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Log Info

  • Title: Moot
  • Emitter: Aftershock
  • Characters: Ashes, Morgan, Seldan, Sabina, Burai, Serene
  • Place: Green Wardens Grove
  • Time: Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 6:18 PM
  • Summary: The treants gather for a moot, with the Wardens of the Green and the Silverguard protecting them, as well as a few adventurers that somehow knew to show up. And one uninvited guest. Just as the treants start, an ice demon appears, freezing the area and killing several of the treants. Battle ensues, with Seldan addressing and engaging a grandmotherly elf he names Salina, while Serene and her griffon, Silver, take on the demon. Morgan is temporarily swayed to the enemies side, dropping lightning on Seldan, before she is brought back to her senses. Ashlee and Sabina try to evacuate the treants, a slow process, and the tarien cleric channels some healing to help the injured ones. Unfortunately this causes Ash, infected with the plague, to throw up an ooze that goes up Sabina's nose. Seldan is encased in ice, and with a flurry of blows, Serene and Silver shred Yukia to pieces and she explodes in light. The full moon, Goddess Elena's face, rises over the grove and Salina's image melts away. Melting Seldan out of his Ice Imprisonment takes longer, and he is weak from religious revelations. Serene successfully cures Ashlee, who cures the Treant Shalehazel, and promises to care for Sabina until she awakes. Later, important information is delivered to the adventurers via druid messengers.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ashes        5'11"    177 Lb     Hobgoblin         Female    A somber arvec in grey clothes with a skull face
Morgan       4'10"    79 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short pixy like half elf with fair skin
Seldan       5'11"    187 Lb     Human             Male      Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.
Sabina       5'4"     130 Lb     Human             Female    Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes
Burai        6'10"    280 Lb     Half-Orc          Male      Brawny half-orc, primal and uncivilized. 
Serene       6'2"     175 Lb     Eldanar/Charn     Female    Glacier meets granite meets strawberries.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

There has been a recent spur of activity just outside the druid's grove, in a huge clearing that has been tended to by the druids in order to make it ready for the guests that they have been expecting for some time. Treants don't move very quickly after all, but there was a lid kept on the fact that they were meeting at all. But one would hardly know that looking at the crowd that's gathered to listen in on and take part in the moot.

Now the treants are gathering. Their massive forms move with a grace that only an ever-patient tree can know. They leave no trace of where they've been, and arrive in waves of squirrels, birds, and the sound of groaning wood. The sighing of their language is present as they welcome one another, long-winded greetings passing in words that only druids and treants know. Finally, at long last they are all here.

A certain Mourner of Vardama who often looks like a little death warmed over, is looking even more so today. Ash has been staying out of the city since her infection, and while she's managed to clean the slime out of her clothes it has left them with a more decayed look. Despite generally having an interest in rotten things and what lies under rocks, this is more than the ashen arvec appreciates. She coughs frequently, moves slower, and the skull markings on her face either naturally developed some mold-like patches or she's been creative with her makeup. Despite that she seems to be in her usual, impassive mode, and a hoarse throat gives her words more nuance than her flat inflection usually does. She waits and watches, and coughs.

Morgan walks in keeping quiet as she gets a note book out with a griffon quill to take notes. Giving any one here a nod hello she finds a place where she can hear every one that will be speaking.

The Wardens of Gilead seem to be present, spread out in a ring around the edges of the gathering place as a measure of protection against any that might choose to interfere, and it is likely that most eyes will not readily see all protectors present. However, they seem to have recruited some help as well, and that help is far more obvious than the Wardens themselves. Seldan, wearing a cloak of deep green pinned with the twin symbols of Gilead and Eluna over armor that is less shiny and spectacular and more toned-down in look than is his usual wont, is one of the visible ones, bright hair held out of his face with a simple band. He is one of the ones looking inward rather than outward, and has assumed a quiet parade-rest stance, eyes roving the gathering, but says nothing to anyone.

Sabina strides up, almost late to the moot of moving trees. Her bird rides her shoulder as always and is remarkably quiet as they near the grove and all of it's animals and plants. She offers a wave to those she knows and gives Ashes a second glance and a worried wave before moving up to a clear spot to look and listen from.

A somewhat large eagle descends at the edge of the clearing, transforming into a somewhat large half-Oruch as it lands. Burai had been struck with an irresistable curiousity and had flown off to meet the procession of Treants rather than waiting for them to arrive. Well 'meet' is relative, for he kept high above them the entire time, using his speed and his sharpened eyesight for a literal bird's eye view of the procession. Once he's in his normal biped form again his expression becomes more readable. It seems a bit subdued, eyes glazed over slightly.

Serene is not too far from Seldan. Her status as a silverguard is no secret, so it is quite possible she is here in a similar capacity though she wears no specific colours to indicate either way. And though she, too, looks mostly inwards, a portion of her attention is upon the large white and grey griffon beside her. One hand over his neck, the other stroking his beak, she whispers to him, perhaps calming him at the arrival of the treants.

"Ooooout of resssspect, weeee willlll converssse in the common language." Offers the first of the treants in something resembling a understandable language. The beings low gravely voice is such that the slow words are quite difficult to parse out as being the 'common' words that are intended to be understood by everyone. The other treants hiss their ascent to the words in a rustle of leaves that is slowly followed by the same but in words that are spoken in tradespeak. "Weeee haaaave cooome toooogether becasue of the ssssicknesss that plaguessss the land. A sssicknessss weee have felt outssselvessss."

GAME: Ashes rolls perception: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Sabina rolls perception: (20)+5: 25
GAME: Serene rolls perception: (1)+21: 22 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Morgan rolls Perception: (20)+15: 35
GAME: Burai rolls perception: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (16)+6: 22

Ashlee returns Sabina's wave with a raise of her hand, then finishes by coughing in it several times. She takes a cloth out of her pocket and wipes her hand on it, and its unpleasant nature indicates she's used it many times before. She does her best to be quiet, and stands like a mouldering flagpole. The words are hard to understand, so she concentrates on that. The spiral bracelet on her wrist rotates a few times. She watches, expressionless.

Burai watches and listens. He glances over some of the other treants as they hiss but always returns his attention to the speaker. He's had time to look over most of the onlookers. But he realizes there are a few new arrivals from when he took wing earlier.

Bina thinks about their words a moment and starts moving over to Ashlee with slow steps. Catching sight of a woman who might otherwise be hidden she pauses but then keeps moving until she ends up a few feet from the sick woman's side.

Morgan listens to the trees talk as she understood them from befor the switched to common, but her notice switches to a elvish woman. But she does not bother with that as any one can come here. Her looks goes back to the trees.

Over by the ring of trees, Seldan's eyes seem to be caught by something off to the edge of the clearing, and the parade-rest stance immediately melts into an alert, balanced warrior's stance. He does not otherwise move yet, but takes a step backwards towards the trees, his lips moving to someone or something else near him. His message delivered, he turns back to his initial point of interest, his eyes unfocusing briefly once they are on her again.

As her furred and feathered companion calms, Serene strokes his beak one last time before giving him a light shove on his forward shoulder before taking a half step away from him. He settles down, then, to eyeball some of the squirrels scurrying about while Serene's eyes fix, for the moment, upon the treants. At the speaker's announcement those eyes narrow and her lips tighten, but then she nods to herself.

One of the treants moves forward slowly. "Thissss sssicknesss effected meeeee." The treant begins, looking around at its fellow treants. They rustle uncomfortably, murmuring in their own language.

There's no room for the treants to say more however, for at that moment a demon appears in the middle of the clearing. This space has been kept clear so that the treants can talk freely, so that demon that appears there is immediately obvious. Her long white hair flows backwards in a sea of her own powers and she grins at the treants for a moment before tisking them. "Foolish of you to make this so easy." She laughs and a cold wind blows out from her, a frigid air that freezes the closest treant solid in place. It's clear that this is not something that the treant will survive. Icy shards pierce its body in a dozen places, and it is completely encased in ice.

GAME: Morgan rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (16)+16+6: 38

"A demon! Here!!" Burai exclaims, once he recovers from his surprise. He reaches over a shoulder and tugs free his falchion. He begins to rush forward, but then slows to a more steady approach. His eyes flick over the frozen tree and then he releases one hand from the hilt of his sword, murmuring in druidic. A small ball of fire appears above his opened palm, and he tosses it up and down the way a child might throw a ball.

GAME: Burai casts Produce Flame. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Burai rolls ranged: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Burai rolls 1d6+5: (3)+5: 8

Ash looks over at Sabina as she approaches, she doesn't smile, there's no hopeful expression, but something in her posture indicates she's happy to see her. This vanishes when the demon appears, she's back to looking like a tattered discarded sail with a very healthy skeleton caught up in it. She coughs, which isn't helpful, and her bracelet runs off her arm into her satchel. Unsure what to do, the half-orc throwing a fireball convinces her to move. She retreats in Sabina's general direction, backing up.

There is shock on Sabina's face. At least the lower portion that one can see. the upper part still covered in it's Coyote mask. She is busy staring until Ashes moves in her direction and she too starts moving back. "Get back! Everyone Get back from her unless you know you can survive her!" A small bit of wisdom perhaps.

Morgan says as she stands up "Yukia can you put more of a effort in to being evil... Lazy demon." A book starts to levetate in front "Now I wish I had a banish spell."

GAME: Serene casts Greater Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26

Seldan is about to cast another spell, when the demon materializes. "Much is explained," he mutters to himself before raising his voice. "The demon has help!" he raises his voice to shout, taking off at an all-out run around the edge of the ring towards whatever it was he had seen earlier. "The old woman aids the demon!"

GAME: Serene spends TWO uses of SMITE EVIL.

Serene isn't slow to act. While she might not be like lightning, something about demons just gets her moving.. and this moot is no exception. One might also say she expected trouble... of course, most would say she ALWAYS expects trouble. "We have a demon to slay, Silver," she tells her companion, and while she registers Seldan's shout, her eyes are only for the one Morgan labels as Yukia. A divine spell leaves her lips, but even as a pair of silvery, translucent wings begin to take form behind her, they melt away just as quickly. Even so, the next moment sees her sword and shield drawn and readied as she advances towards the unwelcome arrival, her griffon with her on her flank, and a silvery nimbus begins to fainly illuminate them both.

GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (6)+20: 26
GAME: Morgan rolls will: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Serene casts Word of Resolve. Caster Level: 20 DC: 23

The demon turns on Morgan, smiling wickedly. "As you wish." Her pale eyes slide from Morgan to Seldan, and the paladin is quickly evading a pulse of cold that emits from the old elvish woman he is running toward. Unfortunately the two treants on either side of her are not so nimble as he, and are frozen over in an instant. The woman stares him down.

"You should not begin again this war with me Seldan. It does you no good." Her voice is pure and sweet, and exactly what you might expect from a grandmotherly-looking elvish woman.

GAME: Seldan casts Resilient Sphere. Caster Level: 15 DC: 21
GAME: Endless Winter rolls 1d20+17: (18)+17: 35

"You began it, many centuries past, when first you saw a summoning circle built of the sewers," Seldan points out as he closes with the old elvish woman. "But now, you aid a demon in slaying those who have done you no wrong. You have begun it, yourself, for you have provoked it without need." He casts a swift, complex spell, and a globe of force shoots outward to cover both of them, but the woman is impossibly fast, and the spell fades away as swiftly as it came. "Why are you here?"

GAME: Burai casts Raging Rubble. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+13: (11)+13: 24
GAME: Burai rolls 1d6: (6): 6

Burai hurls his ball of flame, twisting slightly at his waist in an attempt to get more of his upper body behind it. The throw strikes squarely...without any signs of harm. Burai has a moment to look disappointed, then another ball of fire appears above his hand. The party springs into action, drawing a nod. More treants are frozen over, drawing a pained look. He shoots a quick look at the elven woman. But then returns his attention to the woman. Burai begins murmuring again. There's a slight vibration and a brief haze of disturbed earth. Then rocks and pebbles come together and swirl around the demon's legs, like a low wave parting around her feet.

GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (20)+20: 40 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Treants rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Endless Winter rolls 2d6: (7): 7
GAME: Endless Winter rolls 6d6: (17): 17

The demon beckons Serene forward, pulling a longsword from seemingly nowhere as she does so. The weapon is clearly magical, and there's something... odd about it. As though the air wavers around it as it is moved. The real problem however is the freezing chill that suddenly overtakes the entire area. It's as if the entire area is suddenly bombarded by shards of ice. They fly from the old elvish woman's fingertips and everything they touch freezes. The treants are hit hardest of all, most of them frozen to the ground while the guards try valiently to get them to move.

The woman looks at Seldan and shakes her head softly. "If I told you would it help? Would you understand any better? Or would you walk the wrong path, and find yourself at a door worse than the one you expected? I have been told that there is bliss in ignorance, and though it is something I have never known, it is one that I leave you in."

GAME: Serene rolls ride: (5)+33: 38
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2: (14)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2: 48
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-5: (15)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-5: 44
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-10: (18)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-10: 42
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-15: (12)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-15: 31
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2: (19)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2: 49
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2-5: (19)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2+-5: 44
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2-10: (20)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2+-10: 40 (Threat)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (17)+17+12: 46 (Silver's Attack)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2-10: (2)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2+-10: 22 (Not confirmed)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12+40+2d6: (2)+5+5+12+40+(8): 72
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12+20+2d6: (4)+5+5+12+20+(12): 58
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12+20+2d6: (2)+5+5+12+20+(7): 51
GAME: Serene rolls 1d3+2+1+6+20: (1)+2+1+6+20: 30
GAME: Serene rolls 1d3+2+1+6+20: (2)+2+1+6+20: 31
GAME: Serene rolls 1d3+2+1+6+20: (2)+2+1+6+20: 31
GAME: Serene rolls 1d6+6+20: (2)+6+20: 28
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (8)+34: 42
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (10)+34: 44
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (14)+34: 48
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (9)+34: 43
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (12)+34: 46
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (5)+34: 39
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27 (Silver's Fort Save)
GAME: Serene rolls will: (12)+30: 42
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6: (3): 3

Serene's combined advance with Silver merges as her quickening steps put her upon the griffon's back in a motion so fluid one would think it were well practiced. Then as one the pair surge forward, the griffon's wings lifing him and his paladin briefly from the ground to finish covering the distance between them and the demon. Heedless of the swarm of hundreds of pebbles assaulting it, Silver touches down right before Yukia, ripping into her with his deadly beak as Serene, maintaining her position upon his back with her knees drives her holy sword and shield into the demon again and again, the blade leaving faint and brief lines of silver as it slashes and cuts. And cut it does, seeming to shear away the demon's very skin....

GAME: Ashes rolls knowledge/arcana: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Ashlee retreats towards Sabina, taking measured steps, reaching out to catch her arm and get her moving. Her eyes are on the fight, staring out of her skull sockets, and there's a flash of recognition as she see's the Demon's blade. Except she's not sure, and a warning issued in error could cause more problems. As she reaches the coyote-masked cleric, she turns around and seeks... the one treant she recognizes, Shalehazel. Spotting it, she moves towards the treant and places a hand on the bark, pushing. She croaks, with a hoarse voice, "Move away."

GAME: Morgan casts Lightning Arc. Caster Level: 12 DC: 24
GAME: Morgan rolls 12d6: (47): 47
GAME: Treant rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (19)+20: 39
GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (14)+20: 34
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+17: (10)+17: 27
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (4): 4

Morgan flys up 40 feet in the air and screams out "To hell with you demon, falls follower of my goddes." her hands extends out ward sharply and sends a crackling bolt of blue energy cracks down first at Seldan and then it arcs at a treeant shatering him.

GAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (6): 6

Sabina is pulled along and pulls a vial from her dress, shivering in the sudden change of temperature. Her eyes are wide as she looks about the sudden chaos and death, sadness whelming up from within her as Treants die dramaticly. She pulls her holy symbol up from her bodice and holds it aloft crying out to Tarien. "Lord of Tricks and laughter. Heal these creatures wounds with your blessing!" A silvery burst rolls out and away from her over Treant and humaniod alike.

As the healing wave washes over her, the ashen arvec goes even more pale. She coughs, her words rough and monotone, "I think I'm going to be sick. Get out of the bag."

A large centipede rushes out of her satchel, followed by bugs, spiders and a frog. With a gut wrenching heave she throws up in it, attempting to contain the unpleasantness crawling up her throat.

GAME: Seldan casts Break Enchantment. Caster Level: 15 DC: 22
GAME: Morgan rolls will: (13)+12: 25

"Vengeance is not the duty of a knight, and there is mercy in the Light," Seldan answers the elven woman, coolly and evenly. "Did I know your mind and your intent, perhaps, but as things stand, you are but a cancer to be excised from -"

That's when the lightning arc hits, leaving a treant to explode and, although he dodges the worst of it by dint of throwing himself to one side, him with black bruises in curious patterns down his right side. "Loremaster, you know better," he changes tacks with exasperation, and swiftly chants another spell, drawing several more complex looking sigil in the air that light with golden-silver fire, then vanish as the spell completes.

The half-elf wakes up! A little embarassed about the lightning bolt now. The good news is that Seldan being attacked by his friends is a normal occurrence. Seldan will not take it personally. It has happened innumberable times.

Burai waves his hand and then makes a pushing motion in the direction of the elven woman. The swarm of rocks and pebbles begins to move in that direction. Furiously. Some of them hop up and down, out of the greater carpet of rubble, as if they're full of restless energy. The rubble moves slowly...very slowly, in the direction of the elven woman.

GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17: (6)+17: 23
GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (7)+20: 27
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (17)+24: 41
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (8)+24: 32
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (18)+24: 42
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (14)+24: 38
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (12)+24: 36
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (16)+24: 40 (crit confirmed)
GAME: Yukia rolls 2d6+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Sabina rolls fort: (13)+6: 19

The demon lets loose with a series of blinding attacks on Serene, most of which scrape and scream along her armor, but one manages to cut a fine line on her cheek. "Foolish paladin." The demon taunts, cackling and revealineg her true form. She has it seems six arms, each bearing its own sword, and all of them weaving deftly before her. She is also much larger than she was just a few seconds ago.

The old elvish woman shakes her head at Seldan and without a word or gesture the man is suddenly encased in a solid block of ice. Frozen solid and unable to move. Trapped.

Meanwhile the little ooze that Ashes threw up wobbles out of her bag and wiggles furiously to where Sabina is. Quickly clammoring up the woman, it finds its way into her body in a most unpleasant manner - up her nose. Disgusting.

GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (10)+17: 27
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2: (11)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2: 45
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-5: (15)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-5: 44
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-10: (10)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-10: 34
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-6-2-15: (16)+20+5+5+12+-6+-2+-15: 35
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2: (6)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2: 36
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2-5: (10)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2+-5: 35
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-6-2-10: (11)+20+5+1+12+-6+-2+-10: 31
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (17)+17+12: 46
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (18)+17+12: 47
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (5)+17+12: 34
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12+20+2d6+12d6: (8)+5+5+12+20+(8)+(38): 96
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12+20+2d6: (8)+5+5+12+20+(9): 59
GAME: Serene rolls 1d6+6+20: (2)+6+20: 28
GAME: Serene rolls 1d4+6+20: (3)+6+20: 29
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (20)+34: 54 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Serene rolls fortitude: (16)+34: 50
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+16: (17)+16: 33 (Silver's Fort)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26 (Silver's Fort)
GAME: Serene spends TWO uses of LAY ON HANDS.

Silver dances aside as Serene twists in her saddle, managing to avoid most of the suddenly multitude of swords assaulting her from all angles. She doesn't reply to the taunt. Being that most paladins ARE foolish, perhaps she doesn't need to. She does bare her teeth however as Silver's claws and talons dig into the earth, and the pair suddenly dive straight into the wall of blades. While Silver's beak and talon tear respectable pieces from the suddenly enlarged and much better armed version of Yukia, the shining sword in Serene's hand flares even bright for an instant as it cleaves into Yukia, nearly severing an arm completely as the holy weapon cleaves into her torso, leaving a gaping wound behind it. The demon evades most of the paladin's followup strikes, but a grievous wound has been dealt.

There was some grave dirt and other clammy things in Ash's bag before the slime, the slugs never got out. Now it has all left with the ooze and gone up Sabina's nose. Ashlee, does not dwell on this, although she coughs several times in quick succession and heaves some phlegm to the ground.

Push the tree..ant. Push the treant, with both hands she shoves with all her limited strength, rasping flat tones, "Faster, Shalehazel."

GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25
GAME: Morgan casts Haste. Caster Level: 12 DC: 22

Morgan snaps too as she lets out a long line of foul and naught things at the one that did the mond controll at her. she then snaps her finger in a tight form sending a blue bolt at the demon that unleashes a wave of energy as her party and a few trees see the world around them a little slower as they move fast.

GAME: Sabina casts Spiritual Weapon. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Sabina rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5

Hacking and gagging while her eyes stream tears, Sabina wretches and almost vomits as he stomach revolts at this intruder. But Seldan is in danger as are the rest of them due to no ally to face the Ice Queen. She raises her holy symbol and prays again, words kept near a whisper to control her desire to vomit. And at prayer's end a silvery shortsword appears over the ice block and twacks into it, sending a few ice chips flying. Discouraged Sabina backs away with the others.

GAME: Burai rolls knowledge/arcana: Trained Use Only: 0
GAME: Burai rolls 1d6+5: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Ashes rolls knowledge/arcana: (8)+7: 15

Burai is still making expressive hand motions as he tries to gesture his animated pile of rubble towards the elven woman. It's clear that it's going to take ages for it to reach her. And as he's glancing to try and estimate the distance he catches sight of Seldan being frozen. His ball of flame that has been hovering above his hand all this time and calls attention to itself with a conveniently timed crackling. Burai sighs and then chambers his hand for a throw, before hurdling it across the clearing to strike Seldan - or the block of ice encasing him.

GAME: Seldan rolls fortitude: (11)+24: 35
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (10)+24: 34
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (3)+24: 27
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (4)+24: 28
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (16)+24: 40
GAME: Yukia rolls 1d20+24: (5)+24: 29

Yukia continues her barrage, but this time it is even less effective than before, but she doesn't seem diswayded by her injuries or the obvious fact that she's losing this battle - and quickly. As she keeps Serene distracted, the old elvish woman moves /into/ the ice that surrounds Seldan, pulling something from one of her pockets and pressing it against his chest with a look of distant concentration. It's impossible to tell what's going on in there.

GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (20)+6: 26
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2: (9)+20+5+5+12+-2: 49
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2-5: (20)+20+5+5+12+-2+-5: 55
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2-10: (6)+20+5+5+12+-2+-10: 36
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2-15: (18)+20+5+5+12+-2+-15: 43
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-2: (6)+20+5+1+12+-2: 42
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-2-5: (6)+20+5+1+12+-2+-5: 37
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+1+12-2-10: (2)+20+5+1+12+-2+-10: 28
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (5)+17+12: 34
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (1)+17+12: 30 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12: (4)+17+12: 33
<OOC> Serene says, "okay, +1 to all of those, and one more attack from each of us. Me then Silver."
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2+1: (9)+20+5+5+12+-2+1: 50
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+17+12+1: (16)+17+12+1: 46
<OOC> Aftershock says, "hit, hit, miss, hit, hit, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, hit, hit"
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+12-2-5+1: (13)+20+5+5+12+-2+-5+1: 49 (Threat Confirmed)
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Confirm. So. Here's how it goes Serene. Whatever you wanna hit her with? You hit her with. GO NUTS. SHE DEAD. SO DEAD."
GAME: Sabina rolls fort: (3)+6: 9

"You should have fled." Serene's words are not booming. They do not carry. In a way it may seem like they are meant for Yukia and only Yukia. Call it divine grace. Call it battle hardening. Call it Serene really, really disliking demons. Whatever it is, every single one of the demon's flashing blades either misses, is deflected, or taken on her shield. All the while the griffon and paladin pair take Yukia apart. With their enhanced speed they seem to keep just ahead of the evil outsider's defences.. first the nearly severed arm flies away. A slashing talon rips out the back of one of the demon's legs, causing her to buckle, but even as she does so that sword and shield are there, carving out whatever it is that gives demons form on this plane, until at last Serene and Silver rear back, and then push forward, the sword Dragonier's Promise plunging deep into the creature's chest. As it does the silver light radiating from both seems to get drawn in by the sword itself... then explodes outwards from the demon's wounds, from her mouth, her eyes, her ears... like a silver-white fire consuming her from the inside.

As the light from Serene's attack fades, the moon rises in the sky. Has been this whole time, flashing bright in the dark of the sky as it arcs into the area between the boughs. The light of it shines down on you and then hits Seldan's armor. The armor resounds with that light, causing a bright glow which makes it almost impossible to look at the block of ice that he is trapped within. Slowly, the image of the old woman melts. Melts inside the ice until it is gone without a trace. Seldan is still trapped, still held in the ice, but he is alone now, protected somehow by the holy light of Eluna.

GAME: Morgan rolls knowledge/arcana: (10)+24+6: 40

Morgan lands on the ground "He is in a ice prison, we can break him free, but do be carefull you can hurt him."

Burai stares silently for a long time. Then he approaches. "And the woman?" he asks as he raises a hand, once again a ball of flame above his palm. It's noticeably dimmer now than it was before, having lost some intensity every time he threw it. But without the need to sling it from across the clearing he can just hold it against the ice.

The world went from moving in slow motion, to slower motion, yet still Shalehazel's progresses is painful and the ashen arvec is doing her best to move the treant along. She dares turn her head to see how the battle goes, in time to see the Ice Demon rendered to pieces and explode in a ball of silvery light. Impressive work by the paladin and her griffon. The moon suddenly coming out in full is also a surprise, as is the figure of the old elf melting away. She sees Seldan, imprisonned in ice, but has no idea how to help. It seems the day has been won, and she relents with her urgings and removes her hands from the treant. Coughing into one of them, she looks around at the other party members, the wardens, and the remaining treants then moves towards Sabina to examine her.

Serene pulls her sword back from what remains of the demon. From what might have been the distraction. Then she puts her forehead to the back of Silver's skull, just for a moment, before straightening and guiding him to turn. She takes stock as quick as she can; which of the treants live and remain, which of the other attendees of the moot still stand. The ice block encasing Seldan within the nearly blinding light. That very light she feels in her heart to be Eluna's. This, of all things, gives her pause, has her close her eyes and whisper to herself, before she urges Silver forward. Another beat of his wings, another touch down, and then she is slipping from the saddle. "We will get him free. What of the others here? Some of the treants will need healing, those who we can help... and the arvek."

It's not that difficult to free Seldan after all that. The ice is thick, and heavy-duty stuff, but between you, you can manage it. The treants are leaving. It's not safe for them right now and they know it. So they disperse, all but Shale who remains because of reasons it doesn't seem to feel the need to explain. It aids you somewhat in freeing Seldan, and as the paladin is freed the last of the light fades away. Just a trick of the light... Perhaps.

When Seldan is finally freed, two things are evident - the first is that the armor he wears, which had at first appeared toned down as many of the Wardens did, now has taken its true form - a metal of opalescent sheen rather than the bright and shiny many paladins favor, glowing softly while the light holds, and fading when the light does into shadow. Second, aside from the hurts he had already taken, he seems to be unharmed - but simply drops wordlessly to his knees, his head bowed. He opens his mouth as if to try to speak, but then closes it again and simply shakes his head, a single tear drifting down the alabaster cheek.

Morgan looks to the group and says "A direct blessing from Eluna... be praised." she then looks to Seldan "Oh my friend we need to talk but I need to look a few things up as I have many questions." One thing a Loremaster hates and its not knowing something.

Burai watches Seldan for a few moments. But soon his attention is drawn away - to the nearby remains of a treant. He runs his gaze across the clearing and sees many more such sights, ancient creatures of the Wild destroyed. Burai walks slowly across the clearing, to another fallen treant. Where he checks for any sign of life. When he finds none he does his best to compose the remains somewhat and moves on to the next. And then the next.

As Ashlee reaches Sabina, the cleric of Tarien slips unconscious and the arvec catches her and lowers her softly to the ground. Then, also feeling unwell, she sits and watches the efforts to free Seldan, and his state of grace once he is released. She rubs at her centipede familiar, which has returned to pretending to be a chocker necklace, and coughs quietly a few times before settling into some raspy breathing. She watches the examination of the slain treants, with no way to help.

When the task of freeing Seldan is complete, Serene watches him sink to his knees. She nods once, taking a half step back. "Let him be for a moment," she says, a little more softly than is her norm. Then she turns away from him. First her gaze follows the half-oruch druid as he attends to nature's fallen.. then her eyes settle upon the skull faced arvec. "You are unwell," she surmises. Not all was missed in the combat, it seems. "If it is the plague, I can attempt to purge it from you.. but I have not prepared, so it will be a single attempt only."

It takes Seldan some minutes while the others go about their business, to pull himself together. A mute nod is all Morgan gets from him, and he remains kneeling, head bowed, silent for that space of minutes. Finally, though, his wits seem to slowly begin to reassemble, and he at least looks up and around.

Morgan takes that nod and says to the group "I will go to the Libary at the guild and do my work, any one want to teleport back to the city?" asked as she is making a big circle with her staff in the ground.

"My friend is sick too." Ashlee says, looking up at Serene, making considerations. No worry, no urgency, her voice flat though coarse, and her eyes wide in their dark sockets, "I am ok with a single attempt. I'll care for her if it succeeds."

Aside from Shale, there are only adventurers remaining in the clearing. Even the guards have gone. Following the treants as they make their way away. Shale for its part seems to be watching you curiously. Mostly Ashes and Sabina. "Put heeeer in waaaater?" It suggests as a method of healing.

Burai finishes rearranging the last fallen treant and then moves back to where the others are. "In water?" he repeats. He looks at Sabina. Then his gaze shifts to Ashes. Finally he looks after the departing treants. "What --" he stops and then raises his voice, to a shout. "What water?" he calls after Shale.

As Serene gives Ashes a moment to consider her proposal, she gives Seldan a slow nod.. and then looks to the sole remaining treant. "We can tend your wounds," she offers the giant forest guardian. "I insist we do so... and I apologize for allowing that creature to have slain your folk."

Slowly, and with a wince and a hiss of pain, Seldan gets to his feet and rejoins the group, looking around at those gathered and returning Serene's slow nod. "Is everyone all right?" His eyes lower. "I ... would that we could have saved more of the treants."

"I'm ready," Ashes says, arranging the tsurian comfortably on the ground and standing. She brushes at her clothes, not making them any more arranged or cleaner. There is some residue in the seams she wasn't able to eliminate. Her gaze drifts towards the treant and she nods slightly, "I can help, if I'm cured. Water only works for you, Shalehazel. What do you need me to do?" She asks of Serene.

"The waaaater of the grooooove." Replies Shale slowly. Looking at Burai and then at Serene. It's impossible to tell what such a creature is feeling, but it seems sad also. "Ssssuch isss the circle of liiiiife. Where they have fallen... new will rissssse." It looks over its fellow treants thoughtfully, but doesn't move from its spot, seemingly satisfied the way things are.

Burai looks between the treant and Ashes a few times, bemused. Then he seems to realize the pending attempt to cure the sick. He moves halfway across the clearing, but then turns to face the others. The impression is that he can't help with what's coming and rather is giving them room.

Serene prepares to answer Ashes, but Shaelhazel's mention of the grove waters give her pause. She frowns for a moment, in thought.. then asks, "Have you used these waters to cure the plague?" of him. "We have our means, though not entirely reliable.." She turns back to Ashes. "If we proceed with this, what you need to do is get comfortable. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. It may induce more... retching. And the rest of us must be ready to deal with the results of spawned... ooze."

The ashen arvec nods, kneeling on the ground and setting her satchel to the side. She rests her hands on her knees, and she's facing a relatively clear direction, should she have to throw up again. "We found a spring. The plague expelled from Shalehazel when the treant settled on it. That's how I caught the it. We didn't try using those waters ourselves. I'm ready."

As Seldan comes closer and listens to the conversation, the intention becomes clear enough. "If you have not the spells, Serene, I will assist you." He immediately pulls from his belt, not the sword at his hip, but the mace at his opposite hip, features setting in grim lines despite the tear trail cutting through the dust on his face. "Do not foul the waters with these things, for they do not dissolve, they merely hide within it, to return later."

Shalehazel nods ponderously at Ashes words, moving a little back itself as everyone prepaires to cast spells. It seems unlikely that the treant will join you in combat, but it seems interested in the going-ons here.

GAME: Serene casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 20 DC: 25
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20: (12)+20: 32

"I can make the one attempt... should that fail, well.." The elder paladin offers a ghost of a smile. In part to try and inspire a confidence for Ashes that her words might not offer, and in part in acknowledgement of Seldan's brush with the faerie. "Eluna is with you tonight. One way or another, this will be done." Then she kneels beside Ashes. Notably outside of the field of potential projectile expulsion. She places one hand on the ashen woman's forehead, then with a prayer calls upon the divine magic granted her and sends into the arvec. A purifying magic seeking the plague infection to destroy it.

Ash remains dutifully kneeling as Serene touches her head, listening to her words. No real expression beyond the one given by the skull marking on her face. She feels the wave of warmth sweep through her, then the cloying sensation she has been living with vanishes, her clothes seem a little less faded, and her tattoo is bright again. She blinks slowly, "That worked. Thank you."

She stands, making a small bow towards the Silverguard, then rests her hands on Shalehazel again, calling on the divine magic of the one she serves to cure what she can. "Feel better," she tells the treant.

The treant makes a low groaning noise, the sound of wood popping and crackling. The sigh of leaves. "Thaaaaank yoooou. Weeee heeeal sssslow." It replies ponderously, the slowly turns and starts to head away only pausing once it has reached some distance. There it stops and turns back toward you. "The mooooooot will sssssearch for knowledge on thisssssss. The fooooooressssst knoooooowssss. Weeeee willlll seeeend woooooooord through the treeeesssss to the druidssss."

In the aftermath and clean up, several actions are taken. Seldan tells the treants what he knows of the plague and what he has seen it do in the wild. The treants don't have the magic to heal themselves in such a way, but the druids are also informed on how to heal them. The silver guard also leaves word with the druids, that the treants should find him if they need to deal with the oozes. The druids simplify this, they are trees, the message is kept simple: Some of the Silver Guard know how to heal the trees.

A day later, at noon, every adventurer present at the moot receive a druid messenger. They will informs that the treants asked the forest for information on the ongoings and the forest told them of a group of adventuers sent on a quest into the past. This quest was set forth by a demon who the adventuers did not KNOW was a demon. The trees and grass recognized him as such. This village is located in the fae lands. It is the village of Siavonere. The village from Innocence Lost. The forest further warns the following: The sickness has spread to all corners, and will soon propigate itself across the world. If it is not stopped SOON. The whole of the world may fall to it.

And that spring that cured Shalehazel may be important too.

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