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Log Info

  • Title: DEVA AF FFS, Part 6
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Seldan, Thurid, Sasha, Brand, Havi, Shalethiste, Merek
  • Place: H01: Kultari Road - DEVA Station
  • Time: Sunday, January 03, 2021, 1:43 PM
  • Summary: One of the patients afflicted with the Sleeping Sickness awakens violently, throwing his nurse through his tent. Several of the healers nearby converge, with Seldan being the first to arrive, followed quickly by Shalethiste. The bugbear grabs the heater stove and lays into the Paladin's. Sasha attempts to stop him with a spell, Forbid Action, which fails, while Thurid protects the Shalethiste from further damage. Havi and Brand rush up while the Bugbear keeps swinging, and finally Seldan dispatches him non-lethally, and the disabled Bugbear stops battling. Some questions ensue, hampered by the language barriers. The Bugbear's name is Urtur, and he's assured he's far from war in a healing camp. He explains that he got sick after eating some food that was being transported to Blar. It comes out that he has a brother, Urbarra, who is also in the camp and he desperately wants to see him. Their relationship doesn't seem entirely amicable, with Urtur 'Puppy', expressing happiness that his brother is weaker and sicker than him. Caracoath would be pleased. The Healers get him to agree to a private tent away from the others, and a watch is set, with Seldan making it clear to the Elunites that another outburst should be met with deadly force.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

From east to west, north to south, the Alexandrosian countryside weaves over hill, valley, and farmland. Kultari Road meanders through it at a comfortable pace. The roadside is lined with curbstones, their surfaces comfortably flat and warm, with sand pressed inbetween. At times construction meanders into dirt, and numerous pathways branch off here and there to different farmsteads.

Along this stretch is a waystation. Over its door is a carved marker with dual symbols of Gilead and Tarien, the patrons of travel and the meeting of wilderness-and-civilization, respectively. Not large, the waystation rests a comfortable ways from the main avenue, with a place for a firepit out front.

Towards the south, the sky and landscape darkens. The Felwood lies there, and an occasional screech from inhuman lungs may be heard.

Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Seldan       5'11"    187 Lb     Human             Male      Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.
Thurid       7'1"     249 Lb     Giantborn         Female    Bright-eyed, muscular, blond Giantborn woman.
Sasha        6'4"     245 Lb     Human             Female    Huge Blonde Woman
Brand        6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Male      Raven-haired Human Male with blue eyes.     
Havi         6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Male      Seeker of Wisdom and Knowledge.
Shalethiste  4'6"     96 Lb      Shadow Elf        Female    A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.   

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.

DEVA Station

Fog everywhere. The landscape is ghastly and drained of color. One can easily imagine they have stepped across the veil. Fires burn feebly in the tent-stoves, casting a warm glow that barely lights up the canvass. The patients are warm, well-cared for, unaware of the weather. It saps the volunteers, and no amount of faux cheer, steaming cups of cocoa in the break area or prayer vigils seem to stave it off.

Things are improving! Several patients from each Disease group appear completely cured, and have been moved to the North field for convalescence and observation. There is hope, the natural methods are working, slowly. An end is in sight. If only the optimism wasn't getting lost in the fog, if only chill seeping in through neck collar and coat seam weren't a constant mortal reminder. If the well-trodden snow-paths were frozen all the time, instead of most of the time with the exception being mud.

Morale is low, the treatments are working, things have been quiet for several days.

Making a bugbear'ss warcries all the more startling in the crisp air.

GAME: Thurid rolls 2d6: (7): 7
GAME: Havi rolls 2d6: (8): 8
GAME: Seldan rolls 2d6: (8): 8
GAME: Shalethiste rolls 2d6: (4): 4

The source is immediately clear. The Bugbear that Shalethiste and the two arcanists have been studying. The Blarite, in Disease Group 3, that so far has been unconscious with the sleeping sickness and shares a similar if more advanced case of deformities than the more talkative Bugbear in Group 4.

Well, he's awake now, and capable despite the fused joints in knee, elbow and wrist. A lay healer is launched through the canpoy of his tent, tearing it open and falling to the ground.

"BLOOD! HUMANS!" <goblin-talk>

For some reason, the cold and the damp doesn't seem to trouble Seldan in the slightest. It just doesn't bother him. The fog, the lack of visibility, the white-pale of the world - that is quite another matter. He has been quiet, watchful, hopeful of progress, and just a little lonely, but the sudden war cries galvanize him at once out of seeming lethargy. He fairly bolts to his feet, and shouts a word in sildanyari.

To this point, the armor he routinely wears in the camp has appeared as well-made, but unremarkable, full plate. When he shouts that word, though, all pretense melts away, and the armor's true form shows itself, a quiescent sheen on the metal that assumes a gentle, moonlit glow that cuts through the fog. He takes off at a dead run, a speed only made possible by magical enhancement for a man at a dead run in full plate armor. As he moves, the sword always at his hip is suddenly in his hands, runes across the hilt and down the blade flaring to pale blue life. "Reunion, I need you!"

The Bugbear moves quickly, over short distances. Seeing the Silvergaurd charge up, he rolls across his bed, landing with practiced ease on the calcified and unbending knee. He wrenches the small heating stove free of its mount and chimney. There's a sizzling as the Bugbear's palms sear; he seems immune to the pain. Rising and using the bed as a crutch, he advances enough to swing the small heating block at Seldan.

"DIE!" <Goblin-Talk>

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

A swing that comes up a little short.

Thurid has been tending mostly to those stricken with the plague- As a skilled healer, despite her otherwise combative skillset, she has elected to turn that towards treating those who cannot be readily treated with magic. And she has been gaining some success- some are showing improvement, others at least have remained stable. It's tiring work, but the Giantborn woman tries to remain cheerful and resolute. It helps that the cold and mud don't bother her as much as they might, thanks to her Jotun blood.

When the cry comes out, she glances in the direction from which she heard the cry. "Biggie?" she wonders of no one in particular- she might not know the language of Bugbears, but she only knows of two of them here in this camp. She heads to the entrance of the tent she had been in, eading for where she left her hammer- head down, haft propped against a barrel, to collect it in case it is needed. She hefts the hammer over her shoulder. Long legs carry her towards the source of the noise.

The sudden screech has Havi turning his head sharply, his eyes in the direction of the bugbear as it begins to freak out. He draws his scimitar and immediately rushes over in that direction, ready for a fight but praying it doesn't come to that. He arrives just in time for it to try and attack poor Seldan. "Stop this madness!" He calls to the bugbear. "What happened?" He questions all those nearby for a better read of the situation.

GAME: Brand rolls 2d6: (8): 8
<OOC> Seldan says, "I'll take the AOO and summon the celestial spirit via divine bond, granting it the _merciful_ property."
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29

Shalethiste has been in a somewhat thoughtful humor, a certain thread of calm spliced in as undertone, though her work is untarnished for it. The Shadowy Silver Guard has been doing more on the mending side of teh camp duties than she had prior, though the sour taste of the Caldera has kept her yet clad at least in her chain shirt, admittedly an uncomfortable fit for the heavier winter wear she is forced to adopt beneath.

She is tending to one of the delirious patients some tents from the epicenter of inclement wakefulness. It's on the warcry that the Mul's eyes brighten in alert and a hand finds a hilt as the other sets aside her tray of compresses intended for reprocessing. By the time Ser Seldan's voice rings out, she is parting the flaps of that triage to see the human paladin gallop past, with the gentle juggernaut Thurid pounding snow and wise Havi on a path of convergence. With a twist, the long, narrow blade of mirror-blued steel arcs free of the polished scabbard and the tiny dark elf tears off after to see what's been set astir.

As a stove is employed to nearly give her fellow paladin a toasty exfoliation within a shaggy, sizzling paw, she cries out, "What is the meaning of this! Stop!" and she moves in on the goblinoid to help curtail his movement and perhaps draw his attention so he can be restrained.

The enraged, diseased bugbear swinging a kitchen stove doesn't seem to frighten Seldan. Not even a little bit. He simply neatly dodges an incoming attack, his movements impossibly fast and graceful, and stops dead, bringing the blade point-up before him and murmuring a prayer. It doesn't take more than a couple of seconds before the runes are drowned out by a white-gold-silver glow that suffuses the metal and lights his already pale face in the paler fog.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Okay, bugbear swings at Shalethiste"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "oh, was gonna try and opp pary"
GAME: Shalethiste rolls weapon3: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Urtur damaged Shalethiste for 11 points. 18 HP remaining.

"No Mojo!" The Bugbear shouts, backswinging the stove at Seldan. The attack misses, but the attack in itself is marvelous. <goblin-talk>

This Bugbear's left knee is fused in a bent position, ninety degrees, and three times the size of a normal knee. His opposite elbow, the right, has a similar appearance and bend. Finally his left hand, from the wrist through to the fingers are more a straight spear of bone than a functional hand, and two of the fingers on his right are likewise permanently extended.

Despite this handicap, he seems able to work around it, swinging the stove like a natural. He brings it down on Shalethiste, smashing through her parry and wacking her hard enough to shake fiery coals out of it.

GAME: Thurid casts Shield Other. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
<OOC> Thurid says, "she gains +1 AC and I take half her damage."

Thurid does not slow as she draws nearer, though she does wince when she sees the stove come crashing down towards Shalethiste. She presents her Icon, and speaks a brief prayer to Angoron- but the warding link that extends from her to the Paladin is too slow- and the stove comes crashing down before the spell completes. "Take heart!" she calls back to Shalethiste, "I'll not let further harm come to you." she adds. She lets go of her icon, allowing it to swing freely about her neck as she moves to a two handed grip on her hammer and steps in close to the Bugbear. "We are not here to harm you!" she calls out to it, though it is clear the creature is not able to see reason at present.

GAME: Sasha rolls 2d6: (5): 5
<OOC> Sasha says, "so 50?"
GAME: Sasha casts Forbid Action. Caster Level: 11 DC: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20-3: (18)+-3: 15 (Urtur Will)

Sasha trudges her way back to the camp after her small break and sees one of the other healers gets knocked out of a tent. "Oh no." She begins to hustle her way back to the camp, and the tent as she hears a bugbear yelling and the screech of a stove being used as a weapon. She yells back, in goblin-speak no less. "BY TELEMENTAR'S LIGHT! I FORBID YOU TO ATTACK!" Being part of a blessing, she has no way of knowing, immediately, if it works, but she continues to speak in goblin-speak. "You are in the presence of those that would help you. Do you wish to attack those that would help you? Make your choice now, sir."

The spell fails to stick, the Bugbear in a panicked frenzy, but the words in his own tongue get through. Not enough to make him stand down, just yet, but he seems aware of the wider situation at least. Tents, snow, the fog, "Why so many humans?"

The promised battles in the afterlife weren't supposed to be so confusing.

Brand hears the chaos happening just a little ways away and he immediately gets moving. He's wearing lighter armor, so he's relatively fast. He draws both of his daggers and moves until he's only about 20 at a distance from the bugbear. "Is it losing it?" the question is directed at everyone. He -just- got here from a recent caravan, so its somewhat makes him believe he's an omen of bad luck or something.

GAME: Havi casts Thunderstomp. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Havi rolls 1d20+druid+wisdom: (12)+2+3: 17

Havi notices multiple options seemingly failing, so Havi mutters an incantation and stomps hard on the ground, attempting to use the Thunderstomp spell to try and trip it up. Alas, doesn't look like he has any luck in this field though, but hey, its worth the shot.

The thunderous wave moves through the ground, shaking the Bugbear. He is nearly thrown off balance, but saves himself by leaning his weight on the cot he's using to support himself with his crippled leg.

GAME: Shalethiste spends ONE use of DANCING LIGHTS.
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "opp par"
GAME: Sasha rolls diplomacy: (8)+18: 26
GAME: Shalethiste rolls weapon3-4: (1)+8+-4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6+5: (1)+5: 6
GAME: Seldan casts Paladin's Sacrifice. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19
GAME: Urtur damaged Seldan for 6 points. 193 HP remaining.

As the kitchen stove finds itself just inches from striking his fellow Elunan as she lays on the ground, Seldan shouts a single, sildanyari word, abd holds out a hand, tearing the searing effects of the fire from her to himself. He flinches as his hand drops, the burns appearing beneath is armor, but no more than that. Certainly it's not slowing him down any.

"NO MOJO!" The Bugbear yells, his brief confusion replaced with certainty. He's been Thunderstomped, other spells have been cast. Truly this must be some cold hell. Simple fights are not simple. He swings the stove at Shalethiste as she starts to wiggle fingers, scattering more burning embers.

There's the smell of burnt fur and flesh. The protective spells on the Mul'niessa move the damage from her to the other Silverguard.

GAME: Shalethiste rolls bluff: (15)+3: 18

Shalethiste, despite the blessings of Eluna, occassionally finds herself feeling like a pet project for Tarien.

So it is, now, as the stove plows through her parry and puts a knot on her head with enough force that the Mul momentarily presents an image of feet in the air in a cloud of embers and upchurned snow with a cry.

Blinking the nine worlds back into proper gestalt, the Mul looks up toward the bugbear and narrows her eyes to manifest pretty pretty lights to flutter about him, though it ends up drawing down more heat that ringingly nearly takes the bastard sword from her hands with a sharp clang... and the impact doesn't hurt....?

In any case, to not try to look behind Her light, the dark silver guard gathers her feet and tries to congeal her guard, "... thank you!"

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Sense motive for anyone that would like to roll it, Hunch is DC20"
GAME: Thurid rolls sense motive: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (13)+18: 31
GAME: Brand rolls Sense Motive: (18)+6: 24
GAME: Sasha rolls sense motive: (15)+6: 21
GAME: Shalethiste rolls sense motive: (17)+7: 24

The Bugbear has been unconscious since he arrived. He came on the Airship, might have been unconscious through that. There weren't many details about where he was picked up, but it likely didn't have tents, snow, and humans. Bugbears are generally cruel and cowardly, they like hit and run tactics. He obviously, can't run, and reacts badly to spells, swinging at people who cast and are in range. The dancing lights are distracting and he's watching them.

GAME: Seldan rolls reunion+pa: aliased to weapon1-4: (17)+23+-4: 36
GAME: Seldan rolls reunion+pa-5: aliased to weapon1-4-5: (1)+23+-4+-5: 15 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Seldan rolls reunion+pa-10: aliased to weapon1-4-10: (11)+23+-4+-10: 20
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+9+1d6+padmg: aliased to 1d8+9+1d6+8: (1)+9+(3)+8: 21
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+9+1d6+padmg: aliased to 1d8+9+1d6+8: (7)+9+(3)+8: 27

"I weary of this." Seldan's temper, while still firmly controlled, makes something of an appearance as the marks of burns appear on his skin. "That mojo will keep you from the Halls this day." Without another word, he lays into the creature with the speed of a striking snake and the fury of a bear. The first blow throws the second off balance, but he recovers and lands a third, dropping the creature to its knees and leaving only bruising behind.

When it is done, he steps back to let the healers tend the fallen bugbear, explaining shortly, "I summoned Eluna's mercy to the blade."

The bright lights, they hurt his eyes, the stove burns as the cold air bites through the thin cloth of the patient's robe. The blocky weapon is held back, ready, he looks at Sasha, "You...." <goblin-talk>

He's interrupted. Beaten down by the blade. He drops the stove into the snow and supports himself on the edge of the cot. "Urtur beaten." <goblin-talk>

GAME: Sasha rolls 1d8+7: (4)+7+5: 16
<OOC> Sasha says, "Ring of curing adds +2 to any healing spells, such as cure."
GAME: Sasha damaged Shalethiste for -16 points. 29 HP remaining.

Sasha watches as the bugbear is beaten down, and he decides to surrender. "Be glad he was merciful, Urtur." She says placing a hand upon Shale. "May the Blessed Lady mend your wounds, Shalethiste." She says as a blue glow radiates from her hand. "You are not in any sort of danger here, Urtur." She switches back to goblin as she speak to the bugbear. "As a matter of fact, you have been sick for many days, and we have been tending to your has the many nurses here." She says as she points outside. "Such as the person you knocked from the tent."

GAME: Seldan spends ONE use of LAY ON HANDS.
GAME: Seldan rolls 6d6: (22): 22
<OOC> Seldan says, "He's fine."
GAME: Seldan damaged Seldan for -22 points. 199 HP remaining.

Thurid humps her hammer back to rest over her shoulder, holding the haft in one hand, once it becomes evident she is not going to need it. "Well struck." she offers Seldan then, and looks back to the bugbear. "The question is, is this a new symptom, or just a matter of confused delerium waking up in unfamiliar surroundings." she wonders outloud. She steps aside, to set her hammer down. "Help me get him back into his cot?" she says to Seldan, while he tends to his wounds, and moves over to grab one end of the bugbear and lift him back into his somewhat ruined bed. "We'll have to move him and re-assemble the tent properly, but better here than the floor for now."

Merek would assist, although people all seem to have tasks like that well in their ability. The man takes the time to keep healing the people, he walks along and begins to check on each person while nodding. The man wandering about along the place.

Shalethiste is astounded by the speed with which Seldan batters the unruly bugbear to acquiescence, such that the Mul edges back slightly and squints as she isn't sure what she's seeing isn't altered by the angrilly throbbing knot on her head that's matting her copper tresses to her face in crimson tendrils. The balming touch of Sasha's divine gift stills the pain and allows her to feel more certain of her vision and she smiles gratefully, lowering her guard, "Thank you, Sasha." Ahem, a glance about to see if anything else if afoot, then carefully arcs her blade up under the fold of the scabbard at her hip and twists to lock it into place. "I will help." she says, then, with some rekindeled urgency, "Was anyone else injured?"

By the time Brand makes it to the area, the Bugbear is defeated and everybody seems to be taking a breath of relief. "Seems I was not needed." He looks around though, careful to analyzing anything extensive that may have been damaged so he can get to work on fixing it, or if anybody needed help moving the creature if necessary.

Seldan does not answer at once, the bracers on his wrists over the armor flaring to life as he crosses his arms across his shoulders, sword still in one hand. It's mere seconds of prayer before a blue-silver light forms beneath his hands, and as quickly fades, leaving no sign of anything amiss. He looks up when it is done, murmurs a sildanyari paean of gratitude, and the glow fades from Reunion.

"What was that all about, Seldan?" A nasally old woman's voice emerges from the blade, followed by an older man's. "And why the spirit?"

"It was not my wish to kill him," Seldan counters simply.

"You're no fun." The old man isn't giving in.

"He is ill, Kanian. Would you have me strike down in cold blood one who suffers already from illness?"

"That one? Yes."

"Huh. Heh. She flew far.." The bugbear answers Sasha as he looks at the prone form of the healer. He doesn't seem to be showing remorse. It might be hard to read, but, more likely he isn't bothered. <goblin-talk>

He watches warily as Thurid approaches. It's clear he only understood Sasha, also clear, that he doesn't want a second application of the Silverguard's sword. So he waits and allows the Jotun to manipulate him back into the bed. Brand's approach gets a glance also, and while the bugbear is stiff and strong, he's not resisting.

Although Reunion's words make him tense up again. All his attention is there now. Dangerous magic thing.

"Where? Who you? Why?" The bugbear asks Thurid, with a distrustful glance around at all the humans. <goblin-talk>

Meanwhile, the nurse lies crumpled in the snow. She wasn't expecting a backhand that launched her clear; the patient had been quiet up till now.

Sasha looks to the Bugbear and lets out a soft sigh. "Seldan, make sure our guest doesn't attack any others in the camp, please." She then touches Shale's shoulder. "Come. There's another that could use your help." She says as she trots her way through the snow to help the nurse up. with blessings if she needs to.

Thurid frowns a bit at the words from thw Bugbear as she helps him back into the bed. She looks over as Sasha begins to leave, "Can someone translate for me?" she asks then, "I do not speak Goblin." she adds after a moment, seeming torn between assisting the nurse and the patient- clearly the former is more deserving, given she wasn't the agressor, but Thurid can't help but feel sympathetic for the clearly confused bugbear, even if she does not speak his language.

Shalethiste watches the bugbear warily a moment with a glance to Sasha at her renewed touch and affords a nod, "Of course." The Mul follows the other woman to the nurse on the ground and offers her help to her feet with a gentle, "It's alright, now... are you hurt, anywhere?" Her eyes sweep the waylaid healer for overt signs of injury, ready to use Eluna's blessings if their is call for them.

"Peace, Kanian. We will speak later." The sword continues to grumble, but subsides grudgingly, and Seldan rests the point of the blade gently on one booted foot, hands on the quillons, a silent guard pose that says nothing, and does nothing, but serve as a reminder.

Merek looks to the people that are speaking to the patients, then he nods a bit. "You all are doing alright?" he asks, while he takes a moment to adjust the pack with the medical equipment, taking the time to think.

It may be a new symptom, or it may be a result of the patients in this disease group improving. So far they all have been, some regaining consciousness, four even seemingly cured. Usually the patient awakens on their own and calls for someone, or there is someone present who speaks their language. Most of the hobgoblins and goblins have at least a smattering of Tradespeack, and all of them are from Blar, so hostility hasn't been experienced.

Even the recovered exhibit some symptoms of poor impulse control, lack of judgement. Not so much a recklessness as a failure to consider or care about consequences. So few have recovered fully, it's difficult to say if this happens for everyone one afflicted.

Also, the Arsenic cure hasn't been tried.

The bugbear repeats his questions, sounding a bit more anxious. "Urtur is me. Who you? Where you?" On his back, his field of vision is limited, and Sasha has moved out of it so there's only Thurid and Brand to stare and grimace at. "Talk Goblin!" <goblin-talk>

Brand turns his attention to Thurid as he approaches over to help her. "I don't speak goblin. I doubt the Bugbear is fluent in handspeech or tradespeak." He informs her, but suddenly his attention shifts to the rest of them. He's mostly on standby right now. He's a fighter, not a healer. When the Bugbear grimaces at him, Brand just shakes his head. "I don't speak goblin."

Seeing the issue of language barrier, Seldan straightens and sheathes his blade, holding up a single finger in what he hopes is a clear universal gesture to wait. Without saying anything else, he turns and strides out towards where Sasha and Shalethiste work on the thrown nurse. "Hearthguard, none save you speaks his tongue," he tells Sasha. "I shall see to her."

"I know Seldan. I had to see to her though." Sasha says waving for Seldan to come and get her with Shale. Sasha walks her way back to the bugbear and lets out a breath. "None speak your language but me, Urtur." She says speaking goblin. "I am Sasha...hearthguard of heaven's queen. Surely you know what it means if you are in a campsite with one such as myself...correct?"

Thurid gathers enough that he is saying his name, while she waits for Sasha to return, so she is able to nod her head. She points at him, "Urtur?" and then she thumbs back towards her own chest. "Thurid." she explains, and then shows him the icon of Angoron that hangs from the chain about her neck. "Could you tell him we're healers?" she asks Sasha, unaware the other woman already has- sort of. "And that he's been very ill, that he seems to be recovering." she adds then. She remains nearby, incase he decides he can do with being mobile again.

Shalethiste frowns a bit and helps the nurse to her feet, using a bit of her healing touch, "Feeling better?" She turns to Seldan and Sasha's discussion as the others try to talk with the Bugbear, "there is a symptom of the disease this batch of patients has, it assails the faculties of the victim, and may lead to trouble grasping their situation, or controlling and reflecting on their impulses."

"Prisoner?" Urtur looks around some more. He can see tents, a lot of colour-draining fog that swallows the distance, "Dead? Hurt?" <goblin-talk>

"Thurid," He repeats her name, nodding at her, "Urtur."

The Mul'niessa gets some attention as she launches into a long explanation he doesn't understand. He lets his head lie back, and speaks some more. "What happened?"."

Merek takes a look to the party, and nods a bit while he watches them talk, "Interesting," he muses, then he takes the time to check on people. "Anyway, I am making progress, with the assistance from the dryad. Also, I think he was part of the food caravan to assist that Captain Infalia picked up."

"I see." Seldan seems to be more interested in the welfare of the nurse, and checks her over for serious injuries even as he listens to Shalethiste.

GAME: Thurid rolls diplomacy: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Seldan rolls intimidate: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Thurid rolls diplomacy: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Brand rolls Diplomacy: (5)+9: 14
GAME: Sasha rolls diplomacy: (14)+18: 32

A man smaller than he is put him on his knees in six seconds flat.

Brand watches as THurid and Urtur acquaintance themselves. Meantime, Brand gestures to himself. "Brand." Then his attention is on Sasha.

"Could you also inform him that we mean him no harm. He is not the only bugbear we are treating, and that We are friends to him and will continue to be?" He asks of Sasha.

Urtur smiles at Brand after he introduces himself in a way that suggests he wants to bite off his face. Perhaps it's a positive sign? It's a big grin. Many sharp teeth.

Sasha quietly, and patiently, relays all of the pertinent information to Urtur in goblin-speak...including introductions and titles, especially Thurid, since some bugbears favor strength and Thurid is a Warrior of Angoron. "You are not a prisoner. You were brought to us very very sick. So much so that you have been unconcious for a long time, and only now have you awakened. We mean you no harm and will bring you no harm, unless you decide to harm others."

Shalethiste, as does her senior Guard, stands by, with quite an interest in the interaction of the patient and her fellows. As the felled nurse finally seems to have her steadiness back, the Mul'niessa gently touches her shouder and requests, "I had to set the old compresses aside in the third tent down, could you take them to be cleansed, please?"

GAME: Shalethiste rolls diplomacy: (17)+1: 18
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Nurse feels positively inclined towards you"

Thurid pauses to let Sasha speak to the bugbear once she returns, "Also, if you could tell him that when he's well enough, we want to speak to him about how and when he got sick. To help get to the bottom of these diseases." she suggests, finally, but then remains fairly quiet.

"Yes, of course Siverguard, yes." The nurse answers Shalethiste. Healed now, it's not her injuries that make her unsteady but the memory of the experience. The surprise and ease with which she was thrown. It's rattled her, and the assignment is a welcome distraction. She nods to the Mul'niessa, "Thank you, for all your hard work."

She heads off to her task.

The friendly overtures don't seem to be working at first, even if Urtur is responding. Brand, Thurid, get glances full of grimaces. Also, the Silverguard's subtle threat has a lot of his attention. The Bugbear is a capable fighter, but has been bested and that's enough to keep him lying down now.

It's Sasha's words that have a much more positive effect. Urtur listens intently to the explanation, grunts and gives a thumbs-down gesture towards Thurid. It can mean a few different things, perhaps in this case surrender or blades down. He answers Sasha, and with the translations everyone is in on the exchange.

"Ok. Won't Fight. War is over? Well enough now." He isn't and it's an obvious lie, but the Bugbear isn't going to admit weakness in front of potential enemies even if he's largely helpless. "Not sick. Got sleepy. On road. Everyone sleep more and more. Wagons stop early. Next morning, only ..." He holds up his half-fused hand, that represents, three, four, five? Depends how one counts, "... wake up."

"There is no war here. And you are sick....whether you want to admit it or not. it is why you are on that bed right now." Sasha replies in goblin-talk to Urtur. "So....get comfortable. You'll be here until you're cured, then you'll be strong enough to head back out...."

Thurid shakes her head, "The war is not over, but here there is a ceasefire." she explains. "Lots of people on both sides got sick, we've been helping them." she explains. "Do you remember when people started getting sleepy?" she wonders. "Or where? It might help us cure the others, who haven't woken up yet." she explains to him- with the assistance of the translator.

Shalethiste is pleased that went well. Her typical attempts to be reasonable tend to end in ruffled feathers, so this is a happy flight into the face of the odds. The dark elf glances to Sasha, "Does he know what has affected his limbs, so, at least, when they started to be thusly disfigured?" she wonders, but doesn't venture any closer, "There is another suffering so, though of the other faction, and it may or may not be wise to mention, but as you deem best."

It's a little slow going with the translations that Sasha provides, but overall it works out.

"Where is Urtur? Why so many humans?" The Bugbear answers Sasha at first, then switches to answering Thurid. She and Shalethiste are getting the most glances, aside from Seldan's sword Reunion. Perhaps the goblinoid is more comfortable with their non-human nature. He relaxes when Seldan removes himself from his line of sight, and answers become more forthcoming.

"On road? On road. Wagon Master would say. He here? Was North of Blar. Going Blar. Sleepy was, day, two day, after get food loaded."

It's Shalethiste's question which provokes an immediate and sudden response, "What? Here? Urbarra here!" With a growl he attempts to rise and roll out of bed, demanding at the Mul'niessa, "Take Urtur to!"

"You are near Alexandria are in no condition to go anywhere." Sasha says gently pushing Urtur back onto the bed. "Tell us your relationship with Urbarra." She then looks over. "Seldan..." She says in trade. "help me restrain him..."

Thurid is just as prompt, moving in to press him back into the bed, "You're not well enough to walk, especially not after that bruising. Why do you want to see Urbarra?" she asks him. "Urbarra is also sick." she says- she doesn't forget, in the confusion, to make a mental note of that story though. They became ill after getting the food. "Do you know where the food came from?" she asks, trying to take his mind off it.

It takes a minute, because Seldan had stepped out of the tent, but on being summoned, the paladin returns at once and assists as needed in restraining, but lets Sasha do all the talking.

GAME: Shalethiste rolls sense motive: (8)+7: 15

Merek keeps assisting the people that are recovering from the disease, taking the time to soak bandages while he wraps them onto a few of the place's patients. There's a look about to see if anyone needs assistance from the man.

Shalethiste isn't necessarily stunned that Urtur reacted to the news of the other bugbear, so much as the timbre of it. She starts to edge closer as he gets energetic and answers, "We can't have any fighting, here." evenly, making ready to assist with heading off any more.... physical discourse. The murkiness of goblinoid expressiveness makes it harder for the Mul'niessa to decypher, but a hand curls at the hilt of her blade, "We'd be best served keeping an eye on this one."

Brand looks upon Urtur as he keeps asking questions. "Furthermore, Urbarra is also seemingly on the mend. But healing takes time." Meantime though, Brand lets Seldan do the holding as he looks upon Urtur. "Please my friend, rest. You will see Urbarra again soon enough, but I humbly ask for your patience." He looks to Sasha. "Translate, please."

GAME: Brand rolls Diplomacy: (18)+9: 27

"Brother!" Urtur says, holding up his bone-fused spear-hand as if that explains everything and perhaps it does. "'Barra brother! From Shark Tooth!"

He is still attempting to rise, but Sasha and Thurid barely able to keep him on the bed. Until Seldan comes into view. The sight of the Paladin is enough to make the Bugbear freeze. He stops struggling. At least one of the things Thurid said filters in, and the Bugbear starts to laugh loudly. "HA! He Sick! Stupid coward 'Barra!"

He chuckles cruely, and does not seem much bothered by this news. Perhaps there is bad blood. He also seems to have forgotten about the food origin question.

Especially now that there's a hand on a blade to watch.

Brand gets Urtur's attention, and he calms down somewhat, then laughs again, "Urtur heal faster. See 'Barra soon, yes." He clenches his clencheable hand, knuckles crack.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Okay, so k/geography or k/local if you're from Bludgun or Blar, DC 25 or Linguistics"
GAME: Seldan rolls linguistics: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Merek rolls linguistics: (13)+22: 35
GAME: Sasha rolls linguistics: (7)+15: 22

Urbarra and Urtur are related words in Goblinoid. Urbarra means 'Wolf', Urtur means 'Puppy'. Bugbears might have naming themes, so both named after the same animal makes sense, and also dropping the 'Ur' part, suggests familiarity.

Sasha's been translating the entire time without being prompted. "You two are close, huh?" She says to Urtur. "brotherly competition as well?"

Shark Tooth, so named because of an odd rock on a pedestal that's in the town centre, and depending on how one approaches it, it looks either like a shark, or a tooth, and sometimes a shark's tooth. Many heads have been bashed over the debate of what it is. As a bugbear 'town', it's more a camp with some sturdy buildings and maybe a stove or two.

Merek nods a bit to Sasha, "I agree," he notes, while he thinks about it, "Dialect is as important as anything else," he then notes, while he offers a wave and takes a moment to place on the hat which he wears as well.

Thurid listens to the translation, and her grip on the bugbear loosens a bit as Seldan's arrival seems to deter him from continuing to try and get up. Something he said- or does, rather- catcher her attention and she frowns for a moment. "Did he do that to you, somehow?" she asks, gesturing for his fist. "He has similar defomities. Did you somehow do it to one another?" she asks then.

"Urbarra's mentioned Shark Tooth." Shale mentions gravely, her eyes holding to Urtur, though the pivot of her chin steers more toward the other paladins, "It's a small settlement of Bugbears on Blar's border..." She realigns on their patient and, as he seems to be behaving, her fingers open from the hilt without the hand leaving it and she continues, "Both factions have pressganged the population using their youngest as hostages. He inferred the settlement was gone, now, but.. did not mention a brother, though it aligns with Borzivoi's... err.... calculations."

"Blessing of Draug," Urtur grins at Thurid while answering Sasha, a great pride in his voice. An unsettling sign, if he considers himself specially chosen by Draug the Wolf Lord. Known in human kingdoms as Caracoroth, the god of Nightmares, Monsters and Madness; The mad son of Maugrim who harries Eluna across the sky. Exactly the sort of person one desires among Elunites. "'Barra less blessed. Weak. Easy Life. Urtur hard!"

He raps his calcified hand against the edge of the bed to emphasize his point. It sounds very solid, and again, he shows no reaction to pain the action should have caused.

Seldan is holding his peace and his silence, restraining the patient only when there appear to be signs of resistance, but when Draug is mentioned, he raises an eyebrow, his entire demeanor taking on a wholly impassive look.

Thurid nods her head slowly, she looks vaguely troubled by the bugbear's choice of gods to follow, but keeps it to herself- she is here to treat the sick, not proselytize. "I see..." she settles on. "I can see you are strong, very strong." she agrees then, placating. "When you and Urbarra are well, perhaps we can arrange for you to meet. But you must not fight, not here. Outside this camp, the war continues. Here, there is no war. Yes?" she says to him, cautiously. "Until then, Can you remember where your caravan got its food?"

Sasha looks at Urtur with a different expression now, then looks to Thurid. "With the way he keeps looking at you..." She says in tradespeak. "...and keeps mentioning 'weak'.....I'd eventually like him to be separated from everyone else....and under guard. Something tells me he follows Carcaroth....someone that Eluna is against. It would also explain his initial hostility. Destruction to all." She then sighs. "Find his brother, see if he'll join Eluna's ranks in time, if we can heal him." She says it just loud enough for Seldan to hear, but says it to Thurid. As for Urturr, Sasha looks to him and speaks in goblin-talk.. "If you so wish, we could give you your own you don't have to deal with the 'weaker' people around you."

The trap has been set. Now for the quarry to bite.

Shalethiste maintains her posture as the bugbear's answer to Thurid begins with the alias of one of her Goddess's enemies, though, perhaps without her higher decision-making being involved, her fingers curl just a bit toward the hilt. At some point, she seems to notice, and, in deferrence to the threefold armistice in play, wills her digits to relent. She glances to Ser Seldan then, and, in Sildanyari, "I would see a detail to protect the brother, Ser, with your permission?" she requests.

"Yes," Seldan nods to Shalethiste, his tone even and collected. "I do not desire a repeat, and I think it to be as the Hearthguard says. I will speak with the Captain and the Major at once on the matter. I am well familiar with the Hound and his minions."

"Okay. Outside the camp." Urtur's eyes glitter as he nods and smiles at Thurid. It sounds like a promise. It will remain to be seen if he keeps it. "Food pickup was North of Blar. Black Earth farmlands. Cured meat, wheat, potatoes."

He answers Sasha directly, and enthusiastically, "Yes. Bigger tent. Away. You healer." He points at Thurid. He's picked her as a friend, how lovely.

Whatever the Silverguards say to each other is ignored. He looks satisfied for now.

And dangerous.

Sasha turns to Thurid and speaks in Jotun...on purpose. "Keep your guard up, Warrior."

Seldan looks up and over as Urtur names Thurid his healer, his gaze steady, mien serious. "I would not have you tend him unaccompanied, Warrior," he says in Tradespeak. "The Hound's minions are not to be trusted."

Thurid nods her head then, "Alright." she agrees readily with the Bugbear who requests her as his healer. It might just be a height thing, after all, and Thurid is not one to judge. She does spare a glance to the others and a brief nod of her head in acknowledgement of their warnings.

Merek keeps working with the patients, until he finishes up with that. The man nods to people, "I think that these people will be alright," he notes, then he takes a look to Shale, "You need anything?" he asks the healer along with the party.

"Yessss. Urtur agrees." The Bugbear settles back on his bed with an undercurrent of threat in his voice. They may have beaten him down, but they are obeying his orders, and this pleases him. Also, the knowledge that his older brother is nearby and they will meet up soon, refills his humour and confidence.

A little friendly competition. Soon. Bugbear style.

The Wolf Lord will be pleased with his puppy.

Ghoulish cp line.png

OOC and Combatty Stuff

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Also please, Roll Heal, say whether directly treating or assisting, and either group 1 (Fear), 3 (Sleeping Sickness), 4 (Black Plague) or all, and some Fort saves, +4, unless you're immune to disease."
<OOC> Thurid says, "I'll be treating/guarding the bugbear, it seems."
GAME: Thurid rolls heal: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Thurid rolls fort: (13)+7+4: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls heal: (11)+12: 23
From afar, Shalethiste is newly immune to disease
<OOC> Seldan says, "He is immune."
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "likewise"
GAME: Shalethiste rolls heal: (16)+8: 24
<OOC> Sasha says, "Sleeping sickness for me."
GAME: Sasha rolls heal: (11)+18: 29
GAME: Sasha rolls fortitude: (17)+11+4: 32
GAME: Merek rolls heal: (12)+20: 32
GAME: Merek rolls fort+4: (15)+13+4: 32

<OOC> Sasha says, "The 'singular tent' for a trap."
<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "howso a trap?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Geir and Kira have most often posed as managing, scheduling, training the lay healers and labourers, so they're kind-of in charge of them the most. mostly they have assignments that don't change since Geir worked them out"
<OOC> Sasha says, "Armed ELunites outside of the tent. Clerics that treat him will have armed escorts, just in case he pulls another 'random violence' sort of thing....."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Seldan is hand in hand with her on that."
<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "okay, will note
<OOC> Sasha says, "and he'll be the last to get 'treatment' of any kind."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Seldan has taken charge of peacekeeping in the camp, Sasha."
<OOC> Shalethiste nods.
<OOC> Seldan says, "So Cryo knows - Seldan does set up a guard around the tent, and healers are to have an armed escport."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Those guards are explicitly authorized to kill should he attack anyone."
<OOC> Shalethiste says, "shelly's going to hover around Urbarra's tent and keep a detail around him just in case Urtur slips past someone"

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     23   Seldan           1  
     20   Urtur            1  
     20   Thurid           1  
     15   Sasha            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     12   Brand            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
  >> 11   Havi             3   <<
     5    Shalethiste      1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               

|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   | CHP | HP  | AC/FF/T |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Brand     |HUMAN     |Pal/Rog    | 17  | 17  |17/13/14 | 15 | 4  | 6  | 3  |
|Havi      |HUMAN     |Dru        | 14  | 14  |16/14/12 | 13 | 4  | 2  | 6  |
|Sasha     |HUMAN     |Clr        | 84  | 87  |19/17/12 | 20 | 11 | 8  | 12 |
|Seldan    |HUMAN     |Pal/Sor    | 199 | 199 |37/34/24 | 39 | 25 | 21 | 29 |
|Shalethist|SHADOW_ELF|Pal/Swb    | 18  | 29  |19/15/14 | 20 | 7  | 10 | 8  |
|Thurid    |GIANTBORN |Clr        | 44  | 44  |12/11/12 | 18 | 7  | 2  | 7  |

You paged Brand with 'Handspeech is somewhat limited 'go there, attack that' not good for discussing philosophy, and whie there's words for flowers and trees it's more in a landmark sense'
Brand pages: OH! I thought it was like ASL in the sense that its a full-blown language, not so much in the 'go here, fetch that' kind of sense, but that makes sense.
You paged Brand with 'it may have some of those aspects, most of the other players treat it like the Seal Team six handsignals sort of thing. There have been some conversations in it, but mostly avoiding being really flowery purple prose kinds of stuff. Even ASL is half words for things, half spelling out stuff, so it wouldn't translate well into another language. Since we don't have variants of Handspeech, it's assumed it's somewhat limited.'