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Like many other non human races, Orcs are creatures of fey and originate from the otherworldly realms of The Unseen. In the distant past, they were called forth by gods of darkness, chaos and violence to wage war on behalf of the ancient gods. Although the elves had been battling as champions of light, they were unprepared for the unspeakable power and savagery possessed by the orcs of this age and their cities became defiled and littered with the dead as the orcs fought as foot soldiers of the dark powers. In those days, wars were fueled by the primal power of the gods, who were incarnate in flesh and the races of the world were empowered greatly. The lands were scorched and laid bare. The War of the Elves and Orcs occurred three times over the long years of the First Age and during that time efforts at breeding larger, stronger and more powerful versions of Orcs led to the creation of other monstrous races that still walk the world today However, Orcs in those days were near uncontrollable to the point that only true powers of chaos and evil had use for them Gigantic and gifted with cruel and unyielding strength, the ancient hordes fought for glory and power and grew in staggering number but the defeat of the gods of evil at the end of the War of the Gods and the great seal placed over the world to prevent such wars from ever happening again left the Orcs bereft of patronage. Having lived a life full of violence and warfare, they fell upon land after land and then lacking further guidance they began to fall upon one another.


Orc Warlords came and went and their warring ways and mountain strongholds brought them into repeated conflict with the dwarves of the world. Where the orcs conquered they created garrisons out of ravaged cities relishing the occasional taste of human or halfling flesh. In the late Second Age of Gaea, there came one Warchief who sought change lest their people be destroyed by the rising up of others and their own infighting. Adom, whose name will live on as long as there remains even a single Orc whom draws breath. Adom saw beyond the petty squabbling of his people. He saw that the constant fighting would break his people and leave them as little more than a mere shell of their former selves. Like a visionary he knew, without knowing whence the knowledge came, that he must enforce change lest his people be doomed. Thus he gathered about him those who wished for more or better - more power, a better life, more domination, more peace. Through vision seeking and questing, the knowledge of their ancestors before the corruption came to him and he learned of a different way of life that they could embrace if they would only throw off the yoke of the dark powers and daemonic forces influencing their lives. Old habits die hard, however, and great opposition was met when Adom's decree and proclamation went forth through the clans under his guidance and to allied tribes as well

In the end, the nation became divided and Adom led those loyal to him from the Southlands and to the north and west of the world where they were met with hostility and opposition. Some among them scattered though they retained loyalty to the tenants and cause Adom had called his people to rally around. A system of honor, religious respect of the spirits of the world and study of the ancient slumbering gods began to yield to the orcs of Adom's People a heritage and a power that they had long forgotten. In time, Adom's folk came to be known as Great Orcs and those tribes, though far more numerous, who lacked access to their ancient power but were still enthralled by darkness were known as Fel Orcs. Now in this new Third Age in the aftermath of the fall of the great kingdom of men, , Orcs remain one of the most influential and dynamic of the races.

Physical Description

The typical Male Orc stands no less then 6'4" and can average close to three hundred pounds and surpass seven feet. They are very massive and Orcs even bigger than this exist in small numbers Their skin tone range from great hues of rich green to almost grey although there are variations based upon tribes and ancestry. Their hair is mane like and usually black or brown, graying with age though red hair is also possible. They often allow it to grow for months on ends, sometimes their entire lives and they pride themselves on it, often wearing their hair in elaborate braids, top knots or at great lengths down their backs. Their ears are large and noses flat. Their mouths are large as well and filled with sharp teeth and enormous jutting lower canines. Orcs possess powerful gifted voices that thunder and resound when raised up in fury or in battle-song.

Society and Lands

Adom's Orcs are Orcs that have established strong ties to their roots as a martialocracy culture (that is, a society ruled by the warrior class) who in term have reverence for and strong ties of ancestry worship, notions of honor and shamanistic teachings. They are the consummate warrior race of "savage nobles" with a mighty belief in their place as the warriors of the world. The Clans (or House) of the Orc society provides for them the basic societal structure and framework necessary for their complex and sometimes chaotic sounding, forms of honor and ritual living. Because of their codes of honor and the tight societies of this clan structure, Orcs can sometimes be seen as aloof by other races. It would be a lie to say that they do not think very highly of themselves, especially in terms of martial prowess but many aspects of their culture are simply misunderstood and the typical Orc won't be bothered to educate the ignorant masses. To an outsider an Orc code of honor seems haphazard or cobbled together in order to excuse any act of violence an Orc sees fit to engage in. However, the truth is that the Orc Code is highly personal and very complicated, nearly impossible to explain to a non-Orc outside of the simple fact that "it existed." An Orc measures himself up against another Orc to determine the validity of his or her code The entire Orc Nation can be broken down into several active "Hordes" that are gathered in the various areas of the world. Within each Horde are different levels of uniformity, organization and focus. Of these Hordes only Adom's People can claim true freedom of self, independence and will. Adom-Orc civilization concentrates itself in the tablelands of Dran in a region known as Thurlogoth. Here their warrior city of Adomar exists as a centerpiece for their way of life. Their council of elders, consisting of envoys from each of the major Orc War-Houses and Clans, deal with the ins and outs of Orc life. Also the trading city of Dok exists on the borders between their lands and Dranei-Human lands. Orcs can be found in other lands as well. Adom-Orcs congregates as far south as The Desolation and as far east as the rolling badlands and untamed wilds of the Eastern Wilds

Other Races

Orcs struggle with pre-conceived notions caused by the depraved behaviour of their more numerous and far more evil cousins, the Fel Orcs. Thus when an Adom Orc ventures far from his homeland he often deals with prejudices and fear that is better associated with his more monstrous kin. Orcs who are patience or who reach tolerant lands are able to overcome this but they still have trouble relating to the likes of elves and halflings and even the Adom Orcs have had rivalries with Dwarves and struggles with men. In the end, an Orc values those with strong personal honor and dedication to friends and family. When an Orc forms a fast friendship it is lasting and powerful, but they are often suspicious of other races. Clearly the existence of half-orcs demonstrates that the Adom Orcs are capable of lasting relationships with those who accept them for what they are.

Alignment and Religion

Despite their code of honor, which in truth mainly establishes them as a warrior-race, Orcs are very chaotic beings and chaos is evident in their code as well. They are typically neutral as well. Like humans, there are Orcs who break the mold. Lawful Orcs are not impossible though they typically exist with good reason. Orc religion is fractious and difficult to pin down. The Orcs have a cultivated belief in the power of the elemental forces of the world and also in ancestor worship. Their Druids (known as Shamans in their clans) have great power for spiritual leadership and guidance. Orc priests do exist however and they bring the mighty divine word of The Old Gods to the orcs. The centerpiece of this religion revolves around the worship of the progenitors of orc kind who themselves may simply be deific versions of ancient orc heroes and legendary clan leaders as they have a strong streak of hero and ancestor worship. Orcs exposed to the more traditional view of the gods assimilate quickly and Orc priests and clerics rise out of temples all across the Savage Frontier, usually dedicated to Kor, Angoron or other gods of strength, nature, honor and martial prowess.


Orc adventurers find themselves up against a lot of barriers due to the perception of orcs by other races. Some work very hard to prove themselves and once they do they find themselves embraced by society but still feared by them. Orcs are typically fighters or barbarians and enjoy working as cheap muscle and bodyguards. An Orc will do much to prove his honor and challenges that other races may deem unusual are typically where an Orc warrior is ready to begin.

Recent Events

The surge in evil has brought Fel Orcs to a height of activity not seen since the Daemon Wars. Their unsavory deeds and activities, emboldened from evil's rise, has brought again some superstitions and resentments towards orcan kind, sending the Orcs of Adom into greater turmoil. They stand, nevertheless, steadfast agains such foes and persue both their twisted brothers and their honor with equal, near holy, fervor.

Orc Racial Traits

  • +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Orcs are incredibly strong and also very world wise and in tune with spiritual matters. However they are not very cerebral.
  • Medium: Orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Normal Speed: Orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Darkvision: Orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Willful: Orcs are notoriously stubborn. They receive a +2 bonus on will save checks.
  • Rugged Upbringing: Orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks and +2 to Survival due to their fearsome nature and disposition towards harsh lifestyles.
  • Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a Orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
  • Fell Call (Su): Whether by bestial roar or fell song, the cry of an angry Orc has shaken walls, shattered windows and quailed the hearts of many. As a standard action an Orc can sound a call that strikes fear into the hearts of others. Each foe within thirty feet must make a Will save (DC 10 + half of the orcs character level + charisma bonus). A foe that fails this saving throw becomes shaken for 1 round. This is considered a fear and mind-affecting effect.
  • Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon.
  • Languages: Orcs begin play speaking Common and Yrch-Speak. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Gnoll, Goblin-Talk or Jotun.