Simpler Things

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-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=- The cool wind and light rain put a little damper on the day's activities, though there is still enthusiasm for the upcoming events in the Colosseum. Venders and hawkers do brisk business, selling memorabilia, food and tickets to the fights. Kor and Angoron are ever-present, represented by their clergy, monks and warriors.

Simony wanders through the District, exploring what memorabilia is available, her biggest success so far is finding an Aryia-likeness in plushie form. On the food front, the Goblin has acquired a large variety of different foods on a stick, and is determinedly working through them.

Rain is not terrible. Not when one has scales. Tlanexhuani would prefer that it were a bit warmer, though. Is it not the warmer season in Alessandria now? He wanders into the district from the trades to the south. A burlap sack is carried over one shoulder, recent acquisitions clinking together within it. The activity, merriment, vendors are paid little mind at the moment. A sniff. Well, maybe the food is worth investigating.

It is not too long before Simony is popping up in Tlan's view, having seen the tall, azure-scaled Sith from a bit of a distance away. "Hello Tlanexhuani! It has been a while, how have you been, Maker?"

Tlanexhuani's stomach is not so demanding, nor the rest of him so rude, as to ignore a greeting. The bluescale turns to look to the voice. "Ah! Peace on your nest, Friend Simony! This one is..." He stops to think on that a few moments before deciding on "... busy. Alessandria hold many new things. Strange things. Some good, some... not so good."

The Goblin considers the numerous meat-on-a-stick things in her hands, and then offers one up to the Sith. "Would you like some spicy grilled mutton?", she wonders with a grin. "And peace on your nest! Uhhm... what new things, if I may ask?" Her head cants slightly, her expression growing more serious. "What news do you have?"

Tlanexhuani looks at the offering, stoops further to sniff, then accepts. "This one thanks you." A bite is taken, pulling half of it from the stick. Afterwards, he chews on words briefly before sharing them. "So many so near. Is new to this one. Also many strange things. Thieves. Demons that steal life. Fey that steal names." Those would probably be among the not so good. "Iss normal for Alessandria?" he asks her with some worry.

"You're most welcome." Simony reaches up to pat at his forearm. "I remember what you did, ages ago, against those undead. I am eternally grateful." She begins chewing on another one of her skewers, nodding as Tlan speaks. "Well, it is a major city, with trade flowing in and out from all corners of the world, so it is filled with many people." The Goblin rubs at her chin with the back of her hand, managing to smudge some sauce on her cheek in the process. "Thieves are a fact of life in cities... demons that steal life..? I'd hesitate to say that's new, but it is far from normal." She goes quiet. "No, name-stealing fey are not normal. Who is having their name stolen?"

Tlanexhuani pulls the last of the meat from the stick with a second bite. After chewing, he stows the stick and makes a vague gesture with his claws. "Maybe is demon, maybe is fey. Others call one demon and other fey. This one knows not these things." His tail flicks lightly. "One like you. This one not know her name before was taken. Are others, names claimed, not fully taken. Iss very strange." He then snorts lightly, circling back to the gratitude. "Undead more simple, ssa? Claws. Teeth. Weapon. All simple. These things this one knows."

"Oh, a Goblin had her name stolen? I suppose... you could describe her?" Simony lifts a hand to rub at her chin again, thoughtfully smearing a bit more sauce onto her cheek. "And others have had their name claimed. This is not good at all." Her head bobs in agreement, "Yes, undead seem much simpler by comparison. They just want to eat you or suck your blood, or see you dead. No need to try and understand them."

Tlanexhuani thumps his tail lightly in agreement. "Ssa. Much simple." He studies Simony a moment. Maybe it's for comparison to the other for better description? It could also be because of the saucy cheeks. Claws gesture to the latter. "No waste food," he suggests with some amusement. Then he's back to the harder part: thinking. "Only see once and turn very dark. Is female... this one think. Wear many colors. Bright colors. Like bird."

A hand goes to her cheek, and she tsks, using a sleeve to wipe her cheek clean. "Thank you.", she says, somewhat shyly. "Oh, that's ... that's uh..." SImony looks a little panicked. "But it's... I know her name... I... have just forgotten. I know her, though. Purple skin, right? Many bright colours in her skirt."

"Ssa," Tlanexhuani affirms, somewhat enthused that nameless does not mean utterly forgotten. At least not now, as Simony seems to remember. "Is that one, this one think. She seem strong. Will fight, retake name." The surge of hope doesn't last overly long, though. "Maybe stop others from lose names."

"I'll help too!", she says enthusiastically, before biting into and enjoying yet another skewer. Mmmmmh. The Goblin sighs lightly. "My schedule is starting to fill up. Rather uncomfortably so. Uhm, so what brings you here? Going to go to the games later?" Simony tilts her head towards the Colosseum.

Tlanexhuani lifts the sack on his shoulder some, making it jingle. "This one visit trades. Get parts. Take to camp. Make things. Busy claws, calm mind."

"Oh, I see! What sorts of things do you make?" The Goblin offers up another skewer, "Spicy chicken and vegetable skewer?" Awaiting an answer, she inhales another two of the skewers on her own. "My father is a blacksmith, I used to enjoy watching him work."

Tlanexhuani tilts his head at the follow-on question; not unexpected, but welcome all the same. "Make many things. Helpful things. Tools for make more thing, baskets to hold other thing, toys for youngling. Can make armor, weapon for battle, but this one like most make simple thing for all use every day."