Pastries and Purchases

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The stone cottage on the Redridge between the city air station and the Vardamen temple offers a grand view. During the hot season, the elevation also makes the area much more tolerable.

With the shifting season, now, it shows some traits which may be less desirable than the city below. Exposed as it is, the winds are far more apparent, for example. The only current consolation is that the gusty mountain road carries forth pleasant aromas of wood fire and baking. Breads, tarts, and cookies, to name a few.

Just outside of the stone cottage (aka The Residence) a stone portico offers shelter over the space between home and roadway. Within it, arrayed upon table and stands for cooling, are the sources of most of the aromas. Verna is seated at the table with a spot of tea, enjoying the not-yet-dreadful weather while it remains such. That and likely keeping watch over the baked goods as they cool.

By the time Rune arrives outside the stone cottage, the rogue's bi-colored hair is more than a little wind-swept. Her attempts to keep her hood up were long abandoned, giving in to the unrelenting wind above the city. Though the weather may be shifting, she seems quite content with the fall temperatures, lightly dressed for the trek, but not yet needing winter layers.

As she approaches, the rogue raises a hand in greeting as she steps through into the approach to the home, "Verna, hey!" Rune runs a hand through her hair, trying to tame it after the walk. "Looks like someone has been busy, is it you or Auranar who has the baker's touch?" She's already taking in a deep breath of the scent of baked goods.

Then, with a more serious expression, she adds, "How're you doing?" The last time she saw Verna was during her rescue, so there is some worry still written on the half-sil's features.

Verna rises from the table at the approach and call to return the greeting, "Good day to you." One hand is lifted to wave, though it is a gesture of invitation to the portico and/or table rather than one of casual greeting. "I am well. Quite well, in fact." This is apparent in her posture, movements, and visage; all appear far more energized and youthful than she did when they last met.

"Auranar is the true artist. It was her passion which inspired mine, thus we oft cook and bake together. These," she motions to the table, "are my creations, as Auranar is out at present. You are welcome to any you wish."

There is a stark difference in Verna's appearance since the last time that Rune saw the woman. This seems to be a very good thing, as she had seemed on death's door during that trying journey. "You're looking it." Rune confirms aloud. "Last time I saw you, I was left pretty worried. I'm assuming someone was able to figure out what sort of curse or spell you were under?" Verna has a lot of powerful friends, so it is no surprise someone found a solution.

Though it has been a long time since Rune has gone hungry, she isn't one that is going to turn down food when it is offered, especially food that smells quite so good. "I appreciate it. Otherwise I'd probably be sitting here drooling for the rest of my visit." Her lip quirks with amusement as she takes a seat at the table, considering her options. "It's a good passion to have. Mine is writing, which I'm only really getting back into."

"The time since was... trying, yet informative," Verna comments. "A solution of sorts was discovered, by my beloved wife no less." She does not expound into any detail and instead reverts to hostess.

"Would you care for some tea, as well? Writing is a good passion, as well. Auranar and I are both avid readers. I hold some experience in writing, as well." There is a brief pause before she inquires, "You and yours are well, I trust? I regret that we did not converse in the interim. At the very least, I owe you my sincerest gratitude for your efforts and aid in securing my release."

"It doesn't surprise me that Auranar would be the one most invested in addressing the issue. When you love someone, you'll do whatever it takes to help them." By her expression, it's obvious that Rune has very much experienced this in her own relationship. "I won't ask too much about the magic involved, I probably won't understand it, anyways." She adds, sheepishly.

The invitation for tea is given a quick nod, though she seems to be more focused on socializing for the time being. "It's been... an interesting time. I'm not sure how much you're aware of in regards to the strange circumstances surrounding my family or not." Rune doesn't know how much Auranar may have shared in regards to the Corpse Eater and his impact on the rogue's family.

"You don't have to thank me, it's what friends do. You've put yourself in danger for others time and time again. It's only fair we do the same in return." She inclines her head.

Verna pours a cup of tea for her guest before she moves back to her chair. A cookie is retrieved on route, though not immediately consumed. "Indeed, most would do anything for those they love. I would and I agree that Auranar would do the same. As appropriate as it is, it can also be a concern." That thought is not dwelled upon.

"You may not expect gratitude, but that does not prevent my offering such. It is also fair that such efforts be recognized all the same." A moment is taken to consider Rune, her family, and what strange occurrences she may refer to. "I recall that you had some unpleasant situations with the fae, particularly the one who also harassed my family. Auranar made it clear that that particular threat was no more."

Now a bit of cookie is taken. "It is unfortunate that there remains no shortage of fae or other outsiders who wish to inflict themselves upon others."

Rune accepts the cup of tea, removing her gloves in order to wrap her fingers around it and pull in some of the heat from it. "Don't I know it. I'm sure Harkashan wasn't a fan of me throwing myself in front of deadly spells for his sake. But he gets me back now by using spells that share my pain to him in a fight." Seems that sometimes, sacrifice goes both ways.

She isn't one to push back when one insists on gratitude, so Rune just inclines her head in acceptance. Instead, she explains her own run in with that particular fae being, "That one had cursed a Fae being my mother served. It's... a confusing matter, but the woman who gave birth to me and later died, wasn't the only version of her. The other versions were trapped along with the Fae known as the Golden Fate, in a timeloop of the Corpse Eater's design. Killing him allowed me to free the Golden Fate, and the woman who is, and isn't, my mother."

She pauses, "It's... complicated. And as the person who is and isn't her daughter, it's even more complicated." Rune smirks.

"In my experience, all matters related to the fae are complicated," Verna notes with an exhaled breath. "I receive more exposure than most, given my family, and an experienced scholar of extraplanar beings... and I still find much of their actions and politics to be most confusing."

Her annoyance at that softens to smile as she addresses the parts of family she understands far better. "It is something of a twin-edged sword or hypocrisy that we would risk all for family, yet are concerned, even disapproving, when they would risk such for us. I utilize similar magic with Auranar on the occasion we are both involved in a dangerous situation."

"I think my exposure to Fae matters are only getting started." Rune pushes up the sleeve of her top to reveal the lower edge of the tattoo there. A tattoo that she has always had, but anyone with a measure of magical sight could tell that it now has some sort of supernatural element to it.

"In the aftermath of everything, I've made a deal with another Fae that helped us. I provide her stories, she provides me supernatural power." It's obvious that there is more to it than that, but she seems to leave it at a high-level overview.

"Speaking of trying to keep ourselves and our family out of the fray." Rune twists a ring off of her finger. The band has the signs of quite powerful magical enchantments, "I heard you have some skill with working on rings like these? I was told that there's still some room to advance the enchantment on this one, but the crafter I worked with in town didn't have the capability to do so."

Verna notes what is revealed of the tatoo as she listens, her focus returning to the rest of Rune when a deal is mentioned. Her lips flatten in concern. "I realize that it is not my place to opine of others' choices, nor do I intend insult, yet I urge caution in any and all such dealings." She does not seek nor exept further details and her attention shifts once more when the ring is removed and mentioned.

"I can forge rings of most any sort," she affirms, raising both hands to briefly draw attention to the rings present. "You wish to further the current enchantment? May I?" One hand is reutrned to her lap whilst the other extends partly towards Rune.

"I've had my fair share of warnings." The smile that Rune offers is gentle, as if it's something she's heard before. "While I can understand wariness in dealing with any sort of Fae, I can give my assurances that this is one of the 'good ones'. I mean, she used to fuck The Feathered One, so I don't imagine he's the sort to stick his dick in crazy." Rune has such a way with describing Fae relations.

The only other ring that Rune has on her is a simple, unadorned platinum band on her other hand, which she'll remove and set out as well. "Harkashan uses this for one of his spells, but it isn't magical in itself." The enchanted ring is set into Verna's palm, "By all means. I'm not really familiar with most enchanting magic, so I usually just get whatever a trusted crafter advises me on. Alaryn gave me a list a mile long way back, and I'm still working through it."

Verna accepts the ring, makes a brief gesture with her unoccupied hand, and then studies the jewelry. The assurances and ...eloquent description of the trust diagram between fae is not immediately remarked upon. "The ring is already quite potent, yet I can, indeed, expand its protection somewhat further. At your convenience."

She then nods when the other ring is displayed and its purpose explained. "Should you wish to enchant that ring at some point, know that said enchantments would not prevent its use as a component of Harkashan's spells. As well, should you have any questions or concerns regarding enchantment of items, I gladly offer consultation. All regardless of whether you wish me to enchant said items."

Then she can stall no longer. "I am quite fond of Grandfather, though I am not as familiar with him as Auranar nor Cor'lana. Perhaps his .... relation to the matter is assurance enough. Yet I find it unusual that his interpersonal relationships arose as key topics of discussion several times in the past days."

"Mmm." A small sound of affirmation and a nod of the head shows Rune's agreement that the ring is already quite powerful. "I know it is, but... if Harkashan is going to be casting spells that share pain with me, I'd prefer to bolster my protections as much as possible so he doesn't have to get hurt as much. I've been buying up what I can towards that." Ticking off on her fingers, "New armor, upgraded my amulet, and now this ring."

At the suggestion of a consultation, the rogue seems to consider, "So far, my main focuses have been offense, defense, and the sort of things that can strengthen my mind against intrusion. I realize all too well that I'm a force of destruction in a fight, and I don't want that turned against my friends." She reaches up and taps at a silver headband across her brow.

Verna's reaction to her quip, though, draws a small laugh. "Not sure what else he's been up to, but it doesn't surprise me. I mean, have you seen the man?" The rogue lets out a low whistle. "But... all amusement aside, my Patron serves the Sky-singer. So the goddess is one I've learned to place a fair amount of faith into."

"I trust your sense and your faith; my passing concerns are abated," Verna assures on the topic of fae dealings. Most of them. The whistle draws a small brow raise from her. Her lips part as a comment begins to form, then close as she reconsiders and shifts to matters of magical items.

"Understood. I concur that protection of the body is vital when one is within arm's reach, but I am pleased that you also see the wisdom in protection of the mind. I consider such to be one's most powerful weapon, yet it can also be our greatest weakness." Her lips purse into a frown. "There many spells, and far too many beings which can horrendously affect one's thoughts and psyche in various manners."

Rune doesn't speak any further on her mystical connections, but one of her hands does come up to wrap around her necklace, running her thumb along the edge of it as if it were some sort of sign of comfort. "Not long ago, Skielstregar fell under the effect of one such spell, and he hurt one of his allies. We had to work to disable him and free him from the effect." A slight shake of her head follows, "I don't want to become a danger to my friends."

She takes one of the cookies, breaking it into two smaller pieces before dipping one into the tea and then eating it, seeming to consider her options. "Other than that, things that bolster my own skills is always helpful. I got some boots for making me quicker at avoiding enemy blows when I'm moving on the battlefield, gloves that help my manual dexterity for dealing with traps, and this corset that lets me get out of tight situations like getting grappled or eaten. That happens more than I would like."

The rogue smirks, "I get into a lot of trouble."

Verna nods. "There were times where I became, or feared that I would become, a threat to my allies. It is unpleasant for all involved." A hint of curl is then forced upon her lips as she shifts topic to the other. "Indeed. I expect that being swallowed by a creature once is more often than any would prefer. Getting oneself into trouble, and then extricating oneself from it, is a frequent series of tasks for many, if not all, of us. Fortunately, experience helps one to become less likely to locate trouble and more likely to emerge from it."

She then lifts the ring. "These can help, as well. When are you able to part with it? The enchantment process will take several days."

"Yeah. These days I'm at the point of trying to think pro-actively. To be prepared for whatever it is the next monster or Fae or demon decides to throw at us." Rune sighs, sipping at the tea.

At the request for the ring, Rune motions her hand towards it. "You can take it now if you have the time. I should be able to survive a few days without it. How much do I owe you?" She digs for a belt pouch that has obviously been prepped for this encounter, as it's quite full with coin.

"The cost for the materials required would be 900 platinum," Verna notes with a very brief mental calculation, "which you are free to provide at the time of pickup, if you prefer."

There is a small look of surprise that passes Rune's features, but she doesn't argue with the price. Verna is wise enough to know what she's doing and the rogue isn't about to argue with what constitutes a gift from a friend. "I have it." She digs out the coins, "And... thank you."

Rune leaves her appreciation at that. "You know, one of the things I do for my patron, is collect people's stories for the goddess. I have a feeling you have some interesting ones. Maybe next time I can pick your brain for some of your more interesting adventures."

Verna accepts the coin and tucks them away. "You are welcome." She then nods. "I have had numerous experiences, many of which I have already recorded, if for my own recollections. I would be pleased to share. Knowledge should be distributed."