Astahii Svaust Uclar Thirku

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Astahii Svaust Uclar Thirku

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Home Plane The Fire Plane
Other Names They Who Desire Change
Sightings Material Plane, Fire Plane
Bonded Astahii Svaust Uclar Thirku's Bonded


Astahii Svaust Uclar Thirku, or just 'Thirku', is an enormous Ancient Magma Dragon that once walked the Material Plane more actively, but since returned to the Plane of Fire. Though it does not look particularly different from its brethern, it has lost its eyes a long time ago - scales having grown in their place - and instead uses its Bonded as well as 'lava crystals' it spreads around its Lair to be watchful. It bears scale 'feathers' of Obsidian and Ember across its body.


Thirku is a creature interested most in memories and 'interesting moments'. Treating 'Moments In Life' with more interest than the actual living, but understands that The Living are through whom those moments come to be.

It wishes to remain alive, and will go out of its way to ensure this, by spreading seeds of its Essence throughout the world. Be it through Progeny or its Bonded. Its drive to live however is not built out of a 'survival instinct' but rather a 'desire to see more'.

It enjoys testing its Bonded, and has a habit of oversharing its own Memories (and those of current or former Bonded) in order to give different 'perspectives' to those it is bonded with, in the hopes that they will make 'interesting choices'. It will also actively express his presence upon the Material Plane from time to time. Largely because 'boring people do not change the world', so it will try to introduce 'excitement' into lives from time to time through those expressions.


Thirku has a special interest in those who desire, or have the power to, bring the fires of change upon the world. It has no particular desire for mass destruction, or turning the world against itself, but rather to witness the Material Plane as it advances throughout the ages through those Bonded to it. Most of all, it desires the Memories of those who live active and interesting lives, with particular care for those memories that have to do with change.


Memories and Change stand at the center of what Thirku desires. As such, a Contract with one of its Bonded will always be centered around those two factors. To be given insight and access to Memories around moments of great Change, discarding the rest.

Gaining a contract with Thirku can occur as part of a Ritual praying to the great Ancestors amongst the Sith-makar, or at sites of great Volcanoes. There are those who are born as a direct descendant to it, which may garner a Contract by Birth - but for those who do not have such a direct bond, there are other options.

There are Hermits and other long-living creatures that may live around Volcanoes that welcome others into Thirku's arms - as well a figures who have stood at the center of great Change in the world; Royalty, Adventurers. His name is not spoken often. But those who have stood amidst the Flames of Change may have heard its name and could point one whence to go.

They speak of scales, lava, teeth, and blood.