
From Tenebrae
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It's another muggy summer day. A warm fog blankets the area dampening spirits as much as it dampens the sun's brightness. Still, foot traffic in the Collosseum District is robust, and a wild elf in fitted clothes in browns and greens sits astride a majestic griffon watching people move about. He seems to notice others more than they notice him.

If anyone can stand out as a tourist, Jaina can; large blue eyes are wide with wonder as she walks the streets alongside the colosseum, a quarterstaff in hand that she twirls occasionally without even thinking about it. A dot of a black nose and a furry face peeks out from beneath her travelling cloak from time to time too, her little weasel friend also playing tourist. A griffon, though? That's something you don't see every day, no matter what city you're in. "Oh my! Look at this, Nibbles.", she says to the fur beneath her travelling cloak, the girl increasing her stride, a little hop-skip in her step as she heads for the griffon. Lost for words, she simply stares up at it and the rider with mouth agape.

Perhaps slightly amused at the young woman's attention, a slight smirk adorn's the elf's face. In his exotic accent but with a kindly tone, he softly says, "He is called Erithamiel. In this language, it meaneth Silverbeak." The griffin looks around with jerky twitches, then cranes his neck around to preen a few feathers. His tail swishes lazily. The elf goes on, "Wouldst thou like to pet him?"

Pushing down the hood of her travelling cloak, so she can see a little better, Jaina takes a moment to ruffle a hand through her long red hair to give it some life. "He's amazing.", she says with a smile, taking a step closer to be able to reach up and pet the side of the large griffon. Even the weasel is getting a look, peeking out from under the cover of her travelling cloak, before scurrying across and along her arm to sniff cautiously at the large beast. "I'm Jaina, this fluffy ball of trouble is Nibbles.", she says, as trouble does indeed start to cause trouble, by leaving her arm to clamber onto the griffon, finding whatever purchase it can, probably in Ga'Elian's leg. "No no! Come back..", she sighs, a shake of her head, a sheepish look up at the rider.

Ga'Elian raises an eyebrow, but chuckles, then he gently grabs the weasel. He says, "Well met, Nibbles." Then to Jaina, "Weasels are curious little beasts, are they not? I am Ga'Elian." The griffon purrs.

Morgan walks up to Jaina and Elian "he loves his mid back scratched, I wonder if all Griffons are like that." said as she admires the regal grace.

An outraged roar can be heard from a nearby tavern, and shortly afterwards a large man -- large enough to pass as giantborn, although a second glance identifies him as human -- kicks the door open and storms outside, releasing gales of laughter from within. The man is wearing a frilly bright pink dress and very little else, and does not seem happy about it as he storms off. Shortly thereafter Yelrona wanders out into the district, looking pleased with herself. When she spots Erithamiel she lights up and heads towards the griffin, greeting Elian and Morgan and Jaina (and Nibbles) as she approaches, albeit distractedly, before vigorously scratching underneath the feathers of his ruff.

Reaching up when the weasel is grabbed, Jaina offers to take the little troublemaker back from him. "He likes to poke his nose into places.", she admits with a smile. And then Morgan has appeared, her eyes widening in surprise, "Are you following me?", she teases. Then her attention is pulled to a tutu wearing giantborn and she can't help but release a little giggle at the sight, though tries to hide it, just in case he overhears. "And you too! We keep meeting in the strangest places.", she smiles, giving Yelrona a playful nudge with her elbow, a nod toward the departing giantborn, "That was you, wasn't it?", she says quietly, an amused tone to her voice.

Ga'Elian hands the weasel back, then waves to Morgan and Yelrona in turn. He looks at the big man, and says, "Be that what the humans are wearing these days?"

Morgan notices the dress and then the amused Rona "Where did you get that dress and do they have it in yellow. And odly pink works for him." she answers Jaina "na I have to much time on my hands and I can only make or study so much before I have to step out side."

"TAMI!" An Auburn haired woman calls out and gestures with one arm toward a group of people and the other hand seems to be jabbing in the direction of a stall set up with peppers. Because... who knows. If you figure that out, then you understand Kisa.

Tami looks at the lady who's yelling at her, and raises up the notepad she's holding as if threatening to thwap her with it.

"TAMI! TAMI! IMPORTS! Fa-a-abric." She nods, nods again and gestures toward the stand of peppers. "Fabrics."


FLAIL! "Ack! Ack! Stop it! I pay you!"

THWAP! "Not enough! It's been months since you've given me a raise."

"You shouldn't constantly get raises!"

"Should to." THWAP!

"FINE! FINE! TAMI! FINE!" Kisa flails her arms overhead to try and ward off the notepad.

"Who, me?" Rona squeaks, entirely unconvincingly. "Why Jaina. I'm shocked that you would even suggest such a thing. And no, not --" she starts to say to Elian, then catches herself, and with an evil smile continues "--not everyone is up to date on the latest fashions, after all. It would look good on you, though," she observes drily. "Perhaps --" she is interrupted by the pepper-and-notepad antics, which she regards curiously.

Ga'Elian shakes his head at Rona as if weighing her words, then when he sees Kisaiya he bows his head and says, "Greetings, Highness." As Morgan scratches the griffon, a quill feather comes loose in her hand.

"Come here, you.", Jaina says to the little weasel, which scurries out of her grasp, along her arm, to claim a spot on her shoulder. It gives her cheek a friendly nudge with its furry head, so all is forgiven. Looking from Yelrona to Morgan and back again, she rises up on tiptoe, with a little help from her quarterstaff, trying to get a look at the now almost distant giantborn. "Ooh no, that's far too short.", wrinkling her nose at the thought of it. With the group growing larger, the girl takes a step back, becoming just another face looking in, as the group seem to know each other. Not that she feels out of place, she's smiling and listening to everyone, she's just taking a back seat for now. The peppers, fabrics, thwaps and 'highness' catches her attention, the girl looking over to the new face.

Morgan pays the hisy fit no notice as she has a Griffon to fuss on "oh you are sheding thats why." she keeps the feather and then says to Nibbles "behave and I got a nice pear for you." she knows how to bribe the weasel

Kisaiya flails her arms some more in Tami's direction, even though Tami has stopped hitting her with the notebook. "You are not helping anyway!" Kisa finally comes to a flailing end and scowls back at Tami before sticking her tongue out.

"Red or blue?" Tami blinks, staring at Kisa.


"Fabrics, Kisa, /fabrics/."

"OH RIGHT! No, I don't actually like them." Kisa turns to look in the direction of someone saying highness?

Tami raises the notebook again and thwaps Kisa on the head again.

"ACK!" Kisa gives another flail, ducking her head and scurries back a few steps in her black dress. A pause at the end of it and sticks her tongue out at the other woman. "I GOT YOU ANYWAY! But that group had odd patterns, maybe we should see if - wait - what was I doing?" She slowly stands back up, her mouth pulling off to the side, one eye squinting and turns about before - "OH! RIGHT! GAH! HI GAH! How are you? And you made more friends. Who are your friends?" She gives a smile to all of them.

Tami for her part is already looking around to try and spot that group Kisa gestured at before. Luckily they didn't move too far off as they were enjoying the show of a rather tall, near giantborn, in a pink dress that's apparently fashionable.

Ga'Elian asks Yelrona, "Perhap thou wilt accompany me to The Prestigious Moon and help me select such a fashionable item of attire."

Yelrona grins. "I'd be delighted! Though only if you introduce me to the royal lady?", she continues, curiously nodding in Kisa and Tami's direction.

Noticing the smile from the new arrival, Jaina gives one of her own in return, a raise of a pale hand, fingers wiggling in greeting. The weasel decides it's too crowded and dives under cover, doing a quick lap around the girls neck before scurrying down and back into its little home beneath the cover of her travelling cloak. When there's a place to jump in, she asks Ga'Elian, "Would I be able to paint him, sometime?", looking in wonder at the griffon again, "I'd so like to show my mother when I return home.".

Morgan says to Rona "no mater as funny as you think it is, dont put him in a thong."

"These ones?" Tami is calling out while moving in the direction of one of the groups that's slowly starting to disperse to continue their way through the area.

"Yeah! Sure!" Kisa calls it back over her shoulder, a wider grin as she looks at the others once more. "I suppose we probably should just handle the introductions instead of waiting, hm?" She gives a short curtsy in the dress, "Princess Kisaiya of Vandalheim!" She beams after saying this.

"Oh wait, not that group Tami. The other group." She says this while still looking toward everyone else.

"I WILL THROW MY NOTEBOOK AT YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP!" Tami glares daggers at Kisa from across the small intersection. "This is not a good day!"

"FI-I-I-INE." Kisa looks about, pauses. Turns around, looking left and right. It takes her a couple seconds then she points to a group, "Thataone!"

Iskandar has left.

Erithamiel rears up all of a sudden on his golden hindquarters and extends his wings to their full 25-foot span, and squawks. He flutters his wings and comes back down again standing on all fours. Through the mist, the sound of a piercing SKREEE echoes downward. Ga'Elian looks suddenly thoughtful in a curious way and says, "A wyvern? Here?" Erithamiel paws the ground with his left foretalon.

Morgan looks concerned when a killing machine rears up like that and even more so when Elian says aout a Wyvern "Never seen one before."

With a squeak of surprise, Jaina lowers her head as large wings start unfurling, moving quickly away to give the creature its much needed space. Even the weasel is poking its nose out at that, looking on curiously while the girl finds her footing safely off near the cover of the tavern that the giantborn earlier stormed out of. With a swift motion, her hood is raised and her pale white fingers curl around her quarterstaff.

Yelrona is briefly distracted, though it's unclear by what, exactly. When her attention returns to the gathering she raises an amused eyebrow to Morgan "But whyever not? He looks good in a thong." To the self-described princess, she essays a small curtsey. "Well, it's a pleasure to --"

She is cut off by Erithamiel's cry of alarm, and draws her bow in a single swift movement, looking around intently.

A sigh, and Kisaiya flings her arms up in the air as she hears the explanation for the loud noise from the griffon. "What do you mean?! The gardener is even getting under his skin too?! What in the world is a why fern that it would spook him?!" She lets her arms drop back down and tosses her head back in a si-i-i-igh. Her mouth pulls off to the side.

"Hi person." Kisaiya gives a half-smile to Yelrona. "Now where did Tami get off to." She starts to turn about slowly on the spot, finally spotting Tami. She's off near that group of people Kisa pointed out and seems to be asking them questions and taking notes.

"Ooo, wonderful. Wonderful!" She smiles wider and turns back to the group of people she knows almost no one of.

Ga'Elian leans forward and pats the griffon. Then he looks at Yelrona and Morgan and slips a finger through he leather cord around his neck by which hangs an amulet, and says, "I am wearing this thong, and pendant from it is this magical charm."

Looking from the griffon to the misty sky above, Jaina decides to keep her head down and find somewhere safer to spend the rest of the day. Back to the hospital, no doubt. Having moved back away from the group when the griffon started flapping, she isn't sure if the rest can even see her now, so she simply slinks away, finding a quiet path through the crowd and on to continue her day.

Jaina goes South .

Jaina has left.

Yelrona chuckles. "Yes," she replies to Elian. "Yes, you are. Although you should probably --" She is interrupted YET AGAIN, this time by a diffident redheaded girl of no more than nine or ten years who approaches her from behind and tugs on her robe. "Yes?" she asks, turning around, then "Oh, Malissa... what can I do for you?"

The girl looks around uncertainly and whispers in Rona's ear. "Ah. All right. You run along, I'll take care of it."

To the rest of the group she explains "I need to go as well... a Temple matter, I'm afraid. Lovely to meet you, 'princess'!" before turning and heading off towards the Temple District at a surprisingly fast run.

Yelrona goes South .

Yelrona has left.

Ga'Elian says, "Morgan, how would you like to go aloft and see the wyvern? I, for one, am curious to see whether it has a rider."

Kisaiya frowns and looks from one person to the next, and then two of them just... leave. One of them never introducing herself even, the other only giving one wave before this whole why fern nonsense. The auburn-haired one cants her head to the other side and looks from Ga'Elian, then the last person, and finally off to Tami. What was she up to? OH GOOD! OKay.

"Oh! Look at that." Kisa says with a slide of a smirk, "Someone finally introduced someone else to me." She shakes her head from side-to-side and looks to Morgan, "Well, nice to meet you Morgan. At least, I'm guessing you're Morgan since the other two just left and I didn't think that was Gah's griffon's name." She nods her head a few times and looks back to Ga'Elian.

"And are you going to tell me what the hells is a why fern?" Kisa's brow furrows in and down a bit.

Morgan nods to Elian and says "sure best check it out." she then says to Kisaiya "Nice to meet you also but I am sory we have to go."

Ga'Elian says, "A wyvvvern is a two-legged dragon that has no breath weapon. Still useful as a mount." He helps Morgan to climb onto the griffon.

Ga'Elian adds, "And yes. Morgan is this woman. She is an enchantress of magical things."

"Well that doesn't sound like something the gardener would cause. He always uses plants and make them living!" Kisa tosses her hands up the air and then sighs heavily, dropping her arms back down again. This whole situation was confusing and arm-flailing worthy. She gives another roll of her eyes and starts to look around. Searching the people around her.

"I don't see him either. Normally he's around-" Kisaiya frowns a bit more, her mouth pulling off to one-side as she chews the inside of a lip. "Hmm. I don't see him at all really. OH! You said it flys! Maybe he's on the roof!" She turns her gaz-

"What? Oh!" Kisa raises a hand, a wide smile, "Well, at least there's some what of an introduction then. Hiya Morgan! Princess Kisaiya of Vandalheim, just Kisa is fine. Gah is just very formal."

Morgan nods "I know who you were, I like to know who is who in the lands I am in." she is a learned one "But you do need to pose for more paintings the last one I seen of you is a bit old."

Kisaiya's eyes slowly grow wider. In fact the look of shock seems to turn into amazement as her smile grows wider, "Oh my gods." It's just a bit above a whisper, "Oh my gods... DID YOU REALLY!?" And quiet time with Kisa is at an end. "WHERE DID YOU FIND IT?!" She rises up on the balls of her feet before sinking back down and starts nearly vibrating with excitement.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She continues to vibrate until her arms shoot up into the air, "THIS IS AWESOME! I found little dolls of me in the market like a month ago. THEY EVEN HAD LITTLE SCYTHES! They were so cute! They were me in the blue dress! The one without petticoats!"

Kisa spins on the spot and... her outfit changes when she's back facing forward.

Morgan eys look up as almost to roll in the back of her head "Umm I think it was in the book of foren royals of of 910 to 1015." her eyes set to normal "they have a copy in the libary."

Morgan adds "it is a lovely dress, but my ex girl friend was the one that told me how to dress and designed my curent style

Ga'Elian looks at Morgan and asks, "Are you a painter?"

"Aww." Kisaiya says her frown dropping down and growing a bit deeper, "I'm sorry to hear that she's your ex. I hope it wasn't too bad or too recent. Serra and I are going to get married one day." She gazes off and starts slowly sort of swaying as she pivots on a heel, one way, then the other as she smiles ever wider. A blush, and the bottom hem of her skirt swirls about her ankles, sometimes kicking in the wrong direction as if bumped by a foot.

"Hee..." She pauses then looks back down, Kisa looking between Ga and Morgan, "OH! Yes, are you a painter? And waht book? I need to find that book." She reaches up and scratches at her chin lightly, "I wonder how Sandy did that...."

Morgan shakes her head to Elian "No I do have some skill at drawing things, but thats mostly so I can add things better to my spellbook." she then addresses Kisa "I am glad you found some one, and I think but I might be wrong as I met a Serra once... or how common is that name around here."

Ga'Elian nods to Morgan, then says to Kisa, "In your culture, marriage is lifelong, isn't it?"

"I dunno. But I think I heard there's an Arvek running around with the same now." Kisa scowls at this as she finally catches back to what exactly is going on. She blinks and cants her head to the side, "It's really more of an Arvek name or apparently Blar I guess? I dunno! But either way, there's a couple. If she was an amazing human who would shoot at you because you gave me a hug. That's Serra." She beams.

"Oh." A tilt of her head as she looks to Ga'Elian now, "Well, I mean, we want it to be but they aren't always. I mean, why not if you love the person after all?"

Morgan says to both of them "Most relgions have it as a life long thing, but a few have it only last for 5 years. And to some elven people they only stick togeather for 100 years before they split or renew."

Ga'Elian nods. "Oh, certainly. I was just curious, because, as Morgan points out, there is diversity in such customs."

Kisaiya nods her head and then finally gives a slow shrug, "Well, okay? I guess - but still. Yes. I mean, I want to be married to Serra forever. Why not?" She beams even wider and then turns about to look for where Tami might've gotten off to.

"Hm." She turns around some more, then finally spots her aide off in the distance. "Ack! Okay! I gotta go!" She looks back to Morgan, giving a wave and a curtsy to Gah. "It's good to meet you Morgan, and bye Gah!" She turns and skips off. "TA-A-A-A-M-I-I-I-I!"

Morgan gives a wave to Kisaiya "why do I feel sory for that Tami."

Ga'Elian comments to Morgan, "I gather that this Tami is possibly as much trouble to Kisaiya as Kisaiya is to her."

Kalkorth has arrived.

Morgan shrugs "I have my own day do day concerns."