A little Exersize

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Hot, hazy, humid. Uncomfortable. Glaring sun with no clouds to offer shade. This would be an unpleasant day by normal standards for some. Aya especially so. Yet the day is not the height of her concerns. Nor even is her current, less-than-ideal state. No.

The primary issue may well be a lack of certain things: activity; fresh air; mobility. Ever one to be active, the somewhat forced inactivity is the driving factor for her current venture outside into the horrid conditions. Some may be content to sleep away night and day, but that doesn't work for her. And not just because she doesn't exactly sleep.

Even the shade over Eluna's steps is not enough to keep her there as she makes her way down them. Slowly. Even she is uncertain when she began the trek, but she is determined.

At Aya's side is a blue-scaled sith-makar. He stands close to her, in case her steps should falter - particularly on the stairs - but allows her to make her own way. He does not try to hurry her along in any way, but seems endlessly patient with how long it is taking her to descend the stairs at her own pace. Zeke, for that is the sith in question, shifts his tail slowly behind himself, well out of the way of Aya's efforts. "Jussst one more." He offers, as a form of encouragement to her.

Hot day. Humid day. Bright day. Ugh. It was another one of those times where Aryia donned her large straw hat (with holes cut out for her ears) and tinted spectacles. Though this time, the annoyance of the sun was abated by her desire to check in on her mentor. Stopping by a district of the city she preferred to avoid becoming a common occurrence.

She'd been staring at the ground as she walked, only to look up from the foot of the steps. Aryia blinks behind her shades, then smiles warmly at the sight before her. Aya was getting better.

The scarred mul'neissa waves with a bit of energy to the two.

"Yes, I can count..." Aya assures Zeke in return (and gripe) as she works down said step, with every effort at not relying upon anything save her own legs. Possibly the nearby stone rail, as well, but as inconspicuously as possible. Not the first words of ire vented in Zeke's direction yet not targeted AT the sith. Possibly the last, though, as they did correlate with the steps in a near 1:1 ratio.

Success! ... and now she's all but blinded by the sun.

She promptly squints and lowers her eyes to the ground, not immediately spotting Aryia's wave. "Would it be too much to ask your god to dim the lights?" Likely intended to be wry, her tone may be far more earnest than planned.

Zeke takes her ire in stride, even offering a delicately amused snort at her comment about the sun. "Thisss one could asssk, but I doubt that the Dragonfather isss ssso inclined. Where he givesss sssun in abundance... he isss loathe to take it away." Further amusement. Zeke steps down to the last step, offering Aya his hand, but not really expecting her to take it.

Aryia winces, feeling a similar pain behind her eyes from Aya's reaction. She gives a small huff, rubbing at her throat. She wasn't too put off by none spotting her, it usually took a few tries. The mute elf gives a trilling two note whistle, mood not abated as she hops up three steps at a time to the two of them. Again, she waves, from the hip this time so Aya could see the movement.

Aya looks to the offered hand. "A shame." She doesn't dismiss the offer, and may well be considering it when she hears the whistle. Saved by it, perhaps? She turns towards abruptly towards it and, spying Aryia, lifts a hand to return the greeting. "Hel-oh!"

Either her rotation was too abrupt and/or the wave to energetic as her equilibrium is disrupted. A reflexive flail of the on-waving hand may wind up grasping Zeke's, regardless. Once she stabilizes, and mutes the provoked scowl, she tries again. "Hello, Aryia."

Zeke helps stabilize Aya from her perhaps too energetic waving. That is why he is here after all. Once she has her own feet under her again, he allows her to withdraw her hand at her own pace. Then, and only then, does he turn his attention to the one that she is waving to. He nods politely to Aryia, but keeps most of his attention on Aya in case she should lose her balance again. "Peassce on your nessst."

Aryia steps forward out of reflex, skipping a step up and to help from Aya from falling over, a hand catching an arm. She smiles again, brows pinched slightly in concern but she waves again, along with some gestures. “Glad see you get better.” <Handspeech>

She gives a nod towards Zeke, her knowing him only through others and being in the same room. "P-s -n - n-st," she quietly hisses out.

Aya becomes something of a tripod, briefly. "Thank you," is offered to both. She does, indeed release Zeke's hand after regaining her footing and, additionally, shifting slightly to lean against one of the columns at the base of the stairs. It does not provide any shade at this angle, but inanimate support is less chafing, at least upon the ego.

To the other mul, she notes, with a smirk, "It may be boredom as much as improvement, but it is something." She then finds herself in the possibly position of providing introductions. "In case you have not been acquainted, this is Zeke," she gesture to him, "Sunguard of the Dragonfather. Zeke, this is Aryia," a gesture back to the mul, "fiend-wrestler, writer extraordinaire, and woman of many talents." Now, with the stone support, she has no issues waving the hand to and fro.

Zeke nods again, this time in proper greeting to Ayria. "Thisss one isss pleassed to meet you properly Aryia." His accent is thick, but not so distinct that it makes it entirely impossible to understand him. He keeps an eye on Aya, but seems to relax now that she's got some manner of inanimate support for herself. "Thisss one wass helping Aya get ssome exerssize. Ssshe chafesss at being in bed for ssso long." A swish of his tail in amusement.

Aryia pats her fellow countryman on the shoulder as she gets herself steady, though she stays nearby should any extra support. She nods in greeting towards Zeke, but her brows raise high to her hairline as the list for Aryia grows, grey face growing crimson. She rubs her neck as she stares at her feet.

"Nice to meet you," she gestures towards Zeke. If her hands could mumble, they were. She smiles a bit, breaking through the embarrassment at the gentle ribbing. <Handspeech>

After a brief pause,

"The beds were built for healing," Aya remarks to neither in particular on the topic of chafing, "not for comfort. It's hardly a surprise, and no fault of the healers."

After a brief pause, she looks between them. "How fare you both?" They know how she is doing (unfortunately), so it only seems prudent to inquire of them. With the caveat, "Aside from watching me languish or stumble about?"

At first, it is unfortunate but true to note that Zeke is unaware of the subtle motions of Aryia's hands, but when he recognizes that she is using her hands to speak he feels a small swell of embarrassment. One which is thankfully mostly covered thanks to the fact that he is sith-makar and such subtle signals are mostly in his scent not displayed on his face. He looks at Aryia's hands, trying to decipher what the symbols mean but... is largely lost on them. She points at him with one gesture, but the rest... lost. "Thisss one doesss not know the language that isss sspoken with handsss." He apologizes somewhat awkwardly. "If you move your handssss more ssslowly, perhapssss?"

He does after all know some of the basics for communicating with patients whom are unable to speak. However his limited understanding does generate an issue of sorts. He looks at Aya, and her question makes him tilt his head at her. "Thisss one hass been very bussy. Ssso many are injured right now, and they require a great deal of care. Asss you know." Since she is one of those in his care.

Seyardu was ever a presence in the temple district. Perhaps even more than usual she threw herself into her work. It was constant, and she had been rarely seen outside of work and a invitation to an excursion. But since then, she had been even more scarce. So much so that it was a surprise to see them taking their lunch outside with them from the temple of Althea. Though judging by their path, it was so they could sit at a bench near the temple of Eluna, and watch the window overlooking the plaza as she ate.

This plan was interrupted by seeing the strange and concerning sight at the steps however. The silver sith-makar waves and bows her head.

"Peace on your nests." She greets the group, lingering mostly on Aya in her current state.

Aryia rubs her arm as Zeke didn't understand her motions. Again, she was used to it, and she waves off his apology. She repeats the motions: a palm sliding over her hand, knuckles touching with index fingers extended, then another point to the sith-makar. She even hisses out in a voiceless, "-c- t- m-t -," if it helped.

The question helped break the mute elf out of being put on a pedestal, her giving a small shrug. "I'm fine," she answers with a thumb thudding her chest with a small smile. "I take easy, want relax for now. Practice writing very hard." <Handspeech>

"She is pleased to meet you," Aya offers to Zeke on Aryia's behalf before she comments to his statement, lips pursing. "I was not aware that there were so many and you so occupied. I should not burden you or the temple any further."

A nod follows to Aryia and the small smile from her threatens to mirror itself on Aya's lips. It even succeeds, to a degree. Perhaps the healer should take heed: it may be contagious! "Relaxing, in moderation, I could assist you with. Perhaps the writing, as well."

Last, yet not least, she offers Seyard "Peace on your nest," in return. After noting the lingering eyes, she assures, "I will not fall over."

"Peasce on your nessst." Offers Zeke politely to Seyardu, nodding to her. "Aya isss going to be fine. Ssshe tiresss of her sssick-bed however." This explanation given to all present whom might be concerned, the blue-scale pays sharp attention to Aryia's hand-signs, grateful that she slowed them down so that he could better understand them. He still only understands a few of them, but it's enough to get the gist of what she's trying to communicate. He hopes. Thus he is glad for Aya's further explanation though he gives her a stern look.

"Thisss one isss not going to allow you to ssslip out of care ssso easssily Aya. Thisss one will continue to care for you until you are well, and you will sstay at the temple." His tone brooks no argument on this fact, but his next words are more gentle. "Thisss one asssksss that you do ssso Aya. For your own well-being."

Aryia gives a kind wave to Seyardu, her hissing out a "P-s -n - n-st." The mute woman's eyes widen a touch at the offer before she nods quickly with a growing smile, agreeing. A chance to learn the other tongues' words was a welcome one. Though, she does nod at Zeke's firmness on the matter. The healing process was one that couldn't be rushed.

"This one is surprised the temple is so overburdened." Seyardu replies, looking to Zeke and tilting her head. "As the temple of Althea has been under capacity for some time, now. But he is right, you must give yourself time to heal, Aya. And speaking of which, have you given yourself time to heal, Zeke? If it is so busy, you were not feeling completely well, last we spoke. This one promised to check in."

She nods to Aryia, offering them a wave. "You have been well, I hope? I saw a listing for you looking for a job replacement temporarily."

Aya does not look thrilled to accede Zeke's point, rank and wisdom or not. However, Seyardu is gracious enough to add a pertinent point. "Very well. I will heed your advice, Zeke, and rest," she relents despite her eyes on him remaining firm, "if you will do the same. How can your word be trusted if you don't heed it, yourself, hmm?" A brow arches to accentuate the query. She may not have been in the best state when she recently sought him out, but there is some vague recollection of him sprawled across a bench. Not a very strong indicator of an energized Sunguard.

The blue-scale hurumphs and his tails shifts back and forth behind him. "Thisss one notesss that it iss a condition of the templesss thisss one thinksss. Your temple, Sseyardu, isss built with thossse injured in mind. Sso it iss more prepared for them. The temples that sssee more of the ssick in truth however might be othersss, and they are less built to contain them. In truth the Ssoldier'sss Defenssse issss perhapss mossst ssuited, but after what happened there..." Zeke shakes his head. The Soldier's Defense had never truly recovered, at least not in the mind of the city.

Zeke considers a moment and then rolls his right shoulder in a half-shrug. A somewhat odd motion that is a habit of long association. "Thisss one isss not over-worked, but thisss one isss... Not ass young asss thisss one once wasss." He sounds amused here, and swishes his tail again. "And it doesss become a weight on onesss mind to ssee ssso many hurt. Thisss one isss glad to sssee every-one on the mend; it ssetsss thisss one at eassse."

Aryia gives a sharp dip of her chin towards Seyardu, before gesturing. "Yes, I wanted a break from the docks, considering how much shit goes down there." <Handspeech>

She does silently snicker at the back and forth, however.

"This is true. Apparently the hospital was to offload more of the sick and injured for more intensive care, but this one heard about something happening. So now most supplies and equipment are there, but many do not wish to use the space." Seyardu nods, and sighs. "But we have space, and this one feels it is partly some pride on the temple of Daeus' part, or a wish to not impose on the other temple. Which does not make sense."

"You did not answer my question entirely though. Did you have someone check you over?"

She turns to Aya and Aryia now. "I understand a desire for a break. You have certainly earned it. And you Aya, this one is trying to rest more, so perhaps that is motivation enough."

Zeke nods to Seyardu's pointed question. "Yesss. Thisss one had a cleric look thisss one over. Thisss one isss in good health. As healthy as a..." He furrows his brow, trying to remember the phrase said to him. "A houssse? That doesss not sssound right. In any casse, thisss one isss told that the condition of expecting isss likely the caussse of eating oddly, and sssleeping at opportune timesss." Here he draws himself up proudly.

Aryia nods, stepping back on to her rear foot to just listen for the time being.

Aya has only second- or third-hand details of why the Soldier's Defense might be considered ...unpopular. They are enough to make a reasonable explanation, but she forgoes doing so. Not something for pleasant company. Perhaps not even unpleasant.

That line of thought is readily distracted by Zeke's explanation for symptoms and his standing tall. She can't help but form a smile, if a slender one. "'House' seems near enough; sturdy and protective as one tends to be." To Seyardu, she admits, "I do not doubt that rest is required. It is more that it is dull and unusual, in my opinion." She then offers a shrug on one shoulder. "I have survived many things, and I will survive convalescence."

As the others talk about topics that she knew not much about, Aryia glances up at the sun, glaring at the cloudless sky. Her head tilts over to Aya, thinking about something before pulling off her hat, spinning it around on a finger, then gently placing it atop the recovering mul'neissa head.

The mute woman gives a thumbs up.

"Then, it sounds like you need to relax more, if that is the case." Seyardu notes, chuckling just a bit. "It is as Aya said, you must set an example. For her, for your Cihuaa. This should pass with time, if you apply yourself."

To Aya however, she shakes her head. "Is it truly so dull? I've come to greatly value the time when I can rest fully. Though perhaps if I could do nothing else, I would feel the same. Perhaps now is a good time to pick up a new hobby, or help Aryia with writing, like you offered."

Zeke nods at Aya's words, confirming that she would indeed survive such. "Sspeaking of, thiss one ssshould check in on Sseldan. He isss... well enough for vissitorss if any of you care to join thisss one, but thisss one mussst assk that you do not quesstion him too forscefully." Zeke looks at Aya. "You ssshould not sstay out much longer, lessst you wear yoursself out, but if you sstay, then thisss one ssuggesstss you allow your friend to aid you." With this, the sith-makar turns, beginning his way back to the temple of Eluna.
