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About My Character


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Bloodrager PC Badge
Bloodline: Murder has the blooed of Heroes flowing in her veins. Destined.
The Fury Inside: Her eyes glow a bright red, that leave trails behind as she moves. She also becomes physically more imposing, her musculature bulking up and becoming more refined.
Fighting Style: The Goblin carries an ancient two-handed blade, and it's easily as long as she is tall.
Inner Power: Not surprisingly, she is fond of fire spells. Her key spells emulate draconic breath weapons, usually fire.


Gobber PC Badge
Escape: She wasn't at Clockwork Pointe.
Role: Murder has a bit of a following among Goblins, for some of her notable antics and heroics. She slew a Vrock, and proudly shows off its skull from time to time, and brags about spoiling Asumit's plot to use the Spell Cannon against Alexandria. She's also set fire to Alexandria's sewers (with permission, honest). The Goblin also bears the scars of past fights and fires, with the hair on half her head having never regrown after the Great Sewer Fire. Lastly, she was instrumental in the end of the Slime Plague... by setting the source on fire.
Faith: She is an adherent of Angoron
Warts: None.