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Deity illotha.gif

Lesser Deity

Symbol: Two curved daggers, laid over each other

Colors: Black

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Home Plane: The Abyss

Portfolio: Assassins, Murder, Intrigue, Thieves, Crime

Domains: Treachery, Death, Trickery, Luck

Cleric Alignment: CE, NE, LE

Favored Weapon: The Blood Kiss (Dagger)

Other Names: The Masquerade, Betrayer, False Lady, The Murderess, The Lady of Hate

Illotha is a sly, manipulative, dangerous and murdering goddess of darkness born from a twisted union of Maugrim and Taara. She favors her mother in many aspects but also seeks to supplant her and to seize control over many aspects of her portfolio. Representing the vice of lies and falsehoods, Illotha is often called upon by evil thieves, wicked assassins and those with a desire for hatred, murder, vengeance and death dealing. She is lies, corruption, deceit and ill gotten gains. Her monkly orders deal death, her thieves guilds blanket the streets of cities with crime and her death cults and nihilistic viewpoints spread sorrow wherever they can.


Illotha prizes treachery, backstabbing, death dealing and the disrupting of orderly society with intrigue and she expects her priests to do the same. From corrupt merchants who cheat their fellows to assassins who whisper her name before making a strike, Illotha promotes no mercy and is a goddess of blood letting, anger, vengeance and control. Illothans are commonly taught things in the ways of manipulating others emotions, cheating them and lying to them as is needed but being sly and stealthy about it when called for. Use your wit and your intelligence because someone who knows of your nature is less likely to deal with you.

Clergy and Temples

Illotha has never had a truly strong and stable church and this has worked to her advantage in the sense of it allowing cults to move in secret and to pop up when least expected to take advantage of those lands. A recent cult has arrived in Alexandria led by a woman named Thelen that is causing quite a stir due to operating within the boundaries of the law as prescribed by the cities officials. Among her traditional clergy, power struggles are a constant happening although she allows it as it serves to help weed out the weak and unfaithful. Priests and clerics and servants of Illotha often become rogues and many assassins follow her calling.

Historically outlawed in virtually all of the free lands has encouraged her clergy to operate in secret and to manipulate and inspire fear from the shadows of society as opposed to being out in the open. This has spawned numerous shadow cults and underground societies that exist in virtually all the realms, even goodly ones like Myrddion. Human sacrifice and other horrible acts of evil are common amongst them. Her priesthood is strongest amongst the shadow elves and she has many worshippers amongst evil humanoids. Power struggles are a constant happening although she allows it as it serves to help weed out the weak and unfaithful. Priests and clerics and servants of Illotha often become rogues and many assassins follow her calling.

Clerical Vestments

Priests of Illotha wear ceremonial robes on only special occasions, as the need for remaining unseen typically remains paramount. They favor elegant simplicity, with vicious, curving daggers held in red sheaths. They favor the color black.


No avatars of Illotha are known.