The Lost Book Epilogue

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The Shining Chalice meeting house, midday

It's a fair weather day in Alexandria, as winter's grip is finally broken and spring is now ascendant. The letters came to each of you, requesting -- not demanding, not commanding, requesting -- an audience with you at the meeting house of the Shining Chalice, a club for the nobility and gentry who possess a certain amount of arcane power. Sorcerers, in other words. Each was written in an elegant hand, and signed, 'Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon'.

And so you find yourselves standing outside the meeting house. It's a tidy townhouse, straddling the border between the university district and the noble quarter. Mage-lights are mounted to either side of the door, and the sign out front simply depicting a chalice painted in silver, gleaming in the light. The windows are open to let in the spring breeze, and it hardly seems like the den of magicians.

Ous was forever glad that he had made friends at the Ox Strength. Messages forwarded there were often relayed when he went in to drink his lunch or supper. And thus it is that the Ranger appears at the door to the shining Chalice. Sitting on the step and smoking cigarettes until others show up as well because there was no way in any of the hells that he was going into a Sorcerer's house alone.

The Goblin paces back and forth outside the door, her hands squeezing at the hems of her sleeves. "The Shining Chalice. What am I doing here?", she wonders. "Don't belong here." Simony snorts at the cigarette smoke. "How are you so calm?"

Warrick had seen this man in passing before, so it came to some surprise as he got his letter. Figuring it was some kind of guild business once more, he's present with his full armor and equipment. Crossbow too. And it's only now that he's here that he realizes-

"... I dressed wrong for this," he sighs, reaching up to knock on the door. "I don't understand what you all are worried about."

The door knock is distinct, and soon there are footsteps, and the door is opened to reveal--

--A fairly mundane looking human maid, dressed in a neat uniform. "Oh!" she says. "You must be the guests. Please, follow me, I'll take you to Proctor Telamon. He's been expecting you." She opens the door wide, gesturing for you to enter the meeting house.

Once you're inside, it's... hardly a shop of horrors. More like a well to do noble's getaway. There are, of course, signs that the inhabitants are far more than mere dilettantes -- the abundance of mage-lights, a painting on the wall that moves back and forth, depicting an endless swordfight. Well, it beats summoning fiends.

Nodding to Simony as she arrives, Ous considers the Goblin for a moment, blowing his cigarette smoke away from her, the ranger considers he question for a moment. Actual thought seems to go into the reply before he finally speaks. "Aye looks at it like this Simony. 1) Th' man sent a letter. No many murderous types send ye a letter invitin' ye to yer own death. Some do, but no many. 2) If it's a trap, Aye've done a good job so far of bein by way of immoral. So I figure there might be a chance that Aye am. 3) if Aye ain't immoral, an Aye'm gonna die, Aye dinnae plan tae do it scared. Angry, yes. kickin' screamin' an covered in some other shites blood? Aye, but no scared."

As they are ushered inside, th Ranger looks around and gives out a low whistle. "Aye'd expect a place like this tae have a butler or summat. Bugger must have th' night off. Nice place though."

The Goblin seems terrified of the ostentatious display of power and magic, falling in beside Warrick. She nods to Ous. "I feel that I would rather be fighting again for our lives. I am just a wee cleric. I don't know why I would be asked to come here. I mean. We did probably prevent some embarrassment, and perhaps helped them deal with a problematic member of their family.. but still."

Warrick, with his helmet strapped to his hip, mouths, 'proctor?' before shaking his head and giving a wave. "Hello." He ambles in, kicking any dirt off his boots before looking about. Huh. "The man's a good one," he assuages Simony and Ous. "And good day to you two."

He looks to Simony. "... relax. Isn't this kind of place your favorited environment? A place of study?"

Despite that, he continues onward, following the maid.

The maid leads you down a couple halls, before rapping at a door. "Master Telamon, your guests are here!" she says in a cheerful tone. The voice beyond is a polished tenor, "Come in!" and the door swings open. The maid slips away, as you enter a cozy little lounge.

Heavy, solid furniture -- khazad design from the looks of it -- dominates the room, giving it an air of stability. One of the chairs is occupied, and the half-elven man rises to his feet. Dressed in a ruffled white silk shirt over black leather trousers, with black boots, he looks more like a dandy -- until you look into his eyes and see the stars twinkling there. "Warrick Retzner, Ous, Simony Smithsdottir," He smiles genuinely. "Please, sit down. I thought you might wish to have any questions answered in the wake of the... late unpleasantness you encountered."

The sorcerer gestures to a small table next to his chair, where a familiar book sits -- though the leather band holding it closed is now augmented with lock and key. "As well as hearing of the final disposition of the tome."

Looking to Simony for a moment, Ous considers her quietly before reaching down and slipping the flask from his boot. "Try a nip o that. It'll calm ye down. Aye mean. we did go tae a different realm of existence an talk tae a giant mushroom no long ago. Ye'll be alright. Like th' man Warrick says. this Telamon guy's one of th' good he's powerful enough that if he decides tae kill us, we're all gonna die 'fore we knows it's happenin' anyways right?"

Winking at Warrick, the Ranger falls in step with the group. He didn't seem too worried about much. As they are ushered into the room with Telamon, the ranger nods cheerfully. "Aye'm glad tae see ye're doin' better than th' last time Aye saw ye Mr. Telemon" Despite the fact that he tried, thet name still sounded more like tellyman than one might be comfortable with.

Ous' reassurance does not seem to reassure the Goblin all that much, her eyes staring at the man for several long moments. Simony pauses at the door, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. She holds that breath briefly, before releasing it slowly. This is done several times before she crosses the threshold. Her eyes take in the different features of the room, the Khazad nature of it noted. Stiffening at her name being spoken, she offers a deep bow to Telamon, before she carefully takes a seat, ending up sitting cross-legged.

Warrick continues to follow the maid, him turning to look into the study with Telamon greeting them. He sighs, looking to his armor. "... really dressed wrong for this," he murmurs, sloughing off his weapons to rest them at the entryway of the room. "Good day, Mister Lupecyll-Atlon. Forgive me, I... misread the missive."

Armor begins to get unstrapped. "I'll... be seated in a moment," he says, eyeing the goblin's demeanor before continuing on, giving the locked book a side eye. "I thought it was to be destroyed," he nods towards the book.

Telamon laughs softly. "Please, be at ease! This isn't an inquisition or interrogation. Here..." He gestures nimbly, and there's a faint flicker in the air. A tray comes drifting out with a tall pitcher and several tankards. "Chilled tea?"

"But to cover the particulars... I don't think you went to a different plane of existence. The Watcher in the Stars is known to me." Telamon rubs his chin, looking thoughtful. "I suspect it is simply a different -world-, and that Periandr's ritual was..." His eyes flick to Simony, "...I believe you called it 'held together with wire, glue, and prayers'." He shakes his head. "In any case, I would not feel too much remorse. Indeed, Periandr's fate is far kinder than the laws of Alexandros would be."

At Warrick's embarrassment, Telamon deftly moves to cover for the man. "I was a little oblique and in a hurry," he admits. "In any case, to answer the question: no. Not yet. I..." He pauses. "I have determined the provenance of the book. It's a copy of the original, made when my ancestor was traveling in Veyshan. But as dangerous as it may be, I am loathe to destroy it."

Moving to find a seat, Ous takes a glass of the tea, holding it up to sho Simony, he takes a large mouthful of the drink then makes a horrified face. Looking into the cup the ranger raises it to his nose, sniffis it, then shakes his head and pours a bit of the golden liquid from his flask into the cup. Another mouothful is taken before the ranger nods in satisfaction.

slipping the throwing axes from out of his belt behind his back, Ous quietly sets them aside before settling into a chair, not wanting to wreck fine furniture with weaponry, the ranger begins to watch Warrick fiddle with a dangly bit on his armor. "Aye forgot. th' Mushroom did tell us tae say hello tae ye."

The Goblin blinks, looking back to where Warrick's voice sounded from. "Did you want a hand with your armor? I can reach the little straps that are a pain." She makes as if to dismount the chair, but pauses, eyeing Telamon, and looking to the doorway. Looking frozen with indecision, Simony nods to Telamon. "Your family's proclivity to magical prowess is well displayed in Periandr, however, I feel he lets you down with his lack of forethought ... no, to be fair, there was forethought, just not enough." The Goblin finishes removing herself from the chair. "It was an accidental kindness. Warrick was brilliant, and it is only his action that allowed Periandr to survive. Without Warrick's quick thinking, Periandr's fate was likely cloven in half by an axe, run through with a sword, become a pincushion for crossbow bolts... or had his head bashed in by a mace."

She gestures to the book. "I am not one to suggest book burning, but that thing should be destroyed. It was sheer /LUCK/ that things did not go poorly, one with more research and more forethought would be introducing horrors to this world, if that floating tentacle cushion was correct." The Gobbo blinks at Ous, and then giggles at his expression. "It's tea.. don't spoil it by putting that..." She sighs.

Warrick eventually gets enough of the equipment off of him and in a neat pile where his arms and legs are free, "I got it, Simony." His brow raises high, him settling into a seat next to Simony with a journal in his hand. He takes the offer for tea with a thankful nod. "Different... world? I... don't really follow, I'm a simple man, isn't that just a different plane?"

He shakes his head, looking down at Simony once more before giving her a 'calm down' motion. The praise given unto the once-guard makes him shake his head. "The man should be in jail," he surmises. "And I agree with Simony. We went through much trouble for that book. And I understands it's important to... linage or something. But /aboleths/? You know something like that shouldn't just be around."

The mentions of the Mushroom- "Ah, yes. The Watcher did tell us to say hello to you, thank you for reminding us, Ous."

Telamon nods. "The Watcher and I have... a history. A good one, mind. But he had indicated to me that he would not be able to assist me for much longer." His expression grows quizzical, then amused. "Of course. He would've predicted Periandr's arrival. That's his new project -- to teach Periandr."

He lifts his eyebrows at Simony. "You make good points. But... there are forces out there, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, that regard our world with envious eyes. I do not wish to cast aside -any- weapon that may be of use against them."

The half-elf sits back with a tankard of chilled tea. "I have a good friend who is quite adept in handling dangerous tomes. I think it may be best if the book is turned over to her, and to the University, for safekeeping in their restricted areas. That should ensure the knowledge is not casually spread, but in the event it becomes necessary, it can be drawn on."

His eyebrows rise at Warrick, and Telamon grins a bit. "But he -is- in jail, Warrick. Oh, it's a different kind of prison, one without shackles or bars, but a prison nonetheless. The Watcher will not return him to Ea until his lessons are done, and I suspect he has many to learn. Lessons about humility, compassion, wisdom. What better way to destroy a criminal than to turn him into a more-or-less constructive member of society?"

Looking at Simony for a moment, Ous clears his throat. "Tea is flavored water. One thing Aye have learned in me years of livin' in th' wild is ye never drink water unless ye purifies it. That rule is one of the keys to my ongoing success with being Immoral." It was a very steadfast rule for Ous. He would drink pure water when fish got out of it to shit.

Listening to Telamon, Ous opens his mouth to say something, then shakes his head and closes it again. Another drink taken from the Tea.

The Goblin reseats herself, and lets out a lengthy breath. "I do not like it, but I am in no position to do anything about it.", Simony says to Telamon. "You are probably in a far better position to judge." She looks sharply at Ous, blinking. "I cannot even fathom the word you're mangling right now. But if it is proper tea, it is made using boiling water. Which should ... should is a funny word... but it should make it drinkable."

Simony looks to Warrick for a moment. "Is there anything else we wanted to bring up to our host?"

Warrick opens his journal, pen clicking as he takes some shorthand notes while sipping on his tea. "Student surpassing the teacher and all that," he simply notes. Though, the note taking stops. Glances to Telamon with his lips pursing before looking off. "I've elucidated my stance, but if that is what you wish to do with it, then the responsibility of what comes with it is on you," he sighs.

He glances to Ous. "O... kay?" Warrick states, confused before shifting his attention to the topic of Periandr's incarceration. "That's not how laws of extradition work, but my arrest wasn't legally binding, so..." he shrugs. "Hopefully he comes back better."

He looks to Simony. "Hmm. Perhaps the only question I have is: what now? And I don't mean of what to do with this book. More of the broader political ramifications. Your father seemed quite privy to all of this, and now you have the book after it was delivered to the Guild, which I was under the presumption your father was going to deal with it."

Telamon kind of looks at Ous as well, his expression somewhere between laughter and outrage. After a few moments, he points out, "...You do know how tea is made, right?" He sighs, taking a sip. "Never mind. Onward... yes, I'm aware there are dangers. But I trust Magpie, and I trust the University, and... I admit to some sentimentality here. To my knowledge there is only one other book written by Feadril Atlon still extant: a private journal, held by my family."

He nods to Warrick. "Precisely. With any luck, he will return a better person. Or perhaps he will not return at all." At the mention of his father, Telamon's expression grows faintly annoyed. "I... only learned about the situation -after- it had resolved. Unfortunately, my father knows me too well -- he knows I would've felt obligated to step in, even in my somewhat battered state." His lips curl up in a wry smile. "Politically, it is a cold fireplace, Warrick. Periandr was not a member of the noble families in the Mythwood; his departure from the wizarding school there raised some gossip but it will ultimately be forgotten. The Guild will file its reports, and I will of course file a codicil that the tome has been entrusted to the University for safekeeping." He smiles. "The negotiations between the Mythwood and Alexandria will go on -- I understand things are moving along swimmingly."

Giving a long uffering sigh, Ous leans closer to Simony and speaks quietly. "Immoral. The act of livin forever and no' dyin'" listening to Warrick and Telamon discuss political ramifications, the ranger nods. "So it's Less said, sooner mended type o thing then?"

The Goblin reaches out with both hands, to take a hold of Ous' face. Squishing his cheeks lightly, she stares him in the eye. "The word for living forever is immortal. Immoral would be things like carousing, and doing things you know you ought not to." She pokes him in the forehead and sighs.

Warrick sighs, shaking head. "I said my opinion about the book. You're the expert here."

Taking another drink with his pen scratching more, it's clear he's giving broad notes, nothing specific, no names. "Right. Swept under the rug," he murmurs, intoned like it's been said a dozen dozen times. "At least the alliance will still go through smooth."

He watches Simony and Ous's exchange with a blink before snorting. "Right. I don't... really know what else to ask. The place we went to was- I don't really know how to explain it," he says simply, spoken like a man that's barely left Alexandros.

Telamon sits back, steepling his fingers. His eyes are dancing though, and his expression is one of a man desperately trying to stifle laughter. After a moment, he takes a deep breath. "Well. Thank you, Simony. But yes... as far as I am aware, only the journal survived, and that is not dangerous. Mildly disturbing, since it chronicles Feadril's descent into near-madness and eventual recovery, but it lacks any dangerous lore."

He shrugs lightly at Warrick. "Why would it be an issue politically? This was a family affair, not a political hot-potato. Swept under the rug? Mmm, to an extent. Feadril is long gone, his name referenced in histories. The past may always be with us, but that doesn't mean it controls us."

At Warrick's confused comments, Telamon mulls it over. "There are other stars, Warrick, and other worlds. Places where birds might have six wings and trees might grow leaves the color of a sunrise. Perhaps one day the children of Ea will find them, and not just dream of them."

Blinking at Simony as she grabs him by the face, Ous nods a he replies his words slightly...squashed as Simony smooshes his cheeks. "Aye'm pretty sure ye're wrong. Immortal is when things change so's ye cannae touch them. like ghosts and boogedy men." extricting his beard from the goblin, Ous looks to Telamon for a moment then nods. "What ye needing from us at this point big man?"

"It was definitely quite a distance away.", the Goblin says softly in reply to Warrick, still holding Ous' cheeks between her hands. "Lunch did not survive two journeys across such a vast distance." Her voice is full of regrets. She breaths out heavily through her nose, and eyes Ous once more. "No, ghosts and boogedy men are incorporeal. Immoral is trying to get into women's skirts." The Gobbo lets him be then.

If it please you.", she starts, turning to face Telamon, "I would like to read his journal."

Warrick shakes his head. "Some familial matters spill over politically, which makes our jobs more involved," he says. Telamon's explanation and Simony's assurances gets him to just slowly look lost. "... sorry, I don't get it. I manned the wall, I shoot a crossbow, and I write reports." A simple man on that front.

He leans back into his chair, looking at Ous. "Yes. Simony is right on that front. But-" He gives Simony a weird look. "... why?" he asks, confused.

Telamon hides his expression behind his tankard, though there's a look in his eyes that's just filled with amusement. After another drink, he responds. "Nothing, really. I'm thankful. Thankful that you returned safe and sound, that Periandr's fool notions were derailed." He smiles. "And I felt a certain amount of responsibility, to answer any lingering questions. As I once said -- and you were there, I believe -- magicians are responsible for every spell they cast. The same could be said of this situation as well."

At Simony's question, he leans back a little in the chair, studying her with an inscrutable expression. Then he nods. "Fair enough. I will need to collect it from my family residence in Ylvaliel, but that won't take long. Call on me after tomorrow, I should have it by then."

He casts his eyes to Warrick, and his face is oddly kind. "This is part and parcel of adventuring. Sometimes you find yourself caught up in the kind of tales you'd only read about. Take heart: you're here, alive and hale and in a year's time you'll be able to joke about it." He pauses. "Well, maybe less. Some people like telling tales."

Eyes going wide for a moment, Ous glares at Simony before replying. "Aye only did tha' once, an it were a disguise. Aye were the youngest in th' group an' th' only one not growin' a beard yet. 'sides, it worked. Not only did aye get intae th' general's house dressed as a Servin' girl, but aye managed tae th' Captain of th' watch intae givin' me th' key tae th' front gate." There's a moment's ause before he adds. "Felt bad tae have tae kill 'im after that, but aye suspect it were the heartbreak what made him try tae stab me when Aye let th' rest of the company in. Aye also got flowers from Commander Harbinger an' asked tae escort him tae th' queens ball a month later. Had tae turn 'im down though."

Looking at Warrick, Ous shrugs. "Aye wouldnae worry too much about th' lofty things Warrick. Ye're a good man an ye did a good job o work." eyes turning to Telamon now, Ous nods once more, his face taking on a more serious bent "Aye'm glad th' book didnae cause any harm. Aye'm glad yer mushroom friend will be able tae help Perry. Aye do hope ye're feelin' better. Aye've been spending a lot o time in th' woods of late. Aye've moved me camps further out. a friend of mine and Aye are doing what we can for some of the further villages. th' wolf problem is going tae put a lot o th' smaller villages intae a slow death if we cannae put in enough meat tae see them through the next winter. Plus there's th' Lycans out there. Aye've been tracking them. I suspect ye have yer ways if ye need me for some'at important, but aye may no be around as often tae get me messages from th' Ox Strength."

"I can probably show you, Warrick, if you want?", the Goblin offers. "It's not my bailiwick exactly, but I can probably show you." She rubs at her cheek slowly, her expression thoughtful.

"I do not wish to risk losing myself by reading that book, the one we chased after and returned. However, by reading his descent into madness in his own words, I gain valuable insight on his journey. It might shed light on a few things. We now know there are ... things out there... it would be helpful to know how people act when they are driven to do something for those creatures... aboleths, you called them."

The Goblin's head slowly turns towards Ous, eyes saucer wide. "I... you... no words."

Warrick sighs slowly. "Yes, I am glad we all returned safe. I've tried to explain it all to my daughter and she won't shush about it. But, good, I'm glad responsibility is taken in this situation."

He looks at Telamon. Quirks his head to the side. "... no sir. You misunderstand. I don't understand why Simony wishes to read the journal of a man descending into madness. I lived in this city all my life, there's more stories than I can shake a stick at."

He stares at Ous's story. Sloooowly turns a page back in his journal and slowly writes. "... um. Al... right. I'm glad you can... perform such.... subterfuge..?" This is the most expression shown on the ex-guard's face, and it's full of 'what the hell did I just listen to?' Regardless, "Thanks."

He regards Simony, tilts his head to the side. "... okay. I see. Perhaps we can read it."

You know, when you're a sorcerer, you're expected to be able to think on your feet, to adapt. But there's really nothing that prepares you for Ous's story. Telamon slowly turns to look at Ous as well, his expression somewhere between 'this is a fisherman's tale, right?' and 'oh gods, it's not'. It takes him a minute to get his face under control.

"Sometimes, a diagnosis -- even after the fact -- can be useful for future patients." Telamon inclines his head. "In any case, though, no, the journal has no forbidden lore, no secrets of vast power -- unless you count burgeoning insanity as such. Still, it does have one merit: it shows a man might be redeemed."

Tel rises to his feet. "In any case, I won't keep you longer. There's still work to be done, foes to be fought. If you find yourself in need of magical assistance, please let me know. I'm not above a little spellcasting for a good cause."

-End Scene-