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Leirune 'Rune' Theran

Character Details
Race: Half-sil
Class/Level: Rogue (2)
Gender: Female
Deity: Eluna
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skin: Ivory w/ Freckles (Tattoos)
Hair: Black w/ Blue Highlights
Eyes: Blue

About My Character

Leirune Theran is a Half-sil with a fascination for languages, exploration, and discovery. Having taken on the name 'Rune' during her travels, she often lends lends her keen mind and quick fingers to those who might need it. It is rumored that she fell in a deadly encounter not long ago, but when pressed, she largely refuses to talk about it, leading some to wonder if she has any recollection of those events. She seems to always be looking for something, be it information or keys to one of the many topics that spark her interest. In her downtime, Rune often offers up her services as a scribe and linguist, offering to help translate between groups that might otherwise might not wish to use the common tongue.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Do you need a linguist, translator, or scribe? Rune is fluent in: Auran, Draconic, Mynsandraal, Sildanyari and Yrch-Speak.
  • Do you need someone skilled in exploration to aid your party with tasks that require a keen mind and quick fingers?
  • Is searching for information on her mother who had ties to some underworld organizations. Do you have information or clues that might lead her in the right direction?
  • Has a locket which includes various unusual puzzles to unlock and unknown contents. Want to help solve one?
  • Owes a life debt to the followers of Eluna. Perhaps you want to call in a favor?
  • Was saved by a follower of Eluna, who likely saw a vision of the future. Perhaps you have insights?


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Half-Sildanyari PC Badge
Heritage: Llyranesi/Human. She has always fit in better among Humans than with with her Sildanyari kin.
Role: Scribe/Translator (When using her full name.)
Faith: Eluna. Rune owes a life-debt to the followers of Eluna, so she deeply respects and honors the goddess.
Homeland: Ylvaliel, Alexandros.