing the touch, and letting out a bemused sound at Rune's reminder that Alaryn enjoys... giving a particular artistic touch to things. It's a good callout.

Alaryn being an enchanter, Harkashan was under the impression, she could make it at least 'seem' magical. But Dolan brings up a good point.

"How do you... dream up a Totem?" He asks. "As for the brewery - I will ask Telamon for the details. My understanding was that it was close to or within."

"I don't know much about enchanting, I'm afraid." Rune shakes her head, reaching a hand away from her necklace to brush a few strands of hair behind her pointed ear. "I wouldn't even know what sort of power the totems had if I wasn't told about it." She explains.

Stepping a bit closer, she lays a hand on Harkashan's other forearm, just a subtle contact. It's been a worrying night.

"I imagine it's something that one of the totem-bearers would need to do. Cor'lana and Telamon did say that they could shape or create things within their dreams and use the power of the totems to influence things." She furrows her brows, "If a totem-bearer can hurt you from a dream, I imagine that they can have other impacts on reality."

Another shake of the head follows, "Neither of us have access to one, but we know a few people who do."

Zeke nods to Dolan's words. In truth he knows more about the totems than some, but he knows far, far less than Dolan himself. When Harkashan reaches out again the blue-scale doesn't hesitate to accept the touch, offering another wag of his tail at the other male. "Thisss one appreciates ssssuch." He offers gently. Then looks between Harkashan and Rune. Including Dolan after a moment and offering a somewhat - mostly playfully - stern look.

"Thisss one thinksss what isss needed mossst at the moment however - isss sssleep. You can not do any-thing if you are tired beyond reassoning."

Grinning cheerfully, Dolan points at Rune. "Exactly. Zeke and I have done it too. That reminds me, I need to bring the sword over to Telamon so he can look at it. They're - definitely different. There's something about it, but the totems exist in both spaces, even if they're native to the Dream, and the connection is a little - closer, I s'pose - if you follow the deity that made the totem. That's true of me and Tel, and I think Dirk too. I can give it a try tonight, if you want."

Harkashan looks up to Rune as she touches his forearm, letting out a little pleasant growly sound. "Hey." He rumbles at her at the touch. A greeting. "I'm alright. We have good friends." He notes.

"Speaking of that, you should seek out Seldan. Ask him about the necklace." Harkashan then adds to Rune. "See if he can figure something out about it, and its tie to the Sky-singer." He'd used Eluna earlier because Dolan is around.

"I agree." He then bids to Zeke, as he begins to rise. "Let's go find ourselves back to the inn and sleep the rest of the night away. We can worry about the Totems in the morning."

Despite the fact that Rune had been face to face with the goddess, the idea of going back into the temple and asking Seldan about what the meaning of that vision is... that seems to have her tucking the necklace back beneath her shirt. "I'll think about it." It's not confirmation. "He's... a bit intimidating." She admits in a softer voice.

"Sleep... sounds like a good idea." If she can even manage, "Though, we may want to find another inn. I don't think the Gnome at the last place was happy with how trashed the room was." Rune winces.