The Psychadelic Psychic Part 1

From Tenebrae
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It's a fine day in Alexandria, a fine day indeed! So fine that Amy (not that Amy) is staying inside today as she looks through her mail delivered by courier. Fair skin, you see, it's bad with sun. There's burning, and then flaking, and it's all rather gross.

Much better to stay inside and avoid the outside. Oh! And let's not forget that it's also a delightful day for such fine endeavours as recreational magic use. Creating alternate pocket dimensions. Using color spray. It's all very technical, of course, and full of time that needs to be spent /in-doors/ not out doors.

At least that's Amy's opinion (not that Amy).

Of course that was also a few days ago and a few people that live next to Amy asked to check on Amy (the other Amy, not our Amy) and so they eventually asked the guard and the guard asked the Adventurer's Guild and they asked Amy (our Amy) to check on Amy (not our Amy), along with the rest of you. Because the guard went to check on Amy (not our Amy) and they haven't been back since either.

"That could've been confusing if I wasn't me." Amythyst says with a laugh. "So, she's a shut in and hasn't been out since....and you're sending us cuz your guard hasn't returned either. That makes sense."

The massive armored Ork absently scratches his leather clad rear with the spiked top of his battle axe. "Oy, wot we gonna do 'ere? Break down dis door and go in dere and kill dis Amy sop whose do'in magic, ya?" The green skined Ork grins from ear to ear. "Neveah thought I'd get da offer ta wreck a place in da city. Dey keep send'n me out in ta da wilds ta get burned and stabbed. Now I gets ta do it a couple of streets from me hole. Ey, maybe I can take a bit of furniture from dis place a'fore we burn it, right?"

Morgan says as she follows "A magic user tht is being a hermit and no one visting her came back... 5 gold she summoned a deamon."

"Wouldn't that just be lovely." Vaalyun says, at the mention of a demon, "Or she's trapped in a pocket dimension, or she's turned herself into a statue, or a sheep, or there is a gaping hellmaw that is waiting to spawn a Lord of the Apocalypse into the city and ruin our whole day. You never know with Wizards."

Amythyst pokes Baz on the shoulder. "you DO realize that -I- am also Amy...that happens to deal in magic?" She then looks to Morgan. "I wouldn't know about that one. I'm used to Krakens, and stuff like that, Demons ain't exactly my wheelhouse."

Morgan nods "well here we mostlikely will not see a Kraken down there... mostly due to no room."

Amythyst says, "No water either. Krakens are.....ocean monsters."

The Door bars the way for the adventurers. It's dreaded and menacing, and possibly locked!

Morgan says "Before we ask out handsome orcen friend to bash the door down, lets see if there is a window or another door to enter.... or do any of you know the knock spell?"

Amythyst says, "I don't know the knock spell. So our orc friend can batter it down. I volunteer for him to use his head.""

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls Strength: (10)+5: 15

Baz reaches back with his fists and slams hard, bending and then breaking the unlocked door till it fragments into wooden chunks and a shower of splinters.

Morgan sighs "well we can fix that with a lot of mending spells.... a lot of them."

Vaalyun watches from the middle of the group, as there is smashing of the door. "I guess kicking down the door /is/ a classic." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

Amythyst says, "I don't think any of us can pick a lock, Ballyun."

Content with himself Baz sniffs and motions to the door. "Oy, de doors open, ya?" He chortles and grins, then shoulders his way into the building first. His axe in one hand and his other reaching over his shoulder to pull his shield down and ready.

The door hangs limply open, what little remains, the bolt for the door auspiciously drawn into the door itself as it creaks. Beyond you can see darkness, darkness of an abyss. The sort of light that you would expect to have in the lair of a vampire, or perhaps a very pale skinned elf. So... you know, the lesser kin of a Vampire.

Except not sparkly.

'n' stuff.


THE DOOR HANGS OPEN! And the room beyond looks fairly small with a passage to the left. It's also quite dark in there beyond the flickering of distant light. Like the call of hellfire and brimstone amidst the inkiness of the hells.

Morgan looks into the area "any one have a light spell or are you a twit like me and never prepair it."

Amythyst says, "I have dancing lights." She says snapping her fingers and four motes of light appear. "Cuz they work better underwater.""

"I've got it." Vaalyun says, and closes his eyes for a moment to pray to Althea.

GAME: Vaalyun casts Light. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Murder has arrived.

Morgan lets the ones with the lights go first and asumes that the large orc will want to be in front and she is ok with that.

Amythyst can go with the orc being up front. "You can go in front of the lights, Baz. I don't mind."

The sound of bare feet and tiny claws can be heard from behind as a wee Gobber woman comes running up. "Baz!", she calls out in a screechy voice. As she gets to his feet, she simply starts climbing up his armor, and settles on one of his shoulders. "Guild mission? GUILD MISSION!" Murder seems quite pleased. "We get to do a mission together!"

"I'm da biggest, and da strongest. So I goes in first, ya?" Baz says as he shoulders through the remains of the door. Battleaxe in one hand, shield balanced in the other. His spike covered armored form a massive wall of muscle and metal that fills the available space. "Oy, anyone home? Da door is open." He says then chortles and laughs. Peering around in the gloom he mutters to himself. "I wish one of me girls was here, right fast little monsters dey are. Help wit search'n out dis place."

As the Orc moved forward, not the tiny one the big one named Baz, the passageway opens into the main room of this studio apartment. And as he rounds the corner he also sees that the light is not coming from brimstone, or candles for that matter, but the thin rims of a bunch of portals. Various sizes and shapes. Octagonal, circular, oval, tiny, large, star, you name it, they've got it as Hassan's Portal Emporium!

Wait, no this isn't Hassan's.

Well, maybe not.

At least there's no camels.

There's also no response to Baz's question and calls to the open space beyond. No answer besides the light hum of magic that seems to permeate.

GAME: Morgan casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17

Morgan is glad that the large orc is on her side this time. As she gets in the dark area she says a arcane word that gives a blue aura for a second that looks like armor.

GAME: Baz da Ork casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls will: (3)+9: 12

"Oy, Mudah me girl!" Baz remarks as Murder shows up and scurries up his armor. There actually seems to be goblin sized seating spaces on his wide shoulders. Hedged in with the square-ish spikes that festoon his armored form. He holds still until Murder is in place then takes up his movement once more. As the thrum of magic alerts his ears he swings his axe towards the symbol of Kor bedazzled into his armor above his chest. Uttering a short incantation he summons the power to see magic. Then quickly drops the axe and slaps his heavy hand over his eyes.

"ARRGGGH" The Ork roars out, spittle dripping down around his tusks. "EVERY WHERE! It's too bright! Me eyes! Dis shit hole is nothing but magic!"

Morgan looks to the big guy "close your eyes friend and drop the spell." this is all she can give to him. she wishes she could help him more.

Murder taps on Baz's helm. "What do you see, Baz?" Her eyes open wide as the orc howls, the Gobber clinging tightly to her spot. "Well what did you expect from a mage's tower?" She squints at the wide variety of portals and taps her chin. "Er, does anyone else find it ... weird that there are so many uh portals here? Think the missing mage went exploring and got lost?" She pats Baz's armoured shoulder. "Do as the elf girl says, that should make the light go away."

"So is this as bad as it feels?" Vaalyun says, using his lighted up shield to illuminate the space. He looks around, and says, "That is a lot of portals. No wonder the guards didn't came back if they decided to start exploring where they all went."

GAME: Murder rolls perception: (16)+9: 25

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls perception: (9)+5: 14

GAME: Vaalyun rolls perception: (18)+4: 22

GAME: Amythyst rolls perception: (20)+1: 21

GAME: Morgan rolls perception: (7)+8: 15

The star shaped portal gives a sort of spit of glitter that shoots out and slowly floats on down to the ground. Without much other warning, from another portal shoots a giant tentacle that looks like it belongs to a kraken. Another of the portals it sounds like giggling.

And so on. Each of the portals seems to be doing something.

And, of course, the kraken tentacle waves about as if saying hello - or perhaps trying to grab someone.

Amythyst says, "Quite possibly worse." She says gesturing towards the back of the room. "There's a portal." Then the kraken tentacle comes out and Amythyst blinks a bit. "Portals.....plural. This is going to be......ridiculous.""

Morgan looks to the portals with a "meh" look as she says "this is going to be my day really."

The Goblin blinks, and turns to look at the others. "Did anyone else see that portal open just now?" She points towards the back, to one portal that's all by its lonesome. The gigantic octopus tentacles have her blinking again. "Er, probably should stay away from that one. Who knew portals were so diverse?"

As Baz recovered, she taps his helm again. "Don't get too close to the tentacle. Or the giggling portal, that's never good.

"Yeah, there's a new portal back there. Do you think that's the one that we should look into?" Vaalyun steps back as a tentacle comes out of one of the portals. "Not /more/ tentacles. What is it with this city?"

Morgan walks aways for the Tentacle one and follows up with Vaalyun "I know its like some fetish you would think." She does follow up with "but I think we should wory about the ones that are giggling more."

Morgan says the the group "lets look for a secret passage before we walk in to a portal

Amythyst says, "Believe it or not." She says pointing towards the portal with the octopus tentacle. "that's more my speed.""

Murder peers at Amythyst with narrowed eyes. "If you want to go drown alone, could you wait til after the mission is completed? Unless you know that this Amy person can breathe underwater and has a hankering for calamari?" She looks to Morgan, and again points out the portal near the back. "That one just opened, and I would suggest we try it first. What do you think?"

Amythyst looks to Murder. "I know how to swim. I can swim faster than a ship at full sail."

Vaalyun holds up a hand, "No water. No oceans. Not for me, thanks." He shakes his head, "Let's try some other portal first." "I say the mysterious one in the back still makes the most natural first place to look. But someone just make a choice."

Morgan nods "Well there is a problem, you enter the ones with Tencles the moster that is part of them is waiting for you."

Amythyst nodnods. "I can speak Aquan too. And cast spells underwater." She then looks to the rest. We're gonna have to tackle it eventually. "I don't mind tackling that one first, but we could go into the water one next and get it out of the way. I know it's not a popular choice, but it's better to get something that looks bad out of the way early, to tackle the easier ones later."

Murder huffs noising, and bangs her heels against Baz's shoulder armor. "That one, Baz!", she screeches, urging him forward. The large orc complies after a moment, marching steadily towards the newly opened portal in the back. "No, I don't think we should be going into the water at all.", she says to Amythyst. "Sure you can swim, that's all fine and dandy. But you shouldn't assume the rest of us can. What good is going through it if only one team member is going to be able to do anything?"

GAME: Morgan rolls perception: (15)+8: 23

Morgan skirting around the wall avoiding the portals she stops as the group might hear the sound of wood hitting the floor. "sorry people that was me...umm I found something here. I have a bag full of Mushrooms and vials of some sorts, any one good with mushrooms?"

GAME: Vaalyun rolls profession/herbalist: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Amythyst rolls 1d20+2+2: (4)+2+2: 8

"They're, shall we say, mind explanding." Vaalyun informs the group, after walking over to take a look at the mushrooms, "They open the mind to the possiblities for portals. How and where to open them. You bite one, wait, and let the universe reveal its secrets to you like a flower opening its petals. At least, that's what the books say about it."

GAME: Morgan rolls spellcraft: (17)+16: 33

Murder pulls Baz up short before stepping across the portal, and the Goblin drops down to the ground, walking over to peer at the mushrooms discovered by Morgan. She grins at the Half-Elf. "Are you going to try one? If not, I'll give it a go." The Gobber holds out a hand.

Morgan shakes her head "let me see what these vials are for first and trust me I so want to try them."

Amythyst says, "ah. So it's one of those 'mind opener' types. "This'll be interesting." She says with a chuckle."

Morgan hands out one vial to every one "before we enter these vials will help us deal with the world on the other side of the portal. As the artist comuinty say we will be triping balls."

Murder takes the vial offered her, and snatches one for Baz. "What about the mushrooms?" She holds her hand out impatiently for those. "So what... we'll eat these, wait a short bit, then see what the different portals are? Anyone know anything about the missing person? Like, what sort of things they like? Might help us guess what portal she decided to go through."

The massive Ork looms over Murder. "If dey gives you da shits, youse not rid'n on me. Did that enough when you was wee. Ya?" He sniffs a few times and peers around. "Now I know I liked be'in out in the country better. Less magic. Moah kill'n."

Amythyst looks at the vial and sighs a bit. "You don't really need this for the water portal, but.....well." She says softly and takes the vial. "May as well....

Morgan takes a bite of her mushroom and says "it might not be a water one, it can be to a helish place."

Vaalyun accepts his vial and the mushroom. "Are we sure this is a good idea?" He frowns, and says, "Wizards." A shake of his head, and he looks around to see if this is what everyone else is doing. And if it is, he does likewise. In for a copper, in for a platinum.

Murder's eyes widen and her cheeks darken a little. She turns and kicks Baz's ankle, growling at the looming Ork. "That's embarrassing! Why'd you have to mention that?", the Goblin woman complains. "Here.", Murder says, thrust a vial into his hand, followed by a mushroom. She pops her own mushroom into her mouth, and climbs back up quickly onto the Orc's back.

You all take a bite of the mushrooms. And... nothing.

Seriously, nothing happens. You're all standing there in the room, and you just ate a mushroom.

I mean, sure, some of you have probably had tastier mushrooms before and they were abit on the bitter side but - yep.

Amythyst blinks at the mushroom starts to gesture and flail and.....oh you're kidding me. "Well....this tentacle knows handspeech..." She says rubbing her face. "I'm trying to translate..."

Morgan eyes widen wide as she starts to speak words that no one can understand unless you can understand babling teenaged girl. She does start to record her thoughts but she starts to draw pictures of some elven woman half naked.

"I think I speak Orcush now. It's all so... floaty. It's like my mind is moving too fast." Vaalyun says, blinking a few times quickly, "I think I hear Althea speaking to me. It's like a harmony of the entire universe."

"Uh, I think I have found better mushrooms growing in the sewers, really.", Murder comments, settling down upon Baz's shoulder once more. She glances serenely at the others. "What are you babbling about?" The Gobber gestures to the portals. "So are you getting anything about the portals? There are things that need to be born, so let us be about it, yes?"

Amythyst chuckles a bit and walks on over. yeah, in her rather sorely stoned state.....and tries to help push the tentacle arm back through the portal....if possible.

Vaalyun looks over at the Gobber, "You don't feel anything from the mushrooms? That's very strange! It's all interlinked, you see. Gobber, Orcush, Tradespeak, Celestial!" Yeah, he's tripping. Better life through herbalism. <goblin-talk>

Amy (ours) moves toward the tentacle and starts trying to shove it back through the portal. It flails about frantically, knocking over all manner of vase and kicking up the glitter.

WOO! FAERIE DUST IN THE AAAAAIR! It's a party up in here now! Flailing limbs and glitter, all that's missing is some strange dancing lights.

Morgan gigles as she forgets there are others in the room but she does metion something about silk and a g-string as she keeps drawling.

Murder slowly rubs at her cheeks, and glances to Vaalyun. "I didn't say I didn't feel anything. I am choosing not to reveal my revelations. They're a little personal. And I don't see how it's all that special. It's not strange that languages are linked to one another." She lets out a huff of breath, and stares at Amythyst. "If you get pulled into that portal, we ain't coming after you. Get away from it. Or else something new is going to be born... very shortly now." The little green woman reaches up to grip the hilt of her two-handed sword.

Amythyst tilts her head as she tries to push the tentacle through the portal. She does run her fingers along the tentacle, but more to reassure it than to tickle...then tries to push it through again....

GAME: Bolide rolls 12: (4)+12: 16

The kraken limb flails some more and then pauses for a moment before tapping about as if looking for something to grab. it does this until it makes a swipe at Murder and - through a bit of luck - grabs about her.

GAME: Murder rolls melee: (4)+5: 9

Murder squeaks when the tentacle wraps itself around her. "Aaaaaghh. Gross! LEGGO!" The wee woman leans forward and bites at the flesh of the beast. Unable to break the skin, she simply chooses to chew on it and pull, shaking her head.

Morgan sees Murder playing with the large tencle "is it tasty?" she asks as it has not dawned on her that the goblin is in danger yet.

Amythyst says, "crap." She says as she tries to aquan...that she's trying to push it back through the portal....and that it should let go of her ally..."

Vaalyun slides his lit shield onto his back and pulls out his bill, the long blade flashing readily into hand. He doesn't hack at the creature yet, but he is prepared to do so if Amy (our Amy) can't do anything about it. He tries the same command in Celestial, just in case the thing doesn't speak Aquan - though small chance of that!

The tentacle continues wrapping, slowly drawing longer about the little one with the end of itself now free. It feels the biting but it doesn't seem to bother the creature overly much and starts petting hte top of the wee one's head. The long claws within the suckers brushing it out and catching on knots before wriggling and freeing them. At this rate the worst of fates will befall murder.

She'll be more groomed.

Amy has, however, succeeded in pushing part of the tentacle back through, but there's still a ways to go.

Amythyst snerks. "Well....that shows it understands me and means no harm." Seems Amythyst is a lot more forgiving. "Relax, Murder."

Murders turns to look at Amythyst, and growls. She chews more furiously at the tentacle, squirming as it grooms her.

Morgan is sitting there as she is designing something "oh a dress made of nothing but books." she screaches in delight.

Pet, pet, pet, wiggle, wiggle, pet.

Murder's hair is looking neater with every long pass. D: THE HORROR! Not to mention the scraping along the armor. Ack!

A few moments later it finally lets go - unless Murder keeps biting anyway, then it'll wrap into another squish - and Murder looks, frankly, cleaner. Her armor has been half-way scrubbed and hair brushed. With Amy's continued pushing it's finally gotten another foot or so out the portal and (assuming Murder has let go) the tentacle retracts back to wherever it came from.

Amythyst says, "There we go." She says with a chuckle as the tentacle slides back into the portal where it came. "I guess we don't have to worry about going in there after all. I think it was the only thing holding it open." She then looks to Murder. "you okay? Other than being clean.""

Murder huffs and snorts as she's let down and the tentacle retreats to whence it came. She runs a hand through her hair, and huffs again. Her red eyes flash and she turns to glare at Amythyst. "I was clean before that thing grabbed me." The angry Goblin crosses her arms. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been annoying it."

Vaalyun lits the blade of the bill and uses it as a staff to lean on. "I wonder where /that/ was coming from. Make a note of that as a location or plane that I don't want to visit."

Amythyst says, "I was trying to help it and soothe it. WOuldn't you want help if you were stuck?" She then tilts her head."

Morgan is scribling on a empty scrap of paper "oh she will love this and even me if I got her this." if any one looks at what she is now doing she recording some magic runes.