RP-A Pleasant Day

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It's Tariday, Callem 30 12:30:42 1018. The full moon is up. The tide is low and slack. Towering white clouds drift slowly through the blue sky. It's hazy and hot, and the glare of the sun seems to drain the color from the landscape.

A15: Alexandrian Mountain Road

Ga'Elian is sitting on the ground, resting against a boulder that overlooks a steep drop-off in the mountains. His griffon is flying overhead. Mostly, the ranger seems to be merely contemplating, staring off away from the City at nothing in particular.

Kira comes up the mountain road pretty quickly, jogging along at a good pace for going uphill. For a change, she isn't carrying any big iron pots, basket, or anything lke that.

Ga'Elian sees the Althaean running uphill and smiles, then stands and, as she draws near, holds out what appears to be a wineskin, but made of green leaves instead of leather. He says, "Good day, Kira. Can I offer thee a cool drink on this hot day?"

Kira manages a wave to the generous one as she slows down. "Hi, and thank you. Yes, please." She comes to a stop to take the offered skin and takes a healthy, but not too greedy, drink. "How are you today?"

The drink is quite refreshing--a non-alcoholic honey-sweetened raspberry-infused water, kept as cool as a mountain stream. Ga'Elian replies, "Very content. 'Tis a beautiful day in a beautiful place. I have been spending much time lately cooped up with old books studying about hellspawn and demons, but have decided that I should like to spend this day admiring the wonders of creation... breathing the mountain air, smelling the wildflowers, and listening to the wildlife."

Kira's smile widens and she nods. "It is a beautiful world. I'm glad you're spending more time out in it. Learning is important, but I don't think it's worth missing everything else."

"Oh, that sounds lovely. The sylvanori people are very close to the world, right?" Kira isn't entirely sure, but she thought so. Then she shakes her head. "I don't really speak it, no."

Ga'Elian nods, "Thou couldst say that, yes" he says with a quick wink. He begins to sing, and although the lyrics are meaningless to Kira, the song is more playful than one would expect from the melodies of the Llyranesi, generously sprinkled with bird and other animal sounds. As the Sylvnori sings, you get a clearer sense of the colors, smells, and sounds surrounding you, as if some preternatural effect were enlivening your senses.

Kira smiles as she listens. Even if she can't understand the lyrics, the melody is nice.

Ga'Elian finshes his song and takes a swig from the leafskin. He asks, "So, art thou running for thine own personal enjoyment and exercise, or have I delayed thee at all in traveling somewhere particular?"

"Your song was lovely, thank you," Kira is grateful, then answers the question. "Exercise, so you're not interrupting. I'll be travelling far soon, and probably walking most of the way. Good to keep strong... and I like running and walking."

Ga'Elian looks like his interest has been piqued. "Traveling far? Is it on a quest for thine Order?"

Kira pauses a moment to think before answering. "In a way, but I guess it's more a personal quest. The war with Rune has ruined and taken many lives. Needlessly. I'm travelling to Dran to speak with the Dranei commander, Arendt, to try to end the war without any more bloodshed."

Ga'Elian says, "Oh. Yes. Methinks that I had heard thee say something before about wishing to arrange this meeting. It seemeth to me both noble and ambitious, to say nothing of its perils, but I wish thee well. If thou succeedest where others have doubtless already failed, it shall be quite the feather in thy cap."

Kira nods. "I've been seeking an audience for some time. Now I have an opportunity." Her smile grows large. "Thank you for your support, and I hope to do well... but it's not for me. It's for all those who have suffered, or could suffer, from the violence."

Ga'Elian smiles, "Well, certainly it is." He is about to say more, but stops himself, as if he has thought better of it. He then resumes. "I am not suggesting that thou art motivated by a desire for fame, but when spectacular successes are known, fame frequently results nonetheless." He fingers the necklace of large teeth on his neck.