Mythic Paths

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About Mythic Paths Spends
Rpp limited.gif A character's story does not merely end in the moment they hit 20th level. The height of a character's progression in the class system is only the beginning for their rise into mythic status, becoming the figures that legends are written about.

Progression in this RPP spend is different compared to other RPP spends with tiers. In order to purchase T1 and beyond in the Mythic Paths system, you must be 20th level. Only one Tier in this RPP spend may be purchased per month.

Rpp limited.gif Rpp tiered.gif Mythic Paths
Tier Benefit Cost


Epic Rise: Your ascent into the stuff of myths and legends has begun. You may add 1d6 to a single 1d20 roll per day. 20 RPP


Supernatural Ability (Su): You may put in a request to have a supernatural ability (Su) crafted for your character.

Alternatively, you may retrain one of your non-mythic feats.

20 RPP


Mythic Feat: You become capable of truly extraordinary feats. You may select a mythic feat (listed in the text following this table). 20 RPP


Epic Rise II: You continue to rise into legend. Your additional die from Epic Rise becomes a 1d8. 20 RPP


Supernatural Ability (Su): You may put in a request to have a supernatural ability (Su) crafted for your character.

Alternatively, you may retrain one of your non-mythic feats.

20 RPP


Mythic Feat: You become capable of truly extraordinary feats. You may select a mythic feat (listed in the text following this table). 20 RPP


Epic Rise III: You continue to rise into legend. Your additional die from Epic Rise becomes a 1d10. 20 RPP


Supernatural Ability (Su): You may put in a request to have a supernatural ability (Su) crafted for your character.

Alternatively, you may retrain one of your non-mythic feats.

20 RPP


Mythic Feat: You become capable of truly extraordinary feats. You may select a mythic feat (listed in the text following this table). 20 RPP


Epic Rise IV: You finish your ascent into legend. Your additional die from Epic Rise becomes a 1d12.

Supernatural Ability Capstone (Su): You may put in a request to have a supernatural ability (Su) crafted for your character.

20 RPP

Mythic Feats

There are three types of mythic feats: Magical, Combat, and Miscellaneous.

Magical Mythic Feats

Magical Mythic Feats
Mythic Feat Description
Alter Channel Your grasp on divine energy is such that you can subvert those diametrically opposed to yours. Once per day, if you're within the area of an opponent's channel energy ability, and the energy type is the opposite of your channel energy ability, you can, as an immediate action, transform the opponent's channeled energy to your channel energy type. You can cause the altered energy to either affect the opposite type of the original targets (undead or living), or change whether it heals or harms, but not both. Channeled energy that has been changed with this feat heals or deals half the normal amount of damage.

For example, if an evil cleric attempts to channel negative energy to heal undead, you can use alter channel to convert that to channeled positive energy that either heals the living or harms undead. You must have the channel energy ability to select this feat.

Arcane Surge Within you lies a latent power that you can tap into to cast magic freely. Once per day, you can cast a spell without using a spell slot. This spell takes the normal amount of time to cast.
Bleed Holy Power The power of your deity's gifts extends even to your very lifeforce. If you channel positive energy, when an undead creature damages you with a melee attack, you can expend one use of channel energy as an immediate action to channel energy to deal positive damage to undead creatures around you (as detailed in the channel energy ability). Alternatively, you may focus this channeled energy so it affects only the undead creature that hit you.

If you focus solely on the creature who hit you, you are considered 4 levels higher in the class that grants you the channel energy ability when determining its effects.

Bloodline Intensity The gifts of your bloodline are bountiful. Select an additional bloodline feat that you meet the prerequisites for. You must have the bloodline class feature to select this feat.
Deep Understanding The magic of your spellcasting tradition is now so instinctual that you recognize it immediately when it is cast from another's hands. You automatically can determine what spell that another creature is casting within 60 ft of you, provided that it is on your class's spell list and you are high enough level to cast it.
Elemental Bond You form a bond with the very concept of an elemental plane and become infused by its influence. Select an elemental type: air, earth, fire, or water. You gain DR/10 against your selected element.
Enduring Force You can draw on your magic to quickly defend yourself. As a swift action, you may enact a shield of force to protect yourself. This functions like the ring of force shield, but the AC bonus is equal to your Tier in this RPP Spend.
Enhance Magic Item Your mastery over magic is such that you can interact more deeply with magic items than others. When you use a magical item to cast a spell imbued within it, you may choose to expend a spell slot of an equal level to the spell to activate the item rather than expend the charge. This ability functions only for items that carry multiple spells like Staves or Wands, or items that allow the casting of a spell a number of times per day, like the Orb of Golden Heaven. Due to the fragile nature of Scrolls and Potions, this ability does not work with them.
Faith's Reach Your gifts from your deity are no longer bound to their normal limits. Whenever you cast a touch range divine spell, you can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 ft of you. If the spell normally requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.
Greater Familiar Link Your connection to your familiar has deepened. When your familiar would normally take damage, you can choose to split this damage between your familiar and yourself. You must have a familiar to select this feat.
Mage Strike Your spells are so potent that they break past some limits. When you cast a spell that does damage, the damage from this spell bypasses all damage reduction. Spell resistance and immunities still apply.
Mythic Bloodline Your magic bloodline intensifies and manifests in new ways. When using a bloodline ability, treat yourself as being 4 levels higher. You must have the bloodline class feature to select this feat.
Mythic Bloodline II Your magic bloodline reaches new heights of power. If you have a bloodline ability that can be used more than once per day, you gain extra uses of this ability equal to half your Tier in this RPP spend (minimum of one, rounded down). You must have the bloodline class feature and the Mythic Bloodline mythic feat to select this feat.
Overflowing Grace The flow of your healing spells inspire those you heal to great serenity. When you heal a creature with positive energy (such as by channeling positive energy to heal the living, using cure spells, or using lay on hands), any affected creature at full hit points (whether already at full hit points or healed to full hit points by your channeled energy) gains a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute.
Rapid Preparation Your mind is so used to the preparation of magic that the process no longer takes you as long as it once did. You can prepare a spell in one minute rather than the fifteen minutes that it usually takes to prepare a spell.
Resilient Arcana Your mastery over magic makes it far more difficult for your enemies to dispel your magic. Add your Tier in this RPP spend to the DC to dispel your spells.
Shout of Defiance You can channel holy energy into a righteous shout of defiance. As a standard action, you can expend one use of either channel energy or lay on hands to create a 100 ft radius of healing energy that originates from you. All allies within this radius heal a number of hit points equal to 1d6 plus a bonus that is double your Tier in this RPP spend.
Throw Spell You are a master of pushing some of your spells past their typical limits of reach. Once per day, when you cast a melee touch attack spell, you can use that spell as a ranged touch attack. The range of the thrown spell becomes 10 ft per Tier in this RPP spend.
Transformative Familiar Your bond with your familiar is so great that you can shape its very form. Your familiar is able to assume the shape of a single masterwork amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. While it's in this form, treat the familiar as an intelligent magic item with the familiar‘s mental ability scores but no magical abilities. As a standard action, the familiar can transform into and out of its item form and does so in such a way that you can have it immediately equipped when the transformation is complete.
Wild Arcana Magic flows within you with wild abandon, and you only need to reach out to use it. Once per day, you can cast a spell as if it was affected by the Heightened Spell metamagic, but you instead expend the spell's original spell level slot.

Combat Mythic Feats

Combat Mythic Feats
Mythic Feat Description
Aerial Assault You can charge at creatures in the air, or leap across obstacles as part of a charge. Once per day, when you make a charge attack, you can make an Acrobatics check to jump, adding 10 ft per your Tier in this RPP spend to the height or distance of your jump. You take no falling damage from the height gained as part of this leap. If your attack hits, you may deal an amount of additional damage that is equal to the falling damage appropriate for the height you reached. Alternatively, you may replace your melee attack from this charge with a grapple check. If you successfully grapple a creature, you bring it to the ground with you at the end of your jump, and it takes an appropriate amount of falling damage for the height it was at when you grappled it.
Advance Your grasp on tactics means you can press a masterful assault. Once per day, you can inspire a tactical advance on the field of battle as a swift action. This allows you and each of your allies within 30 ft of you to take either a single move action of the character's choice or a 5 ft step, as long as you or your ally has the ability to take such an action (for example, an unconscious character still can't take an action). The action granted by this ability doesn't count toward the number or type of actions a creature is allowed to take on its turn.
Avenging Maneuver Taking grievous wounds only empowers you. Any creature that confirms a critical hit with a melee attack against you provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You can use this attack of opportunity only to attempt a bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver check. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity for attempting this combat maneuver check.
Backlash You strike back at those who penetrate your defenses. Whenever an adjacent enemy confirms a critical hit against you, that enemy also provokes an attack of opportunity from you.
Blowback Your strikes are capable of knocking back foes in a prodigious way. Once per day and as a standard action, you may make one melee or ranged attack at your full base attack bonus (BAB). If the attack hits, your foe is also knocked directly away from you a distance equal to 10 ft per your Tier in this RPP spend. If the foe strikes a solid object before reaching this distance, it takes 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for every 10 ft it couldn't travel.

If the foe strikes another creature, both the foe and the creature it strikes take half this damage.

Clarion Call You bestow your wrath on your allies. Once per day and as a swift action, you may grant all allies within 30 ft of you the benefits of your active smite directed at the same opponent you're targeting with that ability. Only the constant effects from the smite ability are conferred with this ability, not the ones you can use only once. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to your Tier in this RPP spend or until either the combat ends or the subject of the smite is dead or unconscious.
Deadly Dodge Thanks to your masterful skills of combat, you can anticipate what's coming and plot the perfect reaction. Once per day and as a swift action, you gain a +4 dodge bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn. During this time, whenever a creature misses on a melee attack against you, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You can choose to either take this attack of opportunity or force that creature to reroll the attack and change the target to a creature of your choice that is adjacent to you and within the attacker's reach. This reroll uses the same modifiers as the initial attack roll.
Deadly Guidance You are able to point out the weak points in an enemy's defenses, and your allies benefit from your tactical insight. Once per day and as a swift action, you may designate a single opponent within 30 ft of you. All allies within 30 ft of that opponent gain the sneak attack ability when attacking it, and can thus deal +1d6 points of damage when flanking that opponent or when the opponent is otherwise denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. This sneak attack damage stacks with sneak attack damage from other sources. This ability lasts a number of rounds equal to half your Tier in this RPP spend (minimum of 1, rounded down).
Decisive Strike As a legendary hero, your command is inspirational. Once a day and as a swift action, you may give one ally within 30 ft of you the ability to immediately make a single melee or ranged attack on your turn. Add your Tier in this RPP spend as a bonus on the attack roll.
Devastating Smash Your blows are of folkloric levels of destruction. Whenever you attack a construct or object, treat its hardness (or damage reduction in the case of constructs) as 10 less hardness than normal. Add your Tier in this RPP spend to damage rolls against constructs and objects.
Distant Barrage Your ability to take down enemies from afar is unmatched. Once per day and as a swift action, you may make a ranged attack at your highest attack bonus. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round.
Down Like Dominoes If you take down one foe, then you take down others with them. When you successfully trip a foe, you can attempt an additional trip attack as a free action against a creature adjacent to the first foe tripped at a –4 penalty.

The adjacent creature must be no more than one size category larger than the creature you just tripped. If this second trip is successful, you can continue to attempt to trip creatures as long as they are adjacent to the last one successfully tripped, taking a cumulative –4 penalty on each trip attempt after the first. In a round, you can use this ability to trip a number of creatures equal to half your Tier in this RPP spend, rounded down, and only until your first failed trip attempt. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity for tripping additional foes with this ability, and if you fail a trip attempt after the first, you don't trip yourself.

Draw Fire Your reputation as a legendary hero can draw attacks away from your allies. As an immediate action, when an ally within 30 ft of you is targeted with a ranged weapon attack, you can have that attack target you instead. If you would normally be out of range for that attack, the attack is able to hit you as if you were at maximum range.
Endless Hatred Your knowledge of your enemy can be amplified by your hate into deadly strikes. Once per day and as a free action, you can increase all of your favored enemy bonuses by 2 for 1 minute. When you use this ability, any attacks you make against a favored enemy bypass all damage reduction for the rest of your turn. You must have the favored enemy class feature to select this feat.
Empathic Healing Your mastery of healing means you also know how to reroute the currents of the magic flow. Once per day, you can transfer up to 10 points of damage per your Tier in this RPP spend from a touched ally to yourself, healing the target and damaging you. This transferred damage bypasses all effects that reduce or negate hit point damage, such as damage reduction.
Ever Ready You are preternaturally ready for the next opportunity in combat. Whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to your Tier in this RPP spend. You can make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed, even if you don't have the Combat Reflexes feat.
Fast Healing Wounds mean little to you. Once per day and as a swift action, you may gain fast healing 5 for 1 minute.
Flash of Rage Anger is a state of mind that you slip into with ease. Whenever you or an ally within 30 ft of you is struck by a critical hit, you can enter a rage as a free action on your next turn. This rage functions as the barbarian class feature, and lasts a number of rounds equal to your Tier in this RPP spend. You aren't fatigued after this rage. If you have the rage class feature, these rounds don't count toward your daily uses of that ability and these rounds of rage don't count toward the total number of rounds of rage used when determining how long you are fatigued. Rounds of rage granted by this ability don't stack, but the duration is reset if another critical hit occurs.
Guardian's Shout Your warning shouts keep allies from danger. Whenever you attempt a Reflex save to avoid an effect that affects multiple creatures, you can call out a warning to your allies. Any allies within 100 ft of you who can hear you gain a bonus equal to your Tier in this RPP spend on their saving throws against that effect.
Juggernaut When you put your mind to something and your body in motion, you are nigh unstoppable. While charging, you may attempt a free Strength check to break through a single door or wall in your path. Once per day, while performing this charge, you may gain a +10 circumstance bonus on your Strength check to break the object. If you destroy the object, you can continue your charge as though it were never there. If you fail to destroy the object, your movement ends in the square before that object.
Meat Shield You can use a creature you're grappling to protect you from harm. If you're grappling a creature and are attacked with a melee or ranged attack, you can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check against your grappled opponent as an immediate action. If you succeed, the incoming attack targets your grappled opponent instead of you. If you fail, the grappled opponent breaks free from the grapple, and the incoming attack targets you as normal.
Mounted Maniac While atop your steed, you strike terror into the hearts of all who behold you and oppose you. Whenever you charge a creature while mounted, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all enemies within 30 ft of your target, adding your Tier in this RPP spend to the result of the check. Once per day, any creature demoralized by this ability is frightened instead of shaken. The duration of this condition is dependent upon your check, as noted in the Intimidate skill.
Mule's Strength You are extraordinarily strong to the point where you can carry what would crush others. You treat your Strength score as 5 higher when determining your carrying capacity. This bonus applies to encumbrance, the maximum weight you can lift over your head, dragging and pushing, and so on.

You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you treat your Strength score as an additional 5 points higher when determining your carrying capacity.

Mythic Domain

Your devotion to your god is such that your gifts from your deity are stronger than others. When determining the effects of your domain's granted powers, you're considered 4 levels higher. This increases the effects of powers you have access to, but doesn't grant you powers at a lower level than normal.

Mythic Smite Your commitment to defeating all that is evil in the world and beyond is rewarded by your god. As a free action and once per day, you can regain one use of your smite evil ability. For the rest of your turn, your successful attacks against evil creatures bypass all damage reduction. You must have the smite evil class feature to select this feat.
Painful Gambit Facing off against you is never a safe option when your allies stand beside you. When you are hit by an attack of opportunity, once per day and as an immediate action, you allow all of your allies to make an attack of opportunity against the creature that attacked you if it's within their melee reach.
Punishing Blow Your attacks interrupt your opponents' defenses. Any opponent you hit with a melee or ranged attack loses the benefits of regeneration and fast healing for 1 round. In addition, if you score a critical hit against the target, it loses the benefit of its damage reduction for 1 round.
Ranged Disarm You can use a ranged attack to disarm an opponent. Attempt a disarm combat maneuver check that uses your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier and add your Tier in this RPP spend to the roll. (Using this ability doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.) If your attack is successful, your target drops one item of your choice that it is carrying, even if the item is wielded with two hands. If your attack exceeds the CMD of the target by 10 or more, the target drops the items it is carrying in both hands (with a maximum of two items if the target has more than two hands). Unlike with a melee disarm, failing the attack by 10 or more doesn't make you drop your weapon, and you can't automatically pick up the item dropped.
Relentless Healing You can restore life to the recently dead. If a creature has died within 1 round, once per day and as a free action, you can bring the dead creature back to life by casting a healing spell or by using a class feature that heals damage on the dead creature.

If this healing brings the creature's hit points above the threshold for death, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total (similar to the way breath of life functions); otherwise, it remains dead.

Ricochet You're capable of rather lethal forms of geometry. Whenever a creature has cover from your ranged attack, you can deflect the shot off a nearby surface, treating that surface as the origin point of the attack to determine whether the target receives a cover bonus to its AC. You can use this ability to attack a creature with total concealment from you if you know what square it occupies, but the attack still has a 50% miss chance.
Sacrificial Shield You understand how to use your shield to its fullest potential. Once per round and when you would normally be hit by a weapon attack, you can use your shield to block the attack. You must be using a shield in order to use this ability. Subtract your shield's hardness and hit points from the damage of the attack and apply the remaining damage to your hit points. If the shield takes enough damage to destroy it, it's destroyed. Otherwise, the shield gains the broken condition, even if the damage was not enough to give it the broken condition under other circumstances.
Sniper's Riposte

You're an expert at defending yourself while aiming a ranged weapon. You don't provoke attacks of opportunity from making ranged attacks.

Smiting Aura The power granted to you by your deity to smite evil can extend into a force of personality around you. Once per day and when you use your smite ability, you may create an aura with a 20 ft radius centered on you that lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Tier in this RPP spend. Any evil creature that starts its turn in or moves into this area takes a number of points of damage equal to your Tier in this RPP spend. This damage comes from holy power, and is not affected by damage reduction or energy resistance. You must have the smite evil class ability to select this feat.
Strong Attack You are able to deliver a strong and punishing blow in addition to your regular onslaught. As a swift action and once per day, you may make a melee attack at your highest attack bonus. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. This one attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Sudden Block Your instinctual reaction to defend another is the stuff that story-defining moments are made of. As an immediate action and once per day, you may hinder a melee attack made against you or an adjacent ally. Add your Tier in this RPP spend to your AC or your ally's AC against this attack.
Titan's Bane No matter how large your foe, you can bring them down. You can move through the space of any creature two or more size categories larger than you without provoking attacks of opportunity with a successful athletics roll, and you can share such a creature's space. When sharing a larger opponent's space, you gain cover against all melee and ranged attacks made by the creature.
Uncanny Grapple None can escape your grasp, nor what you decide to do with your enemies once you have seized them. Upon making a successful grapple combat maneuver check against a creature you are grappling, you can perform one of the following actions: throw, crush, or swing. For a throw action, you can throw the target of your grapple up to 10 ft per your Tier in this RPP spend; if the creature strikes a solid object before reaching this distance, it takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 ft of the remaining throwing distance and lands prone. For a crush action, you deal 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per your Tier in this RPP spend.

For a swing action, you can use the target as a weapon against another creature, treating the grappled creature as a two handed weapon. If you succeed at a melee attack against an opponent adjacent to the target, both that opponent and the grappled creature take 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage from this attack + a bonus that is 1.5 × your Strength modifier.

Miscellaneous Mythic Feats

Miscellaneous Mythic Feats
Mythic Feat Description
Adamantine Mind Your mind is as hard as any armor. You gain a bonus equal to your Tier in this RPP spend on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Affliction Resistance Your body is honed to fight off even the most virulent illnesses. Whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a disease or poison, you become immune to that disease or poison for a number of hours equal to half your Tier in this RPP spend, rounded down.
Assured Skill In times of need, you're virtually assured success when using skills. Once per day and as a free action before you attempt a skill check, you may roll that skill check twice, take the higher result, and add your Tier in this RPP spend as a bonus to the total.
Commanding Presence Your existence anywhere you tread commands all before you. When you first enter an area or make your presence known to a group of strangers, once per day and as a free action, you may attempt a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check to modify the attitudes of everyone within a radius that is 10 ft per your Tier in this RPP spend of you and an additional number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier who are outside of that range but can see you.
Flash of Omnipotence Well-rewarded is the well-studied mind, and yours is no exception to this rule. Once per day, you can use your vast knowledge to ask yourself a question and have a chance of knowing a thing. The base chance for a correct answer is 70% + your Tier in this RPP spend (with a maximum chance of 80%). The knowledge, as it is yours, is never vague. You may only use this ability once per question.
Focus Your mighty and inspiring presence enhances the power of your companions' heroic rises into legend. Whenever an ally that is within 30 ft of you uses the epic rise ability, the ally rolls its bonus die twice and takes the higher result.
Greater Rise Your epic rise is more powerful than most. Treat your Tier in this RPP spend as if it were 3 tiers higher for the purpose of determining your epic rise die (with a maximum of T10). When you purchase T10 in this RPP spend, your epic rise die becomes 2d8.
Helpful Rebuke You are quick with stern yet helpful words of advice. Whenever an ally within line of sight fails a skill check with a skill you're trained in, once per day and as an immediate action, you can allow that ally to reroll that skill check with a bonus equal to your Tier in this RPP spend. If the new roll is successful, your ally succeeds at that check instead of failing it. The ally who failed the skill check must be able to see and hear you to gain this reroll.
Impossible Speed Your feet are the most fleet in the lands. Your base land speed increases by 30 ft.
Imprinting Hand By touching a foe, you can gain knowledge about it, including its weaknesses. You must first successfully hit a foe with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or melee touch attack to make contact, then use this ability as a free action to immediately learn the foe's weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Inspired Defense Your performances inspire all who hear them to bolster their defenses. Whenever you use bardic performance to inspire courage, the competence bonus against charm and fear effects from the inspire courage ability instead applies to all saving throws.
Inspiring Rise Your epic rise inspires non-mythic allies to greater acts of martial daring. Each time you use your epic rise ability, each ally without purchased Tiers in this RPP spend within a 30 ft radius of you gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls for the next weapon attack they make before the start of your next turn. An ally must be able to see and hear you to gain the bonus.
Irrepressible Soul Your true self can't be buried beneath disguises or magical effects. Once per day, you may attempt to end one effect that is currently affecting you. When you use this ability, you make an additional saving throw against the effect at its original DC, even if one would not normally be allowed. This ability can end only polymorph effects, charm and compulsion effects, domination effects, illusion effects that change your appearance, and any effects that control or conceal your true identity. If you succeed at the second saving throw, the effect immediately ends.
Insightful Interaction Your insight is uncannily accurate in many things. Add half your Tier in this RPP spend, rounded down, to Wisdom-based skill checks in which you are trained.

Additionally, once per day, you can use your Wisdom modifier plus half your Tier in this RPP spend, rounded down, in place of your Charisma modifier for Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks for 1 hour.

Knowledgeable Guardian You are wise and learned in the matters of guarding mortalkind against the creatures that would prey on them. Add double your Tier in this RPP spend as a bonus on Knowledge checks you attempt to identify monsters, including checks made to learn any special powers and vulnerabilities.
Lend Power You are an invaluable asset to your comrades. Once per day and as an immediate action, you have the ability to grant the benefit of your epic rise ability to an ally with purchased Tiers in this RPP spend within a 30 ft radius of yourself. The ally uses your epic rise die.
Menacing Presence Something about you puts others on edge. You can attempt an Intimidate check to influence a creature's attitude as full-round action instead of it taking 1 minute. In combat, you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent as a move action.
Perfect Aid Whether by divine touch or simply years of experience, your aid tends to be timelier, more welcome, and more effective than others. Whenever you successfully use the aid another action, your ally also adds your Tier in this RPP spend to the aid another bonus. If you use your epic rise ability on the aid another roll, add the result of the epic rise die to this bonus as well.
Quick Recovery You're never kept down for very long, perhaps by the sheer will of your determination. Whenever you are dazed, dazzled, deafened, sickened, or stunned, reduce the duration of that condition by half, rounded down (to a minimum of 1 round). Any other effects relating to the source of that condition are unaffected; for example, if you are panicked and sickened from an eyebite spell, the panicked effect has the normal duration, even though you are sickened for only half as long.
Rally You are the leader that leaders look up to. As a swift action and once per day, you may rally your allies. This gives you and each of your allies within a 30 ft radius of yourself the option to reroll any one d20 roll after the roll is made. The granted reroll must be used before the beginning of your next turn, and the creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it is lower.
Stand Tall So long as you are around, none who stand with you shall falter. Before you attempt a saving throw against a spell or effect that also targets one or more allies within a 30 ft radius of yourself, once per day and as an immediate action, you allow your allies to use your saving throw result or their own, whichever is higher.
Supreme Tracker No wing nor cloven hoof can stay your hunt once it has begun. If you have something that carries a creature's scent (such as a personal item or piece of flesh), once per day, you may create a supernatural bond that allows you to track that individual.

As a free action, you can sense the creature's general direction and distance, as well as know whether it is alive, dead, destroyed, dying, or undead. The creature must be on the same plane as you for this ability to function. If they are not, you automatically know that they are on another plane.

Wall Run Wherever you go, a floor is only just one of several options. When you move, you can travel across vertical surfaces as if they were floors. If your movement doesn't end on a horizontal surface, you fall at the end of your move unless you are able to remain in place using another ability (such as using the Climb skill to cling to a handhold). The vertical surface must be capable of supporting your weight—for example, you couldn't move across a windowpane or curtain.

Character Page Badges

Want to show off your Aspect on your Character Page? Use the following wikicode! (More badges here!)


Mythic Paths PC Badge
Tier: Your Tier within it
Progression: Your Epic Rise die, Mythic Feats, and Supernatural Abilities
Development: How your PC's Mythic Path has shaped your PC and their legend. What heights will you go to?

{{Badge-Title|Mythic Paths PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Tier}}Your Tier within it
{{Badge-Entry|Progression}}Your Epic Rise die, Mythic Feats, and Supernatural Abilities
{{Badge-Entry|Development}}How your PC's Mythic Path has shaped your PC and their legend. What heights will you go to?
