A Polite Request

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Log Info

  • Title: A Polite Request
  • GM: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Rune, Harkashan
  • Location: Fernwood
  • Summary: Rune receives a request for a meeting to discuss an 'employment opportunity uniquely suited to your skillset'. Uh oh.

It was an ordinary day for Harkashan and Rune -- right up until the latter receives a message of interest. A Myrrish boy, no more than fourteen perhaps. in official livery and everything interrupts her day and hands her a message that is apparently specifically for her.

It is an invitation for her (and one other no guesses who) to meet with a member of the Selentian nobility of Myrrdion for a 'unique opportunity vital to the interests of Alexandria and the Myrrish Kingdoms, and to the world'.

The meeting is set for tonight. It is signed by one 'Baron Hodolver', who with a little asking in the right places is revealed as a legitimate Myrrish Baron of some import, despite his lower official ranking.

They will immediately notice that the Fernwood is empty except for him. Seems he paid out.

The Baron is perhaps in his fifties, an elaborate and thick beard beset by grey and piercing blue eyes are perhaps his most significant features, but he is well dressed and flanked on either side by a pair of large mastiffs who obediently sit directly beside him.

"Welcome, welcome," he calls to them, "Please, come, have a seat and pour yourselves a drink, or two. The business we're to speak of is far too morbid to go into without a little cheer built up." He points to a decanter upon the table. "The server will be out shortly. I've taken the liberty of asking them to prepare certain meals of which I am hopeful you will enjoy."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nobility: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/History: (6)+10: 16
GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/history+1: (12)+25+1: 38

As a former messenger, herself, it always feels a bit odd to be on the receiving end of missives. However, Rune is quick to read and quicker to show the message to her mate, more than a little curious as to just why they may have been asked to such a meeting. Sure, they had some renown of their own at this point, but the rogue still tends to still see herself as just an extra set of blades in a fight rather than anyone important.

Still, one can't help but be a bit curious. So, Rune steps in first, ahead of the larger Makari at her back. The fact that the Fernwood is empty is enough to draw a lift of her eyebrows. "I don't know if I should be impressed at the sort of funds it takes to buy out the entire tavern for the evening, or wary because that means you clearly don't want to be overheard." The woman taps her fingers against the hilt of one sword, still neatly sheathed for the time being.

As she approaches, the half-sil looks at the offered drink, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Maybe after we've discussed matters. I prefer to have meetings with a clear head. Especially if they may be as... 'morbid' as you've described." Rune takes a seat, looking curious.

There's something unnerving about a place as popular as the Fernwood to be this... empty. Harkashan's tail strikes the ground as he carries himself forward. Bearing his usual full garb, hands behind his back, and his tail slithering after him as he closes the door to the place and turns his gaze to the man in question. Rune had heard rumor and helped fill in a lot of blanks for him, but his station and demeanor did not betray the meaning for his presence.

Harkashan is confident enough however to settle in, taking a seat and pouring himself a drink after sniffing what's being served. "Thank you for your invitation. I do not believe introductions are necessary at this point, yet it would be impolite not to. I am Deathsinger Harkashan, and this is my Chiihua, Rune." He motions to the rogueish lady.

"As a Deathsinger, I am rather used to morbid conversations, but I am of like mind with Rune. I believe cutting straight to the point would be better served than food." Before he takes a sip of what had been offered. It is rude to fully refuse offered drink and food in his culture.

"As you wish. I won't belabor the point -- but I do hope you'll try the pork. It's lovely, and it may be a while before you feel like eating again."

He leans back in his seat, then, folding his hands across his chest.

"I'm a simple man. I like life. Good food, good friends, good music. I'd like to keep that life, and that means having an awareness of things that could disrupt it." This is a lengthy and roundabout way of suggesting he's in Myrrish intelligence circles, which was already suspected, but this more or less confirms it, doesn't it?

"I've opened the doors to my home to a certain number of refugees from the former lands of Dragonier, and I keep abreast of developing issues in that benighted land. As you may recall, Dragonier was once home to great, floating cities. Only one remains a float, and yet..."

"We have, through means magical, witnessed a flurry of activity by undead in a second city, with wights organized to move and carry a massive amount of magicite. We need to know what they're doing, and why. And that means..." He looks towards Rune, as he suspects she knows the answer which is already clear. It means infiltrating a dead city full of wights and worse in the heart of the lands dominated by the dragon known as Heth who had brought ruin to it, and whose minions had already tried to breach Alexandira once before with the help of undead purple worms and an army of wights. That was repulsed, as they should certainly remember, but it was definitely not the last anyone expected to hear of the problem.

"My friends are brave and true. But they are not prepared for this and my research suggested that this may be a risk both of you would be willing to consider as a matter of some urgency."

...great urgency. He means great urgency.

"Honestly, it takes quite a lot to turn my stomach, these days." Rune replies, a small quirk to the corner of her lips. "Days on the road and more than our fair share of dire circumstances means you eat well when you can."

As he begins into the background of his story, the rogue seems to just be listening intently, her fingers fidgeting at the edge of her necklace. Rune has never been one to sit still for long, and that means letting that energy out in small ways. She seems to consider what is laid before them thoughtfully, murmuring a 'hmm'.

"Undead are far more in Harkashan's area than mine, but... stealth and infiltration, that is certainly more my area of expertise." She lifts one hand, a flicker of shadows lingering at her fingertips. "I'd prefer to avoid direct confrontation with a dragon, though, unless we absolutely have to. That's sort of threat needs more than a couple pairs of hands to deal with."

"So, you just need to find out what is going on and why, preferably as quietly as possible." She makes another of those thoughtful sounds, "Usually I can get in and out of someplace relatively quietly, but... if this needs more hands than us, well... I'm sure you're aware that Adventurers tend to be quite loud."

Harkashan quiets as the man begins to speak, putting down the cup and leaning back. His head tilts down a bit and his gaze settles on the spot right below the man's nose. Listening with care.

He indeed knows of Dragonier. As a region so infested with the Undead, even the Deathsingers have heard tale of that place in Am'shere. And them moving around large quantities of Magicite can indeed not mean /anything/ good.

"I am not very stealthy. Such matters are best left to my better self." Harkashan answers the man patiently. "Though I can provide much to her in other ways. I will require at least two spell scrolls of Meld into Stone for her to cast - ones scribed by a powerful mage. That would allow us to perform such a task with more ease."

It seems he's considered matters like these before.

"But the question is, are you looking to have the Magicite destroyed, or are you simply looking for us to do Recon?"

"Ha," he smiles, "I knew I liked the sound of you both. We can smuggle you into Dragonier with the aid of the Druids, in the proximity even, but after that you'd be on your own. There's nothing we can do to help either of you after that. Dragonier is simply too dangerous. You are not to engage unless it is a last resort. Once you do, you will be ... lucky to scape with your lives. What we need to learn are two things, but you only need accomplish one at this time: the source of the magicite and what they're using it for. Of there are others you trust who will not bring additional risk, you are welcome to bring them. I'll leave that to your discretion, but this is an infiltration mission. We're hunting information, nothing more -- though if you see an opportunity you're willing to risk for an almost certain death .... that too, I leave to your discretion. What's important is what we learn."

"...and the answer is likely to be stomach churning."

The meal is being delivered now, and boy, it is a lot. Savory pork, mashed potatoes loaded with spice, and one of the chefs is even a Sith who seems to have pprepared several examples of different Am'sherian meals. Fresh *Tyrannosaur Flank*," he tells Harkashan.

The idea of being caught behind enemy lines is something that does form lines of worry across Rune's forehead. "If that's the case, then we might need some time to prepare so that we can make our own way out." She bites at her lower lip slightly, "I don't know much about magic, but I'm sure some of our more sorcerous friends might have some suggestions."

As she considers other allies, a few names come to the forefront, "We'll need to find some way around your lack of infiltration skills, my love. Though I imagine magic may be of assistance there, as well." She pauses briefly as the food is brought out, never one to turn down a good meal when it is offered.

Once a plate of various morsels is acquired and she's had a few bites, she seems to think aloud, "Aryia is about as good with stealth as I am, though she isn't as supernaturally gifted in that department. We'll either want a spell scroll or someone magically inclined who could teleport us out if needed." She taps a fork on the plate. "I don't exactly like the idea of certain death, so let's try to avoid that, too."

"Even a Deathsinger cannot, on their own, hold back such a large undead presence." Harkashan agrees with a dour look on his face. Indeed, to be discovered is sure to be certain death. He will have to look into ways to disguise their presence from the beings sensitive to Positive energy and the Living. Such is why he requested the matter of the Scroll of Meld into Stone.

"Information we can do, to an extent." He then adds, as the food is being delivered. There is a moment of surprise with Harkashan that kin has made food. "It would appear I must eat after all." He rumbles at the idea of some good tyrant lizard flank, and grabs it by the fingers and starts eating it as if it were finger-food.

"I can handle the matter of teleportation." He then adds for Rune's sake. "If anything, I can Plane Shift us to <Their> Lair. They would keep us safe." He explains to Rune.

"It sounds like you've already got some ideas," replies the baron, pleased by this. A nod towards Harkashan at his joy at the meal.

"Brought fresh from Am'shere and prepared espeically for you. Just wait until you get to the main course," he says, laughing. "I have nothing but respect for those dedicated to their craft and they deserve nothing less to go face potential death with a wealth of cherished memories and moments. What little I can humbly provide is my way of thanking you ... just in case. Aryia ... I believe I'm familiar with her. Mute girl, scars, good at punching things, yes?" A nod. "She would be appropriate as far as I can tell, but I again, this is your discretion rather than mine. You will be well compensagted upon succesful completion. Whatever you can learn of goings ons in dragonier up close will be welcome. Your skillsets make you well suited to the task together. Do you have any questions I can address?"

"Ideas usually aren't the problem, it's having ones that don't get us into more trouble than we're already asking for that is the hard part." Rune usually leaves the planning in more capable hands, preferring to be a tool of those who have a wider breadth of knowledge. This is different, it seems...

"It would be nice not to continue to hear about our impending doom, you know." She muses. While Rune may have come to grips with her mortality over the past year or two, it doesn't mean that it isn't anxiety-inducing when someone mentions it more than a few times. "And yes, you have the right one. I'll have to think about who our best options are..."

Then, at the prompting for questions, she gives a look over to Harkashan before she asks, "I imagine this place is quite large. Do we have any intel on where these goings on might be happening? Someplace to narrow down our search so that we aren't wandering aimlessly through hoards of undead."

The Sith-makar takes his time to eat. It is important to show a healthy apetite and to appreciate what has been put in front of him by kin. He'll let Rune and the Baron to play around the topic of who to bring and who not to bring.

"I imagine that with such a large amount of Magicite, those of us who are sensitive to the Arcane and Divine will sense the direction." He remarks in between a few bites. "But what I would like, is a map. This used to be a city. So a well developed map with its sewers and the like will allow us to better avoid well known foot paths and the like." He points out.

"Hiding in 'normal ways' will not be possible in a place overrun by the undead. They are like rats. They will be everywhere we do, and do not, expect them. So the more we know the area, the better."

"There are several available in the local libraries as well as pre-fall travel guides. Spending some time familiarizing yourself with the fallen city of Vemoore is a good place to start, I agree." He gives Rune an apologetic smile while answering Harkashan's question. "It is indeed a large city. And unfortunately, no. Our information is limited, and there appears to be substantial activity throughout the city. Identifying more than that has not easy to do. We can't get any closer beyond what we've already done. But I believe you should be able to, once you're close enough, find the path fairly easily."

The Baron nods towards Harkashan on the last one, agreeing with him. "Yes, there may be some difficulty due to the perponderance of it as well. We know Heth's minions have used tunnels before effectively, and it may also be beneath the city yet. or even some place further afield. What I can tell you, however, is that the activity seems *centered* in Vemoor, and that there are more wights in the city every day, coming from all directions. Whatever Heth or his children are up to is demanding more labor than anything else we can identify and that makes us *very* worried."

"Well, there's always multiple kinds of stealth. Both the kind where you don't get seen, and also the kind where you leave no survivors to report back." Rune murmurs, seeming to have little issue with either option when it comes to the undead. They aren't exactly creatures that she usually worries much about keeping alive.

"Sounds like we've got a fair share of research ahead of us, and probably a lot of wandering about once we get there." She shoves a bit more food into her mouth in a way that goes against everything her father might have raised her to be. "I'll probably need to lean on you for the magic stuff, love. So I suppose you'll have to act as my blood-hound to find what we're looking for."

"I'll be your magicite-sniffing hound." Harkashan answers Rune with a small smirk. "But just remember. These are undead. They already didn't survive. And some of them have trouble staying down without the use of Positive magic. Magic that others might sense."