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Log Info

  • Title: Spelunking
  • GM: Verna
  • Place: Verna and Auranar's house (and the catacomb below)

Per the posting, the location of interest is upon the ridge that is the border of Alexandria. More specifically, a cottage just off of the high road to the Vardaman temple and airstation. The stone cottage overlooks the scholastic and temple districts below. Many days, the exposed elevation is windy; today it is not. Instead, the heat and humidity loiter just as heavily as they do below.

Beneath a portico that joins home to road, Verna sits in a chair, clothed in a bright yellow sundress and sandals. Beside her, a table bears various baked goods: predominantly small tarts, pastries, and cookies. There she awaits those responding to the call.

Menel's stomach rumbles as he approaches the portico, the scent of baked goods carries to the hungry and Menel is not the sort of man to say no to a nice tart, pastry, or cookie. If this is the reward for delving into unknown paths beneath the surface of the mountains; Menel is sold. He offers a sunny smile to Verna as he approaches and offers her a casual wave. "Hey! I'm Menel DinMorin, one of those responding to the posting. Fair day to you. Lovely home you have here."

Grumble, grumble, growl His stomach speaks for him.

While warm, it's not a day that lends itself to basking- and so it is time for work. The humidity and stillness of the air feel good for a certain Sith-Makar, though. Sjach makes his way up the mountain, glaive slung over his back and bow currently unstrung and hung over one shoulder. He also carries his small pack of supplies, and the quiver hangs crosswise against the glaive. He's enjoying the sounds of insects in the summer air as he makes his way up the path towards the location of the posting.

When he arrives, he offers a dip of his head, "Thiss one ansswers the call alsso." he offers, his sibilant tone belying his infrequent use of the common tongue.

Dues to pay, mouths to feed, ain't nothin' in this world that's free. That's Harshad's view on these jobs. Still, how much trouble can there be checking out a cave system for a homeowner? Beats the hell out of farming. And so Harshad comes ambling up the path, blades sheathed at his belt, his hood pushed back in a nod to the better weather as he follows along in the others' wake. A nod given to Menel, as the half orc peers at the older half-elf in the yellow sundress. "Harshad," he says by way of introduction. "You wanted people to check out a cave system you found while... remodeling?" He sounds a bit bemused, but at least it's not one of those weird jobs.

Flap, flap, flap.

It wasn't that far from airstation or the aerie to the cottage, a benefit which an egalrin may readily take advantage of. Not too close for those not truly blessed by the skies however, as the inquisitor glides to the ground some distance away from the abode. Dusting herself off and removing the strap from her hat, Reithak continues down the path until she reaches the others. "Skies bless you this day and may the muse stoke the fires of inspiration in your heart Mourner." The egalrin greets, doffing her hat with a bow. "Are you selling your wares here as well as seeking assistance for work?"

The crows caw, the ravens croak - and a non-distinct shuffle of cloaks that somehow manages to make its way up along the high road. It was not particularly hard to attract certain types when exploring catacombs and other unknowns was on the table.

But it was a lot easier to attract a corvid egalrin with a collection of pastries and other sweets. "... caw." Crik lets out in his guttural tone. Pause. Refocus. Stare at ground. Air. Back to the ground. Then Verna. "... greetings. How far down below, how old?" A notepad is flung open from somewhere underneath his cloaks.

The turquoise-scaled Cuemoni approaches as well, dressed in her leathers and bearing red painted symbols on her head and along the exposed portions of her body, as well. Unlike the taller sith-makar, Cuemoni bears a scimitar on her weapon belt on her hip. "This one also arrives for duty," she says. "This one is called Shaman Cuemoni, of the Xiuhcoatl tribe."

Her golden eyes slide over to Menel with his grumbling stomach. "Does this one need to help you with food?" she asks. "It is unwise to go on an empty stomach into danger." That's not even some esoteric shaman-truth, that's just common sense.

Verna rises from her chair, with aid of hands upon the table. "I bid welcome and gratitude to you all," she greets all before adding to the Makari, "and peace on your nests." Regardless of whether she hears any digestive requests, one thin hand gestures to the table. "Please, help yourselves. They were made to be consumed. There is no need to purchase... though should you feel obliged at compensation, the temples are ever in need of donations."

She then addresses the task at hand. "With our garden, there is need of storage for its harvest. I thought to craft a cellar, of a sort, into the rock. During the excavation, a hollow or tunnel was discovered; of natural origins, it appears. All bears investigation, however; not only for the security and stability of the residence, but for the temple and its catacombs as well." She gestures again, this time across and down the road to the neighboring basalt structure. "When all are prepared, I will escort you to the point in question."

Menel has the grace to look embarrassed by Cuemoni's words. "I didn't eat breakfast." He doesn't go into why, but rather perks up when Verna offers the treats on display for the eating. He takes more than a few, but not more than his fair share, and leaves a few coins behind. It's clear he doesn't have a lot of coin to spare, and the food disappears like there's a bag of holding hidden behind his teeth. Even if he eats very properly, he's clearly a very hungry guy.

"Happy to take a look." He offers with a grin, resting a hand easily on the hilt of one of his two swords and finishing off one of the tarts with a lick to his fingers. "Whoever made these did a great job. My complements and gratitude for the food!" He seems ready enough to follow Verna.

"Could be nothing. Or anything. Old smuggler tunnel. Natural formation. Animal den." Harshad shrugs, and reaches over to pick up a pastry, popping it in his mouth. "Mmm. S'good. Sweet." The mention of the catacombs does give him a slightly sour look. "Yeah, last thing you need are bone-fondlers breaking in there." Harshad swipes another pastry on his way to follow Menel and Verna -- but he does leave a couple coins as well, following the other man's example.

"Ah, and peace on your nests as well." The larger egalrin greets with another bow. "And always good to be working with some familiar faces! Good to know you're working with dependable folks. I think I'll take you up on your offer! I already make my donations to the temples on a regular, but some more couldn't hurt anyways." She adds, reaching for one of the pastries, then another, which quickly disappeared. They were a big bird after all, even if their feathers weren't particularly yellow.

"Be a shame to have fruit and vegetables go to waste." Reithak hums, reaching for another dessert, but stopping just short. "Good idea, if you're unsure about the safety of the network in various regards. Happy to take a look!"

Sjach glances at each of the other adventurers in turn, offering each of them a brief dip of his head, with a deeper and more respectful one for the Shaman that joins them, before he turns his attention back towards Verna. "Natural cavernss are dangerouss. Large inssects, Ko-Jodakh, many thingss may crawl out of them." he says and nods sagely. As the food is offered, he'll pick up a pastry, sniff it experimentally, and then bite into it, making a bit of a mess of crumbs as it is flakier than he expected.

There wasn't much prompting needed before Crik had his hand in the cookie jar and a pastry in his beak - and a small bag opened with the good stuff being filled. "... I am well prepared." He says around his beakful. "And the treats are very well crafted."

Swallowing with a quick toss of pastry in the air, he then looks at Harshad. "Temples attract far too many unwanted visitors for smugglers to like digging through them." He tilts his head. "Unless they are undead smugglers. Or smugglers from other planes." A pause. "... demonic smugglers...?" He starts to drift into his own ruminations, as his tail wags.

Cuemoni does take a dessert, but she leaves the rest for Menel, seemingly, eyeing him as though he might not be getting enough food. "Make sure you have enough," she says to him. "This one has food if you are in need of it."

She looks at the group. "The rest of you, eat too. This one will not travel with empty-bellied people." She eyes Sjach in particular. "Warriors need food to fight."

Then the Shaman shakes her head. "This one is happy to go. This one is prepared to aid." Which is true enough. Her tail suggests a certain energy to it that Sjach can easily pick up as 'let's go!'

Verna seems pleased at the compliments, though does not remark upon them. Neither does her expression change from a flat neutral. Not until Crik's comment, which causes her lips to purse. "Should you discover undead, or fiends of any sort, I expect that you all promptly return here to notify myself. Either would be a dire concern. That said, I do not expect that such dwell below." She does not wish to consider either lurking beneath her home.

She then makes her way along the outside of the cottage to the edge of the cliff. Rather than step out onto the rear balcony and garden, she descends stairs that turn to hug the sheer face. All are fashioned of stone that appears joined with or extended from the mountain, itself, complete with railing and ballisters. "Please mind your step. The most rapid path to the temple district from this point is also the most dangerous."

The stairs end shortly thereafter at a landing that is outside an arched opening in the side of the ridge. There is not yet a door, though it appears there is intent for one to be placed. Beyond this is an open rcetangular room. The far wall is not entirely even, as if not excavated true, with a portion 'raised' compared to the remainder of the wall. Nearby are a pair of heavy cloth gloves that appear soiled with dirt and clay. These are retrieved and donned before she takes some moments to move gloved fingers through the stone. An outline the size and shape of a doorway is carved into the stone by hand, and then resulting slab is folded down to the floor. This reveals an irregular opening into a dim space that promptly turns to pitch due to lack of light.

Sjach pauses to take his bow with its bundled string down from over his shoulder, bracing one limb against the ground he flexes it a couple of times, and then finally unbundles the sinew string. He flexes it once more, and ties off the string to the other limb, before hefting the bow and giving the string a tug to test it, releasing it slowly- no dry firing this bow. With that done, he follows along behind Verna and looks into the space within. He glances back towards his companions. "Thiss one seess well in the dim, but not the dark. Sshaman, are you able to besstow me with a light to lead the way?" he asks Cuemon.

As they head away from the house and down the stairs, Menel's expression takes on a more serious mien though one no less pleasant. He rests one hand on the hilt of one of his swords and the other on the railing as he follows Verna down. "I think we can take it from here." He murmurs to Verna. "Though a light would be helpful." He nods to Sjach. "Do you want to take the lead then? I'll follow on your heels if you like."

GAME: Sjach rolls survival: (15)+7: 22
GAME: Crik rolls perception: (10)+11: 21

Harshad squints, staring initially at how Verna casually carves through the stone by hand. But when the 'doorway' is opened, his eyes flick to it. "Narrow tunnel, but nothing moving down there." He reaches down to draw his blades, settling into a slight crouch as Sjach takes a look at the tunnel entrance. "Agreed. Some of you are going to need a light, even if I don't."

GAME: Harshad rolls perception: (13)+8: 21

Crik hops along - at points taking the forward lead - and when the dark dim tunnel is revealed - he takes out a foot long rod. Looking at the others for a moment, and holding his gaze, he slaps the sunrod onto the ground before tossing it into the darkness.

"Darkness, begone, for thy time is cast nigh!" He announces and then holds his beak open. After a moment, he hops near the entrance, looking at the doorway closer.

"This one can," Cuemoni replies to Sjach, following along in the group. The Shaman makes a humming noise that's low at first in her chest, before it ascends to a higher pitch.

"Spirit of the light, come to rest on this bow," she finally intones, holding her claws out to Sjach's bow. A moment later, a gentle light rests on the tip of the weapon, before the whole object is glowing.

Cuemoni's tail moves in a sense of satisfaction, her golden eyes alight in joy. "This one is appreciative of the spirits for their cooperation," she says reverently, bowing her head for a moment. "Let us go on."

GAME: Cuemoni casts Light. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13

Reithak is a bit more carefree than the others taking her way down the somewhat treacherous path. Perhaps one of the benefits of not being overly concerned about falling off. Still, it wouldn't do to take someone down with her. She does however keep one hand on her rapier, while pulling her goggles down over her eyes. "Yeah, I'm not good with dark places either, I've got a little spell that helps, but if you'd rather the pretty shaman takes care of that for you, fine by me!" The egalrin responds. "I can take the lead with Menel or Harshad, since I'm a terrible shot when there's too much in the way."

"There we go! All set then, folks?" She asks of the others, stopping to offer a prayer that lights up the tip of her hat as well, just in case.

Sjach takes a knee at the entrance, and he trails his fingertips through the sparse dust at the cave entrance and then his nostrils flare for a moment as he searches for any sign of things lurking. "No tracks." he utters, "Or perhapss simply none I can find. The sstone doess not hold tracess well." he says and then offers a nod to Menel in confirmation of his plan. He rises back up, and unless there is any objection, he will take the van, drawing an arrow from his quiver to hold loosely between the knuckles of his fore and middle fingers as he heads into the cave, banishing the dark with the light of his bow as he does.

GAME: Reithak casts Light. Caster Level: 5 DC: 12
GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (12)+19: 31
GAME: Cuemoni rolls Perception: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Menel rolls Perception: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Sjach rolls perception: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Harshad rolls perception: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Crik rolls perception: (5)+11: 16

The area further within is well-lit by the sunrod, and the magics on those at the entrance make that area even moreso. In the distance, the tunnel continues away from the room in a roughly straight line. The path towards did not end at the breach, but rather turned sharply to the right (from the groups perspective). The path to the right continues on only a couple dozen feet, gradually narrowing as it does, until it ends in a small spot of light where it breaks though the cliff face as a small hole.

Menel pauses behind Sjach, just for a second, but makes a best effort to stay behind them. He's the backup in this scenario and he won't leave Sjach without someone to protect them in the off chance that something nasty pops up. "Looks like there might be a secondary tunnel." He's worried about that as they draw closer to it. Leaving something open behind them is a bad idea unless they want to be ambushed. Yet splitting up is an even worse idea.

With the area much better illuminated, the inquisitor hums a happy tune. "There we are! Seems like we've got a path before us. Or, hand on, just a moment."

The egalrin squints behind their goggles, and shakes her head. "Yeah, Menel's right. There's another path on the left, not as big as the other one. So, which should we check first, do you guys think? Me and Harshad there could probably scout ahead, though the light would probably give us away, since anything living here probably doesn't need it."

Crik hops along, picking up his sunrod along the way. He peeks towards the end of the right path, before leaning down and attempting to make a note in his small journal. Realizing he is holding the sunrod, he fumbles for a moment until he manages to jot down the line. "Usually turning always right leads you somewhere." The corvid replies. "And lets you find the main pathway." He stares. Then slowly waves the sunrod towards the right path.

"I see it as well, Warrior Menel," Cuemoni replies to Menel as she's close to him and Sjach, but her body language is also worried, and a thoughtful, rumbling hum leaves her. "This one does not think it is a good idea to split the group. We are best together in unity than in division and apart."

Upon Crik's suggestion of going right, she gives another rumbling noise. "This one wishes to investigate the secondary tunnel first."

Sjach tch's his dissaproval at how narrow the tunnel grows, thinking about the possible difficulties of using either bow or glaive if a fight breaks out, he pats the hilt of his obsidian hunting dagger at his belt just incase he needs to draw it in a hurry, and then continues onwards into the cave, slowing as he reaches the sharp turn to sniff at the air and then carefully peek around it. "A breach." he says, "Perhaps climbing or flying animals have entered and made a nest here." he suggests then.

As the others spot a second path, he tilts his head a bit and tries to follow their directions to see it- eventually resolving it against the rocky backdrop, he tch's again. "Thiss one's gut sayss the path less obviouss is the one to examine."

Very cautiously, Harshad pokes his head into the breach, craning to look down the passage before checking right. "Huh." He gestures with his dagger. "Well, there's your outlet. Could be a smuggling route, like I said. Or just a hidey-hole, since you've got ventilation. A bit small to put anything through." The rogue creeps along behind Menel, eyes never stopping in one spot.

The tunnel/cave itself offers some respite from both heat and humidity. It is cooler within due to lack of sun, and it is not as humid as the current weather. There is still some humidity within, however, and the cooler temperature has caused some condensation on the walls as the group ventures further in. The movement also makes the path to the left more obvious, though it is roughly the same size as the path at the intersection. Further ahead, however, the tunnel opens up into a wider space.

GAME: Cuemoni rolls Perception: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Crik rolls perception: (19)+11: 30
GAME: Reithak rolls perception: (6)+19: 25
GAME: Menel rolls Perception: (5)+1: 6
GAME: Harshad rolls perception: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Sjach rolls perception: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Harshad rolls stealth: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (20)+13: 33

Harshad freezes suddenly, and gestures to the others. "Movement ahead down that left corridor. I hear something." Of course, this is heavily predicated on the others knowing Handspeech, but judging from Harshad's gesticulations and pointing down the left side corridor, it's clear something has gotten his attention. He tries to move off to the side, taking to the shadows.

Crik still knows no handspeech, but also gestures in a wildly similar manner and bops his head. Large swings of hands and the sunrod is given to the direction of the path - before he hands off the sunrod to the nearest person. The corvid then takes to the other side of the corridor, slinking forward. At some point, surely, he will realize he cannot see in the dark.

Sjach glances back towards Harshad as he stops suddenly, and then nods once acknowledging his understanding of the gestures. He brings the arrow he had drawn earlier to the string of the bow and knocks it, drawing it back partway so that he's ready to loose it at a moment's notice and then takes one more cautious step forwards, bringing to bow up to look down the arrow shaft and into the cavern ahead.

Noticing the pointing more than anything else, Menel slips his swords from their sheathes. "Would rather fight something in that open space ahead if possible." He murmurs, trying to edge closer without bumping into Sjach. "Hard to fight with a sword in a tunnel." He's already spoken before so he figures that it's safe enough to draw attention to himself this way. At least the light extends out a ways so that he'll be able to see for a little while yet.

Reithak tilts her head to one side, listening for a moment. She's not entirely certain what Harshad was gesturing, but pointing down the hallways made the egalrin nod. She unsheathes her rapier, taking a spot nearby, tensing up as she wonders if offering a prayer for the group is worth potentially giving up the element of surprise.

Cuemoni's tail is shaking somewhat like a rattlesnake's as she waits for the warriors in their verdicts. She does not draw her scimitar, but then, she is not typically a warrior. Just a Shaman. And Shamans have their own tricks for things that could be harmful to the group.

Like Reithak, she offers no prayers nor words yet. Just waiting, just observing.

With the ample light sources, the spelunkers are safe from grues. Yet something this way comes from the dim of the tunnel and into the light...

A small pair of eyes are the first thing noted, followed by another. At first they might appear to be a pair of cats until the bare tails are seen. Possum? Not, not quite.

Rats. Of unusual size. That are dashing down the left tunnel for the main, heading right for the spelunkers.

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon10: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Sjach rolls damage10: aliased to 1d6+0: (4)+0: 4

"Ratss" Sjach says, the fact that theya re giant never even crossing his mind. He's from Am'shere. Everything is giant there. He pulls the bowstring back the rest of the way and then looses his arrow towards the approaching rodents. The projectile sails through the air and lands true, plunging several inches deep into the rat's flesh. His hand is already going to his quiver to draw a new arrow to bring up to his bowstring and knock.

GAME: Crik rolls weapon2: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged+1: (2)+3+1: 6
GAME: Reithak casts Bless. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13
GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7+1: (3)+7+1: 11

They're rats. Rats that big are a plague on a tribe's supplies. They could spread disease. They could gorge themselves on food and leave little for anyone else to feast on. Cuemoni can't help the rumbling noise of disapproval that rolls from her chest as she spots the giant rodents. "This one will not allow this," she intones, lifting her clawed hand. She stokes a flame in her hand and sends it out at one of the giant rats.

Except her fire goes wide, and Cuemoni rumbles in disapproval at her aim. "Or rather, this one will make an attempt at not allowing this."

Crik doesn't hesitate as he pulls out his trusty hand crossbow from underneath his robes and takes a shot. However, the bolt flies way above the rats and clatters in a very noisy manner. "... why ist always rats..." The corvid mutters as he sidles up along the wall, making quite the noise as his belongings clack against the walls.

"Looks like we know what was scratching around now." Reithak notes, the egalrin with one hand on her rapier, but finding the corridor too cramped to sneak up on them. I'll keep the rear covered for now!" She shouts, grabbing her holy symbol. "Ceinara, stoke the flames of strength in us, to achieve what you know we can do already!" the inquisitor chants, endowing divine strength on her allies, while she ducks behind Sjach. "You'll get em next time, Cuemoni, Ceinara believes in you! And you should already know that, Crik." They cheer on. <Auran>

"Damn it..." Harshad is standing there blades in hand, but Menel just beat him to the punch by charging -- and there's no way to get around. "Menel, back up, we gotta work around them!" Then Harshad watches spell-bolt and crossbow-bolt fly by... doing very little. "For crying out loud, AIM, don't just throw it!" The half-oruch heaves a sigh. "It's gonna be one of those jobs, ain't it?"

Menel waits for everyone to make their attacks against the giant rats. Arrows, bolts, fire, and magic are all levied, but Menel notes that the rats themselves remain mostly intact. "I'll catch their attention!" He waits only a half-second more before he rushes forward, swinging his swords almost wildly and yelling at the rats more in a seeming attempt to frighten them than to attack them properly. Though it is that. His sword hits nothing but air though and he grimaces. Clearly he needs to focus more on his attack.

"Sorry!" He yells back at Harshad. "Could have sworn that it opened up a bit up here!" But he's still in a slender tunnel and that's no good.

GAME: Harshad rolls weapon1+1: (11)+8+1: 20
GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7+1: (13)+7+1: 21
GAME: Menel rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Harshad rolls 1d6+2+2d6: (4)+2+(7): 13
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13

The gravely wounded rat cannot run, so it chooses fight over flight. This amounts to biting at Menel's leg, though incisors do not beat armor. The other continues to run past and through the spelunkers, attempting to head for the larger area.

With one rat dead and another tangled up in fighting Menel, Harshad takes the opportunity to slip by, deftly posting off the wall and rolling to his feet in the cavern proper. A quick scan reveals... "It's a midden, a den, but nothin' we haven't seen before." His green eyes flick back to the rat Menel is facing now. "Take it out."

GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7-2+2+1: (6)+7+-2+2+1: 14
GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7-2+2+1: (7)+7+-2+2+1: 15
GAME: Menel rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Menel rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

Menel doesn't hesitate, dispatching the rat with a one-two poke of his swords that leaves the rat laying on the ground. "We should catch up with the others before they find more trouble." Menel says, flashing Harshad a grateful smile. "I appreciate the backup." He salutes the other man with his weapon and slips back down the passageway.

Sjach relaxes slightly, releasing some of the tension on his bowstring and standing straighter, but keeping it knocked incase there are any they have missed or more critters come out of the shadows at them. "We ssshould make sssure there are no other passagesss." he says to the others then, glancing back the way he came.

Cuemoni eyes Menel and Harshad as they come back down the passageway, the golden eyes looking both of them over to see if they're hurt or injured in any fashion. "Warriors, are you both well?" she asks. "This one can heal if there are injuries."

She nods to Sjach's words. "This one agrees with the Warrior Sjach. We should ensure that there are no other threats here lurking before leaving. Passages like these lead to lost and hurt hatchlings." Or lost and hurt warriors.

GAME: Crik rolls perception: (17)+11: 28

Reithak, keeping watch on the other tunnel, relaxes when the two return. "All clear there? Good!" The egalrin hums. "Though, Cuemoni is right. If there's anything down the other way, it might not be safe here still. We should make sure all the passages are clear." She agrees with the shaman. "If you're both okay, we can head that way, sound good?"

The further one travels into the ridge, the more the tunnel opens into a cavern. Also, it becomes more humid and there are sounds of trickling wate. The source of both quickly comes into view in the form of a pool in one corner fed by a trickle of groundwater through the cracks in the stone. At the far end there is a small portion of the wall of the cavern that does not appear naturally-formed; the stone is black basalt, far too smooth and shows some vertical joining. Two of said joints are eroded and cracked, reveal holes possibly large enough for small ordents or other pests.

Speaking of pests, as the group and light moves further in, there is a chorus of hissing from the corner opposite the water. Twice as many sets of beady eyes and sharp teeth are massed together, staring at the lightbearers and making unhappy noises.

Between the annoyed ROUSes and the corner of the cavern is a large pile of chewed fluff: wood gnawed to sawdust, scraps of old cloth, and so forth.

"We can burn the den." Crik suggests - but the crafty egalrin was already heading the other passageway, doing his best to stay quiet. Though - at times - there is a distinct hip and hop that seemed to plague his kin.

Then, seeing all the creatures and squeaking. The corvid then turns towards the rest of the party and starts gesturing again - this time there is plenty of finger waggling and pointing down with forefingers.

GAME: Harshad rolls weapon1: (12)+8: 20
GAME: Harshad rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

"Rats. Almost barely worth our time. A pack of farmhands with pitchforks could probably rout this bunch." Still, that doesn't stop Harshad from gliding forward like a deadly shadow. Then he uncoils like a snake, and his rapier dips into one of the rats, drawing blood.

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon10+1: (1)+6+1: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Sjach walks quietly through the stone cavern, keeping his bow at the ready, until they emertge into the wider passage. He begins to approach the stretch of unatural looking stone, when the hissing and squeaking draws his attention. He quickly moves out further into the open and drops to a knee as he draws his bow, but he fumbles the shot. The arrow was not quite knocked correctly, and instead of sailing through the air it springs about two feet from the bow, spinning, and clatters against the ground. He hisses to himself, some curse in draconic, and draws another arrow from his quiver.

GAME: Cuemoni spends ONE use of FIRE BOLT.
GAME: Cuemoni spends ONE use of FIRE BOLT.
GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged+1: (4)+3+1: 8
GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged+1: (5)+3+1: 9

Once again, Cuemoni's unhappy about seeing the pack of rats. There are far too many. Which is to say that they exist at all. "No," she murmurs.

She stokes the flame in her hand and unleashes it at one of the giant rats, her golden eyes intent on not missing this time. Except she's distracted by the arrow that Sjach lets loose and misses, and as a result, so too does her fire go wide. "Focus," Cuemoni chides herself.

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+6+1+1: (7)+6+1+1: 15
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d6+4+2: (3)+4+2: 9

Reithak blinks as many, many more eyes blink back at them. "I Don't like this either, I don't feel great about this, but Verna needs this spot cleared,and I couldn't forgive myself if any nestlings wandered in here by accident." The egalrin considers, before springing into action. "I'll take the back side!" She shouts to the others, sprinting around the small tunnel near them surprisingly fast, stopping just short of one of the rats which she plunges her rapier into, where it falls to the ground as she pulls it back out.

GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Verna rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Reithak rolls fortitude: (2)+6: 8

Two of the remaining ROUSes converge on Harshad, snapping at him. Fortunately, greaves are a thing so his shins hold strong. The one remaining near Reithak attacks similarly: vicious, but without any real effect.

Then there is the pile formerly surrounded by the ROUSes. A nest. Whether due to the dying squeaks of the rapiered one or the fact that Reaithakt menstions nestlings...

The nest erupts with ... more rats. Could be babies, could be more normal rats. Dozens. Hundreds. The squirming squeaking mass moves over the larger one and Reithak both. This time, armor or clothing cannot protect against every teeny bite and scratch (and some may be wiggling into attire in places).

GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7+1: (8)+7+1: 16
GAME: Menel rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3

It takes Menel's eyes a moment to adjust to the dark, and thus he is last to jump into the fray - or nearly. He rushes in Harshad's wake, knowing from experience that they work well together. He swings his blade over the top of one of the rats, scoring a moderate hit, but his quick movements made the blow a harried one rather than the sort of cleaving blow that would have killed it. "My turn to return the favor!" He says cheerfully to the other man.

GAME: Crik used a Alchemist's Fire.
GAME: Crik rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Crik rolls ranged: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Crik rolls 1d6: (6): 6

Crik was opening his beak to suggest something - but then everyone was already swinging into action, rats included, leaving the corvid egalrin just looking around. Oh well. Hopping a little further, he takes out a particular flask and holds it out. At first brush, he nearly drops the vial - but then he steels himself and throws it into the fray, causing a bright cheerful explosion of fire atop one of the swarms.

GAME: Harshad rolls weapon1-2: (14)+8+-2: 20
GAME: Harshad rolls weapon11-2: (17)+8+-2: 23
GAME: Harshad rolls 1d6+2+1d4+1: (5)+2+(1)+1: 9

Harshad winces as the alchemist fire blossoms in the middle of the swarm, but it can't be helped -- it's hard to skewer lots of little rats. Big ones, on the other hand... are not so hard. Harshad's rapier pins the rat in place, and his dagger finishes the job before he casually kicks the body off to the side, stepping over to outflank the rat. "Keep your head about you! We got this!"

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon10+1+1-4: (3)+6+1+1+-4: 7

Sjach takes another step closer to the rats as he draws his bow back again, and looses another arrow. Another arrow that sails past them, drawing another hissing curse of frustration from the greenscale. He stows his bow back over his shoulder, reaching behind his back to lay a hand on his glaive, preparing to move in to help mop up the last of the rats now that things have turned into a tangle of melee.

GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged-4+1: (9)+3+-4+1: 9
GAME: Cuemoni spends ONE use of FIRE BOLT.

Something about all of those rats appearing deeply unsettles and unnerves Cuemoni, the avalanche of them spilling out making her golden eyes widen as her tail shivers behind her. "No!" she calls out, aiming fire at the rat between Harshad and Menel.

Fear is a powerful and horrible modifier on the mind and, by extension, the body. So it is only natural that she misses her mark again. A phobia's beginning to take root in the Shaman's mind.

GAME: Reithak rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1-1: (11)+3+4+1+1+1+-1: 20
GAME: Reithak rolls 1d6+2+2+4: (2)+2+2+4: 10

Reithak is none too pleased by the rats that are swarming her and biting down hard. She is surprisingly less perturbed by being singed by the vial of combustible liquid. "Thanks Crik, I owe ya one!" She shouts back to the corvid before thrusting her rapier again into one of the larger rats, ducking back as it falls to get out of the swarming rodents all around her.

GAME: Verna rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Menel rolls Fortitude: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Harshad rolls Fortitude: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Harshad rolls fortitude: (19)+3: 22

There is only one ROUS and the mass of small(ish) rats remaining. One bites at Menel and actually manages to get through his boot. Take THAT, pinky toe! As for the writhing things of chance, they now scurry over Harshad, clawing and biting.

GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7-2+2+1: (3)+7+-2+2+1: 11
GAME: Menel rolls 1d20+7-2+2+1: (16)+7+-2+2+1: 24
GAME: Menel rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Menel rolls Will: (8)+1: 9

Menel is admittedly more distracted than he would like to admit by the sight of rats climbing over Harshad. His blade manages to pin the rat that lies between him and the other man down, but... He's not seeing Harshad anymore. He stands there staring at the other man, his mouth slightly agape as he remembers another time and place. "Oh stars."

GAME: Crik rolls weapon1: (14)+8: 22
GAME: Crik rolls damage1: aliased to 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

Crik patted at his robes once more. "Oh. Oh no." Oh no indeed. The egalrin has ran out of explosives! "... I knew I should have found a new supplier." He then calls out to Reithak, "We need more acid, fire, something to cover... him!" He points at the rat infested man, before striding over and stabbing the nearest rat. "... or scare them off!"

GAME: Cuemoni rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Cuemoni rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

Harshad keeps up the momentum by stabbing into the rat swarm with his rapier, managing to skewer rats on a powerful strike. The drawing-back of the strike shows the rapier's blade dyed the crimson blood of dead rats.

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon2+1: (13)+4+1: 18
GAME: Sjach rolls damage2+1: aliased to 1d10+3+1: (7)+3+1: 11

"Fear not, Shaman, they are only Rats." Sjach barks over at Cuemon and then springs into action, drawing free his glaive as he moves and keeping the shaft of it running the length of his arm so that its blade trails behind, his stance low and close to the wall as he moves past his allies and towards the swarm of miniscule vermin. He swings the glaive around, gripping it with both hands, and cuts a swathe through the swarm of rats, several of them are split neatly in two by the sweep of the blade. Enough of the rats slain or cowed that they begin to scatter.

Cuemoni's breath leaves her in a harsh exhale as she watches the rats scatter, looking over at Menel to see he's... lost. "Warrior Menel," she says.

Then she takes several steps over to occupy his field of vision. "Warrior Menel. This one is here. May this one take your hands to anchor you to this moment?" She is grateful that she often watches Zeke assessing and aiding others in his work. While she is not specifically trained as a healer in this capacity... The after-effects of horrific situations and trauma are something that she knows, to some degree.

Crik watches the rats get cleaved in half, then nods his head towards the makari. "That works too." He eyes Harshad. "... and he seems to have all limbs intact." Hopping away with his beak open, he grabs his hand crossbow again, before moving to investigate the rest of the room.

Menel watches the rats scatter, and the sound of Cuemoni's voice draws him further out of memory back into where they are. He takes the offered claw (he remembers a claw like this) and he squeezes it gently. "You've my gratitude." His voice is soft and harsh as he nods his head low to her and has the grace to look embarrassed. "My apologies for... my lack of composure."

He coughs then and nods to the black obelisks in the wall. "We should let madame Verna know about those. And the rats." He shudders here, still discomforted by the tiny vermin. Oddly the larger ones were easier for him to deal with.

Sjach stands up straighter and sweeps his glaive through the air, splattering rat bits and blood onto the ground, before he turns it over to stow over his back again. He looks to the others, dealing presently with Trauma, impassively. He holds his tongue, at least, but he seems bereft of sympathy. Perhaps that's just his reptilian features. "They will return, so long as there is food for them here." he says, about the rats. "Thisss one despisses poison, but perhapss a young sswiftclaw would sserve this place's owner." he considers, mostly to himself.

He moves back towards the smooth granite, with the seam, and places his hand upon it. "Thisss though, iss not natural." he states.

Reithak, with the last of the rats scattering, allows herself a heavy sigh as the others collect themselves. "Don't worry yourselves, what matters is we got through this just fine. If any of you got hurt at all, Let me know and I'll treat those wounds." The inquisitor offers. "That stone is interesting though, doesn't look natural. Wonder why it's there?"

"That, or maybe she knows a spell to seal any cracks in the stone here, maybe. Stop them getting in?"

Aside from his gut feeling that the formation is not natural, Sjach has no more insight to offer on the strange, smooth stone. He shakes his head at the Shaman, "Thisss one is well." he says and then heads on over to the nearest rat carcass. He picks it up by the tail and slings it over his back, before going to the next of the larger ones. The smaller ones are left- too small and mangled to make any use of, but one by one the larger rats are gathered up, tails tied together, so they can be slung over his back like a grisly knapsack. "We ssshould tell her, of the ratsss and the sstone. And that ssshe needs a sswiftclaw. Or one of those ssmall feliness ssoftskinss sometimes keep."

GAME: Reithak rolls knowledge/religion: (18)+6: 24

The egalrin ponders for a moment, clacking her beak several times. "Hang on, I recognize that stone, I've been up to the temple a few times." Reithak muses. "We might be close enough that the catacombs and lower chambers reach close to this tunnel. We'll have to let Verna know so she can work out a solution with the temple, and get it fixed. More rats getting into the catacombs.." The inquisitor trails off, shuddering a bit. "Glad we dealt with that. They should be aware of a potential entry point like this."

"There is no need to apologize, and this one would not call it a lack of composure." Cuemoni's voice is sympathetic to Menel, and she looks to Sjach and Reithak with their words. The gathering of rat carcasses gets not even a blink from her. Everything could, and should, be used.

Then she looks at the stone and nods. "This one would like to report back to the Mourner-Shaman with the news. Shall we depart?" She's not eager to be down here with the rats much longer.

Verna can be found where they last left her: in the recently-carved room. Her inquiries of discoveries are brief, and much of then answered by Sjach's newly acquired accessories. The observations regarding the breaches in the stone are noted with some concern and answered with assurances that the temple will be informed and will promptly take action. Any pest issues aside, the sanctity and dignity of those interred is paramount.

She escorts all back up the stairs to the portico. There it becomes clear that she did not spend all of her time waiting, as there are a number of small baskets packed with a variety of goods from the table; one for each. Each bears a personalized namecard, and any who deposited coin upon the table shall find such coin at the bottom of their basket. After consuming the baked goods, of course. These are offered in addition to her gratitude.


Map link: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=myszj22mcsr