Come out and Play

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Run by: Terewin Players: Miruan, Delilah, Donna, Vasya, Niara, Arnora Combat Dificulty: CR 8

Its a job. A jobby job thats.... jobby. In all seriousness though a job has been posted to go check out the Sandson family farm. Herald, the owner, has reported some undead activity near his farm and its been spooking the cattle and thats not mentioning the potential for worse things to happen when the dead are involved.

In any case those who have answered the call to fix this problem have traveled quite a ways into the country looking for the farmstead and gather at the dusty lane leading up to the old stone and thatch buildings where the Sandson family makes a living. Pregnant clouds hang over the land and the sound of thunder echoes in the distance but a warm, welcoming light in the windows, even seen from the other end of the lane, make for a welcoming sight.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Free RP for now. :)"

Niara has done most of the travelling with her hood up, mostly due to the possibility of weather. She does push it back now and shakes her head. The braid of silver hair flapping from side to side a bit. She looks over the others and smiles a bit. "What the fook is it with fookin undead and bloody Alexandria" grumbles Arnora in her low gravelly contralto "I swear we need tae introduce folks tae bleedin cremation aye" she adds with a shake of her head. Short even by dwarven standards she is bristling with weapons of all kinds, but doesn't seem bothered by all the weight of that and her finely crafted stone armor "Arnora by the way, Arnora Stonesmasher" she grunts by way of introduction. as she casts her eyes around the group, eyeing the Mul suspicously.

Walking alongside of Niara is Vasya. The butt of her Glaive thumps on the ground along side of the dark elf while she keeps her eyes open. "Undead in the area. This may not bode well for some of the newer people." She says looking behind her. "not including myself."

Miruan is quiet, looking thoughtful. She checks her potions, looking into her bag. "I have a horse, if we need," She offers. She seems curious, rather unarmed and traveling lightly. "Salutations," She bows to Arnora, placing her palms together. "I am Miruan Lionbough, of the Order of the Thinning Veil." She seems quietly concerned, curious and alert.

Delilah, for her part, is perfectly happy to walk behind the dwarf. Acterall, it looks like the tough, short creature can at least soak up a few arrows before they start shooting at softer, less... plate-wearing targets. "Who are you calling new?" she inquires, perking an eyebrow upwards at Miruan's comments. As she walks, she unslings the crossbow off her back, pulling the weapon taught and holding a bolt in her teeth before loading it. "My sis and I can handle undead," she boasts. "And we, by the way, are Donna--"

"--and this is Delilah," the twin in the black cloak finishes, tipping her head up to peer at the cloudy sky. Loosing a quiet breath through her nose, she pulls her hood back, flexing her fingers and looking down the lane to the farmstead. "...D, settle down. This is the first job we've taken."

Niara smiles a bit, "Oh worry not, we will be successful in whatever they need. After all I am along that turns things greatly in our favor." she looks around and gives a flourish of a bow, "Niara Wavedancer, at your service."

Arnora snorts at mention of new "Don't ye worry about me long ears" the surly dwarf rumbles to Niara "Been fightin since before a lot of these humans were nothing but a bulge in their father's pants" she adds with a low and dirtly chuckle.

While introductions and quips are passed around the door to the farmhouse burst open and a middle age beared figure comes running down the lane waving his arms in the air "Shes gone! Shes taken!" the farmer calls out at the top of his lungs, only coming to a stop a few feat from the adventurers "Please... my little girl.." he manages between gasps for breath "...Rosalina, shes missing. You have to find her." he says with a pleading tone.

Vasya has reconnected.

"-I'M- the one who called you new." Vasya says as she looks back to Delilah. "And I'm calling you that because I am too." She says continuing to walk, no bow, no nothing. "Vasya Lightstar, Inquisitor of Gilead." She says tamping the glaive's butt on the ground again. " careful. better to be careful than to be dead."

"Yeah but..." Delilah is about to protest, when she clamps her mouth shut instead, hearing Arnora's... assertions. "Donna. Are *all* mercenaries... that... rude?" She's about to say more, when the farmer comes running out, and she stops to hear the man's plight. She rests her loaded crossbow on her shoulder, and both her stance and her voice soften considerably. "Hey look, sis," she murmurs. "A parent who actually cares about his little girl. ...Let's go find her, yeah?"

Vasya walks right up to the farmer and tilts her head. "you have something of hers? Like a shirt or something? Something I can focus on?"

Niara shakes her head a little. Her expression gets quite serious. "Which way? Tracker?" the first to the farmer the second to the rest of the group. No time to waste child in need.

"Mmn," Donna answers, nodding. "We'll get her back, sir," Donna says, voice brooking no argument. Opening her hand at her side, she closes it such that each knuckle pops in sequence, waiting for the farmer to answer Vasya.

"You call this rude. 'ows about I tell you too..." Arnora begins as her gaze shifts to Delilah, but mercifully whatever she was going to say is cut off by the farmer's outburst. Her eyes narrow down as she reaches to touch the handle of her axe. She spits on the ground "Did ye see her taken, or ain't she returned yet?" she asks the farmer "If she was taken by undead odds are she won't last long" the rather tactless dwarf adds not helpfully.

Miruan blinks at the two elven women. She looks a bit lost. She rubs the back of her head. "We will do our best," She promises. "Please keep your hope while we work," She asks the farmer. Miruan looks sympathetic, then tries not to wince at Arnora's words. But she fails her saving throw vs cringe. "I am ready when you are. Did you see any tracks or...?" Anything to help, really.

Harold nods to Vasya but his gaze never quite rises to meet anyones "Yeah in the house but... well I think she ran off to her mother's grave down by the river. Its... she... she took her passing very hard and we visit often but with this weather.. and the dead..." he says looking up, tears forming at the corners of his eyes "Shes all I have left, you must find her." the rumble of thunder bellows across the sky. 

"Just.....a bit of insurance, sir." Vasya says as she goes over to collect a rather...mundane shirt from the girl's room. Once she's back, she looks to the man. Direct us to the grave site then?" She says before looking to Niara. "Easier to track this way."

Niara nods hervhead, "We understand sir. We will do our best." she looks to the others. "Shall we? This is the priority. Make sure she is safe then deal with the undead." she does pull her scimitar and starts off. She stops, " Which way is the river ?"

"I would be lucky tae be folowin my own fooking tracks aye" Arnora admits, her armor clattering as she shrugs her huge shoulders "Just be pointin me at what needs a wee bit of hittin." A nasty smile crosses her homely face before being concealed as she snaps her visor shut and attaches her shield to her arm.

Miruan looks to the sky. "I see." She frowns faintly, nodding. "We'll do our best. Down by the river..." She repeats quietly.

Delilah shoots her sister a meaningful look, as the dwarf just... keeps going. She herself, however, doesn't seem to be interested in fanning those particular flames. "After we get to the grivesite, we might need to spread out," she suggests, speaking more to the group. "I can try to track her, too, but... we're looking for a small group in a large area. We might just have to remain within earshot of each other in order to search efficiently."

THe look is answered with a lifted shoulder, and a nod to the Inquisitor. "If she knows where to go, we follow her. Now if we're finished planning, can we move? It seems a little girl is depending on us to shut up and find her."

Harold points north "Otherside of the farm, over the hill." he says in a panic "Please find her, I cannot bear losing her too." For Vaysa its easy to find a small article of clothing from the house. 

"Right. Let's go." And Vasya is....pretty much running up the hill with the glaive in her left hand.

Past the farm and over the hills a narrow path leads to small chapel to Vardama and an old cemetary next to a river. A mix of old and newer graves surround what looks like a farm community gravesight. As the group comes within sight of it the heavens open up and rains comes down in sheets, quickly turning the path to mud.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Perception checks please." GAME: Arnora rolls perception: (4)+1: 5 GAME: Donna rolls perception: (11)+9: 20 GAME: Niara rolls perception: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Miruan rolls Perception: (17)+9: 26 GAME: Delilah rolls perception: (7)+0: 7 GAME: Vasya rolls perception: (19)+12: 31

You paged (Donna, Miruan, Vasya) with 'On the far side of the cemetary, you think you can make out some kind of purple light.'

Miruan is moving towards the front of the group. She moves quietly, easily and looks intent, dark blue eyes wide and alert. She is fairly quiet, until... "... si that just me or is that a purple light?" She squints. She doesn't seem to mind the rain or mud, though she is now a soggy monk and trying not to sink into the mud here and there.

Vasya looks about the cemetary. "That was easy enough." She then blinks a couple of times. "What's that?" She says starting to stow her Glaive...and starts to pull her bow. "I see it Miruan. Niara?" She says tugging an arrow free.

"It's not you," Donna says, tapping the Khazad on the back of the head and pointing to the light in question, then on Delilah's shoulder. "That way, D. Get ready."

Niara looks that way and readies herself trying to see if it is coming closer.

Arnora peers through the visor of her helm towards where the other folks are pointing "Can't see a fookin thing. Bloody water falling from the sky" she grumbles. Despite that she moves to the front of the party and draws a light hammer from her belt, twirling it idly as she raises her shield up.

"Oh look Sis, that's a White Monarh," Delilah observes as the group walks, pointing out the named insect. "Those are really rare, you know that? Maguikaa told me once-- Oh!" The golden haired twin focuses on what Donna is pointing out, which is certainly more relevant in the current situation than a butterfly. She checks her crossbow, and bobs her head, "Ready."

As the group closes in on the purple light it becomes apart through the rain for everyone else, its not until everyone gets close can they see the source. A small girl, no older than 10 clutching her teddy bear lying at the foot of a grave. She glows with a dark purple light, sobbing. As the adventurers approach however she looks up with tear filled eyes full of panic and press herself against the headstone "Stay back!" she calls out as the light that envelops her brightens and the earth shakes as hands erupt from graves all around.

GAME: Niara rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 13 GAME: Donna rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 9 GAME: Delilah rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 19 GAME: Vasya rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 10 GAME: Miruan rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 21 GAME: Niara's initiative total changed to 15. GAME: Arnora rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 14 GAME: You roll initiative for Skellies: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 25 GAME: You roll initiative for Big skellies: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 17

<OOC> Terewin will need something like a marching order. GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

<OOC> Arnora moved to the front of the group

<OOC> Miruan is just behind Arnora. <OOC> Niara says, "is probably rear guard atm" <OOC> Terewin says, "Alrighty then. 3 skeletons on Arnora, 2 on Vas" GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (12)+2: 14 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (19)+2: 21 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (18)+2: 20 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (9)+2: 11 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (6)+2: 8 <OOC> Terewin says, "Ok, all misses then."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Miruan ended.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan!" <OOC> Miruan says, "Can I get flank and punch one on Arnora?"

Even as the girl calls out a dozen skeltons claw there way out of the soil and several swarm the the adventurers and rake them with deadly claws, leaving some scratches on the dwarfs shield.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Sure." GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+1: (2)+6+1: 9 GAME: Delilah refreshes spells. <OOC> Terewin says, "Flank is +2 but a miss." <OOC> Miruan nods.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Delilah ended.

<OOC> Delilah says, "phone, one sec" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it Mir, Delilah?. :)"

Miruan is duly alarmed as suddenly, SKELLINGTONS! The monk hisses low under her breath. "Foul beings, go back from whence thou-" Pause. "JUST STOP BEING UNDEAD!" She moves to punch one of the skeletons and wooshes. Embarrassing.

<OOC> Delilah says, "minute meteors on one of the skellies. (phone over.)" GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (8)+2: 10 <OOC> Delilah says, "It needs to make a reflex save vs 15 or I'll do it a whopping 1d4+1 damage. :D" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Delilah rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2 <OOC> Delilah says, "Hell yes." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it!"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "6 more. :)" <OOC> Terewin says, "2 on Miruan, 2 on Arnora and 2 on Vasya" GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (15)+7: 22 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (18)+7: 25 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (4)+7: 11

"Nobody hit the kid!" Delilah declares, just in case anyone is confused. Hopefully nobody is confused. Right? Nobody confused? The sorceress unslings her crossbow and sights down the end of it, before apparently changing her mind. She points with her other hand, and a small rift opens up in the middle of the sky, unleashing a rain of small, firey rocks upon the undead, to bounce and plink noisily off its bones.

GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (3)+7: 10 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (13)+7: 20 GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7 GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4 GAME: You damaged Miruan for 7 points. 21 remaining. GAME: You damaged Vasya for 4 points. 28 remaining.

The second wave of skeletons closes in, however these appear much more intact than the first and bear long rusty blades that could have at one point been swords, drawing blood from the monk and inquisitor.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Niara ended.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara! :)" <OOC> Niara says, "move up and attack. probably flank if can" <OOC> Terewin says, "You can with Vasya" GAME: Niara rolls scimitar+2: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1+2: (6)+4+5+1+1+2: 19 <OOC> Terewin says, "One with a sword or one with claws?" <OOC> Niara says, "sword" <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Arnora ended.

<OOC> Arnora says, "Hit the one I am flanking with Mir, or try too anyway" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6+2: (9)+6+2: 17 <OOC> Terewin says, "That hits." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10 <OOC> Arnora says, "Warhammer so blunt" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll damage." <OOC> Arnora did! <OOC> Terewin says, "Ah, its down. Pose it."

Niara darts forward whipping her scimitar about her as she slashes but fails to hit bone.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Vasya ended.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya!" <OOC> Terewin says, "You are surrounded!" <OOC> Vasya says, "completely?"

"And fooking rain, who the fook thought weather would be a good idea" Arnora grumbles as she turns a baleful gaze skywards. Then she is interrupted by annoying skeletons. A loud snort comes from behind her visor "That the best ye got, wee bony fucks. My granny hits harder aye" of course with her granny likely a Stonesmasher dwarf. Either way as the next group attacks and scores a hit on the less armored folks she snarls and winds up her hammer "Oi, pay attention down here you fookin tosser" she calls out then lands a blow atop it's head, turning the bone into so much powder "Take that aye" she says, stone booted foot crunching down to make sure.

<OOC> Terewin says, "No, you have enemies on 4 sides but Niara is flanking wiht one." <OOC> Vasya says, "on four I'm surrounded." <OOC> Terewin says, "Well counting corners." <OOC> Terewin says, "So three in front and one to the side. 2 sword wielders, 2 with claws." <OOC> Vasya says, "Judgement of healing upon myself. 2 HP per round. And can I 5 foot step away from the greater bulk of them to I can attack?" <OOC> Vasya has a reach weapon in the Glaive. <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." <OOC> Terewin says, "On a claw or sword skeleton?" <OOC> Vasya says, "Done. I attack the ones with the claws." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it!" GAME: Vasya rolls melee: (15)+6: 21 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit" GAME: Vasya rolls 1d10+5: (2)+5: 7 <OOC> Terewin says, "Down" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Donna ended.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna!" <OOC> Vasya says, "add 2 to my HP." GAME: You damaged Vasya for -2 points. 30 remaining. <OOC> Donna says, "Which of the four did Vasya take out?" <OOC> Terewin says, "One with claws." <OOC> Donna says, "One of the three to the front, or the one on the side?" <OOC> Terewin says, "to the side."

Vasya finds herself against a 'wall' of Skeletons. Rather than dealing with them all up close, Vasya steps back and swings her Glaive in a horizontal arc, beheading one Skeleton and making it fall apart.

<OOC> Donna nods, is anyone engaging any of the other three? <OOC> Terewin says, "Not at this time." <OOC> Donna says, "Start from the right and work my way in, then; slip up to that one and Monk its face." <OOC> Terewin says, "Ok, its one with a sword. Rollit." GAME: Donna rolls melee: (9)+4: 13 <OOC> Donna says, "Bah." <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss. Pos eit."


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "3 clawed ones left, one on Donna and 2 on Arnora" GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (14)+2: 16 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (3)+2: 5 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (6)+2: 8 GAME: Terewin rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5 GAME: You damaged Donna for 5 points. 14 remaining.

The moment Vasya's target is beheaded, Donna is off like a shot; sodden cloak snapping behind her, the black-haired twin swoops in low, a balled-up fist instinctively going for the kidneys... only to contact empty air, as reality reminds her that skeletons lack organs, by default. The skeleton nect to the one Donna attacked reaches out and rakes her with its claw, drawing blood through her clothes.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Theres 2 sword guys on you!" <OOC> Miruan meeps. Okay. I'm gonna spend a ki for a third flurry attack. Can I get flank on either of them? <OOC> Terewin says, "Not these." <OOC> Miruan says, "Okay, I'll just flurry the one to my right." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it" <OOC> Miruan says, "I think my fists count as magic weapons with ki, if that helps." <OOC> Vasya says, "do they have flank on her?" GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (20)+6: 26 (THREAT) GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (3)+6: 9 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (11)+6: 17 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (11)+6: 17 <OOC> Terewin says, "One hit." <OOC> Miruan rolled an extra to confirm my thingy? <OOC> Terewin says, "And they are not smart enough to use flank." GAME: Miruan rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7 <OOC> Vasya says, "whew. okie" <OOC> Terewin says, "did not confirm but its damaged!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it!"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

"HRRAAI!" Miruan is poked by skeleton and it hurts, yo. She suddenly has armor envy. But she's a monk and she's going to do as monks to. With her kiai, she pulls her fists back, swinging twice and finishing with a swift snap kick. At least she just manages to punch the stupid skeleton in its stupid face.

<OOC> Terewin says, "The one you damaged was kills by Vas but theres plenty more targets." <OOC> Delilah says, "The one that just clawed Donna is going to receive Magic Missile." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it" GAME: Delilah rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3 <OOC> Terewin says, "Its damaged!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it!"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Delilah says, "How do I use up the spell?" <OOC> Terewin says, "+cast class=spell name" <OOC> Donna nod. <OOC> Donna says, "If sorceror doesn't work, try sorcerer. Or vice versa."

<OOC> Terewin says, "2 on Arnora, 2 on Miruan, one on Donna and one steps forward to atack Vasya." GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (10)+7: 17 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (16)+7: 23 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (14)+7: 21 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (14)+7: 21 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (11)+7: 18

"Donna! Look out, you've--" Delilah stops short, gawking for a moment as her sister gets clawed up. She stands there for a moment, gawking, to make sure her sister doesn't just drop. When it becomes apparent that she won't, a measure of 'you have priorities here' returns to her thoughts, and she lifts her left hand to point once more. Words are uttered, and a brilliant white sphere of energy leaves a smell of ozone in its wake, blasting a few ribs off the skeleton in question.

GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11 GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8 GAME: You damaged Miruan for 19 points. 2 remaining. GAME: Delilah casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

Arnora continues to do an excellent impression of an armored wall while two return to the favor to Miruan and then some. The sword wielding skeletons that go after Donna and Vasya miss the mark but are still deadly.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!" <OOC> Niara says, "attack one on miruan" <OOC> Terewin says, "roll it." GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (12)+4+5+1+1: 23 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit." GAME: Niara rolls scdam+4: aliased to 1d6+dexterity+4: (2)+5+4: 11 <OOC> Terewin says, "The damaged or undamaged one?" <OOC> Niara says, "prob damaged" <OOC> Terewin says, "Its down." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora! Your still facing 3 skeletons!" <OOC> Arnora says, "Can I flank one of the ones on Mir?"

Niara sees Miruan in trouble and steps over her scimitar cutting down one of those facing the monk.

<OOC> Terewin says, "No, they are on the opposite side of Mir and you would have to step away ones engaging you." <OOC> Arnora says, "Alrighty, hit one of the ones on me then, or try too anyway :)" <OOC> Terewin says, "Claw or sword?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." <OOC> Arnora says, "Claw" GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26 GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10 <OOC> Terewin says, "Normal hit." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d8+3: (3)+3: 6 <OOC> Terewin says, "Down" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya! One of the sword wielding ones stepped up to you." <OOC> Vasya says, "I'm moving my way over to Miruan and giving her a cure light wounds."

"Reos's giant cock, what the fuck is it with fooking skeletons" Arnora grumbles crudely in her gravelly voice. Skeleton's claw at her armor with a nasty sound like fingernails down a blackboard. For her part the dwarf just laughs nastily. A booted foot kicks out to slam into its kneecap with a horrid crunch, just as her warhammer comes around to batter the thing's head clean off and send it flying into the muck "Back tae the grave wi'ye"

<OOC> Vasya says, " did? crap." <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes" <OOC> Vasya has to step back and attack it then. <OOC> Terewin says, "roll it." GAME: Vasya rolls melee: (9)+6: 15 <OOC> Vasya says, "dammit" <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Vasya says, "gimme two HP though." <OOC> Terewin says, "Donna! Sword wielder in front of yoU!" <OOC> Terewin says, "And your also engaged with a claw skeleton." <OOC> Donna says, "Flurry on Swordy McTetanus." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Donna rolls melee: (7)+4: 11 GAME: Donna rolls melee: (6)+4: 10 <OOC> Donna says, "Oh come on. XD" <OOC> Terewin says, "Not your day."

Seeing Miruan in trouble, Vasya seems ready to go and help her, but a sword skeleton comes up and takes her focus off of Miruan. Vasya has no choice but to step backwards and attack with with her glaive, and miss horribly.

<OOC> Donna says, "Clearly."


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "One on Arnora, one on Donna." GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (11)+2: 13 GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

The Clawed skeletons are ferocious and determined, scratching Arnora's shield some more and swiping in Donna's general direction... sort of.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Mir, one still on you!"

"Damn it!" Donna spits, recoiling from the jagged, rusty sword that tears a decent strip out of her hide. Rallying, the woman looses forward with a pair of lightning-fast kicks... but somewhere along the line sacrificed accuracy for power, and contacts only air. Which does *not* serve to improve her temper any.

<OOC> Miruan is going to chug a cure light wounds potion. <OOC> Terewin says, "Use it." GAME: Miruan used a Potion. GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8: (8): 8 GAME: You damaged Miruan for -9 points. 11 remaining. <OOC> Terewin says, "They heal for 1d8+1 but I got it." <OOC> Miruanoohs. Thanks! <OOC> Terewin says, "Anything else?" <OOC> Miruan says, "I don't think I can attack?" <OOC> Miruan is going to stay so someone can flank. <OOC> Terewin says, "No, you can 5 foot back though" <OOC> Terewin says, "Ok!"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!"

"Gah!" Miruan is a martial artist, but it hurts being struck several times over with pointy things. She gasps, wincing as red blooms over and through her robes like a flowering blossom. She wisely reaches into her bag, pulling out a bottle, uncorking it and chugging it like it is mana from heaven. At least one wound mends a little.

<OOC> Delilah says, "The one that I hit last time. Is it still up?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes" <OOC> Delilah will tiny-meteors it. GAME: Terewin rolls 2: (16)+2: 18 <OOC> Terewin says, "It makes the save. :(" <OOC> Delilah says, "Bah!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "One steps up to Niara, two on Arnora, one steps up to Vasya and one on Donna" GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (9)+7: 16 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (2)+7: 9 <OOC> Terewin says, "All misses. :(" <OOC> Vasya says, "You also still need to give me 2 HP." <OOC> Vasya says, "Judgment of healing."

"Hit it, sis!" Deiliah's shout isn't an admonition, but encouragement, in the 'I know you can do it!' vein. While she's at it, she gestures and a second portal opens up in the sky, lobbing a burning rain back down on the skeleton. Except, this time, the boney one dances a little jib and side-steps the works. "...Take my own advice apparently," the gold-haired one mutters.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -2 points. 32 remaining.

The sword wielding skeletons are menacing... well looking mostly as they all manages to stab the air ferociously.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!" <OOC> Niara says, "attack one on me" <OOC> Terewin says, "You can 5 foot to flank with Miruan on the sword wielder." Terewin ROll it. <OOC> Terewin says, "roll it even. D" <OOC> Niara says, "do the 5' and flank" GAME: Niara rolls scimitar+2: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1+2: (18)+4+5+1+1+2: 31 <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll to confirm." <OOC> Niara says, "threat" GAME: Niara rolls scimitar+2: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1+2: (19)+4+5+1+1+2: 32 <OOC> Terewin says, "Its dead, Jim." GAME: Niara rolls sccrit+4: aliased to 2d6+dexterity+dexterity+4: (7)+5+5+4: 21 <OOC> Terewin says, "Its Dead." <OOC> Terewin says, "Again." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it!"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Arnora says, "What have I got on me?" <OOC> Terewin says, "3 on you! Two with swords!" <OOC> Terewin says, "All in front of you." <OOC> Arnora says, "try to hit one of them" GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16 <OOC> Terewin says, "Sword or claw?" <OOC> Arnora says, "Claw" <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll damage." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8 <OOC> Terewin says, "Down" <OOC> Terewin says, "pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

Niara blinks and is finally in the groove. She is dancing with her blade and moves behind one Miruan flanking and her blade hits just right that it leaves a pile of bones.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya! Still one going after you." GAME: You damaged Vasya for -2 points. 32 remaining. <OOC> Vasya says, " idea. step back and disrupt undead." GAME: Vasya rolls ranged: (7)+5: 12 <OOC> Vasya says, "vs ranged touch." <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit." GAME: Vasya rolls 1d6: (2): 2 <OOC> Vasya says, "oh well." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna! 2 on you, a claw and a sword."

Two down and still three to go. At least the tough dwarf is distracting a bunch of them. Under the helm Arnora has a wild grin on her face as she gives forth a bellow of disturbingly happy triumph "Who's next aye?" she calls out as she swings her hammer down and then up in a blow that would be rather painful on a living male as her hammer turns the skeleton's bony crotch into so much powder, the rest of it scattering to the ground.

<OOC> Terewin says, "The claw was damaged by a magic missile." <OOC> Donna says, "Flurry the claw!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Donna rolls melee: (17)+4: 21 GAME: Donna rolls melee: (7)+4: 11 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit, miss." <OOC> Donna says, "Well that's still better. :P" GAME: Donna rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6 <OOC> Terewin says, "Bone meal."

Despite the thing still menacing her, Vasya keeps backing away from the skeleton. Seeing as the skeleton has a lot of armor though, Vasya starts using spells. The one spell that works very well against undead. Disrupt undead. She snaps her fingers and crackling energy chips away at a few bones. "NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!"

<OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "All dead"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan! Non on you. However to your right Arnora is engaging two." <OOC> Terewin says, "None even."

Another kick whiffs, and with a cry more rage than kiai, Donna leaps off the ground, turning full circle and sending her heel shearing through the skeleton's neck. Ass she lands, panting, and the opponent clatters down even more lifeless, she turns her furious eyes to the other creature menacing her. "WHAT, YOU WANT SOME TOO?!"

.<OOC> Miruan is going to flank and flurry if I can? <OOC> Miruan says, "Or do I need to move to get to it?" <OOC> Terewin says, "You have to move for the flank." <OOC> Miruan says, "Or - um, which ones are on Vsya?" <OOC> Terewin says, "two sword ones." <OOC> Terewin says, "Oh on Vasya, one sword on." <OOC> Terewin says, "One even." <OOC> Miruan is going to move to it, and see if I can flank and stunning fist. <OOC> Donna says, "It's undead, pretty sure Stunning Fist isn't a thing." <OOC> Miruan says, "oh right, just punch then." <OOC> Donna says, "No bell to ring." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it" GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (7)+6+2: 15 <OOC> Miruan sigh. <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss, pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!"

"Okay!" Miruan is going to help, now that she's mended a bit and no longer has skeletons bothering her. She moves over to help Vasya, taking a swift kick and - missing. Sadtrombone.

<OOC> Delilah Awks! <OOC> Delilah says, "Pick one of the ones fighting Donna and minute-meteors it again! I've got five more goes with that so why not." GAME: Terewin rolls 1: (14)+1: 15 <OOC> Terewin says, "Whats the DC?" <OOC> Delilah says, "One sec." <OOC> Delilah says, "15" <OOC> Terewin says, "So it makes it. :(" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it." <OOC> Delilah flails!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "One on Donna, 2 on Arnora and one keeps going after Vasya" GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (2)+7: 9 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (17)+7: 24 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (12)+7: 19 <OOC> Terewin says, "Man." <OOC> Terewin says, "No luck."

Well, at least the skeletons are slowly dropping; slowly, gradually... yes, this is working out, except for the blood on Donna's outfit. Which is really only a problem for Delilah because she knows it's Donna's. For the second time in a row, the target of the golden twin's ire manages to just dance out of the way, leaving a scorched patch ofr ground where it had been standing. "Damnit!" she shouts, and returns to sighting down the length of her crossbow. It's just... a difficult shot to risk. The mighty sword wielding skeletons continue their crusade against he air and chops it fiercely.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!" <OOC> Niara says, "go after one on vasya." <OOC> Terewin says, "Ok, roll it." GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (6)+4+5+1+1: 17 <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora! Two sword wielders on you."

Niara moves to engage one of the others and her blafe misses.

<OOC> Arnora says, "try to smack one of them" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." <OOC> Arnora says, "Am I flanking either with Mir?" <OOC> Terewin says, "He went for the ones on Vasya" <OOC> Arnora says, "Rgr" <OOC> Terewin says, "Or rather, just the one." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Arnora snerks <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Vasya says, "Same as before. back up, Disrupt Undead." <OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya! Theres one still after you!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Vasya rolls ranged: (19)+5: 24 <OOC> Terewin says, "too high." GAME: Vasya rolls 1d6: (1): 1 <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it. :)"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna! One on you."

Taunting mindless undead is probably pointless, but it keeps Arnora amused at least, even as sword blows clatter off her armor and shield "I swear ye boney fucks couldnae hit the broad side of a barn if ye were standin in it" she calls out with a viscous cheerfulness. It seems that her taunt rather tempted the gods of fate as her warhammer goes rather wild, the heavy swing almost toppling her over, p[prompting a barrage of vile-sound khazad.

<OOC> Donna says, "Flurry!"

Plink. Another disrupt undead hits the skeleton in the face as Vasya backs up. "This is getting ridiculous. This is the only way I can HIT this thing."

<OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Donna rolls melee: (14)+4: 18 GAME: Donna rolls melee: (6)+4: 10 <OOC> Terewin says, "Misses I am afraif." <OOC> Donna says, "I sense a pattern." <OOC> Terewin says, "Afraid." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan, you can step forward and flank with the one on Vasya" <OOC> Miruan is gonn do that, and punch since I can't flurry. <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it."

While nimble enough to continually evade the skeleton trying to tear further strips from her hide, Donna is apparently not Monk enough to do more than respond in kind. Thus, the continuation of this savage dance of tetanus and whiffs continues.

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (3)+6+2: 11 <OOC> Miruan SIGH. <OOC> Delilah says, "Mmmm, tetanus."

Miruan is going to help! Really. She's trying. The other monk looks annoyed. "Are you serious? I think I need to practice more..." She grumps as she kicks where the skeleton's stomach would have been.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!" <OOC> Delilah says, "What's the penalty for firing into melee?" <OOC> Terewin says, "_4." <OOC> Vasya says, "-4" <OOC> Terewin says, "-4 rather." <OOC> Delilah says, "And what's the chance to hit someone other than the intended target?" <OOC> Terewin says, "I believe you just miss." <OOC> Delilah nods. "But you get your dexterity bonus to shoot with missile weapons, yes?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes, dex+BAB" <OOC> Donna says, "+roll ranged will do fine." <OOC> Terewin says, "Indeed." <OOC> Delilah will try it, and aim for the one Donna is fighting, as before. <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Delilah rolls ranged-4: (15)+4+-4: 15 <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!
  • P-CHANG!" Delilah's crossbow snaps loudly as she fires, choosing a moment when her sister is not in the line of fire in that rather brutal two-step she's up to with the skeleton. Choosing a moment when Donna is not in the way is good; choosing a moment when the skeleton was lined up to be hit, would have been excellent. Today, Delilah is a good shot, and if the skeleton had skin it would feel the wind of the bolt passing behind it.

<OOC> Terewin says, "One on Donna, two on Arnora and one on Niara" GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (11)+7: 18 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (7)+7: 14 Niara has disconnected. GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (16)+7: 23 <OOC> Delilah says, "My cats are informing me taht if I do not feed them, they are going to die of starvation. I'll be back in a minute." GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (2)+3: 5 Niara has connected. GAME: You damaged Donna for 5 points. 9 remaining. <OOC> Terewin says, "One attacked you Niara" <OOC> Niara says, "did i get hit?" <OOC> Terewin says, "DO you want to parry it?" <OOC> Niara says, "yes" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Niara uses an AoO! 5 remaining. GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (14)+4+5+1+1: 25 <OOC> Terewin says, "You parry, roll your counterattack." <OOC> Niara says, "will riposte too" GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (15)+4+5+1+1: 26 <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll damage." GAME: Niara rolls scdam: aliased to 1d6+dexterity: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Terewin says, "You can add your level as well." <OOC> Niara says, "+4 to the dam" <OOC> Terewin says, "But it hurts."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!" <OOC> Niara says, "attack one i just riposted" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (8)+4+5+1+1: 19 <OOC> Terewin says, "You can 5 foot to flank with Miruan, which would make it a hit. ROll damage." GAME: Niara rolls scdam+4: aliased to 1d6+dexterity+4: (1)+5+4: 10 <OOC> Terewin says, "Down."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora, still 2 on you." <OOC> Arnora says, "Try to hit one of them" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15 <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Vasya has a question before I go. <OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya, the one on you is dead. 3 left. One on Donna, two on Arnora" <OOC> Terewin says, "GO ahead." <OOC> Vasya says, "Is donna within my move radius and....can I get to her without getting hit?"

Niara parries the attack on her forcing an opening and slashing back. She cuts the skeleton and shiftsva little before slashing again leaving another pile of bones.

<OOC> Terewin says, "She is." <OOC> Vasya says, "Can I?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

For all her taunting of the skeleton's abilities it seems Arnora is having no more luck with the larger ones. Still at least they are focused on her not the more squishy members of the impromptu party. Another nasty stream of curses escapes her as it seems she just cannot hit them.

<OOC> Vasya says, "K. that's what I do. move to her and heal her." GAME: Vasya rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: You damaged Donna for 9 points. 0 remaining. (DISABLED) GAME: Vasya casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14 <OOC> Donna says, "Ohdear." GAME: You damaged Donna for -18 points. 18 remaining. <OOC> Donna says, "Ah good. XD" <OOC> Terewin says, "Sorry, forgot the negative. ^^"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna! One on you." <OOC> Delilah says, "back!" <OOC> Donna says, "Keep punching it until the stabbing stops. XD" <OOC> Terewin says, "WB" <OOC> Terewin says, "Do it to it." GAME: Donna rolls melee: (12)+4: 16 GAME: Donna rolls melee: (8)+4: 12 <OOC> Donna says, "Nrg."

Thankfully, the Skeleton that was tromping towards her was defeated. "Thanks Niara!" She says before moving around behind Donna and getting a hand on her shoulder...putting curing light upon her wounds. "Miruan! Come on!"

GAME: NEW ROUND Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Miruan thinks. Can I flurry ummm... am I near the one that was near Vas? <OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan! one on Donna and 2 on Arnora" <OOC> Miruan says, "Oh! Then the one on Donna." <OOC> Terewin says, "You can but you have to move." <OOC> Miruan will scoot and punch or flurry since I'm likely out of range. <OOC> Miruan says, "Can I get flank?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes" GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (8)+6+2: 16 <OOC> Miruan says, "OH MY GOD. DICE." <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!" <OOC> Delilah says, "Magic missile on the one Donna is fighting!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll damage."

Miruan moves to help Donna, though she furrows her brows. "I'm coming," She seems unused to being called around. And she takes a swing at the skeleton. "... are you serious."

GAME: Delilah rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Delilah says, "So far over the course of 6 attacks I've dished out 8 damage. Go me." <OOC> Terewin says, "One on Donna, two n Arnora" GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (7)+7: 14 <OOC> Terewin says, "Better than some Delilah. At least MM hits." GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (12)+7: 19 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (6)+7: 13 <OOC> Donna says, "D, you've landed mroe times than I. XD" <OOC> Terewin says, "All misses as well."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!" <OOC> Delilah says, "Well, two of the three times I hit were auto-hit. :P" <OOC> Donna says, "Not the point. XD" <OOC> Niara says, "move to flank with donna and hit that one" <OOC> Terewin says, "She is flanking with Miruan. But you can roll normal." GAME: Niara rolls scimitar: aliased to bab+dexterity+1+1: (10)+4+5+1+1: 21 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit"

Delilah shakes her head, and slings the crossbow on her back once more. "Hate that thing," she mutters, as she lifts her hand to gesture at the skeletons once more. Enough of this nonsense. "Die, please," she requests, lobbing a small star of energy at the skeleton; she blasts away a few chunks, but the damn thing doesn't fall over. Frustrating!

<OOC> Delilah says, "And now my folks are phoning. Brb again." <OOC> Terewin says, "Damage Niara?" <OOC> Terewin pokes Niara <OOC> Terewin says, "Alright, will get back to that."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora! 2 on you still!" <OOC> Arnora says, "Try again" GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11 <OOC> Terewin says, "Strike." <OOC> Terewin says, "As in baseball strike, its a miss. XD"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya!" <OOC> Vasya says, "Can I run around and give Miruan a heal too?" <OOC> Vasya says, "again, without being attacked." Niara has reconnected. <OOC> Terewin says, "Yes" Niara has partially disconnected. <OOC> Vasya thinks you should take care of Niara first. <OOC> Vasya pokes Niara? <OOC> Terewin says, "There Niara? You need to roll damage."

"Oh for fooks sakes, will ye just stand still a bloody die already" Arnora says as again her hefty warhammer fails to get through to the skeleton. A low growl of frustration escapes her as she winds up again, leading with her shield.

GAME: Niara rolls scdam+4: aliased to 1d6+dexterity+4: (4)+5+4: 13 <OOC> Terewin says, "You hurt it. Pose it." <OOC> Vasya says, "+roll 1d8+4" <OOC> Terewin says, "Go ahead Vasya." GAME: Vasya rolls 1d8+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Vasya says, "for Miruan." GAME: You damaged Miruan for -8 points. 19 remaining.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Your flanking now!" <OOC> Vasya says, "oh for god's sake. Forgot to reset spells."

Niara moves over and whips her blade at another and hurts it but it is still standing.

<OOC> Donna says, "Yay flanking!" <OOC> Donna says, "Flurry flurry flurry." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll em'" GAME: Donna rolls melee+2: (12)+4+2: 18 GAME: Donna rolls melee+2: (4)+4+2: 10 <OOC> Donna says, "..." <OOC> Donna says, "Hey I'll take it. :P"


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Ninit" <OOC> Donna says, "...So that misses?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it" <OOC> Vasya has 2 more of these. <OOC> Terewin says, "It does."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan." <OOC> Donna says, "Okay good to know. :P" <OOC> Miruan thinks. Can I flurry the one I am by? <OOC> Terewin says, "yes"

Trotting her way around the Skeleton's reach, Vasya makes sure she gets a hand on Miruan's shoulder. "Keep going, Miruan. Don't let the misses discourage you."

<OOC> Terewin says, "roll it." <OOC> Miruan will spend her second point of ki. GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (6)+6+2: 14 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (8)+6+2: 16 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (19)+6+2: 27 <OOC> Miruan runs in a circle. <OOC> Terewin says, "Last is a hit." GAME: Miruan rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5 <OOC> Terewin says, "Its down." <OOC> Terewin says, "Pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah! Theres 2 on Arnora." <OOC> Delilah says, "Are there any skellies not in melee?" <OOC> Terewin says, "No" <OOC> Delilah could either use minute-meteors or just hope for a crit. Hmm.

"Thanks," Miruan takes a deep breath. Steady, calm, flowing like the river. Don't let a bad day get you flustered. Miruan resumes her peaceful, zenlike state. Her dark blue eyes narrow as she concentrates. A swift pair of punches followed by a sharp kick to the skeleton's head. As her foot cracks into the thing's head, its skull crumples. Boot to the Head!

<OOC> Terewin suggests the Meteor, it has a solid chance to strike. <OOC> Delilah says, "It has missed 2 out of 3 times so far. :P" <OOC> Delilah says, "Minute meteors it is, though, on the more damaged one if there is such a thing." GAME: Terewin rolls 1: (7)+1: 8 <OOC> Terewin says, "Damage" GAME: Delilah rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2 <OOC> Terewin says, "Both are fully healthy." <OOC> Delilah says, "Do I ever roll above a 2?" <OOC> Terewin says, "pose it."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

<OOC> Vasya says, "there are days like that, Delilah." <OOC> Terewin says, "Both keep wailing on the dwarf tank." GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (11)+7: 18 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (13)+7: 20 <OOC> Terewin says, "Drat."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara!"

Delilah breathes a sigh of relief as the last one fighting her sister goes down; so at least she's safe. Well, safe-ish. The golden haired twin turns her attention to the last two skeletons left fighting; and a rain of little, flaming rocks bounces off of one of them, leaving little scorch-marks on the thing.

<OOC> Terewin pokes Niara. <OOC> Terewin will get to her then.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora!"

<OOC> Arnora says, "Try, try again :P" GAME: Arnora rolls 6: (6)+6: 12

<OOC> Terewin says, "Afraid its a miss."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya!" <OOC> Vasya says, "another heal on Miruan." <OOC> Vasya says, "and I think that's my last CLW." <OOC> Terewin says, "Cast it." <OOC> Vasya says, "no. one left." <OOC> Vasya goofed and forgot to reset spells. <OOC> Vasya says, "so I'm keeping track mentally." Niara has disconnected. GAME: Vasya rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: You damaged Miruan for -9 points. 28 remaining.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna!"

"Reos if ye cut me a fooking break I will stop making jokes about your giant cock" Arnora mutters in something vaguely approaching a prayer. It doesn't seem to help however as she cannot land a blow on the the two large undead attacking her "And your huge swinging cods either" she adds hopefully.

<OOC> Donna says, "Charge to flank with Arnora, kick." <OOC> Terewin says, "Ok"

Staying behind Miruan, Vasya keeps her hand on her shoulder, and giving her more healing light. "Focus, Miruan. You know where to hit them....and how."

<OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Donna rolls melee+2+2: (15)+4+2+2: 23 <OOC> Donna says, "I WILL EAT THE AC PENALTY FOR THAT." <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit!" <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll damage" GAME: Donna rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3 <OOC> Terewin says, "It hurts!" <OOC> Donna says, "....That AC penalty did not taste so good. :P"


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Miruan!" <OOC> Miruan thinks. Am I in range to flurry? <OOC> Terewin says, "No you have to move up." <OOC> Miruan will move up and punch the injured one. <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (17)+6: 23 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit"

This has Not Been a Good Day for the sisters. And especially humiliating for Donna, seeing that what looked to be a perfectly ordinary pile of bones with a sword not only managed to evade her every attack, get in a few hits of its own, require Donna to need healing, but in the end her current nemesis gets dropped by someone else! Thus it can be excused, perhaps, that her wild charge to support Arnora is less... graceful, than your average monk would make, and the shoulder thrown into its spine doing less actual harm than she'd like. But she hit the damn thing, at least.

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7 <OOC> Terewin says, "Telling blow"

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!"

This isn't a good day in general. But Miruan accepts that sometimes the moon is full and bright, and sometimes her face turns away from the world. That is the fickle tide of battle. She's returning to her usual, peaceful and cheerful state. Keep her head in the game. She moves to assist Arnora, moving to Gibbs-smack the skeleton. but with a punch.

<OOC> Delilah says, "What's the penalty for using a weapon without proficiency, again?" <OOC> Terewin says, "-4" <OOC> Delilah is gonna shoot her gun. Into melee. 'cause why not. <OOC> Terewin says, "So thats a -8" <OOC> Delilah has a 5 chance of rolling a 20. :P GAME: Delilah rolls ranged-8: (9)+4+-8: 5 <OOC> Delilah says, "That wasn't one." <OOC> Terewin says, "Miss I am afraid."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (19)+7: 26 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (18)+7: 25 <OOC> Terewin says, "Oh man, a hit on Arnora!" GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7 GAME: You damaged Arnora for 7 points. 28 remaining. <OOC> Arnora says, "26"

One sword wielding skeleton finaly finds a small gap in the dwarven armor and draws blood with his rusty blade, sure only luck. Delilah grinds her teeth, feeling just as fed up and frustrated as Donna. They took on bandits -- living breathing foes -- by themselves, just the two of them! They shouldn't need help with this lot of mouldering anatomy displays. But, apparently they do. Feeling the heat of this irritation, she draws her pistol and snaps off a shot, with a loud report and not much actual effect, other than blowing a hole in a tree.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Niara?" <OOC> Arnora's AC is 26 <OOC> Terewin rolled a 26 <OOC> Arnora says, "Sorry only noticed the second one, oops" <OOC> Terewin says, "Shes not with us so.."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora! One is injured and it hit you!" <OOC> Arnora says, "I am flanking with Mir?" <OOC> Terewin says, "With Donna" <OOC> Arnora says, "Cool, try to hit that one" <OOC> Terewin says, "But you are flanking." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6+2: (4)+6+2: 12 <OOC> Terewin says, "Afraid not."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vas!" <OOC> Vasya says, "Step to the side and attack with my glaive." <OOC> Vasya says, "with reach, naturally." <OOC> Terewin says, "Its a move but roll it."

"Aww ye damn fooker. I'm going to..." mercifully Arnora breaks off into dwarven as she describes just what she is going to do to the skeleton that hit her. Sadly as impressive as the string of incetive may be it does not translate into being able to actually hit the damn thing, much to her frustration.

<OOC> Vasya says, "I only have one attack." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll it." GAME: Vasya rolls weapon1: (18)+8: 26 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit" GAME: Vasya rolls 1d10+5: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Terewin says, "Down."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Eight - Init 9.
     It is now Donna's turn! Skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Donna! One left" <OOC> Donna says, "Let's see if I can keep momentum up. :P" <OOC> Donna says, "Flurry." <OOC> Terewin says, "YOu can 5 foot for the flank" <OOC> Donna says, "Do that, yus." <OOC> Terewin says, "Since its the one you were not on." GAME: Donna rolls melee+2: (6)+4+2: 12 GAME: Donna rolls melee+2: (3)+4+2: 9 <OOC> Terewin says, "Swing and a miss." <OOC> Donna says, "Fecking fecking feck."


     Terewin advances the initiative order.
     Round Nine - Init 25.
     It is now Skellies' turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 21.
     It is now Miruan's turn! Delilah is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Mir!" <OOC> Terewin says, "One left!" <OOC> Miruan says, "Do I need to move to punch the next one on Arnora?" <OOC> Terewin says, "You can 5 foot."

Stepping to the side, along side of Miruan, Vasya spins the Glaive over her head, and brings it down across the body of the skeleton and cuts it in half. "Arnora needs your help. GO!"

<OOC> Miruan will 5 foot and punch if I can't flurry. <OOC> Terewin says, "You can flurry with a 5 foot. :D" <OOC> Miruan says, "Oh! Then I will spend a third point of Ki and punchapunch." <OOC> Terewin says, "Roll em'" GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (5)+6: 11 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (7)+6: 13 GAME: Miruan rolls Melee: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Miruan says, "..." <OOC> Terewin says, "Afraid not."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 19.
     It is now Delilah's turn! Big skellies is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Delilah!" <OOC> Terewin says, "One left!"

Well, Miruan sidesteps and starts to punch, but this skeleton must have been a ninja in a past life.

<OOC> Delilah says, "What's left?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Just one sword guy." <OOC> Delilah says, "Minute skin rash I MEAN METEORS! Minute meteors." GAME: Terewin rolls 1: (16)+1: 17 <OOC> Terewin says, "he makes it. :(" <OOC> Delilah says, "Of course he does."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 17.
     It is now Big skellies' turn! Niara is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (20)+7: 27 GAME: Terewin rolls 7: (18)+7: 25 <OOC> Terewin says, "No crit. :(" GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+3: (2)+3: 5 GAME: You damaged Arnora for 5 points. 23 remaining.

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 15.
     It is now Niara's turn! Arnora is next!

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 14.
     It is now Arnora's turn! Vasya is next!

<OOC> Terewin says, "Arnora! It hit you!" <OOC> Arnora says, "Try to hit it back" <OOC> Terewin says, "You have flanking." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d20+6+2: (15)+6+2: 23 <OOC> Terewin says, "Damage." GAME: Arnora rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10 <OOC> Terewin says, "Big blow."

GAME: Terewin advances the initiative order.

     Round Nine - Init 10.
     It is now Vasya's turn! Donna is next!

Delilah puts her pistol away; there's a cloud of smoke in front of her, but not much else to show for it. Already, in her mind, she's grumbling about a bunch of people who probably think she's next to useless right now; and the one that really bothers her is that her sister might think that. At least, in her mind, it seems logical. So it doesn't come as much surprise to her when the last remaining skeleton manages to not get hit by her meteors.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Vasya!" <OOC> Vasya says, "Move up and attack the skeleton with the glaive. Reach of course." GAME: Vasya rolls weapon1: (13)+8: 21 <OOC> Terewin says, "Hit" GAME: Vasya rolls 1d10+5: (5)+5: 10 <OOC> Terewin says, "dead!"

GAME: Terewin removes the timestop. Timestop by Terewin has left. GAME: You remove the timestop.

"Fook ye" Arnora spits out at the skeleton as another blow gets through her layers of armor. A snarl creases her face as she slams her hammer up under it's chin, scoring a solid blow on it "Take that, ye skeletal fook"

Just when Arnora hits the skeleton with a solid blow, Vasya runs up and slices the thing RIGHT where Arnora's hammer struck true...and slicing it in half. "Everyone all right?" She says looking behind her.

With the last skeleton falling to dust the purple glow around the little girl at the foot of the gravestone fades to a dull glow and she continues to cry, drenched in the rain and holding her soaked through teddy. "Go away... go away..." she sobs.

If nothing else, Miruan is a way to gang up on an opponent. She quietly cheers as Arnora slams a hammer into the last one and then there's glaive action. "Well done, you guys. I'm fine. Thank you. I owe you for the help," She murmurs. "Is our - Is the young lady safe?" She asks. She looks to the little girl. "Hey. Hello there." She kneels by the girl.

"My name is Miruan. You can call me Mir. Your father is very worried about you. Would you be willing to come back with us?" "Aye, never better" Arnora says even as blood from her wounds washes down the dark plates of her stone armor. She leaves the girl be to folks better suited as she amuses herself by kicking the skull of the skeleton that injured her, sending it flying off into the graveyard.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Roll diplomacy please Miruan. :)"

Donna slowly rises to her feet, eyes focused on the piles of bones littering the graveyard. For the moment, the black-haired twin is silent, head turning only slightly to watch Miruan approach the poor girl.

<OOC> Terewin says, "Or anyone else trying to calm the girl." <OOC> Miruan says, "Oerr... I don't have that." <OOC> Vasya says, "You can still roll it I think." <OOC> Terewin says, "You can roll it anyhow." GAME: Miruan rolls Diplomacy: (6)+2: 8 <OOC> Miruan sadtrombone. <OOC> Donna says, "Would Knowledge/Arcana help suss out just what's going on?" <OOC> Terewin says, "Also if anyone has know/arcana they can roll it."

GAME: Donna rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+4: 13 GAME: Vasya rolls knowledge/arcana: (8)+8: 16 GAME: Delilah rolls knowledge/arcana: (13)+7: 20

You paged (Vasya, Delilah) with 'The purple glow is some kind of manifestation of necromantic powers.'

Delilah sighs, and shakes her head. "Stop," she murmurs, tapping one hand on Miruana's shoulder. "She's infused with necromancy. We'll have to work out what's going on, you won't be able to get through to her until we do. Let's have a look around, yeah? And keep an eye on the little one."

You paged Delilah with 'You think she might have manifested scorcerous powers due to intense emotional stress, possible with her mother passing?'

<OOC> Delilah says, "One sec, I need to adjust that."

Delilah sighs, and shakes her head. "Stop," she murmurs, tapping one hand on Miruana's shoulder. "She's infused with necromancy. We'll have to work out what's going on, you won't be able to get through to her until we do. Let's have a look around, yeah? And keep an eye on the little one." The golden-haired twin starts to look about, then pauses, and rubs her chin. "Actually... let me talk to her, alone." She meanders forwards, and drops to a croush, bringing herself down to the girl's eye level. "You miss your mother... don't you, hmm?" she murmurs.

You paged Delilah with 'roll diplo' You paged Delilah with 'Diplomacy that is'

Miruan looks over her shoulder. She frowns faintly. "I see. Alright, I can keep an eye on her here if you like," She offers.

"That would be a good guess. Misses her mother so much that something is reacting to her wishes." Vasya says before looking to Miruan. "You tried at least." She then looks about. "Make sure nothing else comes our way, everyone. We're not done yet."

GAME: Delilah rolls diplomacy: (16)+8: 24

Arnora not being good with grown and open minded adults decides that standing guard is probably the safest option. So she does just that, eyes moving around the graveyard carefully, hammer and shield held ready.

"...She'll be fine," Donna says quietly, moving to stand next to Miruan and watch her sister at work. "Magic's in her blood, and people like her."

The little girl eyes Miruan but nods to Delilah, having controlled her sobbing a bit and sniffling "She.. she left me and daddy alone... I just... I just want her back." she says in a soft voice. 

"I know, sweetie," Delilah murmurs. "I know. And it's alright to want that; and it's alright to cry, and scream, and be hurt and angry and sad." She pauses, and reaches forwards to brush a strand of hair out of the girl's face and tuck it behind her ear. "Your Daddy feels the same way, about your Mother," she murmurs. "And he's scared right now, that soon he might be feeling the same way about you. Will you come back to him, Rosalina? He loves you, and he can help you far more than any of us can."

<OOC> Arnora says, "Pose around me, Arnora is just standing guard"

Rosalina looks up at Delilah with large tear filled eyes and nods. "I wanna go home... "

Miruan stays quiet, keeping an eye out.

Herald is relieved beyond words when his daughter is returned to him and thanks everyone, Rosalina sems relieved too and it apparant to thhose of an arcane bent that Rosalina has some kind of magic in her blood, an affinity for the dead at the very least and the loss of her mother had caused the powers to manifest. There is no more signs of any other undead and it seems to be related to the girl, in addition putting a word or two in with the mage's college will ensure she gets proper trianing to handle these abilities.