Recent Logs

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Roleplay is central to Tenebrae, and consists of a mix of scenes, grid, and PrPs. Here you may read some of the logs our players have posted, or wanted to share. This page may also be used to post logs for PrPs, to share an item for staff review, or to tell players about a great scene. Remember too, if you're RPing in a public area, a log may end up on this site! All areas ongrid, and Plot Rooms, are considered public areas.

Most recent logs are at the bottom.

2014 Logs

Date Log People
December 3, 2014 PrP: Sinkhole Part 2a Kidda,Thanix,Kroth,Yngvild
December 5, 2014 Commitee Kiroth, Meihui, Mikilos
December 6, 2014 MEETUP: Snowball Fight! Aldean, Godwyn, Ionus, Kidda, Meihui,
Silmeria, Jibbom, Lorien, Benthus, Arixillo,
Vroole, Abrahil, Munch, Mikilos, Zalara, Stirling, Talazia
December 9, 2014 PrP: Decoy (part 2) Jessamy, Jahnavi
December 11,2014 Snow Play Mikilos, Rhar, Autumn, Aldean, Amithil
December 12, 2014 PrP: Pickety Pickety Nuanna, Jal, Amithil, Vroole, Thanix
December 13, 2014 PrP: Milk Run
December 13, 2014 PrP: Ambush Schneider, Lothos, Aldean, Kiroth
December 14, 2014 PrP: Trade Route Jahnavi, Alba, Amithil, Jal, Aevarr, Tiasa
December 14, 2014 Poetic Souls Tiasa, Alba, Raethon, Stirling, Bahken
December 16, 2014 PrP: Pookems and Snookems Belladona, Kroth, Amithil
December 20, 2014 PrP: Supplies! Aurala, Benthus, Oates, Rhar, Tatyannah, and Zalara. Run by Ssylrath.
December, 2014 A Series of Sad Bars Talazia, Svarshan, Aldean, Godwyn
December 22, 2014 Bandit Trouble Azariah, Brianna, Kroth, Vroole, Yngvild
December 22, 2014 PrP: Finding Rachel Eligar, Aevarr
December 24, 2014 PrP: Think of the Children! Jessamy, Raethon, Takiyah, Tiasa, and Vroole, run by Ssylrath
December 25, 2014 PrP: Dying Paladin Sophia, Munch, Lothos
December 26, 2014 PrP: It's Always Bugs Benthus, Corra, and Kravar, run by Ssylrath
December 29, 2014 PrP: Rescue the Orphans 2 Corra, Godwyn, Aldean
December 31, 2014 PrP: Unwanted Residents Yrqeem, Uraug, Tiasa,Kroth


2015 Logs


Date Log People
January 2, 2015 PrP: Breeding Grounds Silmeria, Kroth, Thanix, Taro
January 4, 2015 PrP: Guardians at the Gate Laefwyn, Alakton, Renfrey, Pips, Taro, Rhar
January 6, 2015 PrP: Scouts or just Wolves Alba,Dain,Belladona
January 7, 2015 PrP: Do you wanna chomp a snowman? Aevarr,Kroth,Smythly
January 8, 2015 PrP: Barney the Bear Kroth, Terewin, Blackjack, Arkun
January 8, 2015 PrP: Breeding Grounds 2 Silmeria, Pips, Charis, Taro
January 8, 2015 Pubbing Vroole, Oliver, Cesran, Mikilos, Stjepan
January 9, 2015 PrP:The_Cairn Terewin, Faiza, Blackjack, Pips, Belladona
January 11, 2015 PrP: Missing Husband Bahken, Flicker
January 11, 2015 Theater Front Aldean, Flicker, Basil, Mikilos, Benthus
January 10, 2015 PrP: Goblins and Stolen Babies Silmeria, Dain, Charis, Barsool-um
January 12, 2015 Market Crash Tiasa, Te'Andra, Solace, Selia, Ivy, Cesran, Basil, Flicker, Audax
January 16, 2015 PrP: Haunted Playhouse Belladona, Yngvild, Flicker, Faiza
January 17, 2015 PrP:Walk in the Woods Silmeria, Kroth, Dain, Morasha
January 17th, 2015 PrP: Doge Day Afternoon Faiza, Terewin, Rayne, Bahken, Tiasa
January 18, 2015 PrP: Danger Close Zalara, Rhar, Lothos, Margaret
January 18, 2015 PrP: Lost Tower Zalara, Rhar, Renfrey, Valadhiel
January 20, 2015 PrP: A Beautiful Mine Kroth, Silmeria, Yngvild, Jahnavi, Morasha, Daromu
January 21, 2015 Meetup: Angoron Party! Yngvild, Jibbom, Morasha, Munch, Kroth, Bahken,
Hrist, Nicolai, Boshter, Halani, Stjepan, Rayne
January 22, 2015 PrP: An Apprentice Problem Kiroth, Lothos, Rhar, Margaret
January 25, 2015 PrP: Hunter and Prey Lily, Latenat
January 26, 2015 A Suddenly Bad Day Elessa, Tatyannah, Lily, Benthus
January 26, 2015 Mountain Rest Mikilos, Jahnavi
January 27, 2015 Recruitment Efforts Elessa, Kerbasy, Aldean, Silmeria, Cesran
January 30, 2015 PrP: The Diary Charis, Aevarr, Stjepan, Yngvild, Gareth, Oliver, Faiza, Belladona
January 30, 2015 PrP: Portal Trouble Bahken, Duncan, Lothos, Lyrana, and Zarr. Run by Ssylrath
January 22, 2015 PrP: Yippee Ki Yay Kroth, Bennet, Mara, Belladona
January 31, 2015 PrP: Clearing the Cache Aldean, Renfrey, Kiroth, Margaret
January 31, 2015 PRP: Monkey Business Aldean, Lothos, Godwyn, Corra, Abrahil, Rhar


2016 Logs


Date Log People
January 1, 2016 PrP: Sticky Situation Haggerty, Raethon, Chach, MAC-B1G, Sigrid, Eirene
January 2, 2016 PrP: Murderous Cannibal Haggerty, Sigrid, Kailin, Malkael
January 5, 2016 Docks Talk Munch, Kailin
January 7, 2016 PrP: Borders II: Raiders of the Lost Cart Haggerty, Kailin, Kaj, Krom
January 10, 2016 PrP: The Lost Boy Garak, Munch, Verna, Tiasa
January 11, 2016 PrP: Village of Glenspiel Haggerty, Kailin, Sigrid
January 11, 2016 Woods Wizards Mikilos, Fayde
January 12, 2016 Snipe hunt Munch, Uneth, Iadoth
January 13, 2016 Before the Society Verna, Solace, Kailin, Mikilos
January 14, 2016 PrP: Bandit Tree Veloria, Sigrid
January 22, 2016 PrP: Mining Job Kailin, Sasha, Drok'thar
January 22, 2016 Meetup: Courtroom Blues: Prelude Kailin, Stirling, Veloria
January 23, 2016 Meetup: Bardic Concert Kailin, Stirling, Aldean, Jibbom, Silmeria, Arisha, Stjepan, Abrahil, Serene, Svarshan, Verna, Miruan
January 24, 2016 PrP: Cult Leader Tiasa, Garak, Verna, Alba, and Nadara
January 28, 2016 PrP: Buried Demons Kailin, Vasya, Sully, Thanix
January 29, 2016 PrP: Demons in the Manor Halena, Vasya, Kailin, Ezriya
January 31, 2016 Blades of Hell Kailin, Kalkorth, Vasya, Veloria, Kevan
February 2, 2016 A Ladle Help, Please Arisha, Veloria
January 29, 2016 Meetup: Fancy Party Vati Kailin, Myrana, Abrahil, Jacob, Charlotte, Jibbom, Rhar, Mikilos, Cesran


2017 Logs


Date Log People
January 2, 2017 PrP: Winter Raids Selerik, Blauensturm, Astaren, Zenia, Malorn, Josselyn, Albain
PrP: Troll Hunt DM: Elisabeth, Players: Nasrin, Sadia, Hun'rar, Ilmig, Khera
January 3, 2017 Scene: Penance Before Althea An'thirya, Raethon
MEETUP: Hayatiento Aerie Opening Lots
January 4, 2017 Scene: To Petition Eluna An'thirya, Ga'Elian
January 5, 2017 Redeye Flight An'thirya, Mikilos
Scene: Bound to the Moon An'thirya, Astaren, Aya, Dubtle
January 6, 2017 Selerik Intros Elian to the City's Malaise Selerik, Ga'Elian
January 7, 2017 A New Year Blitz Ollithial, Sparrow, Azarval, Krom
January 9, 2017 Elian Intros Pendaril to Selerik Selerik, Ga'Elian
January 9, 2017 Crimson Justice! Astaren, Aznara, Cesran, Mikilos, Miriai, Myrana, Sandy, Selerik, Silmeria, Tarragon
January 11, 2017 About the Door Trials Aya, Ga'Elian
January 12, 2017 Big Dreams and a Little Dragon Astaren, Ga'Elian
January 13, 2017 Tracks to the Junkyard Ga'Elian, Selerik, Azog, Aya, Pelka
January 16, 2017 Interview: Mistress of Weasels Astaren, Roselle, Aya
January 18, 2017 Mysterious Box Recovered Ga'Elian, Aya
January 19, 2017 Checking Out the Wreck Munch, Ga'Elian
January 23, 2017 Lodestones, Trails, and Spells Ga'Elian, Selerik
January 24, 2017 Horse Sense Ga'Elian, Soren, Aya, Masamya
January 25, 2017 Huldith Ga'Elian, Munch
January 26, 2017 Drunken Blindfolded Target Practice Ga'Elian, Mayahuel, Bjoric
January 26, 2017 A Fault in the Plan Aya, Bjoric, Elisabeth, Selerik, Stjepan, Fazhad
January 27, 2017 A Conspiracy Discovered Ga'Elian, Fazahd
January 31, 2017 PrP: Lady Jaquetta Munch, Aya


2018 Logs


Date Log People
January 7, 2018 Demons What P 10 Whirlplot
January 8, 2018 Oasis 9: Jewel in the Desert Beagleplot
Smaller Details pt 1 Lucy, Baz, Tirrynelth, Besra, Granit
January 13, 2018 Temple Bread Kerbasi, Serraphine, Azog, Baz, Arynel
Mictlan Celebration Kisaplot
January 14, 2018 Demons What P 11 Whirlplot
January 15, 2018 Crypts and Things Beagleplot
Baz Has a Cow Baz, Duncan, Sylvi, Aerilaya, Kaelyn, Ga'Elian, An Oruch
Smaller Details pt 2 Lucy, Baz, Tirrynelth, Aerilaya
January 17, 2018 Crypt Analysis Heinrich, Gregor
January 19, 2018 The Gargoyle's Nest Garak, Raethon, Hun'rar, Atleti, Corra
January 20, 2018 Caravan Woes Kisaplot
Golden Cookie Bakery Astplot
January 21, 2018 Demons What P 12 Whirlplot
January 22, 2018 Smaller Details pt 3 Lucy, Baz, Tirrynelth, Aerilaya, Athrian, Kore
January 24, 2018 What Dreams Ae Made Of Part 3 Aya, Alba, Astaren, Kisaiya, Hun'rar, Sasha
January 26, 2018 The Gargoyle's Nest CTD Whirlplot
January 27, 2018 Inmost Sea-capades Boliplox
Team Building Ga'Elian, Selia
Tribal Strife, Part 1 Boliplox
January 28, 2018 Demons What P 13 Whirlplot
January 29, 2018 Smaller Details pt 4 Lucy, Baz, Tirrynelth, Aerilaya, Kore, Besra
January 31, 2018 Legwork: What Dreams Ae Made Of Part 4 Whirlplot


Date Log People
February 2, 2018 Charn Embassy Part 1 Boliplox
The Gargoyle's Nest CTD Part 2 Whirlplot
Golden Cookie Party Astaplot
February 4, 2018 Shade Svarshan, er... Kerbasi, Durrankar, Astaren, Stirling, Kisaiya, Kravar
February 7, 2018 Legwork: What Dreams Ae Made Of Part 5 Alba, Astaren. Kisaiya, Hun'rar, Sasha
February 9, 2018 The Gargoyle's Nest CTD Part 3 Raethon, Garak, Leisel, Kisaiya, Hun'rar, Mangus
February 10, 2018 Society Call of Action! Boliplox
February 11, 2018 The Mystery of the Missing Donkey Deryn, Gregor, Aech
Demons What P 14 Whirlplot
February 12, 2018 Smaller Details Part 5 - finale! Lucy, Baz, Tirrynelth, Kore, Granit
February 15, 2018 Singular Part 8 Whirlplot
February 16, 2018 SUDDEN BADNESS Whirlplot
February 18, 2018 Shade pt 2 Kerbasi, Durrankar, Stirling, Kravar, Un'eth
February 20, 2018 A Heth of a Time Chay, Sarcis, Sora, Lucy, Deryn, Arynel, Kore, Deak
Cinnamon Rolls Have Eyes Astaplot
Assault on Moon Keep Sandy, Svarshan, Cesran
February 22, 2018 A Balancing Act Whirlplot
February 23, 2018 Charn Embassy Part 2 Boliplox
The Gargoyle's Nest CTD Part 5 Whirlplot
February 24, 2018 The Missing Smithson Boliplox
February 25, 2018 The Missing Smithson Part 2 Boliplox
Demons What Part 15 Whirlplot
February 27, 2018 Got My Vodka, Got My Gun DM: Kore Players: Henrie, Felicia, Urso, Aithil


Date Log People
March 2, 2018 The Gargoyle's Nest CTD Part 6 Whirlplot
March 3, 2018 Tribal Strife Part 2 Boliplox
March 4, 2018 The Missing Smithson Part 3 Boliplox
Shade Part 3 Whirlplot
March 6, 2018 A New Face Tawyse, Ga’Elian, Gregor
March 7, 2018 Of Dryads and Weapons Walery, Talia, Craft, Lockwood, Morgan, Tawyse, Ga'Elian
March 8, 2018 Felwood Follies Ga'Elian, Etan, Felicia, Tawyse, & Taleth
March 9, 2018 Gliding and Hang-outs Ga'Elian & Tawyse
March 10, 2018 Society Call of Action! Part 2 Boliplox
March 11, 2018 Demons What Part 16 Whirlplot
March 13, 2018 Of Ygdrassil and Elves Ga'Elian and Tawyse
Barwick's Undead Extravaganza Kore, Dubtle, Talia, Felicia
March 14, 2018 Meeting in Noble District Mittens, Aithil, Morgan, Shagara
The Missing Kids Scorscha, Talethl, Morgan, Mohai, Deak, Kore
March 16, 2018 Bring Out Your Dead Astaplot
March 17, 2018 Society Call of Action Part 3 Boliplox
Tribal Stride Part 3 Boliplox
March 18, 2018 Demons What Part 17 Whirlplot
March 20, 2018 Clean It Up Whirlplot
March 21, 2018 SWAMP STRAVENGANZA! Boliplox
March 22, 2018 Tiny Problem Whirlplot
March 24, 2018 Was it a good Urn or a bad Urn? Boliplox
March 25, 2018 Shade Part 4 Kerbasi, Durrankar, Stirling, Kravar, Astaren, Thyrson
March 27, 2018 The Ballad of Lyranessa Besra, Kisaiya, Morgan, Sandy


Date Log People
April 3, 2018 Demon Tracks (on-grid RP) Ga'Elian, Urso, Murder
April 5, 2018 Herbs and Hunters (on-grid RP) Kaydin, Ga'Elian
April 8, 2018 Ambassador Kaydin (on-grid RP) Fazahd, Ga'Elian, Kaydin
April 9, 2018 You Shall Not Pass (on-grid RP) Ithiliel, Lorik, Rori, Munch
April 10, 2018 Dragon Plans (on-grid RP) Kerbasi, Ga'Elian, Astaren, Mikilos
April 10, 2018 Guardhouse Rock (on-grid RP) Ithiliel, Lorik, Rori, Kaelthilas, Shivani (GM)