Nonlinear Pie

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Between the airstation and Vardamen temple, the mountain road oft has activity if not always constant nor heavy. The stone cottage between both has been less so as of late. Now, for the first time in numerous days, there are signs of occupation. The most conspicuous of which may be that one of the chairs on the portico is occupied.

With the season's heat temporarily abated by obscuring clouds and intermittent rain, Verna is outside enjoying the fresh air, at the least. A pot of tea and cups are on the table before her. One of the latter is occassionaly sipped as she looks out over the road or, with a turn of head, the open sky or temple district below.

work caveat, so may also be slow at times. "Likewise, no judgement. :)"

At Verna's side, sitting on the porch is Auranar. She is watching her spouse rather than reading the book that is in her hand. The expression on her face is laced with sadness and love. She presses her book closed with a sigh and picks up her cup of tea but doesn't drink from it. For all Veran's recent aging... Auranar in fact looks a bit more the worse for wear.

It wasn't long ago that Aryia had learned of what befell those upon the stone cottage up on high. Nary was it too long afterwards that said pugilist was half speed walking, half jogging up the road. Lacking much of her usual fare save for a tank top and loose fitting shorts, she nearly skids to a halt at the front of the estate.

She lifts her shades, blinking between the one and a half elves. Throwing her arms over the portico, she gestures a tad hastily, "I came as soon as I heard. I-" Verna's situation solidifies for her. An expression of regret flashes across, one that other long lived folk readily notice the forlorn feeling peek out before the mute can deflect the feeling the only way she can. "-... well shit. I take it book dodging practice is out of the question." Bad humor. <Handspeech/Tongues>

There wasn't too much that brought anyone out this way, or at the very least, stopping in the particular area. Which mean that when anyone went perpendicular to the road at this spot, there was very little doubt on their intended destination.

It seemed that news of Verna's return travelled relatively fast, and one winged figure decided to take such a direct root to the cottage. The small figure spied the building close by, and electing to not drop immediately in front of the building, decides to alight on the ground a distance away, stopping to dust off their robes before moving closer.

A flutter of red ribbons attached near the top of the glaive followed after Aryia - heralding the ruddy sith-makar who was making his way up along the road as well. The Dragoon looks momentarily at the other two who arrived before him, giving his nod to the winged figure, before settling to a stand a little further away.

After all - Aelwyn wasn't in a rush to get punched in the face by Aryia for interrupting just yet.

Verna's eyes flick askew to her spouse as she returns her cup to the table after the latest sip. The possibly uncomfortable silence afterwards is broken by Aryia's jogging approach and 'loud' greeting. "You are most welcome, Aryia," she offers to Aryia, "though you need not await some event as cause to visit." A hand waves lightly and somewhat shakily at Aryia's last comment as if to brush it away. "Should I consider that an insult? When have ever known me to avoid an engaging tome?"

Her lifted hand then moves briefly to beckon the others on approach before it lowers to her lap. She then turns head and eyes to Auranar. "On that topic, do please enjoy your own reading, love. I give my word that I shall not succumb to an errant breeze while you do so."

Auranar smiles fondly at Verna and shakes her head. "Read when there are guests to tend to? I couldn't be so rude." She smiles a bit wearily at those approaching her home and offers a wave of her own. "Would anyone like tea? Or a bite of pie perhaps? I made an apple pie this morning and fresh bread to go with it." Early to rise and bake.

Aryia glances back to the others approaching, barely acknowledging them before her attention is back on Verna. "I try during my jogs, but I've been a bit waylaid from healing from burns. Yet I blink and this? Fuck." She shakes her head, a smirk cracking through. "Typically you're the one engaging, not the other way around."

Taking the offer of invitation, she steps around and up onto the portico. "Hey Auranar. I..." she looks over the other elf. Pauses. "I'll take both. I can help you with it too," she offers, catching on the wild elf's fatigue. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Eztli finishes dusting herself off finally, and abruptly wanders over to the cottage. "Hello Aelwyn, I suppose I should not be surprised to see you here as well." She greets, pausing at the porch. "And, hey, Verna, Auranar, good to see you. I wouldn't mind some pie if you're offering, but I feel like we should be the ones bringing sweet things to offer at the moment. I brought some books at least, but I don't know if I can throw them as hard as Aryia can, or if I really want to, at that."

Aelwyn looks towards Auranar when the offer is made - but then he shakes his head. "No, this one shall be fine." He takes steps forward - and then bows deeply towards Verna. "This one apologizes -" He starts, "For what this one caused; and for this one's failure."

Then he straightens, looks extremely uncomfortable, but roughly rumbles in the end. "This one is glad to see one is still well, considering the circumstances."

Verna accepts Auranar's rebuttal with a nod. "Of course. Guests are the priority." With that, she carefully rises, with aid of hands on arms of her chair and the table, respectively. "I will fetch the pie, and brew a fresh pot. You are all most welcome." Her eyes pan to Eztli to note, "I welcome any you would share, though simple placement is recommended. Throwing is deterimental to the books."

Her gaze subsequently snaps to Aelwyn and lingers there firmly. "No. There is no cause for apologies and no failures occurred." Then the firmness fades and she steps for the house to retrieve the offered pie.

Auranar rises to her own feet and offers a smile to Aryia. "I think between me and Verna that we can carry everything. Would you all prefer to come inside? It's a nice day outside, but we'd never say no to letting people inside." She offers a smile to Aelwyn and Eztli. "We even have some furniture that is comfortable for sith use." She waits for Verna to open the door and holds it open in case others wish to come inside.

Aryia snorts at Eztli and Verna, seeing as her offer to get refreshments has been denied, opts to instead head inside. "Not the ones with metal backs," the pugilist opines, nodding in thanks towards Auranar.

She half stops in the doorway, looking back towards Aelwyn with a firm glare. There are no words signed, nor any sounds that Verna hasn't already belied, but its the same expression she gave Simony after the Temperance expressed her own feelings of failure. Aryia leaves it at that.

She enters, all but throwing herself on the nearest available furniture and sprawling out. "My favorite diving board house," she grins while looking around. <Handspeech/Tongues>

"You had better not keep talking like that, Aelwyn. You saw what happened last time, and it'd hurt a lot more to go skidding across the rocky ground than the sand at the colosseum." Eztli warns. "Besides, Verna said it's okay."

The sorceress nods and stretches, flapping their wings until they can get them settle behind them as they join the others in walking inside. "Well, I'm not going to turn down the hospitality or offer of tail friendly furniture. Thank you for the invitation."

Aelwyn straightens, then tilts his head at the glares shot at his way. Instead, he gives Eztli a bit of a grin. "Ah, some things must be said." The draconian replies to her, and then makes a bow towards the departing group. "This one appreciates the invite - but this one has further business down the road."

Straightening, "This one shall look forward to seeing Mourner in healthy standing later." He flashes his teeth, and then turns away and starts to head back down the road.

In the brief passing of door duties from Verna opening it and Auranar taking up the role of doorstop, Verna gives her wife's hand a brief touch and Auranar's glance a brief smile. She then continues on her way to the kitchen to retrieve pie whilst all settle themselves. After she sets the confection upon a central table for all, she takes a depth breath or two. To inhale the wondrous aroma, of course.

"It is ever a delight to receive company for social occassions." As opposed to, for example, secret meetings concerning fiends, scrying upon vampires, or the chasing of possessed felines. On the note of felines, after Verna moves to her chair near the hearth, she carefully lifts up Hunter, the dozing seat-warmer that he is. After lowering herself into said seat, she replaces Hunter upon her lap. "Please, help yourselves." As Aelwyn excuses himself she adds to him, "May your journey be well."

Auranar seems to relax at least some small measure as they head into the house and everyone selects a place to sit down. She herself sits down in her own chair and makes herself comfortable once everyone has a slice of pie. She doesn't have one for herself, but she seems content to smile fondly at the feline in her wife's lap and hold her tea in her hands instead. "Indeed, it's good to be home and able to have guests over again."

Aryia snaps a finger and points at Eztli, as if echoing the small makari's point towards Aelwyn. Regardless, the man gets a parting wave before turning her attention towards the proffered pie. A piece- no, two slices taken, plated, and promptly feasted upon. There must have been a flash of a 'thanks' and 'this is good' somewhere in there, but her actions offer more than simple words of appreciation.

She at least has the decency to wipe her lips with a napkin. "Don't know how Auranar got even better at baking, yet here we are," she signs while crossing her legs. A long moment pauses before she finally asks, "How are the two of you doing?" <Handspeech/Tongues>

"Oh, alright, I'll see you around then, Aelwyn. I hope I wasn't scaring you off, and you do have business elsewhere." The remaining makari sighs, waving to Aelwyn as they take off. Inside the building, she finds a place to sit comfortably, and inhale the slice of pie they were given. "It is nice to relax. heavens know both of you need it." She points out. "I hope you are both doing better now?"

"The pie was a mutual effort," Verna clarifies while glancing to Auranar anew. "Not to imply that she requires any assistance, of course." She then offers her answer to the inquires regarding them both. "We are home togther once more. There is no better state in my opinion." She does make a slight addition; a gesture and word lift a slice of pie from the tin, put it to plate and bring it hovering to her. Rising to fetch it otherwise would require disturbing Hunter, afterall.

Auranar smiles more widely at Verna. "It's true. I'm better at everything when you're around my love." She turns her dark eyes on Ayria and though nothing in her expression changes the look in her gaze is not that of a wholly well woman. "We're doing really well I think. Verna hasn't made any complaints at least, and she's HOME so..."

What can she say? Auranar shrugs a little, looking down at her untouched cup of tea. "Every thing else will just take time." This has the sound of something oft repeated

Aryia idly watches the magical display, nodding once before letting her head lull to the side, glowing gaze flicking from the enfeebled Verna, to Hunter, and ending up meeting Auranar's attention. She holds it. "I see. That's good. I take it be best for you two to just settle in. If you two-" while the finger flicks between the one and a half elves, she's firmly looking at Aura, "-need anything, just let me know. Groceries or what ever the fuck. I suck at sitting on my hands so, don't hesitate." <Handspeech/Tongues>

Eztli, finished with her food, sets the plate down nearby and out of way. The sorceress snaps her sticky fingers, and just like that, they were free of syrupy apple residue and crumbs. "I know that's a lie, but there's not really any reason for me to prod at that for the time being. Same goes for me, if you need anything at all I'd be happy to do what I can. I haven't been able to do much for a while, so it's the least I can do."

The makari reaches into her bag, impossibly deep into the satchel, pulling out one book, snorting and putting it back before she manages to pull out a few others instead. "Couple of lighter reading stories, a few I remember from back in dragonier. Hope you like them." She explains, setting them down on a table.

"Thank you both for your offerings," Verna responds to their guests with politeness and genuine gratitude. "Nothing comes to mind at the moment as a dire need, but we shall keep such in mind." She dips her head lightly to Eztli. "Some casual tales are most welcome. We will return them when we are finished, of course."

The plate of pie in her possession remains untouched for the moment, and is now extended to Auranar. "I would be more at ease if you would indulge in some, Aura. You appear famished and I would not have you wasting away..." Sugar may not be all that Verna believes Auranar needs, but it could help.

Auranar smiles at Aryia, seemingly grateful for the offer. "Perhaps some wood for the fire? I'm not so good at splitting the wood myself, and it's so much more expensive to get someone in the city to do it. Particularly when the woods are right there." She shakes her head. "The summer is almost over after all. Halfway gone and already heading into the winter."

By her words it seems she expects that this winter will be particularly rough. She even offers a bit of gratitude to Eztli for the books. "The books are appreciated as well. Something to... Pass the time." Her words seem more weighted than she means them to be and she blinks at Veran's offer of pie which she takes immediately; setting her untouched tea aside. "Of course my love." She doesn't start to eat it though, more fiddling with the fork distractedly.

Aryia nods once in mutual appreciation towards Eztli for bringing something to occupy their thoughts, even if that seems difficult to do at present. "Certainly," she gestures easily to Auranar, smirking some. "Can haul it all over and split them up for you, no problem."

Her gaze falls to the fidgeting. The heavy words. "Time is a weird thing. It's not always forward," she proffers, looking to her hand for a moment. Clearly recalling an experience. "You will have time. As well as the time now. Especially if you don't drop from not eating." She smirks at that. <Handspeech/Tongue>

"No rush at all, I know most of them by heart anyways." Eztli chuckles. "Only thing is some sort of sentimental value I suppose, which, I guess I would like them back eventually now that I think about it."

"I'm not nearly as good at hauling lumber, I'm not weak, but, there's only so much I can drag or lift before it gets cumbersome. I'm sure that's something Aryia could help with no problem." Eztli agrees. "It may be a waste of her talents though, not that she couldn't do that. Maybe she could make you some warmer clothes too? If, I'm not trying to offer things on her behalf, but, I guess she's a lot more useful in these sorts of things."

Verna is deeply involved with petting Hunter whilst both listening and considering. Most present would know well the expression of contemplation, even if there are currenly some minor cosmetic differences. She exhales a long breath. "My apologies in advance should any take offense, as none is intended. Wood for the hearth will be needed eventually, and Aryia's great talents as a clothier are quite well-known. That said, I wish to assure all that neither of us shall freeze this winter, nor the next and the rest that follow. I..."

Another pause before she continues, looking to Auranar and her fidgeting fork. "I understand your concerns, love and ever welcome your attentions, yet I am not so fragile. I do not require accomodation nor undue prot-" Another abrupt pause and there is a sudden upward curl to her lips. "Though perhaps it is balanced that I receive that which I levied upon you in the past."

The fork stops twitching and Auranar is about to answer Aryia when Verna manages a reply first and suddenly Auranar laughs. It's the first time she's actually laughed since Verna's return. Which might seem odd to an outsider, but finding ones wife unduly aged is not a thing of laughter. "You're right Verna. How I chafed under your care! I'm sorry... It feels hard to find my appetite, or to do very much but worry all the time. I suppose that we are both getting our just desserts." Her she pokes the fork actually into the food and takes a bite.

Her eyes water. "It's really good."

Aryia cuts a glance to Eztli. "No talent is wasted if my effort is for those I care about," she gestures, a hand cutting through the air as if that was an immutable truth. "Besides, how else is all the baking going to be done? Magic?" Pause. "Okay maybe with magic but whatever!"

Aura laughing gets Aryia to lax. People find the strangest things funny when stressed out. Something she was no stranger to. "It is really good. If there weren't others here, I'd eat the rest of it. Speaking of probably edible things- how's the plants?" she inquires, getting up out of her chair to walk around. Not one for idleness. "And the cat?" <Handspeech/Tongues>

"I guess you're right, I'm just saying, all things considered, your tailoring skills are good at keeping people warm. Still need fire, though, you're right." Eztli considers, taking a pause and nodding once. "Sounds like you're all working on helping each other, that's the right way about it. At least, I think so."

The makari pauses to clean their empty plate as well with another snap of their fingers, before she leaves he seat. "I'd love to stay and hear about gardening and pets, but I've got to go pick up some more advertisements from the printing shop." She explains, excusing herself more. "I don't know if there's any dragons in Alexandria, but hey, maybe if I can get people talking in other cities, someone will get curious, right? Take care all of you, and enjoy yourselves. It's a great day, might as well make the most of it."

That smile; even better, that laugh. Perhaps Aryia foretold something with mention of non-linear time, for at Auranar's mirth, Verna's eyes and expression brighten. While there is no physical alteration, she appears otherwise reinvigorated and empowered in that moment as if decades younger. Even the brief laugh she echoes back sounds as much... not that many could claim to have heard it previously.

The sound and motion is enough to annoy Hunter (or perhaps he is wary of others hunting in his grounds), and he hops down to stalk Aryia. This leaves Verna a free lap that must be filled. "Then it best that I secure myself a piece before it is gone." Another brief gesture manipulates a new piece to fresh plates and then to herself so she can now enjoy it in addition to the company. Even those departing, as she bids Eztli farewell.

-End Scene-