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Roleplay is central to Tenebrae, and consists of a mix of scenes, grid, and PrPs. Here you may read some of the logs our players have posted, or wanted to share. This page may also be used to post logs for PrPs, to share an item for staff review, or to tell players about a great scene. Remember too, if you're RPing in a public area, a log may end up on this site. ''Roleplay Rooms are not private spaces.'' Most recent logs are at the '''bottom.'''
'''[[Archived_Logs|For 2024 and earlier, see the Archives]].'''
==Our Logs==
==2025 Logs==
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|August 22th, 2013
|January 1, 2025
|[[The Spectacle of the Century]]
|[[PrP: Goblintown Sewers]]
|[[Thora]], [[Albain]], [[Elessa]], [[Randek]], [[Gwendolyn]]
|[[Aelwyn]], [[Alec]], [[Bryn]], [[Mikilos]] [[Murder]], [[Skyler]]
|August 24th, 2013
|January 4, 2025
|[[PrP: The Duty of Shadows]]
|[[A Final Word on the Spires]]
|[[Tatyannah]], [[Gwendolyn]], [[Laoise]], [[Schneider]], [[Solace]]
|[[Aelwyn]], [[Rune]], [[Harkashan]], [[Ravenstongue]], [[Eztli]], [[Skyler]], [[Bryn]], GM: Whirlpool
|August 28th, 2013
|January 6, 2025
|[[Munch's Workshop]]
|[[Working Hands]]
|[[Solace]], [[Munch]], [[Sandy]], [[Svarshan]]
|[[Auranar]], [[Carver]], [[Simony]], [[Skyler]], [[Telamon]], [[Verna]], GM: Riptide
|September 10th, 2013
|[[PrP: General Bloodeyes Appears]]
|[[Ferawyn]], [[Mikilos]], [[Oates]], [[Nadara]], [[Arik]]
|September 16th, 2013
|[[PrP: The Wild Hunt]]
|[[Jibbom]], [[Jareth]], [[Oates]], [[Teppus]], [[Munch]]
|September 17th, 2013
|[[Wild Inn]]
|[[Arik]], [[Kira]], [[Mikilos]], [[Valadhiel]], [[Zaxx]], [[Kravar]], [[Kranya]]
|September 23rd, 2013
|[[Steel Festival]]
|[[Jibbom]], [[Jessa]], [[Mikilos]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]]
|September 24th, 2013
|[[PrP: The Galena Lode - Part 1]]
|[[Jensine]], [[Jonan]], [[Mel]], [[Zippo]]
|September 26th, 2013
|[[Meat Market]]
|[[Jame]], [[Mikilos]], [[Garak]], [[Boshter]], [[Ol' Mags]], [[Constantin]]
|September 29th, 2013
|[[Lizard Lunch at the Ox]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Mel]], [[Zalara]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]]
|October 11th, 2013
|[[Dinala]], [[Boshter]], [[Schneider]], [[Mikilos]]
|October 12th, 2013
|[[Rescue Party]]
|[[Benthus]], [[Eligar]], [[Schneider]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]]
|October 12th, 2013
|[[Gunpowder Whisky]]
|[[Svarshan]], [[Myrana]], [[Mikilos]]
|October 14th, 2013
|[[Dire Consequences]]
|[[Benthus]], [[Garak]], [[Jame]], [[Kiroth]], [[Styrner]]
|October 16th, 2013
|[[Hanging Out]]
|[[Boshter]], [[Mikilos]], [[Alexander]], [[Jibbom]], [[Elessa]], [[Jessa]], [[Kiroth]], [[Sonja]]
|October 19th, 2013
|[[Bennet's Arrival]]
|[[Bennet]], [[Kerbasy]]
|October 25th, 2013
|[[Way Down in the Hole]]
|[[Munch]], [[Fishbelly]], [[Kravar]], [[Elessa]], [[Kojot]]
|October 25th, 2013
|[[Azog]], [[Boshter]], [[Munch]], [[Renfrey]]
|October 27th, 2013
|[[Day After]]
|[[Munch]], [[Benthus]], [[Vennan]], [[Jessa]], [[Kira]], [[Serene]]
|November 14th, 2013
|[[Bennet]], [[Svarshan]], [[Renfrey]], [[Sandy]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]], [[Raethon]]
|November 15th, 2013
|[[Munch]], [[Svarshan]], [[Sandy]], [[Garak]]
|November 16, 2013
|[[Fishbelly]], [[Kira]], [[Kiroth]], [[Mel]]
|November 22nd, 2013
|[[Apple Pie]]
|[[Myrana]], [[Elycia]], [[Svarshan]], [[Bennet]], [[Benthus]]
|November 24, 2013
|[[End of the Queen]]
|November 25th, 2013
|[[Clean up]]
|[[Elessa]], [[Cesran]], [[Verna]], [[Mikilos]], [[Benthus]]
|November 27th, 2013
|[[Market Recovery]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Arngrim]], [[Myrana]], [[Rhodes]], [[Argos]], [[Benthus]], [[Verna]]
|December 3, 2013
|[[Elessa]], [[Renfrey]], [[Mikilos]]
|December 6, 2013
|[[PRP: Mine over Matter]]
|[[Corra]], [[Duncan]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Takiyah]], [[Zippo]]
|December 7th, 2013
|[[Circle Sweat]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Vuk]], [[Kiroth]]
|December 8, 2013
|[[PRP: Freezing Caravan Duty]]
|[[Zaxx]], [[Bennet]], [[Kiroth]], [[Benthus]]
|December 9, 2013
|[[PRP: Strange Sightings]]
|[[Oates]], [[Kravar]], [[Tak]], [[Aurala]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Cesran]]
|December 9th, 2013
|[[Board Plaza]]
|[[Selia]], [[Kiroth]], [[Benthus]]
|Decembter 10th, 2013
|[[PRP: Ants!]]
|[[Kiroth]], [[Takiyah]], [[Kirranelion]]
|December 11th, 2013
|[[PRP: The Retrieval Job]]
|[[Abrahil]], [[Jibbom]], [[Halani]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Teppus]]
|December 16th, 2013
|[[PRP: Escapee]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Rhar]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Kiroth]], [[Larron]], [[Renfrey]]
|December 17th, 2013
|[[Time in the Tavern]]
|[[Elessa]], [[Vuk]], [[Mikilos]], [[Kiroth]], [[Larron]], [[Myrana]], [[Svarshan]]
|December 19th, 2013
|[[Jessa's Lions]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Jessa]]
|December 21st, 2013
|[[PRP: Finding some Dirty Rats]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Bennet]], [[Kade]], [[Zippo]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]], [[Takiyah]]
|December 23rd, 2013
|[[Cleaning Up]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Zaxx]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Corra]], [[Larron]], [[Takiyah]], [[Zippo]]
|December 19th & 26th, 2013
|[[PRP: Storming the Monastery]]
|[[Cesran]], [[Teppus]], [[Tak]], [[Kravar]], [[Aurala]], [[Jibbom]]
|January 1st, 2014
|[[Nobel Snow]]
|[[Svarshan]], [[Renfrey]], [[Mikilos]]
|January 5th, 2014
|[[Stone Carving]]
|[[Munch]], [[Fazahd]], [[Azog]], [[Cesran]], [[Elycia]], [[Aurala]], [[Findrago]]
|January 5th, 2014
|[[House Punching]]
|[[Selia]], [[Boshter]], [[Fazahd]], [[Whysper]], [[Renfrey]]
|January 6th, 2014
|[[Chest Opening]]
|[[Fazahd]], [[Oates]], [[Vennan]], [[Elessa]], [[Zalara]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Findrago]], [[Renfrey]], [[Dragomir]], [[Selia]], [[Aenyn]]
|January 12, 2014
|[[Forward to the Past]]
|[[Myrana]], [[Sandy]], [[Jareth]], [[Svarshan]], [[Karelin]]
|January 13, 2014
|[[Bump in the Night]]
|[[Findrago]], [[Stirling]], [[Conjan]], [[Verna]]
|January 14, 2014
|[[Fernwood Fluff]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Rhodes]], [[Corra]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Cesran]]
|January 15, 2014
|[[Over the Moon]]
|[[Sandy]], [[Svarshan]], [[Myrana]], [[Mikilos]]
|January 17, 2014
|[[Trouble at the Farm]]
|[[Caris]], [[Kilian]], [[Rayne]], [[Rhodes]],[[Vuk]]
|January 18, 2014
|[[Hugging, Chili, and Demon Fish]]
|[[Azog]], [[Bennet]], [[Findrago]], [[Rayne]], [[Vuk]]
|January 21, 2014
|[[Vuk]], [[Jibbom]], [[Ormarr]], [[Mikilos]], [[Leisel]], [[Zaxx]]
|Janurary 22, 2014
|[[Salt pork]]
|[[Selia]], [[Vuk]]
|January 25, 2014
|[[Cold Bones]]
|[[Kiroth]], [[Vuk]], [[Schneider]], [[Bennet]], [[Rhodes]], [[Brom]]
|January 26, 2014
|[[PRP: Hunting Party]]
|[[Duroc]], [[Ferawyn]], [[Takiyah]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Vuk]]
|January 27, 2014
|[[PRP: Adventure Time!]]
|[[Colrick]], [[Rhodes]], [[Vuk]], [[Zalara]]
|January 28, 2014
|[[PRP: Trouble on the Road]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Hilal]], [[Namira]], [[Elessa]], [[Zaxx]], [[Zalara]]
|January 26, 2014
|[[PRP: The Gamekeeper's Manor]]
|[[Duncan]], [[Kade]], [[Kiroth]], [[Rayne]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Zippo]]
|January 30, 2014
|[[Festival Fun]]
|[[Cesran]], [[Munch]], [[Namira]]
|January 31, 2014
|[[Head Butts]]
|[[Azog]], [[Kravar]], [[Fa'lere]], [[Boshter]], [[Mikilos]], [[Jibbom]], [[Zaxx]]
|February 1, 2014
|[[Dark Rituals]]
|[[Duncan]], [[Kiroth]], [[Fa'lere]], [[Renfrey]], [[Vuk]]
|February 2, 2014
|[[PRP: Adventure Time 2: The Second Try]]
|[[Corra]], [[Lorien]], [[Namira]], [[Styrner]]
|February 4, 2014
|[[At the Market]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Namira]], [[Valadhiel]], [[Mikilos]]
|February 6, 2014
|[[Albain]], [[Brianna]], [[Percival]], [[Charlotte]], [[Mikilos]]
|February 7, 2014
|[[Kerbasy]], [[Verna]], [[Mikilos]]
|February 7, 2014
|[[PrP: The Merchant Ambush]]
|[[Conjan]], [[Ranth]], [[Selerik]], [[Zippo]], [[Rhar]], [[Charlotte]], [[Stirling]]
|February 7, 2014
|[[Roadside Greet]]
|[[Munch]], [[Moonshadow]], [[Ranth]], [[Percival]]
|February 8, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Rhar]]
|February 11, 2014
|[[Chat Spice]]
|[[Zoob]], [[Cesran]], [[Bennet]]
|February 12, 2014
|[[PrP: The Costumes and the Manor]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Garak]], [[Lorien]], [[Charlotte]], [[Ranth]]
|February 15, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Ssylrath]]
|Febuary 20, 2014
|[[Gun Talk]]
|[[Bennet]], [[Zoob]]
|February 24, 2014
|[[A Riding Wolf and a Chance Meeting]]
|[[Percival]], [[Elycia]]
|February 27, 2014
|[[Vardama Ritual]]
|[[Verna]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Bennet]], [[Boshter]], [[Namira]], [[Rhodes]]
|February 28, 2014
|[[Beast Market]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Moonshadow]], [[Fishbelly]], [[Boshter]]
|March 3, 2014
|[[Coppervolt]], [[Zalara]], [[Mikilos]]
|March 4, 2014
|[[Mikilos]], [[Cesran]], [[Namira]]
|March 5, 2014
|[[Fern Chat]]
|[[Selia]], [[Corra]]
|March 6, 2014
|[[Candy Cannon]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Zoob]]
|March 6, 2014
|[[Visit to Mictlan]]
|[[Rhodes]], [[Svarshan]], [[Renfrey]], [[Ssylrath]]
|March 8, 2014
|[[Nevermind the Bollocks]]
|[[Rhar]], [[Zoob]], [[Mel]], [[Duncan]]
|March 10, 2014
|[[Before Parliament, part 1]]
|March 12, 2014
|[[Fried Boshter]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Boshter]], [[Myrana]], [[Zoob]], [[Elycia]], [[Rayne]]
|March 14, 2014
|[[Reversal of Fortunes]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Nadara]], [[Verna]], [[Schneider]]
|March 15, 2014
|[[Celebration for the Gods]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Azog]], [[Lorien]], [[Cesran]], [[Ssylrath]]
|March 15, 2014
|[[Arena Chat]]
|[[Boshter]], [[Azog]], [[Munch]]
|March 15, 2014
|[[Green Word]]
|[[Munch]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Ferawyn]]
|March 19th, 2014
|[[Farm Aid]]
|[[Dragomir]], [[Lorien]], [[Zoob]], [[Smythly]], [[Rhar]]
|March 19, 2014
|[[PrP: Cellar Centipedes]]
|[[Moonshadow]], [[Savengriff]], [[Verna]]
|March 18, 2014
|[[In the Guild]]
|[[Savengriff]], [[Verna]], [[Moonshadow]], [[Altar]], [[Azog]], [[Fishbelly]], [[Bennet]], [[Zoob]]
|March 19, 2014
|[[PRP: Kulthus Ruins]]
|[[Verna]], [[Munch]], [[Brom]], [[Gragnar]]
|March 20, 2014
|[[PRP: Fire! Fire!]]
|[[Verna]], [[Corra]], [[Savengriff]]
|March 20, 2014
|[[War Talk]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Selia]]
|March 21, 2014
|[[PRP: Choose Your Own Adventure]]
|[[Charlotte]], [[Johan]], [[Lorien]], [[Verna]]
|March 22, 2014
|[[Enigmatic Magical Troupe 5000]]
|[[Altar]], [[Lorien]], [[Rhar]], [[Duncan]], [[Zippo]], [[Mogrinaar]]
|March 22, 2014
|[[Reversal of Fortunes, Pt 2]]
|[[Verna]], [[Vuk]], [[Schneider]], [[Rhodes]]
|March 23, 2014
|[[PRP: Where There's Smoke...]]
|[[Johan]], [[Namira]], [[Schneider]], [[Corra]], [[Rayne]], [[Rhar]]
|March 23, 2014
|[[prp: Silly Leprechaun]]
|[[Vuk]], [[Altar]], [[Smythly]]
|March 23, 2014
|[[PRP: Choose Your Own Adventure II]]
|[[Corra]], [[Jane]], [[Rhar]]
|March 24, 2014
|[[Vuk]], [[Munch]], [[Brianna]], [[Lorien]], [[Zalara]]
|March 25, 2014
|[[PRP: Hold The Line!]]
|[[Verna]], [[Hassan]], [[Aurala]], [[Duncan]]
|March 24th, 2014
|[[Mikilos]], [[Kyson]]
|March 31, 2014
|[[Fernly Chat]]
|[[Selia]], [[Kyson]]
|April 1st, 2014
|[[PRP: Into the Breach!]]
|[[Verna]], [[Altar]], [[Corra]], [[Zalara]]
|April 3, 2014
|[[Moonshadow]], [[Kyson]], [[Vuk]], [[Mikilos]], [[Brianna]]
|April 3rd, 2014
|[[Grand Theft Arcana]]
|[[Verna]], [[Altar]], [[Smythly]], [[Lilyth]]
|April 4th, 2014
|[[Choose Your Own Adventure III]]
|[[Brianna]], [[Mel]], [[Rhar]], [[Savengriff]]
|April 11, 2014
|[[Roasted Nuts]]
|[[Altar]], [[Mikilos]], [[Tyrianna]]
|April 11th, 2014
|[[Grand Theft Arcana - Spice City]]
|[[Sargon]], [[Altar]], [[Rhar]], [[Bennet]]
|April 13th, 2014
|[[Were Bats, Were Rats]]
|April 14, 2014
|[[Fishbelly]], [[Tyrianna]], [[Rayne]], [[Coppervolt]], [[Mikilos]], [[Altar]]
|April 18, 2014
|[[Trade Stuffs]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Brianna]]
|April 18th, 2014
|[[Cairn I Barrow A Cup?]]
|[[Fishbelly]], [[Kravar]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Vuk]]
|April 18, 2014
|April 19, 2014
|[[Ale Chat]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Pendleton]], [[Zoob]]
|April 19, 2014
|[[Munch Toss]]
|[[Munch]], [[Sandy]], [[Talon]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Crow]], [[Pendleton]]
|April 22, 2014
|[[Dock Talk]]
|[[Boshter]], [[Selia]], [[Naneth]]
|April 22nd, 2014
|[[Bordering Felwood]]
|[[Talon]], [[Crow]], [[Altar]], [[Belladona]], [[Naneth]]
|April 22, 2014
|[[Dur'ankar]], [[Redmane]], [[Verna]], [[Rhodes]], [[Mikilos]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Embrey]], [[Achala]]
|April 24th, 2014
|[[Goblin Treasure]]
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Kirran]], [[Cressida ]]
|April 24th, 2014
|[[Guilds, Bazoombas and lingual Difficulties]]
|[[Moonshadow]], [[Naneth]], [[Redmane]]
|April 24th, 2014
|[[Into the Woods: Bordering Felwood pt 2]]
|[[Lorien]], [[Naneth]], [[Talon]], [[Verna]] [[Belladona]]
|April 26th, 2014
|[[Midnight Meat Train]]
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Cressida]], [[Kirran]]
|April 26th, 2014
|[[Down by the Docks]]
|[[Coppervolt]], [[Argos]], [[Constantin]]
|April 30th, 2014
|[[Sea Hag and her Crab]]
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Cressida]]. [[Lydia]]
|May 3rd, 2014
|[[So Wrong it's Wight]]
|[[Aurala]], [[Colrick]], [[Elessa]], [[Hassan]], [[Schneider]], [[Vennan]], [[Verna]]
|May 5, 2014
|[[Bor Market]]
|[[Klythos]], [[Mikilos]], [[Bor]], [[Aurala]], [[Svarshan]]
|May 6th, 2014
|[[Drip Drip 1]]
|[[Barbalau]], [[Hassan]], [[Klythos]], [[Redmane]]. Run by [[Pendleton]]
|May 6, 2014
|[[Visiting the Green]]
|[[Svarshan]], [[Crow]], [[Kirran]], [[Belladona]]
|May 7, 2014
|[[Goblin Cheaters]]
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Cressida]]. [[Lydia]]
|May 8, 2014
|[[Relics, Tomes, Blood, and Bones]]
|Aevarr, [[Bor]], Klythos, Lilyth, Lorien, Stirling
|May 12, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Stjepan]]
|May 12, 2014
|[[Drip Drip 2]]
|[[Klythos]], [[Redmane]]. Run by [[Pendleton]]
|May 12, 2014
|[[Raising Elessa]]
|May 14, 2014
|[[A Rot in Telbridge]]
|[[Alakton]], [[Klythos]], [[Laefwyn]], [[Naneth]]. Run by [[Pendleton]]
|May 14, 2014
|[[Tournament Paramount]]
|[[Radek]] [[Djelka]] [[Fishbelly]] [[Munch]] [[Smythly]]
|May 16, 2014
|[[Runes in Rune]]
|[[Kiroth]], [[Schneider]], [[Tak]], [[Teppus]], [[Verna]]
|May 17, 2014
|[[Sacred Hunt]]
|[[Naneth]], [[Fishbelly]], [[Kathryn]], [[Lorien]], [[Azog]]
|May 18, 2014
|[[Blood and Apples]]
|[[Cressida]], [[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Silvana]], [[Smythly]], [[Stjepan]], [[Stirling]]
|May 19, 2014
|[[A Simple Test]]
|[[Smythly]], [[Stirling]], [[Tywulf]], [[Taika]], [[Klythos]]
|May 19, 2014
|[[More Ox]]
|[[Sandy]], [[Bor]], [[Svarshan]], [[Munch]], [[Jibbom]], [[Verna]], [[Pendleton]]
|May 20, 2014
|[[A Rent Party]]
|[[Lorien]], [[Lothos]], [[Naneth]], [[Redmane]], [[Taika]], [[Tywulf]]; hosted by [[Pendleton]]
|May 20, 2014
|[[Trouble at the Homestead - Cesran Run]]
|[[Orion]], [[Tywulf]], [[Alice]], [[Cressida]], [[Taika]], [[Stjepan]]
|May 24, 2014
|[[Gate Chat]]
|[[Azog]], [[Selia]]
|May 27, 2014
|[[Clearing the Village]]
|[[Orion]], [[Alice]]. [[Cressida]]. [[Eilora]]
|May 27, 2014
|[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/803826/Logs/dd3.txt Drip Drip 3]
|[[Alakton]], [[Klythos]], [[Laefwyn]], [[Pavanna]], [[Solace]]; hosted by [[Pendleton]]
|May 20, 2014
|[[Trouble at the Homestead - Jeor Run]]
|[[Rayne]], [[Lorien]], [[Belladona]], [[Klythos]], [[Mitneisk]], [[Corra]]
|May 28, 2014
|[[Alice]], [[Cressida]], [[Lorien]], [[Orion]], [[Smythly]], [[Silvana]]
|June 1, 2014
|[[Sith-makar Open Meeting]]
|[[Dur'ankar]], [[Orion]], [[Ssylrath]], and [[Svarshan]]
|June 3, 2014
|[[Guild Meet]]
|[[Autumn]], [[Munch]], [[Cessida]], [[Lorien]]
|June 3, 2014
|[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/803826/Logs/beer1.txt Spring Beer]
|[[Solace]], [[Lothos]]; hosted by [[Pendleton]]
|June 4, 2014
|[[Broken Library]]
|[[Autumn]], [[Mikilos]], [[MoonShadow]]
|June 4, 2014
|[[Centaur Raiders]]
|[[Alice]], [[Cressida]], [[Lorien]], [[Orion]], [[Smythly]], [[Pavanna]], [[Nicolai]][[Category:Admin]]
|June 6, 2014
|[[Selia]], [[Taika]], [[Tywulf]]
|June 6, 2014
|[[PrP: Live Catch]]
|Run by [[Mikilos]], with [[Belladona]], [[Bor]], [[Eilora]], [[Lorien]], [[Lothos]]
|June 11, 2014
|[[PrP: Strange Creatures]]
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Cressida]], [[Duncan]], [[Smythly ]]
|June 11, 2014
|[[Dragon Bones]]
|[[Aurala]], [[Klythos]], [[Lorien]], [[Munch]], [[Ormarr]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]], and [[Vennan]]
|June 17, 2014
|[[Lava Juice]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Mikilos]]
|June 17, 2014
|[[Zoob]], [[Zalara]], [[Mikilos]]
|June 23, 2014
|[[Sandy]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Mikilios]], [[Sophia]], [[Aurala]], [[MoonShadow]], [[Elessa]]
|June 26, 2014
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Cressida]], [[Drisdane]], [[Smythly ]], [[Nicolai]], [[Uraug]]
|June 29, 2012
|[[Jibbom's Wedding]]
|June 28, 2014
|[[PrP: Live Catch 2]]
|Run by: [[Mikilos]], with [[Vuk]], [[Hassan]], [[Aurala]], [[Verna]], [[Klythos]]
|July 3, 2014
|[[Phallic Towers]]
|[[Pavel]], [[Solace]], [[Mikilos]], [[Sandy]], [[Aurala]], [[Stjepan]], [[Dylan]]
|July 5, 2014
|[[PrP: Choose Your Own Adventure IV]]
|[[Corra]], [[Dylan]], and [[Pavel]]
|July 6, 2014
|[[PrP: Testing]]
|Run by [[Mikilos]], with [[Elessa]], [[Hassan]], [[Klythos]], [[Oates]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Verna]]
|July 10, 2014
|[[Cesran]], [[Sandy]], and [[Zoob]]
|July 11, 2014
|[[Gobber Clankfest]]
|[[Craft]], [[Klythos]], [[Selia]], [[Smythly]], [[Takiyah]], and [[Zoob]]
|July 12th, 2014
|[[The Big Lebunski]]
|[[Corra]], [[Rhar]], [[Solace]], [[Zoob]]
|July 12th, 2014
|[[Rune Tactics]]
|[[Garak]], [[Hassan]], [[Smythly]], [[Solace]], and [[Zoob]]
|July 15th, 2014
|[[The Grapes of Rath]]
|[[Autumn]], [[Corra]], [[Nicolai]], [[Klythos]]
|July 9 and 16th, 2014
|[[Death Match]]
|[[Autumn]], [[Cressida ]], [[Orion]], [[Stjepan]], [[Silvana]], [[Lorien]], [[Celestine]]
|July 13, 2014
|[[Mikilos]], [[Selerik]]
|July 21, 2014
|[[Taint Talk]]
|[[Munch]], [[Svarshan]]
|July 23, 2014
|[[A Tarienite Distraction]]
|July 24, 2014
|[[Chat Rune]]
|[[Cesran]], [[Mikilos]], [[Valadhiel]]
|July 25, 2014
|[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/803826/Logs/Meetup.txt Meetup - Eidolon Hymn]
|[[Benthus]], [[Charlotte]], [[Garrin]], [[Terri]], [[Ormarr]]. Hosted by [[Pendleton]]
|July 29, 2014
|[[Charnese Cuisine]]
|[[Solace]], [[Selia]], [[Svarshan]], [[Bellna]], [[Benthus]]
|July 29, 2014
|[[MEETUP: Sith and Am'shere Gathering]]
|[[Bellna]], [[Dur'ankar]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Svarshan]], and [[Zarr]]
|July 30, 2014
|[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/803826/Logs/Beerdispenser3000.txt Beer Dispenser 3000!]
|[[Alakton]], [[Laefwyn]], and [[Lothos]]. Hosted by [[Pendleton]]
|August 1, 2014
|[[Meetup: Mage]]
|Many. hosted by [[Mikilos]]
|August 3, 2014
|[[Meetup: Roughriders roll-call]]
|[[Duncan]], [[Svarshan]], [[Ssylrath]], [[Smythly]], [[Zalara]]. hosted by [[Duncan]]
|August 6, 2014
|[https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/803826/Logs/GroaningDelve1.txt Groaning Delve 1]
|[[Elycia]], [[Klythos]], and [[Mikilos]]. Hosted by [[Pendleton]]
| August 13, 2014
|[[Hightail It]]
|[[Jibbom]], [[Oates]], [[Elessa]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Aurala]], [[Jareth]]
|August 17, 2014
|[[Farmers Market]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Moonshadow]], [[Cesran]], [[Godwyn]]
|August 20, 2014
|[[Toy Fishing]]
|[[Katja]], [[Valadhiel]], [[Mikilos]]
| August 25, 2014
|[[Alice]], [[Orion]], [[Benthus]], [[Cressida]], [[Duncan]], [[Smythly]]
| August 26, 2014
|[[Where all life goes]]
|[[Tsunetomo]], [[Solace]]
| August 30, 2014
|[[Dinosaur Hunt]]
|[[Alice]], [[Lothos]], [[Taro]], and [[Tsunetomo]]
| September 5, 2014
|[[MEETUP: Druids Sith and Wards Oh My!]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Ferawyn]], [[Godwyn]], [[Ssylrath]], and [[Svarshan]]
| September 6, 2014
|[[PRP: The Farm]]
|[[Taro]], [[Yngvild]], [[Arlean]]
| September 6, 2014
|[[MEETUP: Science Fair!]]
|[[Coppervolt]], [[Stirling]], [[Jareth]], [[Klythos]], [[Munch]] and [[Zalara]]
|September 10, 2014
|[[Pink Hearts]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Solace]], [[Godwyn]], [[Fiore]], [[Fazahd]], [[Boshter]], [[Benthus]], [[Daromu]]
|September 11, 2014
|[[Book Vendor]]
|[[Talitha]], [[Azog]], [[Benthus]], [[Mikilos]], [[Solace]], [[Godwyn]]
|September 12, 2014
|[[Chatter in the Temple]]
|[[Selia]], [[Godwyn]], [[Sophia]]
| September 13, 2014
|[[PRP: Trip on the Wild Side]]
|[[Kelia]], [[Sargon]]
| September 14, 2014
|[[PRP: Investigate]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Lothos]], [[Yngvild]], [[Godwyn]], [[Elspeth]]
|September 16, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Benthus]], [[Namira]], [[Godwyn]], [[Taurmuindyr]]
|September 18, 2014
|[[Park Nap]]
|[[Selia]], [[Arlean]]
| September 20, 2014
|[[PRP: Operation Unwavering Blade]]
|[[Taro]], [[Torak]], [[Silvana]], [[Godwyn]], [[Stjepan]], [[Belladona]]
| September 20, 2014
|[[PRP: Following a Lead]]
|[[Godwyn]], [[Hethyr]], [[Bennet]], [[Fiore]]
| September 27, 2014
|[[PRP: Shock and Awe]]
|[[Munch]], [[Kojot]], [[Moonshadow]], [[Klythos]], [[Lorien]]
| September 27, 2014
| [[MEETUP: Landlord Throw Away That Cork!]]
| [[Arlean]], [[Svarshan]], [[Godwyn]], [[Selia]], [[Solace]], [[Boshter]]
|September 28, 2014
|[[Shield Market]]
|[[Kelia]], [[Mikilos]]
|September 29, 2014
|[[RPP: Adventure Scout Troop 405]]
|[[Sandy]], [[Svarshan]], [[Roland]], and [[Cesran]]
|September 30, 2014
|[[Bank Chatter]]
|[[Arlean]], [[Cressida]], [[Mikilos]], [[Godwyn]], [[Autumn]]
|October 2, 2014
|[[PrP: The Derelict]]
|[[Hethyr]], [[Rhar]], [[Jokul]], [[Bennet]], [[Deanna]]
|October 6, 2014
|[[PrP: The Farm Revisited]]
|[[Mel]], [[Stirling]], [[Jokul]]
|October 6, 2014
|[[PrP: Haunted House]]
|[[Cressida]], [[Alice]], [[Godwyn]], [[Kiroth]], [[Orion]], [[Zoob]]
|October 10, 2014
|[[Smith Time]]
|[[Munch]], [[Fazahd]], [[Arlean]], [[Iuriel]]
|October 18, 2014
|[[PrP: Rattle Hum Thump]]
|[[Rhar]], [[Korrani]], [[Hethyr]], [[Fiore]], [[Mel]], [[Lyrana]], [[Taro]]
|October 21, 2014
|[[PrP: Cowled Dock Knight]]
|[[Godwyn]], [[Aldean]], [[Lothos]], [[Terewin]], [[Zoob]], [[Kirran]], [[Taro]]
|October 21, 2014
|[[PrP: Dire Forecast]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Taro]], [[Korrani]], [[Brianna]], [[Rhar]]
|October 23, 2014
|[[Gravedigger Shindig|Gravedigger's Shindig]]
|Eirene, Iuriel, Namira, Verna, Bennet, Garak, Rhodes, Ionus, Boshter, Godwyn, Kerbasy, Fazahd
|October 23, 2014
|[[PrP: Dead Rising: Return]]
|[[Autumn]], [[Lyrana]], [[Lilyth]], [[Zlegvog]], [[Kidda]]
|October 23, 2014
|[[PrP: Dire Expectations]]
|[[Lothos]], [[Curugorm]], [[Lyrana]], [[Taro]], [[Alba]],[[Gragnar]],[[Iuriel]]
|October 29, 2014
|[[PrP: Jungle Hunt]]
|[[Jahnavi]], [[Kilian]], and [[Talazia]]
|October 30, 2014
|[[PrP: The Derelict II]]
|[[Hethyr]], [[Smythly]], [[Korrani]], [[Nuanna]], [[Bennet]]
|November 2, 2014
|[[PrP: The Derelict II]]
|[[Lothos]], [[Mel]], [[Korrani]], [[Alba]], [[Aevarr]]
|November 2, 2014
|[[PrP: Dead Approaching]]
|[[Lothos]], [[Mel]], [[Korrani]], [[Alba]], [[Aevarr]]
|November 3, 2014
|[[PrP:Gone Astray]]
|[[Hethyr]], [[Benthus]], [[Autumn]], [[Kirran]], [[Schneider]], [[Kilian]]
|November 9, 2014
|[[PrP:Uninvited Guest]]
|[[Azog]], [[Elessa]], [[Uneth]], [[Korrani]]
|November 10, 2014
|[[PrP: Sinkhole I]]
|November 14, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Yngvild]], [[Kravar]], [[Azog]], [[Solace]], [[Talazia]], [[Benthus]], [[Godwyn]]
|November 15, 2014
|[[Munch]], [[Cesran]], [[Gorag]]
|November 15, 2014
|[[Yngvild]], [[Verna]], [[Aldean]], [[Talazia]], [[Solace]], [[Mikilos]]
|November 18, 2014
|[[PrP: Sinkhole Part 2]]
|[[Jahnavi]], [[Kidda]], [[Thanix]], [[Samson]], [[Yngvild]]
|November 19, 2014
|[[PrP: Sabotage!]]
|[[Nuanna]], [[Rayne]], [[Kirran]], [[Aevarr]], [[Aldean]], [[Korrani]]
|November 20, 2014
|[[Minstrel MEETUP: Charity Concert for Adventure Scout Troop 405]]
|[[Abrahil]], [[Aldean]], [[Butters]], [[Cesran]], [[Godwyn]], [[Pendleton]],[[Renfrey]],[[Roland]],[[Sandy]],[[Selia]],[[Silmeria]],[[Tatyannah]],[[Vroole]]
|November 22, 2014
|[[Meetup: Harvest Festival]]
|November 22, 2014
|[[PrP: Dire Discovery]]
|[[Verna]], [[Lyrana]], [[Jessamy]]
|November 23, 2014
|[[PrP: Diplomatic Chaos]]
|[[Aevarr]], [[Mel]], [[Aldean]]
|November 23, 2014
|[[PrP: Decoy]]
|[[Corra]], [[Lothos]], [[Rhar]]
|November 23, 2014
|[[Meetup: Wilderness and Am'shere]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Ferawyn]], [[Lothos]], [[Svarshan]], and [[Uneth]]. Hosted by [[Ssylrath]].
|November, 25th, 2014
|[[PrP: Attack on Brighton]]
|[[Takiyah]], [[Lyrana]], [[Alba]], [[Vroole]]
|November 27, 2014
|[[PrP: Rescue the Orphans]]
|[[Godwyn]], [[Ionus]], [[Kravar]], [[Aldean]],[[Lorien]],[[Schneider]]
|November ?, 2014
|[[PrP:Autumn Murder!]]
|[[Benthus]], [[Azog]], [[Oates]]
|November 28, 2014
|[[Renfrey]], [[Svarshan]], [[Mikilos]], [[Sandy]], [[Fa'lere]], [[Ganbaatar]], [[Vroole]]
|November 29, 2014
|[[PrP: Rapid Reaction Force]]
|[[Nuanna]], [[Korrani]], [[Aevarr]], [[Curugorm]]
|December 3, 2014
|[[PrP: Sinkhole Part 2a]]
|December 5, 2014
|[[Kiroth]], [[Meihui]], [[Mikilos]]
|December 6, 2014
|[[MEETUP: Snowball Fight!]]
|[[Aldean]], [[Godwyn]], [[Ionus]], [[Kidda]], [[Meihui]], [[Silmeria]], [[Jibbom]], [[Lorien]], [[Benthus]], [[Arixillo]], [[Vroole]], [[Abrahil]], [[Munch]], [[Mikilos]], [[Zalara]], [[Stirling]], [[Talazia]]
|December 9, 2014
|[[PrP: Decoy (part 2)]]
|[[Jessamy]], [[Jahnavi]]
|December 11,2014
|[[Snow Play]]
|[[Mikilos]], [[Rhar]], [[Autumn]], [[Aldean]], [[Amithil]]
|December 12, 2014
|[[PrP: Pickety Pickety]]
|[[Nuanna]], [[Jal]], [[Amithil]], [[Vroole]], [[Thanix]]
|December 13, 2014
|[[PrP: Milk Run]]
|[[X]], [[X]], [[X]], [[X]]
|December 13, 2014
|[[PrP: Ambush]]
|[[Schneider]], [[Lothos]], [[Aldean]], [[Kiroth]]
|December 14, 2014
|[[PrP: Trade Route]]
|[[Jahnavi]], [[Alba]], [[Amithil]], [[Jal]], [[Aevarr]], [[Tiasa]]
|December 14, 2014
|[[Poetic Souls]]
|[[Tiasa]], [[Alba]], [[Raethon]], [[Stirling]], [[Bahken]]
|December 16, 2014
|[[PrP: Pookems and Snookems]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Kroth]], [[Amithil]]
|December 20, 2014
|[[PrP: Supplies!]]
|[[Aurala]], [[Benthus]], [[Oates]], [[Rhar]], [[Tatyannah]], and [[Zalara]]. Run by [[Ssylrath]].
|December, 2014
|[[A Series of Sad Bars]]
|[[Talazia]], [[Svarshan]], [[Aldean]], [[Godwyn]]
|December 22, 2014
|[[Bandit Trouble]]
|[[Azariah]], [[Brianna]], [[Kroth]], [[Vroole]], [[Yngvild]]
|December 22, 2014
|[[PrP: Finding Rachel]]
|[[Eligar]], [[Aevarr]]
|December 24, 2014
|[[PrP: Think of the Children!]]
|[[Jessamy]], [[Raethon]], [[Takiyah]], [[Tiasa]], and [[Vroole]], run by [[Ssylrath]]
|December 25, 2014
|[[PrP: Dying Paladin]]
|[[Sophia]], [[Munch]], [[Lothos]]
|December 26, 2014
|[[PrP: It's Always Bugs]]
|[[Benthus]], [[Corra]], and [[Kravar]], run by [[Ssylrath]]
|December 29, 2014
|[[PrP: Rescue the Orphans 2]]
|[[Corra]], [[Godwyn]], [[Aldean]]
|December 31, 2014
|[[PrP: Unwanted Residents]]
|[[Yrqeem]], [[Uraug]], [[Tiasa]],[[Kroth]]
| January 2, 2015
|[[PrP: Breeding Grounds]]
|[[Silmeria]], [[Kroth]], [[Thanix]], [[Taro]]
|January 4, 2015
|[[PrP: Guardians at the Gate]]
|[[Laefwyn]], [[Alakton]], [[Renfrey]], [[Pips]], [[Taro]], [[Rhar]]
|January 6, 2015
|[[PrP: Scouts or just Wolves]]
|January 7, 2015
|[[PrP: Do you wanna chomp a snowman?]]
|January 8, 2015
|[[PrP: Barney the Bear]]
|[[Kroth]], [[Terewin]], [[Blackjack]], [[Arkun]]
|January 8, 2015
|[[PrP: Breeding Grounds 2]]
|[[Silmeria]], [[Pips]], [[Charis]], [[Taro]]
|January 9, 2015
|[[PrP: The Cairn]]
|[[Terewin]], [[Faiza]], [[Blackjack]], [[Pips]], [[Belladona]]
|January 11, 2015
|[[PrP: Missing Husband]]
|[[Bahken]], [[Flicker]]
|January 10, 2015
|[[PrP:_Goblins%3F_Bandits%3F_Stolen_babies!|PrP: Goblins and Stolen Babies]]
|Silmeria, Dain, Charis, Barsool-um
|January 12, 2015
|[[Market Crash]]
|[[Tiasa]], [[Te'Andra]], [[Solace]], [[Selia]], [[Ivy]], [[Cesran]], [[Basil]], [[Flicker]], [[Audax]]
|January 16, 2015
|[[PrP: Haunted Playhouse]]
|[[Belladona]], [[Yngvild]], [[Flicker]], [[Faiza]]
|January 17, 2015
|[[PrP:Walk in the Woods]]
|[[Silmeria]], [[Kroth]], [[Dain]], [[Morasha]]
|January 17th, 2015
|[[PrP: Doge Day Afternoon]]
|[[Faiza]], [[Terewin]], [[Rayne]], [[Bahken]], [[Tiasa]]
|January 18, 2015
|[[PrP: Danger Close]]
|[[Zalara]], [[Rhar]], [[Lothos]], [[Margaret]]
|January 18, 2015
|[[PrP: Lost Tower]]
|[[Zalara]], [[Rhar]], [[Renfrey]], [[Valadhiel]]
|January 20, 2015
|[[PrP: A Beautiful Mine]]
|[[Kroth]], [[Silmeria]], [[Yngvild]], [[Jahnavi]], [[Morasha]], [[Daromu]]
|January 21, 2015
|[[Meetup: Angoron Party!]]
|[[Yngvild]], [[Jibbom]], [[Morasha]], [[Munch]], [[Kroth]], [[Bahken]], [[Hrist]], [[Nicolai]], [[Boshter]], [[Halani]], [[Stjepan]], [[Rayne]]
|January 22, 2015
|[[PrP: An Apprentice Problem]]
|[[Kiroth]], [[Lothos]], [[Rhar]], [[Margaret]]
|January 25, 2015
|[[PrP: Hunter and Prey]]
|[[Lily]], [[Latenat]]
|January 26, 2015
|[[A Suddenly Bad Day]]
|[[Elessa]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Lily]], [[Benthus]]
|January 27, 2015
|[[Recruitment Efforts]]
|[[Elessa]], [[Kerbasy]], [[Aldean]], [[Silmeria]], [[Cesran]]
|January 30, 2015
|[[PrP: The Diary]]
|[[Charis]], [[Aevarr]], [[Stjepan]], [[Yngvild]], [[Gareth]], [[Oliver]], [[Faiza]], [[Belladona]]
|January 30, 2015
|[[PrP: Portal Trouble]]
|[[Bahken]], [[Duncan]], [[Lothos]], [[Lyrana]], and [[Zarr]]. Run by [[Ssylrath]]
|January 22, 2015
|[[PrP: Yippee Ki Yay]]
|[[Kroth]], [[Bennet]], [[Mara]], [[Belladona]]
|January 31, 2015
|[[PrP: Clearing the Cache]]
|[[Aldean]], [[Renfrey]], [[Kiroth]], [[Margaret]]
|January 31, 2015
|[[PRP: Monkey Business]]
|[[Aldean]], [[Lothos]], [[Godwyn]], [[Corra]], [[Abrahil]], [[Rhar]]
|February 1, 2015
|[[PrP: Donations]]
|[[Margaret]], [[Bahken]]
|February 2, 2015
|[[PrP: Attack of the Daeodon]]
|[[Audax]], [[Eligar]], [[Gareth]], [[Mara]], [[Nuanna]], [[Rakim]]
|February 4, 2015
|[[PrP: Dotting the Eyes]]
|[[Corra]], [[Godwyn]], [[Kojot]], [[Verna]]
|February 7, 2015
|[[PrP: Rescue the Orphans Ending]]
|February 8, 2015
|[[PrP: A Mine-or Task]]
|[[Faiza]], [[Jian]], [[Bahken]], [[Uneth]], [[Lothos]]
|February 18, 2015
|[[Meetup: Kegger Fest!]]
|[[Dain]], [[Sandy]], [[Xiuhcoatl]], [[Myrana]], [[Cesran]], [[Sophia]], [[Godwyn]], [[Jibbom]], [[Daromu]]

Latest revision as of 03:33, 7 January 2025

Roleplay is central to Tenebrae, and consists of a mix of scenes, grid, and PrPs. Here you may read some of the logs our players have posted, or wanted to share. This page may also be used to post logs for PrPs, to share an item for staff review, or to tell players about a great scene. Remember too, if you're RPing in a public area, a log may end up on this site! All areas ongrid, and Plot Rooms, are considered public areas.

Most recent logs are at the bottom.

For 2024 and earlier, see the Archives.

2025 Logs


Date Log People
January 1, 2025 The Spectacle of the Century Aelwyn, Alec, Bryn, Mikilos Murder, Skyler
January 4, 2025 A Final Word on the Spires Aelwyn, Rune, Harkashan, Ravenstongue, Eztli, Skyler, Bryn, GM: Whirlpool
January 6, 2025 Working Hands Auranar, Carver, Simony, Skyler, Telamon, Verna, GM: Riptide