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Leirune Bio Header.png

Leirune 'Rune' Theran

Race: Half-sil
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black w/ Blue Highlights
Homeland: Ylvaliel, Mythwood, Alexandros
Age: 26
Occupation: Messenger
Class: Rogue (6)
Faith: The Sky-Singer
Alignment: Neutral Good

Leirune Theran is a Half-sil with a fascination for languages, exploration, and discovery. Having taken on the name 'Rune' during her travels, she often lends lends her keen mind and quick fingers to those who might need it. It is rumored that she fell in a deadly encounter not long ago, but when pressed, she largely refuses to talk about it, leading some to wonder if she has any recollection of those events. She seems to always be looking for something, be it information or keys to one of the many topics that spark her interest. In her downtime, Rune often offers up her services as a scribe and linguist, offering to help translate between groups that might otherwise might not wish to use the common tongue.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Do you need someone to carry a message or package? Rune sometimes acts as courier, including handling discreet correspondence.
  • Do you need a linguist, translator, or scribe? Rune is fluent in: Auran, Draconic, Mynsandraal, Sildanyari and Yrch-Speak.
  • Do you need someone skilled in exploration to aid your party with tasks that require a keen mind and quick fingers?
  • Rune's mother was a human bard of some renown near the Mythwood, perhaps you heard one of her elaborate tales?
  • Rune is searching for information on her mother's past. She seems to have ties to some underworld organization. Perhaps you have clues?
  • Rune has a puzzle-locket that is yet unsolved. Its contents are unknown. Want to help solve part of the puzzle?
  • Rune was saved from death by a follower of Eluna, but does not know why. She suspects it has to do with a vision. She has mixed feelings about this, but feels she owes a debt to followers of the Sky-Singer. Want to call in a favor? Or perhaps you have insights as to why the Goddess would choose someone?

Art Gallery
Extended Character Gallery with Additional Images: https://imgur.com/a/KbVMwfX

Sound Track/Inspiration





Aspect PC Badge
Aspect: Shadow-Touched
Tier: T2 + Minor Tattoo
Development: After her death and resurrection, the shadows seem to remain close to Rune. The elaborate tattoo which runs down her right side was once in honor of her mother, utilizing the same patterns that her human parent once had on her own skin. Now, there is a strange quality to the markings that adorn her arm, a subtle but noticeable change.

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Half-Sildanyari PC Badge
Heritage: Llyranesi/Human. She has always fit in better among Humans than with with her Sildanyari kin.
Role: Scribe, Translator, and Messenger
Faith: Eluna. Rune owes a life-debt to the followers of Eluna. She has developed a growing respect and honor for the goddess, but this is tempered by a deep fear stemming from not knowing why she was returned to this life.
Homeland: Ylvaliel, Alexandros. Rune's father is a historian and archivist in Ylvaliel. Her mother was once a renown bard and storyteller in the area around the Mythwood.


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Date Log Notes
February 22, 2023 Unusual Reunions After being believed dead for over a year, Rune comes to Harkashan's rescue when he is accosted by bandits. The reunion is not quite what she expected.
February 20, 2023 A Fernwood Chance Encounter Rune and Harkashan find themselves in the Fernwood Pub where they encounter the Sloan and Ravenstongue and receive a few warnings about dangerous happenings as of late.
February 23, 2023 Reunion to Remember Rune delivers a package of spices to the Mictlan camp and witnesses a reunion of Nonantziné and Tlanexhuani and shares a meal with Skielstregar. Nonantziné's relationship with her son reminds Rune a bit too much of her relationship with her father.
February 27, 2023 To Bring More Than a Message Rune delivers a message to Telamon, and gets far more than she bargained for in return. Information, a refuge, and perhaps even... a friend.
February 28, 2023 Curse of the Amber Thorn Rune joins Harkashan, Sloan, Jacob and Lucius on a strange ghost-hunting expedition. What they discover is a strange 'haunting' that turns into an enthusiastic, all-out bar brawl with phantoms from the past.
March 2, 2023 Those Who Walk With Death Rune encounters Jacob and Sloan at the Shining Chalice Observatory, and discovers that brushes with death seem to connect them. However, this fact is more than a little unsettling for her.
March 4, 2023 Traveling Companions Harkashan tries to mend ties with Rune, but she still refuses to talk about what happened in the past. Still, they agree to travel together again, attempting to return to some measure of the way things once were.
March 4, 2023 Briefing: Who's Dominion Is It Anyways Rune attends a meeting at the Explorer's Guild, learning more about the situation with Charn and their missing priestess. While also encountering a number of colorful characters for the first time.
March 5, 2023 A Sewer Taste Rune, Aelwyn, Harkashan, Ous, and Tlanexhuani are contracted to help clear out oozes from the Alexandrian sewers, and discover a strange ghost along the way.
March 6, 2023 Death Experiences and Friends Rune, Harkashan and Skielstregar talk about brushes with death, or undeath.
March 7, 2023 Farmer In Need Aelwyn, Harkashan, Jacob, Tlanexhuani and Rune aid a farmer who is having trouble with lost goats. The culprits end up being a pack of dire wolves which the team need to dispatch.
March 8, 2023 Rest and Relaxation Rune and Jacob try to get some rest at the TarRaCe, discussing tattoos and the life of an Adventurer, but are then surprised by Irshya who had been sleeping beneath the pool's waters.
March 11, 2023 Book of Three Dolan, Harkashan, Jacob, Mikilos, Ous, and Rune investigate disappearances relating to patrons of the Arcanist guild. Rune finds herself so engrossed in a book that she disappears as well.
March 12, 2023 A Run in with Old 'Friends' Jacob invites Rune out for a meal. However, upon entering the tavern, Rune encounters her old mercenary/thieving crew, who aren't exactly happy to see her.
March 27, 2023 Bloodbroth and Packages Rune is aiding the Makari in Mictlan in the aftermath of the earthquake there. Where she is not at all convinced that Bloodbroth turns you into a Sith-Makar.
March 27, 2023 V And The Mountain Rune meets with a group of others in regards to recent concerning events regarding books and werewolves and learns more about the connections between them.
March 29, 2023 The Raven Army Rune joins a small army lead by Cor'lana to rescue Telamon from the clutches of a werewolf.
March 30, 2023 Shared Trauma Rune struggles with past trauma in the aftermath of facing down werewolves and horrific effigies during the rescue of Telamon and gets help from Jacob, Dolan and Harkashan.
April 1, 2023 Half-Sil, Whole Conviction Rune visits Telamon and Cor'lana to check on them, only to learn of their more dire fate. Rune opens up about a bit of her own past in return, finding solace in new friends.
April 2, 2023 Memories and Horses Jacob accidentally spurs on a near panic attack, but manages to help Rune recover and the two wager on a race around the stables.
April 2, 2023 The Burdens Between Us Rune and Harkashan discuss the state of their relationship and all the burdens and issues that lie between them.
April 6, 2023 A Bet is a Bet After winning a bet, Rune gets treated to a dinner with Jacob. However, after discussing their feelings and wants, the two end up not aligning fully. This has left Rune ultimately not knowing where they stand.
April 6, 2023 Shambling Jungle Rune and a team of other Adventurers face off against smuggled creatures from Am'shere.
April 8, 2023 Follow-up Investigation Rune and Harkashan investigate the location where she encountered the Am'shere creatures, and instead find a very creepy Skielstregar in the trees.
April 11, 2023 Diving into Backstory Rune assaults Huian with far too many questions about their backstory. It's just too interesting!
April 12, 2023 Would-be Thieves and Sales Pitches Rune meets some interesting individuals in the market district.
April 15, 2023 A Lesson in Tracking Rune gets some tracking lessons from Jacob and shares a bit more of her story. The two meet Critias along the way.
April 17, 2023 Threads of Lore and Stories Rune speaks with Simony and Slixvah about recent events and is enamored by their tales about other realms.
April 17, 2023 Dryad Dilemma Rune accompanies a party which seeks to rescue a young man from the clutches of monstrous creatures at the behest of a dryad.
April 18, 2023 What Does Not Die Rune accompanies a party investigating cult activity at a village and discovers the horrors that lie beneath the town square.
April 19, 2023 Evening Discussions Rune, Harkashan, and Skielstregar meet in the wildeness, share a meal, discuss recent events, and settle together for the night.
April 20, 2023 A Parle on Strange Happenings A group of Adventurers descend on the Lupecyll-Atlon to get Cor'Lana's insights onto recent strange events.
April 21, 2023 Breathless in the Market District A group gathers in the Market District for their own varied reasons, but Carver ends up breathless after choking on a cake at the sight of Skielstregar's talking weapon, Malefic.
April 22, 2023 A Spire in the Night (Group 2) A group of Adventurers heads into the Felwood to investigate the tower, only to find a table set before them. A table that is actually a mimic, surrounded by jam-jar mimic 'children'.
April 23, 2023 Cave Lurkers A party of Adventurers is lead to a cave, where they are accosted by a being known as the Corpse-eater followed by other Fey creatures. Here, Rune discovers that her tattoos, copied from her mother, may have a deeper meaning.
April 27, 2023 Ale and Mimics Rune comes to the TarRaCe to clean up and get some food and drink after the encounter with mimics in the Felwood, and shares a conversation with Irshya about how strange the occurrence was.
April 28, 2023 Lady Who? Rune attends a party hosted by Asphodel and helps confront some suspicious individuals looking for Telamon.
April 29, 2023 Weapons and Inventions Rune comes to pick up her newly enchanted sword from Alaryn, and is given a sales pitch for a number of other (mostly) useful items.
April 29, 2023 Aspire to Nothing (Group 2) A party travels to the Mythwood to seek the aid of the Sildanyari about the Felwood tower. However, they are subjected to a gauntlet which tests their teamwork.
April 30, 2023 Face Things Together Harkashan and Rune talk about recent events and the changes they have brought to both of their lives, but find solace in the fact that neither have to face this alone.
April 30, 2023 The Rook and His Revelations Rune and Harkashan meet with Ravenstongue and Telamon to discuss the interaction with the Corpse-eater and what it means for Rune and her mother's past.
April 30, 2023 Gobbos in the Water Rune and Fidget enjoy a bit of time at the TarRaCe, which includes discussing the recent events around the Felwood tower.

"The path of fate is a mystery solved by walking bravely forward..."