Sewer Circle

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GAME: Telamon rolls profession/scribe: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Simony rolls profession/scribe: (8)+10: 18
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Profession/Scribe: (7)+15: 22
GAME: Harkashan rolls Profession/Herbalist+2: (2)+8+2: 12

It's raining in the world above, which makes trekking through the sewers particularly abominable. The water runs high, forcing you to either wade through or to get uncomfortably close to the walls which... are unpleasant. Though the sewer is surprisingly clean really. The masks that Harkashan has put together help a little bit also, though not as much as anyone would really like.

Wisely the three who have skill as scribes are tracking the path that is being taken through the sewers. Though this is something a bit easier said than done. It's not easy to track the curvature of the sewers, but together it's a bit easier than it might have been if one was trying to do it alone.

There is something to be said for having to make 'replacements' in a recipe. Changing out some of the herbs normally found in Am'shere for the ones in the greater Alexandros area can work - but it's like replacing a recipe that calls for creme fraiche and putting in sour cream.

Still, it helps a bit, and Harkashan is quietly - in as quiet as his heavy armor allows him - following the others in the sewers for now. He's with people far more experienced than himself, so he's not moving to the front to take the brunt of any unseen assaults that might be coming their way.

"So what's this Magic Circle that may be here?" He inquires with Magpie as they move along.

It is not pleasant, but in truth, Seldan has faced worse, and Prestidigitation cures many an ill. He trails the rest of the group in stoic, intent silence, his armor clanking perhaps a bit less than most armor does, and the presence of the water helps to muffle the sound. He has come in full war kit, with a brown leather haversack over his back. The sword at his hip hasn't said much outside of the odd grumble from a crotchety old man's voice.

For once, Telamon is -not- dressed in his elegant best. He's still rebuilding his wardrobe back anyways. His garments are simple, durable sailor garb -- sailcloth tunic and trousers, reinforced at elbows and knees, along with hip-length boots. Be damned if he's wearing his -good- boots in this. The sorcerer glances over from where he's helping Lana and Simony map the sewer tunnels as they go, at Hark's question.

"It's a summoning circle, specifically. Conjurations -- callings in particular -- require a bridge between Ea and the realms beyond. Easiest way to create that is with a circle -- it acts as both portal and binding trap, so a conjurer might bargain with such entities." He pauses. "Needless to say, unless you're trying to sweet-talk them, it's not exactly -safe-."

Magpie is having a lot of trouble staying excited about this particular delve.

On the one hand, there's the possibility of a magical circle the size of most of the city under here! And even in pieces, there's a lot that can be done with such a foundation!

On the other hand... The sewers. *In the rain,* no less.

At least the masks are cool, and keep the smell out.

"...So like I was saying," she says in answer to Harkashan's question. "From what Simony told me, turns out there was a problem from before I came here with demons stirring up ruckus in the city. And I guess they were summoned here, from like this *absolutely massive* circle that's supposed to be under here? Like, most of the *city* was within its boundaries, meaning all you needed was a quiet dark alley and maybe a chicken to sacrifice or something, and you could basically target-summon on whoever you wanted!"

The gnome falls silent, for awhile... before it occurs to her that the next most obvious question is 'SO WHY ARE WE DOWN HERE?'

"So uh... I want to study how it was put together. Even if it's in pieces, the pieces can tell a lot, and uh... I have some pretty stupid-but-maybe-good ideas if it can tell us *enough.*"

"I thought Alexandria was explicitly guarded against such matters." Harkashan remarks, as Telamon gives his initial thought. But Magpie is quick to illuminate the conversation with the missing piece of the puzzle.

"I see. So we seek remnants of this massive demon-summoning circle, which now lies broken and inert." He remarks, nodding his head a bit with understanding. "What do we seek to learn from it? Are you trying to make some kind of..." Pause. "Demon summoning detector?"

Simony has been sketching out their path from the vantage point of the raise platform, despite being close to the somewhat icky walls of the sewer. Better that then wading neck-deep in the dubious water.

The Gobbo coughs under her mask. "The archmage Mithralla said it was a city-sized summoning circle, that was broken. Yet apparently it is powerful enough that it is potentially still usable, not just that, it potentially either avoids the city's ward, or is outside of it, thus unaffected." She pauses to sketch a minor detail in the wall.

"Magpie has a few ideas alright, I'm willing to see where they lead."

It's the sewers, and Cor'lana is dressed in her sensible adventurer's robes as a result. That being said, it's still a little slippery and damp in places, which results in the sorceress having to take small steps and be very intentional with her movements as she scribes down the map.

"I don't recommend sweet-talking anything," Cor'lana says. Not that anyone can see it behind her mask, but she's making a face. "Not that I hope we'll run into anything while we're down here, but..."

Pothy is with her on her shoulder. He just stares at her. "Wow," he says, in a mimic of a man's voice.

"Please do not remind me of the swordsman again, Pothy, thank you," Cor'lana responds curtly with a sigh. She returns to her mapping.

"The circle was in place ere the wards," speaks up Seldan from the back. "Indeed, the ward was placed in response to that which befell as a result of the circle's presence. It was used to contain and summon a Duke of the Hells to harass the city and its people." The voice from the back of the group is quiet, muffled by the mask that he wears. "Indeed, the creator ventured back in time to place it as the city was built."

"I, for one, wish to ensure that it is well and truly broken, and that none use or derive power from it. Too would I learn whether the wards extend this deep."

GAME: Magpie rolls perception: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Simony rolls perception: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (14)+23: 37
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception: (16)+18: 34
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (12)+5: 17
GAME: Simony rolls spellcraft: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Telamon rolls spellcraft: (16)+16: 32
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Spellcraft: (16)+17: 33

Telamon makes a funny little sound like that of a restrained snicker behind his mask at Pothy's jab at Lana. But he covers it up. "In any case," he says a little hurriedly, "yes, I want to make sure the circle is not functioning at -all-. Hell, if I thought I could get them to remember to do it, I'd try to convince the otyughs to wreck it."

He skids a little in the wet and slime, but manages to avoid falling. "What impresses me... I guess in a kind of 'oh by the gods why' way... is how they got it to work on that scale. Most circles like this, they have to be... well, 'balanced' is a good analogy. And if you don't balance the circle and pattern correctly, it won't work. Or worse, it WILL work, but it won't contain what you've called up."

GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (20)+25: 45
GAME: Seldan rolls wisdom: (19)+5: 24

The Goblin looks to Seldan. "Ah, Silver Guard Seldan, you are quite knowledgeable in this matter, our thanks for coming down here." She then looks to Telamon. "If the circle's creator or creators were able to travel back in time... then they have all the time in the world to perfect the creation of the circle."

Simony falls behind a little bit, not just mapping, but jotting out notes on certain details. "WATER suspiciously... murky".

"...Oh," Magpie says quietly, hearing all of the Definitely More Qualified of the group state their preference for a broken and unusable circle. "I mean, I get it, just... I had this thought, that if the circle covered the *whole city,* and there's a big ugly demon that some cultists are looking to *summon* in the city... Maybe we can rewrite it, so instead it binds that *exact demon* into something harmless, like a wooden duck. Then throw that stupid hellduck into the deepest hole we can fi--Wait what was that?"

Whirling around, the gnome peeeeeers back the way they came, leaning to one side to get all these legs out of her line of sight. "Something's coming, guys."

Suddenly, Seldan stops, his heart pounding, and hisses, a sound that none here have ever heard him make. "Hsst." He gestures for silence. "Do I bid you flee, do it, and without hesitation. We are being stalked by a foe far beyond any of you." _He_ looks worried. "This may be a time effect," he warns. "The demon this circle contained. I shall defend you for as long as I may."

GAME: Simony casts Bless. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Telamon casts Wall of Force. Caster Level: 15 DC: 23
GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor/Quicken. Caster Level: 15 DC: 23
GAME: Magpie casts Badger's Ferocity. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Seldan casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 16 DC: 21
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Haste. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Mage Armor/Quicken. Caster Level: 14 DC: 22

Cor'lana's eyes widen as Seldan explains what's going on. "Then I will aid you in any way that I can," she responds, before she murmurs an incantation, a thing of quickening magic that washes over the group.

Her incantation is followed by another delivered far more quickly, a moment in time stolen for her own protection. Magic shimmers onto herself and bolsters her defenses.

"I'm surprised to hear the wards may be ineffective in area." Harkashan remarks, having considered the safety of this region for so long. Then, a rumble. Well okay, maybe not surprised, nothing is fool-proof. But still. "But that would give us a place to look then, right? The edges of where we know the ward to be. Sensing the strength of the wards, and seeking the places where they are weakened?"

He tilts his head towards Seldan. Back in time?!

His tail sways uncomfortably. The sheer idea of that is something he has a hard time putting his head around. "Doesn't it seem like a bad idea to even let them do that under a city containing this many people?" Harkashan inquires with Magpie.

Only for Magpie to warn of something coming, and Seldan's words to further make his hackles rise. "Understood." Harkashan growls, his shoulders /tense/, as he touches one of his armor's lavastones - sending an immediate 'pulse' of pale red light throughout the area - gripping onto his allies to help ward them.

The sound sends a chill down Telamon's spine, and Seldan's words fill his guts with ice. He was already unnerved by what he saw from their mapping, and this doesn't help. "Let's see if we can slow it down first." He begins gesturing with elegant grace. "Emegar, gisig duksium, sisig!" A pattern of hexagonal lines appears down the tunnel where the clicking is coming from, expanding and then fading from sight.

On the heels of this, he murmurs another, shorter incantation, "Akar irhandi." Planes of starlight snap into existence around him, sorcerous armor, that fades from sight but not from reality.

Magpie simply nods, wide-eyed, at Seldan's instructions, suddenly wondering at the merits of this entire endeavor. But, no help for that now, so the ambient mana of the sewers gets pulled from the air, molded into a crude, ethereal representation of... a badger? which is then set off scampering through the air to give Reunion and Harkashan's sword each a quick bite, transferring its viciousness to their steel.

"O-okay... But not *now,* right?"

The Goblin peers at Magpie a moment, and turns the direction they've come, her ears straining. Seldan's dire warning has her swallowing hard, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Her holy symbol glows as she petitions her deity to offer his blessing in this time of urgent need.

She stands still, unsure if the command to run meant... now.

"No." Seldan is already drawing in the air, a swift series of interlinked sigils so familiar to him now. The last one is a crescent-and-sphere, and he speaks a phrase of power, causing the whole array of sigils, to burst into blue-silver fire before him, arcana linked together beneath Eluna's holy aegis. This he raises hands and, with a prayer, presses towards the ground, the sigils shaping themselves into a circle around him and migrating towards the floor. When the circle is perfect, they fade into dullness, but something of the blue-white fire remains.

That done, he narrows his eyes and reaches for the crescent and sphere at his throat, surveying the direction the sound comes from. "It may be a ghost," he murmurs, "and yet would I have you all be wary. Salina's machinations with time itself may mean that anything that has ever been down here may show itself."

GAME: Magpie rolls will: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will+6: (11)+9+6: 26
GAME: Telamon rolls Will+6: (9)+15+6: 30
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Will+1+1+4: (3)+16+1+1+4: 25
GAME: Simony rolls will+1+1+4: (1)+9+1+1+4: 16 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Will+1+1+4: (12)+16+1+1+4: 34
GAME: Simony rolls will+1+1+4: (6)+9+1+1+4: 21

The thing that's making the noise comes around the corner slowly. Fear walks in it's path. A crawling, terrible fear that makes one want to crawl away from this thing as quickly as they can. It's... Some kind of demon that much is clear. It barely fits in the sewer, pacing slowly forward. Red flesh stands out, a muscular body that clearly tells of physical potential. Black horns scrape on the ceiling and a tail lashes behind it. Fingers and feet are clawed things, and its black eyes glow red.

It whistles the most eerie song you've ever heard as it moves slowly toward you. It almost walks into Telamon's wall and stares at the barrier with interest. "Now, that's not nice." It's growling masculine voice says. It lifts a hand to touch the barrier and looks at the group gathered just beyond it. "Be good little people and let me in."

A flash of too-white teeth.

GAME: Harkashan casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

Seldan does not immediately speak, save for, "Hold fast. It is in my mind that this may not be the precise being. Its evil does not flood me." He does not look back, all of his attention on the creature beyond the barrier. Instead of going for the sword, though, he raises a hand and draws a simple sigil before his eyes that becomes a blue-gold-silver filk before his eyes. Through this he studies the creature, and only then says, "What are you?"

GAME: Seldan attempts to cast Detect Magic but fails due to ASF.
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d100: (10): 10
GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/the planes: (17)+4: 21

Harkashan rumbles; "A ghost?" The Deathsinger is of particular interest on this. "Is it an enemy?" He turns a bit, unable to sense it so easily. Still, the cleric of the Death Singing Dragon is particularly curious about this.

Only to look around and seeing the black horns, the red flesh... "That's not a ghost." He hisses as the thing sends a wave of fear through the sewer like the heat of a sun on a midsummer day. He grits his teeth and lashes his own teeth, stepping back a bit at first... before digging his claws into the ground. Careful not to harm the circle drawn by Seldan.

Noticing Magpie and Simony get shaken, his mind immediately tries to calculate who would be able to help most in this situation. He reaches out quickly to her, stepping towards the Gnome, and tries to grab her. With his other hand, he puts a small lavastone into her copper headdress, activating a wave of protection.

"Don't run." He rumbles at her. "You are safe within the circle." He bids to the Gnome.

GAME: Magpie rolls will+1+1+4+2: (14)+7+1+1+4+2: 29
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (9)+8: 17

Telamon's hand clamps down on Simony's shoulder. "Look at me, Simony. Don't look at it. Look at me." He gives Hark a grateful look -- at least Magpie's not in full panic mode -- and then his starry eyes move back to the fiend. It certainly appears to be a terrible, powerful fiend at the very least, but the fact that it's impeded by his force-wall gives Telamon some hope.

And so, with just a touch of bravado, Tel responds to the demand to 'let him in' with a shake of the head. Letting Seldan talk, for the moment.

The Goblin continues to stand still, staring in growing terror as it slowly steps into view. The whistled song seems to break something inside Simony as she clutches at her chest. Trembling as the beast speaks, it's the flash of teeth that sparks an ancient dread, and as Telamon's hand comes down, she screams.

But she does manage to look up. Then Telamon finds himself with a terrified and crying Goblin attached to his waist, face buried in his stomach.

Ooooooh no, that's a terrifying thing. And then it *speaks,* and touches the forcefield as if it were a minor annoyance and why does everything smell like fire and blood again? It's not the Wendigo, but it's close enough, and suddenly Magpie is stricken with an overwhelming desire to be Not Right Here At This Moment.

But before she can turn to run, one of the warriors among them takes her by the arm, and boops her head. And somehow that is calming enough to make the words penetrate the awful memories.

Running is still an option. But now it's a bad option. Best to stay here, and help her friends.

Best to pay back this kindness with help.

Forcing her jaw muscles to relax, the gnome lets out a long, shuddery breath, looking up at Harkashan and smiling crookedly. "...Thanks," she croaks, her throat almost too tight for anything but screams. "...We should go though, right?"

Cor'lana's violet eyes flash with a growing anger as she looks at this fiend. She does not tremble, but she does size up this creature, like she's studying it as the raven studies the corpse on the ground (or soon-to-be corpse) before having its meal. Her eyes narrow.

But like her husband, she lets Seldan have the words here. He is the experienced fiend-hunter of the group and she is not arrogant enough to claim knowledge that he has.

The creature looks at Seldan first. "I know you. Don't you know me?" It asks, grinning viciously at the paladin. "Seldan Padaryn."

It says his name and licks its lips. Then viciously it punches the forcefield. Which... cracks under the pressure. "You won't like it if you force me to break this wall." Another punch and its almost lazy but the wall splinters like a pane of glass. "It's only a matter of time..." Now it's looking at everyone else as if tempting them to listen to reason.

"I know what you once were, Eclavdran. Your soul is no more, you are but an echo." Seldan is solid as a rock, still staring intently at the creature, without a trace of fear. "Lord Lupecyll-Atlon, can you reinforce the wall? I need but a moment more to understand. It is not he, but an echo whose nature I would understand. Underestimate it not. Once I understand, we must move, and swiftly. Out of the circle's range." The words are tense, but even.

GAME: Telamon casts Wall of Force. Caster Level: 15 DC: 23

Telamon places one hand on Simony's head, gently. Comforting. He is here. But when Sir Seldan calls to him, he answers. "Wouldn't be the first time something that is dead has come back to annoy us," he quips. Then he spins out his incantation again, his hair starting to float in the air. A cool breeze flows around him, the stink of the sewer lessening. Ice forms in weird fractal patterns around his feet, as a second pattern of hexagons shimmers into existence before fading to invisibility.

GAME: Telamon rolls talky+3: aliased to diplomacy+5+3: (13)+25+5+3: 46

It's almost as if a bucket of cool, refreshing water were splashed into the Goblin's face. Telamon might even feel her eyes blinking. Her head jerks back a little, and she takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Dabbing at her eyes with her sleeves, Simony sniffles. "Th...thanks, Telamon.", the Gobbo says quietly. Turning away shyly, she mutters. "My apologies for uh... getting your stuff wet."

GAME: Harkashan casts Lesser Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Will: (19)+16: 35

"Seldan will let us know." Harkashan rumbles to Magpie, looking up to the man as he no doubt prepares to speak more to this demon. "If you need to, just stand behind my leg, so you are not making direct eye-contact." He then notes, before slowly rising back up, still holding that 'sharpened' blade.

He then touches his chest, and in that moment, a burst of partially 'burnt', almost ember and obsidian like feathers burst from Harkashan's back, as he remains standing. They're not even fully physical, and hardly look like they might let him fly. But it's certainly strange to see a lizard with 'feathered' wings in that moment. Steeling himself in case they need to flee. No... WHEN they have to flee.

Telamon's remark causes Cor'lana's violet eyes to flash with realization, and she subtly draws out her totem from her bag of holding. Quietly and without much of a wince--for she has done this motion many times and blood no longer causes her to be taken aback--she draws her finger over the needle hidden in her sleeve and feeds it to the totem.

Her eyes glow ever so slightly as she looks back up at the entity, and she shakes her head. "This is not a thing born of the dream," she tells the group. "It is not the same as what we have encountered before with Kol." And so she pulls the totem away from her blood, going to return it to her bag.

GAME: Magpie rolls spellcraft: (8)+12: 20

"I-- yeah," Magpie says, shifting behind Harkashan's leg as the warrior turns back around. Curious, she peers through the screen of force at the demon that menaces them, but... Pressing her lips together, she resolves to just trust the Great Paladin's word and run when bid to run.

Black-red eyes narrow as Telamon creates another barrier. Not at the barrier but at the mage himself. "You will taste regret little magling." The creature growls in base relief, and begins to literally tear the barrier apart with its bare hands. Pieces of force crack and fall apart until the first of the two barriers is left rent and fading from view. The second all that stands between it and you. The strength of this thing is... Terrifying.

It doesn't even look winded.

GAME: Seldan rolls spellcraft: (20)+18: 38

Suddenly, Seldan straightens, and dismisses the spell with an arcane gesture and a disdainful look. "A doll, built to resemble him. But a plaything - and a distraction - yet - dangerous in its way," he murmurs, then raises his voice. "It is you who will regret, copy of Eclavdran. Naught are you save a plaything, and I have not time to destroy you this day. You have not mind enough even to pretend to evil."

With that, Seldan turns his back on the raging creature. "Come, we go, and swiftly. That shall anger it, and we shall return to remove it. The circle may repair it, do we not destroy it utterly, and yet - though it be not the creature itself, it is yet no mean enemy. We go, and return prepared." He gestures that the others should follow him.

"Really? The only thing I regret is not being there to see Sir Seldan kill the real you." It's a cheap shot, tossed into the beast's face, but you know, that's Telamon for you. With the new force wall securely in place, Tel gently turns Simony so she can follow Seldan, and swiftly begins to move along in the paladin's wake. Smiling at Lana as well, as he comments, "And you complain that I never take you anywhere interesting." It's a joke, of course.

"Wait, so..." Magpie looks from Hark, to Seldan, to the construct, and back. "The *circle* is doing this? Bu... wh-- Okay no we *need* to see what's going on here, no matter what." Shaking her head, she casts one last glance at the creature, then turns to walk the way they were going. Trot, perhaps. Jog, maybe! But not running. Definitely not running. Yet.

"My lord and lady, now you have seen the likeness of the creature for whom the wards on your home were designed." Seldan gestures the others to precede him.

The Goblin moves along at Telamon's urging, using her now broken pencil to add more to the sketched map she has in progress.

"I really wish... I wished that the archmage would be mistaken. I did not want to find a thing of terrors."

Much of this goes over Harkashan's head, but he's making note of it. This 'doll' as Seldan puts it, is breaking down powerful spells as if it were just having a good time for a moment.

At Seldan's call to retreat, he does so immediately. Following whomever has drawn a map so far, so he knows he's not going to end up wandering these sewers alone, not knowing where he's going.

"Now I understand why you want to burn our table so badly," Cor'lana responds to Seldan in an alarmed fashion as she goes with the group, taking advantage of her quickened magic spell that has washed over the group. "And why those wards were up on the house, and... More beyond that. That is a pale imitation but I cannot imagine the horror of the true thing."

It is that grave note that she retreats on, although she offers Telamon a, "When have I ever complained of that? Considering where we've gone on our dreamwalks together, I will never call myself a bored wife." It's a ghost of her smile on her lips now.

The creature rages behind you. Your words have infuriated it, and that means that its taking down the wall just a little faster. You hurry faster. Because meeting up wit that... thing, is _not_ a desirable outcome. Thankfully - you have a head start.
