RP: The Horse Abusing Guard

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Tariday, Hattani 10, 1018. The full moon is up. The tide is low and rising. The sky is cloudy gray, and nothing casts a shadow. The southwest wind is mild.

A01: Watch Constable's Lodge

Telecorn is still in the jail cell, but she's being let out. With glaring lectures about how she shouldn't go around getting drunk and casting spells at everyone. Especially not the ones with real fire.

Shagara happens to be leaning on the doorway of the constables house....shaking her head. "You should know better than to do that stuff."

At the same time, a wild elf is being hauled into the jail, and putting up a struggle. Another guard is sitting at a nearby desk inventorying the several weapons and other personal effects of the elf.

Telecorn is snickering as she remembers what she did. "Oh come on, like, a pig nose and warts isn't hurting anyone. And the fire was fake! Oh... I did cast burning hands once but not at anybody. Just at the air outside." Shagara gets a look and a snicker too, until interrupted by the arrival. "Oooh what'd he do?" She doesn't seem to be paying much attention anymore to the task of being released.

Shagara chuckles a bit. "Still...casting spells willy-nilly tends to draw the ire of the watch." She says as she moves aside for the new arrival.

Ga'Elian says "Lay off me, you big oaf!" <yrch-speak>

Telecorn giggles at Shagara. She's being released from jail, but is still in her cell. The guards are explaining to her that she shouldn't get drunk and magic it up in the middle of a pub, including one documented casting of burning hands. Nobody was hurt, but it caused a fuss. She seems to be complete ignoring that task though, and is looking to Shagara and Ga'Elian, having lost focus on getting out of jail, wierdly enough. "But it was fun!" She doesn't seem to understand what Ga'Elian said though, and stares out of even greater curiosity now.

Shagara looks to Ga'Elian and tilts her head. "and you really think insulting them will make them go easy on you?" She says as she lets the guard do his duty.

Telecorn bites her lip and looks at Shagara. "What did he say?" she asks, new topic latched on to.

Shagara chuckles, "basically 'let go of me'. Complete with insults afterwards." She then watches Ga'Elian get dragged to the cells.

The guard at the desk stands pompously, and approaches the cell wherein the elf has just been incarcerated, the cell door still ringing from being slammed shut. The guard says, "Well there, Mr. Elf. That's sure a lot of weapons for carrying in the city. What's yer name, so's I can put it in mah report? You'll need it to claim yer stuff when yer time is up, anyhow."

Ga'Elian stands with surprising elegance and dignity, considering how forcefully he had been thrust into the cell. and says, "I am called Ga'Elian, and thou shouldest be kinder to thy horse."

Telecorn looks over to the full Sylvanori, giggling at the info that she got from Shagara. "This isn't the forest, you can't go hunting everything that lives here?" she teases in Sildanyari, her accent a wierd mix of Sylvanori and ...city? Yes. Then the guard taps the bars in front of her, trying to get her attention about her own release.

Shagara looks to Telecorn. "Don't antagonize." She then looks to Ga'Elian. "She's right. This isn't the forest, but then again, the monastery isn't the city either."

As the guard returns to the desk to write "Ga'Elian" at the top of the parchment in which he logged the elf's things, Ga'Elian pauses for a moment, then says, "Verily, you speak aright. This... city... is not the forest. In the forest, we know better than to beat our steeds. This ruffian who calleth himself a guard seemeth not to accept my correction upon his person as well as his mount taketh it from him, although I suspect that the mount's deference is more due to a broken spirit than to dignified submission." Ga'Elian casts a demeaning glance at the guard.

Telecorn goes wide-eyed. The guard talking to her evidently just gives up and lets her out. She then walks over to Ga'Elian's cell wide eyed. "Oh gods were they beating your horse? That's totally unfair, is that why you were arrested?" she gasps in tradespeak.

Shagara shrugs a bit. "I think he was saying that the guard was hitting the horse's flank to make it go faster. Probably trained like that."

Ga'Elian looks at the oruch leaning in the doorway and says, "I have long ago learned that many humans and other city-dwellers do as thou sayest, and truly, whil this is not right, neither is it terribly harmful. However, yonder beast was not merely dealing light blows to his horse's flaunches, but truly smiting it with the hilt guard of his sword, and upon its neck, too. 'Twas a wonder to me that the steed buckedest him not onto the ground."

Telecorn goes up to Ga'Elian's cell, head tilted. "Oh I see. You were mad because you were trying to be nice to that horse, and you got in trouble for it." She then looks to the guards "You guys are releasing him tomorrow, right? That's not so bad. He was trying to be nice."

Shagara says, "Like I said...probably trained like that. Is the horse still alive?" She then looks to Telecorn. "Yeah.....but it's not always our place....as much as I think the elf may be right."

The guard that had released Telecorn, hearing Ga'Elian's account of the senior guard's horse abuse, looks at his boss at the desk with a shocked expression. Those that had hauled Ga'Elian to his cell look at each other quizzically. Their boss looks at Telecorn and says, "Now listen here, missy. You jest keep yer nose outta the guard bizness. 'Tain't fer ye to tell me mah job, jes' like the oruch here says. That elf ain't in here fer bein' nice. He's in here fer whompin' on me wif this here quarterstaff, an' all outta the blue, like."

"Which he shouldn't do." Shagara says before looking at the guard. "Nor should you beat on your horse." And Shagara is NOT a small oruch, so she looks over the guard. "Treat your horses right, and you'll be surprised at what they will do for you. Treat your horses badly, and you will be surprised at what they will do TO you."

Telecorn snickers. "It wasn't out of the blue though. You were beating a horse." She turns to the guard and puts her hands on her hips. "He's a Sylvanori elf. He doesn't know how the city works. Would it totally hurt you to apologize for beating an animal? And I didn't say let him go now, I said TOMORROW." She emphasizes that word like he's stupid or sumething for acting like this.

Ga'Elian merely withdraws and seats himself upon the edge of the bunk in his cell, and gesturing the sign of Eluna, closes his eyes in graceful silence. Meanwhile, the head guard replies, "Alright alright folks. Enough of this chaos. This is an official... uh... office here. Either you go about yer bizness of I'll lock ye up fer disturbin' the peace."

Shagara waves for Telecorn to come on by her. She looks at the guard before she turns...and says in elven: "May the light of the White Disc reach you in the deepest darkness."

Telecorn reluctantly is dragged along by Shagara. "Fine," she sighs. "But I don't think you could handle another day of me anyway." She laughs and walks out.

Ga'Elian nods to Shagara, with a smile, and grins as Telecorn makes her parting remarks.