Same as It Ever Was (Part 16)
The group approaches the mouth of the cave. The terrain is very familiar to Rune and Harkashan, uncannily so. It's very similar to that feeling of having been here once before, yet never having been here (in this reality) at all, like dreaming of someplace and then seeing it with your own eyes to see it is exactly as was dreamed, down to the cracks in the walls and the rush of wind that ruffles the hair and the cloak.
The mouth of the cave stands open. Waiting.
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (5)+37: 42 GAME: Zeke rolls Perception: (14)+9: 23 GAME: Rune rolls perception+1: (3)+41+1: 45 GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (11)+33: 44 GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception+2: (18)+33+2: 53 GAME: Simony rolls perception: (17)+29: 46
Finally coming upon the cave, Harkashan seems to continue his change in posture. He's far more at ease about being out here, even within this 'dreaming' of another reality. He tilts his head, squinting, before turning to look to Rune. "You hear that too, right?" He asks of the young woman.
Telamon doesn't like this. It has the feel of a trap. Still... a trap only goes so far when someone's expecting it. As the group starts to move up towards the cave, he holds up a hand. Getting the group's attention, he switches to Handspeech, gesturing. "Anyone else hear that? Like a badly-tuned violin?" Quietly, he murmurs a spell, his feet rising off the ground an inch or two. His eyes narrow in anticipation -- he's not sure what's afoot, but he's pretty sure someone is going to get punched in the face.
GAME: Telamon casts Overland Flight. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26
Zeke hears nothing of the sort or really much of anything aside from his companions. He can however smell something. "Ssssa. Water? Thisss one sssmellsss water." Not that this is terribly surprising in Am'shere. Water is everywhere. He follows after the others dutifully however. Music or no.
The Goblin tilts her head side to side, and shakes her head. Her hands sign out, "No, I don't hear a thing." She squints into the darkness, and eyes Telamon as he begins to float above the ground.
"I'll follow you in on the ground."
Aryia cocks her hear to the side, ears flicking once as someone points out the noise echoing down from the cave. She nods once, rolling a shoulder and cracking her neck. Little lines of white energy run down her arms before fading to nothing.
GAME: Harkashan casts Light. Caster Level: 19 DC: 20
Returning to this place has an eerie feeling. While it is hauntingly familiar, there is a nagging feeling that this is not quite the same cave as the one she had come to in her own world. Subtle differences that are impossible to pinpoint, but it is enough to make the hair on the back of Rune's neck stand on end.
Her ear twitches. "Yeah. I hear it."
After a pause, she reaches for her necklace, "This cave, was a passageway between. Blue was the one who helped me open the way, but if our counterparts are already inside, I'm not sure if it will have the same key as in our world." Her brows furrow.
"I suppose it is apt to us all working together to tell a story to a wayward god, though." With a breath, Rune takes a step towards the cave and murmurs, "I'm ready to finish the story."
Harkashan reaches a hand up and touches it against the Lavastone that hangs there. A rather notable stone for those who know its history. Though it does not have a direct relationship to this place, it is still bound to its story. He slowly nods his head in agreement as Rune speaks, and then steps forward with her. A light coming off of that Lavarock now. A simplistic spell that even when they first found it, had so much use.
"Then let's head inside." He agrees and takes further lead.
The group enters the cave.
The noise that most of the group had heard is silent. For a long while, it's just the sound of everyone's steps. Then the breathing. Then the sound of one's own heartbeat. Going underground is thought to be, in some parts of the world, not dissimilar to the process of being born. It's why some people bury their dead. They return to where they came--
And then there's golden threads up ahead. So many of them, tied to the cavern walls. From up ahead comes the sound again, but this time, it's... musical. Distant, faint, muffled, but unmistakable in that it is sound. No. A song.
GAME: Telamon rolls perform/string: (15)+24: 39 GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/nature: (5)+12: 17 GAME: Aryia rolls knowledge/nature: (11)+6: 17 GAME: Zeke rolls Knowledge/Nature: (16)+5: 21 GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/nature+1: (14)+15+1: 30 GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nature: (3)+29: 32
As the group moves into the cave proper, Telamon hovers low enough to avoid the ceiling. He smiles at Simony, but says nothing. After all, to each their own. His eyes widen a bit at the sight of the golden strands -- he's seen this before, after all. But it's the song that really gets his attention. He tilts his head, his eyes narrowing, and his lips move as if silently singing along with the tune. Then he shakes his head, gesturing for the group to advance.
Aryia shifts a bit in place as Rune notes the significance of this locale before taking a breath and ducking into the cave near the front of the others. The darkness is a calming thing, but the closing in feeling. Sensing oneself, it felt constricting in a normally resolving contradiction.
She looks up. Head tilts to the side. This didn't feel like how things were. "I really hope I don't have to blindfold and deafen myself again," she gestures, mildly worried as she slinks forward with the group. <Handspeech/Tongues>
Zeke can finally hear the music, but it is largely just that to him; holding no greater significance. It does tell him that there is someone else here in the cave with them though. Or someone has set up a spell to lure unwary wanderers deeper into the cave... Either way it seems that they are headed further in.
GAME: Rune rolls perception+1: (12)+41+1: 54
Simony's expression is one of puzzlement, her head tilting one way and then the other, trying to place the song. "I am unfamiliar with this song.", she signs in Handspeech. Glancing at Aryia, she blinks. "You've encountered this before?", her fingers flutter.
The Goblin inhales and exhales slowly, glancing around warily into the darkness, and at the golden strands.
Harkashan believes he can recognize the song, but ends up squinting. After all, the story he recalls is from their world. Not this one. So first of all, who knows what is different, and second of all, what is it doing here?
"In my studies on the Planes and the Fae, I recall this story of a noblewoman." He begins, looking at Rune. He thinks she knows this one as well. "A biographical, or so she claimed. Detailing her love for what I think was a Fae. The Hundred confessions of a woman who reached the age of ninety-nine. The noblewoman was left heartbroken." He motions his arms a bit.
"I am... uncertain of its relevance to the situation we find ourselves in, here in Am'shere. But the last time we were here, it was on the matters of Love, Death, Fae."
It doesn't take far into this passageway for Rune to realize that this is not the cave from her own memories. The sight of those threads spread across path in front of them has her halting in her steps. "I think... this is where the similarities from our world into this one diverge." She looks back over her shoulder to the others. "When we came here, there was chamber filled with crystals, but... none of this was here." She motions her hand at the passage in front of them.
The eerie and somewhat ominous sounding song seems to seize her attention, her head tilting to listen. "Nor was that..." As Harkashan explains the song, the rogue nods her head, "I'm familiar with it, but... it's odd in this context."
Her brows furrow as Zeke moves towards the threads. Her eyes rove through the area, instead. "So... I don't think that our counterparts could have gone through that without causing some kind of damage. And I'm hesitant to go cutting threads that we don't know the connection to. I think they must have come some other way."
GAME: Zeke rolls Will: (15)+26: 41 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (22): 22
Telamon stares past the web of threads. "I think I can get us past it, with a dimension door. There's a space big enough for us to jump to." Then Zeke reaches out to touch the threads, and Telamon looks at his friend with mild exasperation. "Zeke, please don't play with the fate-threads, it can't do you any good and I'd hate to have to explain things to Cuemoni." Yes, that's playing dirty, but he doesn't know what else might happen. "Anyways, let's gather close so I can 'port us."
Cautiously, Zeke reaches out to touch one of the threads blocking the way and the sensation is not unlike that of popping a bubble. Which is really not much of a sensation at all. Delicate like a whisper.
A memory strums through him, it's a simple memory of making pie with Cuemoni. The feeling of being pleased with their progress and the hope that the pie would turn out to be delicious. He is suffused with this memory and then it fades back into his mind.
"Thisss one thinks that thessse will caussse usss to relive our memoriesss." Not necessarily the most pleasant of things given some of Zeke's memories. "You only have ssso many ssspellsss Telamon. It may be for the bessst that one of usss go forth firsst and then the othersss follow. Thiss one will do it." He is not afraid of his life; he has already survived it. So he bunches up his muscles and launches himself forward; charging ahead.
Simony makes an unhappy sound at the mention of dimension door, and she looks to be steeling herself for the horrendous feeling of being wrenched magically from one place to the next. She blinks as Zeke reaches out to touch the golden strand.
And does a double take when Zeke suddenly charges forward. "Wait! Don't... we don't know what will happen to the memories if the threads break...! Or wha..." The Goblin gesticulates at Telamon. "Or what may happen in this world."
Aryia winces as Zeke reaches out to touch the thread after Rune's recollection and Telamon's warning. There's tension in her frame and then... everything's fine? She blinks owlishly at Zeke's determination is press forward, but she then grins. Pussyfooting around isn't going to make a good story.
She follows after Daeus's chosen. She's got bad memories too, but the good ones were a hell of a good balm.
Makari do not /linger/ in the past. They move forward. Of course, Makari also have a particularly close relationship to Memories and the Past. Two factors that appear to be rather paradoxical, yet true at the same time.
When Zeke touches the strand, and it soon disappears after he does -- and gives his explanation -- Harkashan begins to move forward without much hesitation. "Memories hold no Secrets to us." He rumbles with firm confidence, and begins to just... walk forward. Like a Thunderlizard stepping through the jungles of Am'shere, regardless of the existence of the trees that might get in the way between themselves and their next snack.
"Maybe you shouldn't..." Rune starts, perhaps trying to warn Zeke, but there he goes, touching the strand. The fact that it shows him a memory leaves a worried expression on her features, one that is only amplified by the fact that the thread seems to vanish on contact.
She looks to Simony, obviously having the same idea as the goblin in this case, but it seems that between the two Makari and Aryia, the decision to move forward has been made. At least for those already plowing ahead.
So, it is Telamon that Rune looks to, "I'm all for your way. I've learned you can't stop a Makari from bull-headedly rushing forward without thinking about the effects, but if these threads are anything like the ones I deal with, it may not be so simple as it seems. So I'd rather take the cautious approach."
Telamon stares as Zeke just charges in, followed by Harkashan. At least they're dissipating the threads on contact, but... for the first time in a long time he looks flummoxed. "Just... just keep an eye on them, and if they start to show ill effects let me know. I can pull them back or ahead as needed." He floats after the thread-busting duo, mumbling to himself. "Was I ever this impulsive? Surely not. Not even when I was a young idiot."
GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (24): 24 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (22): 22 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (15): 15 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (23): 23 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (15): 15 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (25): 25 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (24): 24 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (25): 25 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (23): 23 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (12): 12 GAME: Riptide rolls 4d10: (27): 27
The Goblin huffs as both Aryia /and/ Harkashan follow after Zeke. She crouches and jumps up, managing to grab at Telamon's waist, and slowly makes her way up his back, holding onto his shoulders and peering over his left one.
"If you were this impulsive when young, I am amazed you survived to adulthood. I thought Goblin kids were bad but goodness. So many variables to consider here.. I am just not going to think about it. Teleporting and yarfing up lunch would be preferable."
Zeke barges through the threads, feeling their gossamer touch upon his scales. There are memories for each one. He feels a lot of different emotions to go with each of these. Things that he has felt before.
He remembers avoiding Cryosanthia for weeks and months after their argument. The pain of her company too much for him to bear. He remembers the first time that he grew wings from the Dragonfather. Remembers the feeling of power and ability to protect Cuemoni. He remembers their soul-marriage before the spirits of her people and how much love he felt for her. He remembers the first kin he ever had, and how much hope it had given him for the future when his kin had understood that he could not be touched. He remembers praying to the Dragonfather in the morning and how much peace it gives him every day to be heard by his god.
He comes out the other side of the threads thumping his tail at the memories as they rush through his mind. He nods to Harkashan behind him and motions to the others to follow him. "Thisss one isss well." There seems to be no harm done to him. Not really.
Aryia follows in after the two makari despite the protests, not trying to dodge any, but not trying to run into any threads. She's a tad distracted watching the other two go through their emotions, (always a fascinating thing to try and parse markai dispositions.)
She ends up catching a thread on the shoulder, blinking as it pops with a quiet yet firm chord. The memory of going faster, breaking her body to go beyond limits and fracture even space itself to get any edge of freeing her sister Aya. And getting that soul gem placed into her palm from Vardama kind self in that cozy cabin.
She comes out the other side a touch dazed, but she shakes her head, and puff out her chest with a big proud grin on her face, bouncing on the balls of her feet. She gives a crisp salute.
As Harkashan steps forward, it is notable that he doesn't skip steps. There's moments where threads touch and graze at him, triggering winces, of the shift of his tail. Slowly sweeping the emotional horizon from start to finish. Memories of times just like this flooding towards him, a cacophony of ones that so closely monitor this moment. Ahead of him though, the face keeps changing. The Corpse Eater, Karan'taara, a massive Purple Worm, a Thunderlizard. Each time, power in his hands, granted by the grace of the Deathsinging dragon. His gait forward unmarred each time, even were spells, arrows, or other things swung at him. When he moves forward, momentum follows. His tail swaying with each step, heavy confidence.
Except that one time and there was a small 'ravine' in between him and the... other side of the ravine. Stupid ravine. Luckily he can fly now.
The memories shift, and soon he gets visions of Rune - focusing in on a simple memory of just... walking with her - as two memories mix and relate. Looking to his side, as Rune walked with him. They were both a bit younger then. Inexperienced. They were simply escorting a wagon of spices from Am'shere to Alexandros, when he wasn't even part of the Adventuring guild yet, but one of the many Sith'makar serving as some kind of 'peace ambassadors'. Just laughing with her, while failing to remove his fingers from some kind of strange paper 'trap' no matter how much he tugged. He'd felt a bit foolish, but also, at ease with that young woman even then. No secrets between them, it had seemed back then. No clue of what would lay ahead of them, on the horizon.
Which shifts to one much different. And his gait adjusts. More firm and heavy. A memory of Karan'taara returning, the realization of what had happened within the Chambers of the Deathsinging Dragon. The realization that he had aided in sending them there, while somehow they'd still held enough power to cause problems within that place.
Telamon seems content to let Simony ride on his shoulders as he floats after the two. "Well, I had friends. And charm. And I was lucky. I suppose it could've been worse. I've had so many close calls... hmm." He pauses, considering. "Simony, I just thought of something. I got this a while back..." The half-sil fishes in a pocket, and removes a brilliant blue stone that shimmers with a serene light. Releasing it, it begins to orbit round his head, radiating a kind of calming energy around him. "I got this from the Joyful King. If I follow along close behind Hark and Zeke, it -should- help them manage any emotions from these... memory threads." He glances at Simony apologetically. "If you want to hop off, you can."
While it seems that there are no ill effects, Rune still seems wary. Perhaps that is why she is such a good counterpart to the Makari tendency to just charge forward. Sometimes, it's worth hanging back to think.
"I still feel like they must have gone a different way." However, she isn't about to argue as the group has already plowed forward. Though, she is distinctly avoiding any possible remnants of threads, just to be on the safe side. Something about all of this just isn't sitting right with her.
She motions to the three counterparts traveling with them, taking up the rear of the group before following. The Goblin is entranced by the floating stone. "Is.. that an ioun stone?", she wonders, eyes following its orbit around the Sorcerer's head. "Neat. Uhm. No, I think I will hang out here, if that's okay? It's probably better to make just one path through this... so..."