Changing Seasons and Hearts

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 21:20, 27 May 2024 by Telamon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Fernwood pub, noon With spring turning into summer now, the fire's hearth is empty of fire, and no longer the desired location for patrons. Which means its open for Aragos to sit at rather than his customary seat at the bar. He has his hair brushed (although it is still somewhat messy), and a cup of tea sitting near at hand that he keeps glaring at as though it has personally offended him. He doesn't even smell of booze. The bar itself isn't terribly busy at this hour,...")
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Fernwood pub, noon

With spring turning into summer now, the fire's hearth is empty of fire, and no longer the desired location for patrons. Which means its open for Aragos to sit at rather than his customary seat at the bar. He has his hair brushed (although it is still somewhat messy), and a cup of tea sitting near at hand that he keeps glaring at as though it has personally offended him. He doesn't even smell of booze.

The bar itself isn't terribly busy at this hour, but it's doing a lunch and Aragos taps his metal-clad boot impatiently while he waits for his portion of it.

Fresh! Baked! The scent of that dough, lovingly raised and caressed to fruition, with just the correct sprinkling of salt and pepper. Even with the way it was wrapped under the soft blanket, held above the ruddy sith makar's head, could easily bring the taste of its soft insides and its lovely crust to fore.

In other words, it was a deliver of freshly baked bread, carried irreverently by Aelwyn towards the pub.

"Delivery," The draconian cheerfully announces as he places the box of good feelings down onto the bar near Aragos. "This one can take the payment with a bottle of ginger beer."

The door outside swings open smoothly, admitting a slender form, dressed as always to impress. Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon, archmage, sorcerer, and fashion plate. His white silk shirt is ruffled at collar and cuffs, with a thin platinum chain worn around his neck. Deep blue trousers are tucked into black boots embroidered with green and silver stitching depicting stylized trees, and set on his head is a broad brimmed hat with a large violet feather.

With an almost indolent gesture, Telamon doffs his hat upon entering -- he's a gentleman after all -- letting his eyes sweep the interior of the pub. They pass over Aragos... then pause and come back to the man. Faintly, his lips curl up, and the half-sil begins to walk towards the Vardamen knight, his eyes glinting.

"Well, sir Knight, it's good to see you again," he says in a gentle tone. "I hope all is well?"

The door opens to admit another, a small form clad in the robes of Navos, blue with copper trim. Shutting the door quietly behind them, the Goblin also heads to the bar.

Simony offers a little wave and small smile to Telamon as she passes him by, taking a stool nearby. "Coffee.", she says to the barkeep, pulling out a notebook and pencil while she waits. Soon the pencil is wiggling back and forth.

Aragos frowns at Telamon's cheerful greeting. "Must you be so cheerful so early in the day?" It's well after the noon hour, but Aragos says this just the same. Still, he eyes the nearby bread somewhat prospectively for a moment before waiting for Telamon to draw nearer. "What brings you this way Archmage? Saving more stray cats?"

So far he hasn't actually answered Telamon's question, but from Telamon's perspective, the Vardaman paladin looks quite well actually. Practically the vision of good humor compared to the last time they'd met. (Which might be saying something given his lack of it now.)

The barkeep tells Aelwyn to wait for a moment whilst serving the Dragoon a cold one, whom he thankfully opens quickly. He glances around the bar and then tilts his head at Telamon with a bow of his head. "Ravenkeeper," He greets, as he leans against the counter with the delicious box of bread nearby. Then Simony also appears, and he bows his head towards them as well. "Canvas," He greets with a flash of his teeth. "Does this one adopt a pose for her?" He suggests.

"Sadly, yes. I blame my wife for encouraging me to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. I used to be a late riser, you know -- prided myself on not seeing a sunrise. Now I have to be 'respectable', whatever that means." Telamon's eyes dance with amusement, and he raises a hand to Simony in turn, waving cheerfully before he stops next to Aragos's seat.

"Stray cats? Hmmm, no, but there -was- a dog I reunited with his master. Close enough. I came by for lunch, saw you, and decided to see how you were faring. Especially after I left you to Grandfather and his pub crawl." He shakes his head. "Good to see you made it through."

The pencil pauses, and the Goblin eyes Aelwyn. "I'm just jotting down a few notes. My next piece of artwork will be of a local lord's mother, in another city." She grins toothily, "But I can probably fit you in after. How is the delivery business? You're at least slaking your thirst, hmm?"

She turns to eye Telamon a moment, and then Aragos, her eyebrow raising. "Grandfather did a pub crawl?" Simony cackles.

Inexplicably the words that Telamon says cause a bit of color to rise to Aragos's face and he rubs a hand over his face, the gauntlet covering much of his features for a few moments. "You certainly seem to model respectable to me Archmage." Aragos says, his tone suggesting that being 'respectable' might be a bad thing. An odd sentiment for a paladin. "Alud'rigan is..."

He trails off a moment and covers his lack of words with a sip of his tea which he grimaces at and makes a soft disgusted noise at tasting. His eyes flicker to Simony and he shrugs. "The man can drink near as well as I can."

"Tch, this one thought this was just a tempting opportunity." The Dragoon clicks his teeth - and just angles his bared abdomen just so. Because of course he would. Taking a sip from his bottle, he turns his head towards Aragos and Telamon. "A pubcrawl? Asch, why was this not informed? This one always wanted to know how the heroic knights crawl the gutter and hold their tea upside down." He laments with a click of his teeth.

But then he grins again. "Though the next time this one performs by the Ports, he'd be look out for the stranger." His tail whips at the knight having the blues. "Will be even at discount."

Telamon shrugs lightly. "I fake it reasonably well. It doesn't hurt that I'm a good friend. I spent the other day helping my next door neighbor do some repairs -- his wife asked me to keep an eye on him while he was on the roof." He rubs his chin. "People keep saying 'surely you have more important things', but my response is 'yes, but isn't this important too?'."

He gives Aelwyn a wave and a grin, before chuckling at Simony. "Indeed. Grandfather is not burdened by such inconveniences as 'needing to be home for supper', so he can get away with it." Tel tilts his head at Aragos's cup. "What are you drinking? And might I sit down? I've been running a few errands and have a sudden desire for a bit of lunch."

The Goblin's coffee arrives, and any thought of further conversation is paused while she takes a delicate sip. A slight face at its bitterness, and she sets it down, the pencil wiggling once more.

"The man can probably drink all of us here under the table, and saunter home without a misstep or slurred word.", the Goblin offers to Aragos with a little wink. "Grandfather is a rather layered man."

Simony glances to Aelwyn and shrugs, "I need to get these notes out of my head so that I might think on other things. Besides, the lighting in here is not suited for a portrait or proper sketch."

She snorts at Telamon, and laughs. "I have a feeling that Grandfather can leave a day late and still be home for dinner on time."

Aragos seems to consider Telamon's request a moment before nodding. "Sure. More the merrier I guess." He shoves out one of the chairs with his boot for the other man and then continues. "Though lunch seems a bit slow today. I've got some blasted herbal tea that Alud'rigan suggested I try. I promised him I would and look at me. Drinking green crap."

Again Simony's words cause a strange expression of embarrassment to flicker over Aragos's face and he covers it with another sip of the tea he clearly hates. "I don't know, I held out all right against him. In drinking the night away that is. We hit most of the good places around here."

Aelwyn tilts his head at Aragos. "Green herbal stuff can be good for one. At the very least, it can take one's edge of the morning after." He spreads his hands. "Or one's night. Or indeed, sharpen one's mind."

Then his attention is back onto Simony and he clicks his tongue. "But, the lighting is _always_ good around this one." He gestures at his gliave. "Or this one can make it so."

Telamon slides into the seat. "Thank you." He cranes his head, looking for a server. "I think I see what you mean by slow. Still, unless you've got a pressing appointment... the summer is coming, after all. Plenty of days ahead to enjoy being cooked by the sun."

He lifts his eyebrows. "Well, Grandfather usually has good advice. My guess is that the tea will help your nerves a bit." He sniffs at it experimentally. "I think I recognize it, too. I admit, not my favorite -- I prefer lavender-mint -- but good for soothing one's mind."

Tel gives Simony an amused look. "So you're taking notes on painting someone? Probably not a bad idea. Kind of the same way Lana will take notes when she gets inspiration for her poetry."

"Certainly, it would be great lighting for a dimly lit cave, but not suitable for a portrait or sketch.", Simony replies. "I'll leave the dancing with glaives to you, and you leave the painting to me." She sticks her tongue out at the ruddy-scale sith, before glancing to Telamon. "Oh no, these are notes I have about uhm... current difficulties. You know the ones I mean."

The Goblin nods to Aragos then, "Grandfather is polite, he would not wish to insult you, so likely he was taking it easy. Now, challenge him to a drinking contest, and I think then you shall see how well he can hold his liquor."

Yet another person entered the pub, pushing the edge of the door with one foot and sidling in sideways with wings tucked in before the small makari pushed it closed behind them. One large tome was held close to their chest.

"Ah, gods damn it, the owners know how to make a pleasant atmosphere for guests. I was hoping I could steal one of the seats at the fire if it was still running." Eztli grumbles to herself. "Oh! Hey, Aelwyn, Simony, Telamon? And someone I don't know." They add, seeing at least a few familiar faces and deciding to wander over. "You all getting ready for something, or is it just a chance meeting here?"

"My nerves?" Aragos arches an eyebrow at Telamon. "I didn't realize there was an issue with them." He shakes his head though, taking a deep breath and actually finishing his cup of tea before he seems to realize that he's had it. Wincing he pours himself another cup. "He said something about it helping me with my..."

Aragos pauses a moment there and lets the cup rest on the table. "Dreams. Anyway. How are you doing Archmage? How is married life treating you?" He says it casually, but there's an edge of pain around the corners of his eyes that fades to a wry expression for Simony. "I did actually. I won I'll have you know, but he made me promise to drink this tea to assuage his concern." Aragos waves the blasted tea around a bit but doesn't spill any. "We went out again last night actually."

Eztli, as they approach, gets a flat unfamiliar stare from Aragos, who it seems doesn't exactly know what to make of the sith whom everyone else seems to know.

Aelwyn flashes his teeth and his tongue at Simony. "Tch, this one shall always be brightly lit."

The barkeep arrives and then gives Aelwyn some coin and paperwork, which the draconian accepts with a rumble and a nod. Leaving the crate of bread, the draconian then bows to everyone else. "Canvas, Ravenkeeper, Stranger, Spelldancer... may the skies bless them." And with that, and unnecessary flourish, the ruddy sith-makar heads out.

"As always, it keeps me on my toes. Marriage is a dance, and sometimes one leads, then the other. But I enjoy it." Telamon hmms. "Dreams. My life seems bound up in dreams from time to time. It comes with devotion to Ni'essa Sky-Singer." Once the server arrives, Telamon orders some tea as well, and a light meal of bread and cheese.

"There are always new challenges, but I find I welcome them. Some are more personal than others, but I won't belabor you with those. Suffice to say that I am content, and that the world does occasionally need a swift kick to get it in the right direction." His eyes glint. "And I am happy to facilitate those kicks."

The Goblin offers a wave and smile to Eztli, her pencil continuing to wiggle back and forth as notes are written.

"Oh you did? And you won. Congratulations. A rare honor!", she says to Aragos. "Were you having nightmares? I hope the tea works for you. Though, your expressions while drinking it lead me to believe it tastes pretty vile. Sometimes herbal remedies taste terrible, but usually they work. Give it a try for a bit, Grandfather is a wealth of information about such things."

"Pfff, maybe you think so, but I say differently, Aelwyn." Her eyebrow arches upwards, and she pointedly writes something down before continuing. "Be well, then, Aelwyn, and we'll see you again soon!"

Simony jots down a few more notes, before glancing to Telamon. "Any word from our friend, of late? Or from his progeny? It should be soon, should it not? I hope." A wistful gazes passes over her expression, before she busies herself jotting down more notes in point form.

"Oh, going so soon, Aelwyn? Still on the clock, I get it. Hope your next delivery goes just as well. And may the Brightlady illuminate your path, where your own light is not enough, Aelwyn." The small makari waves off. "Given the fact that Aelwyn was just here, I take it that not having seen a makari isn't the issue here. Been a while since I was stared at though, just need to figure out the reasoning. Name's Eztli by the way." She adds in the direction of the unknown man.

"Depends on the herbal tea really, hard to trust some opinions on them since everyone's biased. As for marriage? I guess you're real lucky it's a give and take situation, but given the facts, I'm not surprised, sounds real nice."

It's not hard to read the rampant envy and the flash of jealousy on Aragos's face for a moment. Longing that fades into something harder to read. He looks at the tea cup for a long time then, ignoring the server who still hasn't brought his food. She offers an apology and a promise that it'll be out soon but Aragos doesn't seem to care. "Dreams are rarely pleasant these days it seems."

The words are almost a whisper, and Aragos fiddles with his cup without actually tasting from it. "Yea. It... works. Sort of." These words are quiet things too. He seems more muted now.

Telamon watches Aragos as his own tea arrives, his expression shifting ever so slightly. "They can be hard, but sometimes someone is trying to tell you something." He leans back in his chair a bit. "I know a fair amount about dreams. I also know you... don't appreciate me sticking my nose in. But if you find yourself in need of a specialist, I'd be willing to help."

He picks up his tea after that, taking a sip, before looking to Simony. "It -is- getting close, isn't it? Amazing how time's river carries us along. I might ask around, see if anyone else wants to join us before we go pay a visit." His eyes twinkle. "It'll be good for everyone."

Simony's expression is one of puzzlement for a moment. She glances between Aragos and Telamon a moment or two. "Telamon is a good person to talk with, honestly. He is wise, and kind. He doesn't offer his help lightly, and is not satisfied until the help has stuck, if you get my meaning. He does not abide by half measures." The Goblin reaches out to pat Telamon on the arm. "He is as solid a friend that you could ask for."

The Goblin nods then, grinning, though the grin falters slightly. "It may be, but, won't it put them in some danger? Shouldn't we keep it to ourselves until they are stronger?" She lets out a little huff of breath. "I am curious to see how big they've grown."

        The remaining makari was busying herself with putting an order in, for some more time than seemed necessary. Following that, the makari flops into one of the chairs, cracking open the tome they brought with them to take a quick look. "Ah, that was more of an 'I'm overwhelmed by something or other and I'm not really sure to react to a person I know nothing about arriving', stare. I get it, or rather I don't get it and I may be completely off base but I can respect however you're feeling." They state bluntly. "Not sure what you're talking about Simony, but, if it's a matter of security and safety, maybe I shouldn't hear much more? Adding another potential loose end, and all that."

Aragos offers a wan smile to Simony and shrugs. "It's complicated. When I dream I hate what I dream of, but when the tea calms my sleep I don't dream and I... miss it." He makes a bitter noise. "No pleasing me I guess. Maybe you can put a word in for me with your Goddess Archmage. I could use it."

He looks between Telamon and Simony for a moment, trying to understand what they're talking about. "So what's that you're visiting? An orphanage of some kind?" Aragos has no idea, but Eztli gets another long look that's pretty much a stare. "You're a bit of an odd one aren't you?" He can be blunt too. Like a hammer.

"Since you asked, I will." Telamon's tone is completely serious. "Wherever we go, She is there lighting the way." He glances at Simony, but then simply takes another sip of tea.

At Simony's worries, and Aragos's puzzled remarks, Telamon's eyes sparkle. "No, not exactly. Rather... foundlings, that were placed in the care of a relative. They traveled a long way to get here, and are now... I suppose 'leaving the nest' is a good enough term for it." His eyes are serene. "The world is vast, and while there are dangers and evils aplenty, there are also those who seek to confront them."

Her eyes flick back and forth between Eztli and Aragos, "By speaking in abstraction, there is security. And... we are all odd in our own ways." Simony eyes Aragos, "Ah, the tea just stops the dreams, but doesn't help with them." The Goblin falls silent, her expression contemplative. "While my God has no compassion, I do. I would pray for you, also, for the wisdom and knowledge to be at ease with what comes in your dreams."

"Leaving the nest... but soon to return." She blinks a few times. "That's us. I hope my blessing has helped them."

There's a few muttered curses from the makari that had one claw tapping at the paper in their book. "Ah, nevermind that. It's difficult, isn't it? Sometimes there is a strange comfort in the familiar, even if it is unpleasant. But it's only by pushing boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zones that you can improve." Eztli muses. "I should hope I'm an odd one, if everyone was like me, I'd fear for the structure of society." They add with a rough sounding laugh.

"So you're curious about people you care about. Wanting to check in makes a lot of sense. Maybe there's something you could do that would put them less at risk maybe?" She suggests.

It is just as well that Aragos's request is taken in all seriousness since he intended it such. He is a paladin after all. Still, their obscure statements are hardly helpful in Aragos determining what they're talking about, so he simply shrugs it off as something that they don't intend for him to know and almost smiles when his food is finally brought out - along with that of everyone else. Perhaps they were waiting for the bread delivery; today's lunch is soup bowls. Aragos eagerly digs in.

Telamon's eyes haven't lost that sparkle, and as lunch finally arrives, he smiles broadly at the paladin. "Perhaps you'd like to accompany us when we go to visit them, sir knight? It might intrigue you." He gives Simony and Eztli a glance.

"Indeed. Sometimes talking around a subject is the safest way to address it. You'll notice we've spoken of no times, no places. If one's location is formless, then neither the deepest spy can discern it, nor the wise plot against it." Tel begins to eat as well, occasionally sipping his tea. "But Simony has a kind heart, and I can vouch for her compassion. If she wishes you well, it is not mere words."

Simony takes another, longer, sip of her coffee, but makes the same little face. Her stomach gurgles, and she is contemplative once more, raising a little finger as the lady brings lunch to Aragos. "May I have one, please?", she asks, gesturing to the soup that Aragos eagerly eats. Hopefully she won't starve before it comes.

"Yes, they have come a long way, and I am concerned, but I think it may be a valuable experience for others." The Goblin rubs at her cheeks as they redden slightly with Telamon's compliment.

"That does look pretty good, too bad I already ate before I got here." Eztli notes, shifting a bit awkwardly in their chair until the give up and spin it around, letting their arms dangle over the back of it and their wings over the arms. Just in time too, as a rather large mug of ale comes their way which they accept. "Like I was saying, new experiences are usually good, and if they're inviting you, sounds like they'd be happy for your company. Hard to say no, isn't it?"

Aragos, rather than offering a sarcastic response as he might usually, actually seems to consider the offer before shrugging. "Might as well. I have little planned, and if there's something interesting to be done better it than nothing at all." His tea is all gone now, so he slows in the eating of his soup.

He gives Eztli another odd look but then smiles a small smile. "Actually I find that rather the reverse, and that the difficulty is in saying yes. But then... I'm not so usual myself."

Telamon smiles broadly. "Then I would happy for you to accompany us, sir knight. I will let you know with plenty of warning when the appointed day will be. A word of warning: we will most likely travel there by teleportation. Just so you're aware." He grins at Simony. "I'll make sure to mix you up some soothe syrup for the trip."

Tel sets himself to demolishing his lunch, before continuing his remarks. "On a much less serious note, I bore witness to a remarkable thing -- I wasn't aware of this, and I grant it's probably not something you'd have noticed, sir knight. But evidently the Colosseum and the temple of Angoron attract some minor fey. Pixies and sprites mostly, with an interest in," and he coughs as he tries to keep a straight face and not laugh, "Ahem. 'Hunky boys'."

The Goblin looks unhappy at the mention of teleportation. "Do we need to?", she wonders in a small voice. But, in a timely fashion, her soup bowl arrives. Any worry of teleportation woes are forgotten as Simony begins to eat.

Telamon's last line, however, has her coughing soup out her nose, and she give the man a glare as she wipes at her nose.

Aragos arches an eyebrow at Telamon and then for the first time in a long time... He laughs. It's a quiet thing, but its a start, and compared to the last time that Telamon saw him... It's more than just a laugh.

It's hope.