A Prelude To Revelry

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Log Info

  • Title: A Prelude To Revelry
  • Emitter: Eztli
  • Place: Alexandria Market District
  • Summary: Eztli is in a festive mood. Aelwyn just wants to be warm.
Alexandrian Lower Market District, Early afternoon. 

The cooling days and nights did little to slow down the city of Alexandria, in fact, things might have been even more active than usual. The cooling days brought with them the beginnings of harvest season, which had many rushing about to begin making their preparations for winter.

One person who was not rushing, but was looking particularly busy, was a small winged makari who was perusing some of the stands hawking fresh vegetables. All manner of gourds and late summer crops were on display, and Eztli looked about ready to tip over as they grabbed one of the pumpkins that was nearly as big as they were.

The Fall. The death of everything. A final blossom of what was, and that was to come. The End.

At least that is how it was to a certain, ironically autumn shaded, sith-makar. Whose hand reaches out and stabilizes the large pumpkin Eztli was balancing with, tilting his head. "One would expect a cart, yes? Or a bag." Aelwyn rumbles in amusement, a bundle of his own wrapped around the haft of his burning glaive. "At least a spell, Spelldancer."

The large, legged and winged pumpkin (Or just a makari carrying it) stumbles a bit from the awkwardness. "My bag isn't big enough to fit this through the opening of it. Besides, my arms aren't that weak, and I don't _have_ to rely on magic. It'd need to be a bigger pumpkin than this. It should be, but that comes later." Eztli huffs loudly. "Heya Aelwyn, what brings you out here, though?"

Aelwyn tilts his head. Then he looks around the pumpkin. "This one is a professional, this one will remind. One may be able to lift - but once the wind catches, one shall find the ground easier to roll." He flickers his tongue, and then gives a gentle finger prod at the balanced pumpkin.

"Ah, this one is delivering... seasonal items to the bakery. The owner said there will be new bread." He clicks his teeth and tilts his head towards the side, looking a bit suspicious himself. "One cannot fault one for flashes of inspiration, but one is left wondering." He reaches into his own bag and steals a ginger stick to chew on. "What is the pumpkin for?"

Eztli gives up with their blindness, and sets the pumpkin back down on the table,which creaks slightly from the weight. "Fine, I probably need a cart anyways." Eztli sighs loudly, tapping the pumpkin again. "Is that so? maybe I'll go to the bakery, a new type of bread sounnds great!"

"This little guy is a proof of concept." The makari offers, a large and slightly unsettling grin creeping onto their face as they often looked on a makari's maw. "It won't last to the festival anyways if carve it up now. So, practice, and I dunno, pumpkin soup? It'd be a shame to go to waste after all."

Aelwyn makes a bowing gesture. "By one's means. Though it may be very... experimental." Then again, all the other bread he carries _does_ tend to smell heavenly.

"A proof of concept?" Aelwyn asks, surprised, then there's a moment of narrowing his eyes and posture. "... it is the festival they celebrate for the harvest here, yes? Whyfor one needs a proof of concept for that?"

"Of course, why not? The revel is coming up, yes? Why not bask in the fires of creativity as the nights grow colder?" Eztli laughs, twirling in place. "No, it's not a festival of harvest, well it is, but it isn't Aelwyn. Surely you've heard of it? A makari so devoted to the arts as yourself has to know about it already, I bet you're already making big plans! But I need to know if I'll be able to carve this as I'd like to, before committing to something much bigger."

Aelwyn lets out a click. "Ah, but the only fires this one is looking forward to basking are... actual fires." He lets out, obviously _not_ very happy about the incoming winter. "And yes, this one has. Though the fascination with macabre suits the death of the summer very well." He turns back towards Eztli, and then flashes his teeth. "At least the night is long and revelry lasts."

The draconian reaches out and taps his knuckles onto the pumpkin. "This one feels this one is quite big enough. What is Spelldancer planning to carve in the first place?"

"Oh, come on now Aelwyn. How can you say that?" Eztli huffs loudly, the small makari pouting in front of the dragoon. "Do you not have pride as a dancer? A chance to share your passions and creativity with the city at large, on one of the biggest nights of the year?"

"I would have thought you'd be all over this, perhaps designing new outfits or practicing new steps and routines and stage designs." She points out. "It's not big enough! It needs to be big enough to fill a grand space in the festival grounds, reaching towards the sky! If no dragons have answered my requests yet, then I must simply show them that Alexandria is a city of the arts and creativity where they would be welcome!"

Eztli huffs again, deflating a bit. "I don't know yet. Something that will capture the hearts and minds of the city, lift their hearts and spirits that have been brought so low by everything that has happened. So maybe I don't actually have actual plans, yet."

Aelwyn takes a step back at the accusation, no, stabs thrown at him. Then seeing Eztli's passion rise, he lets out a click. "Ah, that is true, this one admits." The draconian says, "This one has gotten caught up in the incoming winter more than the passing of the fire slowly lighting the streets."

He walks over and pats Eztli on the shoulder. "This one has always felt planning too much early on usually leads to nothing but stiff bodies." He flashes his teeth. "So what if this one shall help one carry the pumpkin to TarRaCe, one can do what one must with it, and let us see what we can make for a show worthy of a dragon?"

"I understand, the winter is something to look forward to, isn't it? But you need to remember what's going on now as well. I wouldn't miss it for the world, either." Eztli teases, prodding Aelwyn in the stomach. "I know you don't like it, but come on, stiff bodies? You'd never be half as good a dancer as you are if you didn't push your limits on the regular. As long as you know, you aren't injuring yourself in the process." She chuckles, reaching to grab the pumpkin again. "I'd appreciate it, that way I can carry it and see at the same time! Plus an extra opinion never hurts."

Aelwyn clicks his teeth. "Ah, but that is only when others impose their will on this one. This one already _knows_ how good they are, why force them to play another's fiddle?" He flickers his tongue. "And this one certainly likes to push his limits."

He reaches over and then with a grunt hoists the pumpkin, holding it out to Eztli. "Let us head towards the TarRaCe then - surely there are plenty of fire for inspiration there." He rumbles, and then flicks his tail. "Has one considered a massive bonfire already?" He asks, whilst starting to lead Eztli away.