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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *'''Title''': Don't Poke the Silver One *'''Characters''': Rune, Aelwyn, Skielstregar, Murder *'''Place''': A09: Southern Banks of the Tornmawr *'''Summary''': Rune and Aelwyn both have deliveries at the pier, and stumble upon Skielstregar and Murder in the process. Aelwyn learns a lesson about not poking the silver-scale.</div> It is the early hours of morning along the river,...")
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"Will Silver help this one find the recipient of the box? There might be something that will need... little reflection." The ruddy sith-makar flashes his teeth, tail swaying behind him, as he hoists up the box.
"Will Silver help this one find the recipient of the box? There might be something that will need... little reflection." The ruddy sith-makar flashes his teeth, tail swaying behind him, as he hoists up the box.
<br \>
Skielstregar takes the baguette, monches it in one bite, then chuckles. "Thisss one iss not spoiling them. They need to learn restraint. Jussst like thisss one."
He stares at Aelwyn. Stares. Staaaares. "No. You can find them," he grins back, him having been played this trick before. He reaches over, pats Aelwyn on top of the head, and holds a foot over the waters. "Peasse on your nesst. Good luck!"
The silver warrior splashes into the depths.

Latest revision as of 19:42, 6 May 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Don't Poke the Silver One
  • Place: A09: Southern Banks of the Tornmawr
  • Summary: Rune and Aelwyn both have deliveries at the pier, and stumble upon Skielstregar and Murder in the process. Aelwyn learns a lesson about not poking the silver-scale.

It is the early hours of morning along the river, meaning that activity has already started picking up for the day. The sound of crafter hammers echos over the riverbanks and the shouts of sailors and fisherman as boats are prepared for the day's activities. There is a hustle of activity as people rush to get to work.

Rune is among them, standing on one of the short piers and offering out a scroll towards one of the boat captains. "Here's the signed agreement from the fishmonger, and the first downpayment." She hands over a pouch that jingles with coin. "If everything is acceptable, then I'll return after the morning catch for the first delivery."

The man unrolls the scroll and starts to read it while Rune waits, fidgeting with a flat rock she must have picked up along the way. Eventually, after agonizing moments, the captain gives a grunt of acknowledgement. "We'll have the first catch back before noon."

"Perfect!" Rune sounds a bit /too/ chipper about delivering fish. "There will be a team waiting for you, then." Ahh, maybe it won't be Rune that is acting as fish-courier.

Thk. Clik-clik-click. Thk. Click-click-click. Ah, the steady sound of a glaive hitting the pier; and then the telltale rattling of chains. The steps stop by the base of the pier Rune was dealing in, before moving on a bit further ahead. "Someone order bread?" A familiar voice calls out. "Fresh from the market!"

A wrapped up box hung over the familiar sith's back; wrapped up in chains, most of them flopping over his back. And like most things with the red Dragoon, it had red cloth over it.

Most of the dock workers pay the sight very little heed - after all, stranger things constantly yell in the market - but Aelwyn was definitely paying attention at Rune, tail swaying behind him in amusement. "Fresh bread from the market!"

GAME: Murder rolls stealth: (12)+11+5: 28

Flitting about from hiding place to hiding place, the black-clad Goblin moves along the side of the river. Every so often, Murder pauses to sniff at the air, then carries on, reaching the pier's piles sunk into the ground. She scuttles up a pile, and crouches behind a crate on the pier. Another peek ahead before she scuttles along the pier, using people, baskets and crates for cover.

Murder ends up behind Aelwyn, trailing along in his delicious, bread-smell filled wake. Hopping up and down a few times, the Gobbo peers at just how well the bread is imprisoned in the box on the Ruddy-scaled Sith's back.

One of Rune's slightly pointed ears twitches in the direction of the clik click, and then her head turns at the familiar voice calling out about bread. Her brow lifts, but soon enough the messenger completes her business with the ship captain, who is already calling out for his crew to shove off and get to their daily work.

Taking a few steps back along the pier, Rune peeks towards the box and the chains, "So... can I ask why you've got bread chained up like it is going to escape?" It isn't the first time she's seen Aelwyn carrying such things. "Last I checked, it isn't exactly a dangerous creature."

Amusement shows on her features, one lip quirked. For the time being, Murder is blocked from her view by the red-scaled Makari. At least for now.

From the piers, that is a slight /thunk/ that comes from below in the waters. A clawed hand raises, covered in almost a solid layer of ice that cracks and falls away as it clutches onto a nearby pier. Another joins the first, silver scales glinting in the morning light.

Then a large figure pulls themselves free, encased in ice. But it crackles and splinters to the ground as the figure pulls themselves to a siting position. They turn to the side towards the water, loose a stream of water from their lungs, then cough a few times before letting out a big yawn as they rub the ice from their eyes.

It's a sleepy Skielstregar.

The Dragoon was too occupied with less than blatantly staring at the half-elf to pay much attention to sneaky murderous gobbos; instead Aelwyn's lips simply curl away from his sharp teeth as he watches Rune step closer towards him. "Twin," The draconian responds, "That is heavy coin for fish that is still in the sea."

There was extremely pleasant scent of freshly baked bread around Aelwyn. Indomitably so. A fact that becomes stronger as he leans in closer. "This one has heard that people will _kill_ for a slice of good bread." He clicks his teeth. "So what is a humble baker to do?"

Straightening, he looks over towards the ice falling over. A part of him takes a step forward, pulling the glaive in front of him; but then he slowly begins to relax. "Hmmh." The Dragoon's orange eyes turn towards Rune. "Is Silver the one whom the team was for?"

The Goblin is still trying to see how the chains can be undone, or the box opened, but is hampered by Aelwyn moving slightly, and the fact that she's trying to avoid touching it. A sigh is heard, and suddenly the Dragoon might feel his bread grow heavier as Murder latches onto the box. Eventually sitting on top of it, and peering at Rune from between the two horns on top of Aelwyn's head. The GOblin grins toothily.

"How much is your bread?", she asks of the Ruddy-scale Sith. "Oho, Silver? Hey SKIEL!", she hollers.

"The fishmonger who has the most fresh catch is usually the one who makes the best coin. So they tend to make deals directly with the fishermen to get it directly from the boats." Rune explains, lifting her shoulder in a slight shrug. "They're willing to pay good coin to make sure that a boat only sells to them and not a competitor."

Understanding dawns on her features as to the reason why the bread might be quite so imprisoned. "I see. It must be truly good bread if people are willing to go to such measures for some." And then, she looks up to see a Goblin perched upon said box. "Huh, I guess maybe the security was needed." Raising a hand, Rune waggles her fingers to Murder.

And that is when Skielstregar appears in his usual creepy fashion. Stare. Rune will never get used to the many unusual ways that the silver-scale can make an entrance. In answer to Aelwyn's question, Rune shakes her head, "No. Last I checked, Skielstregar isn't a fish, despite the resemblance at times." Then, to the icy drake, she adds, "Is that... normal?" Is /anything/ normal with that particular Makari? Likely not.

Skielstregar yawns one more time, large, gnarly teeth on display before he opens a bleary eye at those calling for him. "Bwuh...?" He samples the air a few times, rumbling at the scent of fresh bread. His dead gaze rests on the trio. ".. thisss one iss not a fish," he rebukes with a final, sleepy yawn. "Peasse on your nessstsss."

He quirks his head to the side at Rune before slowly standing up, streeeeetching. "What isss normal? Thisss one in river? Sssa, nice and cold. Kin can breathe water for a while. Makesss for good napsss." Sort of normal then. Well, except all the ice. One would have a better chance at determining what is normal rather than the abnormal with this guy.

Aelwyn looks at Rune for a time, tilting his head upwards. "She is the one who catches the boats?" He clicks his teeth, "Hmmh, perhaps better than being the catch of the day." He rumbles in amusement - or at least would, if there wasn't once again something clambering up his back. The Dragoon took a really deep breath, looking as if this were completely normal stroll by the river for him. "Yes. Normal. Do not mess with the box, Shortie." He bows his head a touch, "Silver."

The ruddy sith-makar attempts to dislodge Murder and put her down between him and the shambling not-zombie Silver. "This one is glad to see Twin moving. Is her time in short supply?"

Murder waves at Rune, "Hey Rune, how are you feeling? How is Harkashan? He seemed pretty shaken up after that fight. Glad to see you're out and about." She looks at Sleepy Skiel, and giggles. "Hah, did you fall asleep while swimming or something? Some poor ship is going to come along and sink after hitting your iceberg while you're down there some day."

The Goblin is almost stuck upon the box, but allows herself to be dislodged. "How much is your bread, Aelwyn?", she wonders again, before being distracted by her reflection in one of Skiel's scales. The Gobbo does a few poses before looking back to Aelwyn.

"Not so much catching the boats, myself. I just have enough background in civil matters that I can help a fishmonger and captain write up a contract and then get it all signed and arranged to their mutual benefit." Rune elaborates, then scrunches her nose a bit. "Not my favorite work, but it's a few extra coins. I need them right now to repay Alaryn."

Speaking of people who were there during that incident, she looks to Murder and offers a smile, "Just about fully healed. Harkashan is doing alright. Things have been a little strange for him as of late. I think he's off communing with his goddess at the moment. Whatever that means." Addressing the Goblin, she adds, "You were quite impressive, I have to say. Both you and Skielstregar. Can't say I've seen fighting quite like it before."

Looking to the silver-scaled Makari, "I guess I'm still not used to people who can breathe under water. I probably should be, after my encounters with Irshya." Rune is speaking of one of the owners of the TarRaCe who sometimes sleeps beneath the pools. There is still a lot to talk about with Skielstregar, but this doesn't seem like the most opportune moment.

Instead, she turns back to Aelwyn, "I've got time. I'm not due back at the fishmonger until later in the morning. Why?"

Skielstregar finally gets the ice out of his eyes, waving lazily to the trio. "Sssa, hello," he replies to them, him shaking himself off and unslinging his bag. "Thisss one laid in the river upssstream to relax. They fell asleep. Sssometimesss end up here or in the port," he answers, shrugging. As if this is a normal occurrence.

He does seem quite interested at Murder's question about Rune's state, him focusing on the half-sil while Murder does their poses. "Thiss one iss glad you are him have been recovering well," he rumbles, shoulders relaxing somewhat. The makari rubs his neck. "Ah... yesss it isss... certainly a different way of fighting. Apologiesss for anything ssscary," he says. "Sssa, they know her. Ssshe surrpisesss thisss one oft."

He looks at Aelwyn, quirking his head in curiosity from his questions.

Aelwyn lets the other three catch up with each other, tilting his head. "The three were fighting together?" He asks then, before he looks down at Murder. "Not for sale." He lifts up his hand. "Not even for that." He lifts his glaive up a touch too. "And definitely not for that." His tail sways behind him, looking towards Silver. "Hope one did not forget Malefic." Flash of teeth.

Yet then all the eyes were upon him, and he slides his hand down his hip. "Hmmh." Click tongue, click tongue. The orange eyes turn towards Rune at last then. "This one hoped to meet the fishmongers." He flexes his arm up, along with the package. "In case they need deliveries."

"I am happy to hear that, Rune. It was truly impressive that you withstood such heavy abuse, and not only lived to tell about it, but in fact escaping their clutches on your feet." The Goblin makes a dismissive wave with her hands. "Eeh, I wasn't nothin' special, kept the attention of one of them, with it hittin' me instead of anyone else. skiel's the impressive one here. An' honestly, you did very well."

At talk of breathing under water, Murder grins. "I hear that she has the blood of sharks in her, and that she has gills. Pretty nifty. I think others can use magic to do so, and Skiel here, what you hold your breath for a very long time? Which is pretty dang neat."

The Gobbo frowns at Aelwyn. "But you were just saying it was fresh from the market!" She crosses her arms, and turns away from the Sith with a huff, moving to peer down at the river.

"I can't imagine feeling comfortable falling asleep under the water, but... I also don't breathe it, either." One of Rune's hands comes up to her throat and she follows with a shake of her head. There's a slight flash of tension across her features, and then a slow, intentional breath before she moves /quickly/ on from that topic.

"I'm sure we'll have a bit to talk about when it comes to that, my friend." She addresses Skielstregar. "Likely Harkashan more than myself. Whatever it was, it was fucking impressive in my books, but... I'm sure lava-scales will have his own interpretations." Leave it to Rune to see something like Skiel and think: 'That's dark and scary and kind of awesome'.

Blue gaze finding Murder, she gives a faint flush of color, "I've still got a lot to learn. You all pulled my ass out of the fire, and I appreciate it. More than you know." There is real affection and appreciation in her voice. Then, she adds, "And, if I know Aelwyn right... that box is meant for someone in particular, right?" Her head tilts. "Which would explain why the bread isn't for sale."

Folding her arms across her chest, Rune gives a brighter smile, "I can certainly introduce you to some of my contacts in the Market. Fishmongers, crafters, farmers. There's a good number of people who might need deliveries."

Skielstregar shakes his head at Aelwyn, him unslinging his damp bag and opening up the flap. He reaches in, grabbing at something and pulling out the cracked halberd from seemingly impossible dimensions. "They are never far," he rumbles, setting the weapon down as it stands upright on its own.

He looks to Murder. Then off to the side. "... thisss one did not mean to break the hatchling's floor," he murmurs. A glance to Rune. "... yesss, we will need to sshare wordsss. Thisss one was hoping to show you two in a more... controlled environment." He blinks at her. Face frosting up somewhat as he rumbles warmly. "... w-we'll thisss one isss glad you found it impressive. Thiss one will have to hope the Dathsssinger hass an open mind. It isss... a complicated thing."

The silverscale nods sharply. "Sssa, you did well. You also knew when to pull back. Sssometimes not all fightsss are meant to be. Thiss one has ran before many-a-timesss."

Aelwyn gives Rune a bit of a look, and he nods his head to her. "Gratitude." Either for explaining the situation for Murder; or perhaps for offering the contacts. He walks up forward and then taps Skielstregar on the chest. "Tch, already show and tell? And we are still dancing around it?" He rumbles in amusement. "It sounds as if it was a blessed thing both Silver and Shortie were there as well." The draconian says.

Glancing towards Rune, Aelwyn then asks, "What did actually happen?"

Murder leans against the railing, peering off down the river, to the open expanse of the sea. Turning her head, she smiles at Rune. "That you acknowledge that there is much to learn in this life shows that you are more than ready for it." A quick glance is given to Aelwyn and the box on his back, before looking back to Rune with a slight roll of her shoulders, and a nod.

She glances at Skielstreger, and shakes her head. "A damaged floor is nothing in comparison to what those phantoms could have done, and even less compared to helping a dead loved one move on. You helped a beautiful thing happen. All of us did. Don't feel badly about the floor, SKielstregar. Hah, the Deathsinger would approve of those actions... and if she IS as fair as they say, she will accept you with open arms"

The Goblin stares at Aelwyn for a second, her eyes widening. She scrunches down and then launches herself at the Ruddy-scale Sith, looking to collide bodily with his arm and chest... hopefully before finger-to-chest contact.

As the halberd makes an appearance, Rune turns and gives a bow of her head towards the weapon, "Always a pleasure, Malefic. Are you... alright with being put into a bag like that?" She asks, having to wonder what it would be like for a sentient being to end up in a place like that.

"Uh... the short version of the story is that we fought off some sort of creatures that tries to hunt lingering spirits and take them to the afterlife." Runes hifts a little, uncomfortable. "I don't know if it's because of my own trip to the halls, but two of them targeted me and I nearly ended up on a return visit. Not my finest hour."

Rune opens her mouth as if she were about to say something more on the matter of the Death-singer, but then Murder is launching herself between Aelwyn and Skielstregar. Whatever happens in that next moment, the half-sil steps back a bit, making sure there is plenty of space between her and the others.

The silverscale nods with Rune. "Sssa. Fought ssomething like ghostss? They were viscious. Thisss one isss just glad everyone got out alive." He shifts a bit, conceding. "Yesss, better damaged floor and have the ssspirit move on." He looks at Murder. Gives her a slight squint. The circumstances of Skiel's transformation and Deathsingers is something most softkins wouldn't understand at all. "We ssshall see."

Skielstregar quirks a scaled brow at Aelwyn. "Ssshow and tell, what isss it that you-"


Skiel freezes. Then there's a reflexive grab at a wrist. Regardless if he snatches it or not (from a high speed gobbo), he does growl out, a rumble that dislodges the last vestiges of ice on him, "Do. Not. Touch. There." A rare moment where the happy fun lizard is not happy, not fun.

One is a creature of habits, and one will blindly follow them, if one does not beware. Aelwyn barely has time to react before things happen - one: what happened to Silver? two: What just hit me? And three: Who is this extremely intimidating individual?

Gobbo slams and Aelwyn is pushed over onto the pier, rolling a few times. "... tch, controlled environment." He breathes out after a moment, getting back on his feet. "Apologies," He bows to Silver, shaking his head. "This one's mistake."

Murder grunts as she drops to the pier, an arm twisted at an odd angle. She gives her head a shake, and gestures to Skiel. "What he said.", she grumbles at Aelwyn. After a few moments of a pained expression, she slowly stands up. Patting Aelwyn on the side, she huffs. "Need to be alive to deliver your order, Russet." The Gobbo gives Rune a nod, "You did well. Alive to talk about it is always preferable to bein' dead and talked about." She gives Rune a salute.

Looking to Skiel, "Looking forward to our next sparring, yes? Sometime soon I hope. For now, see you."

Murder turns and slowly begins making her way towards the Bridge.

Despite having seen Skielstregar in perhaps his most monstrous of presentations, the low growl seems to vibrate through Rune's bones in a way that has her stepping back just to the edge of the pier. It's one of those instinctual reactions, like a wild animal being able to sense soemthing supernatural. The fact is, she doesn't know /why/ poking him is a bad idea, but she may have some ideas.

"I don't like being touched on my back, either. If that's any consolation." Rune shares, but her voice is quieter, as if she doesn't want to upset the silver-scaled Makari. Which was exactly where one of the ghost hunting creatures had struck her. That may very well explain a few things.

"Um..." Likely still a bit intimidated, "Do you want me to come with you and help find whomever the bread is going to, then we can circle back to the market and I'll introduce you to those contacts?" Rune offers.

Skielstregar closes his eyes and curls his fingers into a fist. He inhales deeply. Then slooowly exhales, bringing with it a plume a frozen air that wafts away from him. "I am sssorry," he apologizes quietly, bowing his head and offering a hand to help those up. A glance to Murder, blinking as they start to leave. "Ah. Yesss, we can do that sssometime, peace on your nessst."

He turns back to the other two, a palm massaging his chest under the tunic. There's a guilt that hangs on him, as its clear he's unsettled people that he considers his friends. He looks to Rune, an empathy cresting in his dead eyes. "Thisss one was slain through the heart," he expounds. "Thisss one coversss it often with cloth and armor."

There's a moment of shuffling and reaching, with some chain clinking. "Tch, Shortie." Murder is stopped. "Here." He offers her the bread. "Walk straight."

Returning to the other two, he continues to adjust the straps and belts around him - before he thwaps Skielstrager on the snout with a second piece bread. "This one apologizes." The ruddy sith-makar chides, sternly, as if that was to be the end of the discussion. "Not you. And those cold eyes better not get blue." The statement is accompanied with another slow slap of baguette on the snout.

Turning towards Rune, the Dragoon flashes his teeth. "Tch, this one can manage." He rumbles with a bright flick of his tail. "She can undoubtedly find this one on the Market."

Just as Rune had suspected, Skielstregar's story echoes her own in that regard. So, she confirms that with a nod of her head, "Same for me, my friend. Except I was hit in the back by a spell while protecting Harkashan." She presses her lips together, clearly not wanting to speak more on that particular matter.

She certainly would not be nose-booping Skielstregar with bread after that, but Aelwyn is a braver sort, it seems. "Alright. Next time I catch you in the market, I'll take you around to some of my contacts. Since I'm not always in town, I'm sure we can share jobs."

With that, she gives a nod to both Makari, "I should get going. The Fishmonger will want an update and I need to tell him when to pick up his shipment."

Skielstregar is abou tto say something, but he is suddenly thwapped by bread on the snout. "Ack! Why did you- Ack!" Another bap! He turns slightly to bite half the baguette off, tearing it away and eating it with a single chomp. "Fine," he huffs. "Thisss one sstill feels bad for scaring friendsss."

He looks to Rune, rubbing his snout as a sigh escapes him. "Thisss one seesss. They understand," he intones slowly. "Can ssshare more wordsss at a later time."

Finally, Malefic stirs. The crack on the metal snapping and breaking open as they give a metallic grinding sound. A... yawn? "It is necessary," it answers far too late. "But being out of such a confined space makes the sun's light even more grand. And, well, I have my own plush environment within said space."

"... the bag isss half full of figurines," Skiel frowns at the weapon.

"Plush, divine, and esquisite, as all sparkle in His Light. Praise be unto the Dragonfather, as he shows us the light of da-"

Skiel pushes Malefic into the water. >Kerthunk< He sighs, shaking his head. "Peassse on your nessst you two," he rumbles.

Aelwyn bows his head towards Rune, "Until we meet at the Market." He tells her, before his attention slips towards Malefic just... crawling out like nothing had happened. A weird statement to make about a sentient weapon. The draconian then looks at Silver. "This one feels one is spoiling Malefic." He finally states, and offers the rest of the baquette to the taller makari.

"Will Silver help this one find the recipient of the box? There might be something that will need... little reflection." The ruddy sith-makar flashes his teeth, tail swaying behind him, as he hoists up the box.

Skielstregar takes the baguette, monches it in one bite, then chuckles. "Thisss one iss not spoiling them. They need to learn restraint. Jussst like thisss one."

He stares at Aelwyn. Stares. Staaaares. "No. You can find them," he grins back, him having been played this trick before. He reaches over, pats Aelwyn on top of the head, and holds a foot over the waters. "Peasse on your nesst. Good luck!"

The silver warrior splashes into the depths.